
A.1 Theory and analysis of distributed multi-conductor lines and cables

In order to describe accurately the performance of multi-conductor transmission lines, we used in Chapter 3 two-port nodal admittance equations that included the line’s series impedance and shunt admittance matrices. We will now briefly present the theory of distributed multi-conductor lines. The theory also applies to cables.

Consider a multi-conductor line that consists of N conductors. Each conductor, say conductor k, has a self-impedance Zkk, with earth return, and is mutually coupled to all other conductors through mutual impedances Zkj, with earth return. In addition, conductor k has a self-admittance Ykk and is mutually coupled to all other conductors through mutual admittances Ykj. Taking an element of infinitesimal length δx on the line, the series voltage developed in length δx on conductor k when currents flow in all conductors, 1, 2, …, k, …, N, is given by

image     (A.1a)

The minus sign is because the change in voltage is negative with increasing x.

Similarly, the shunt displacement current due to the voltage applied to conductor k and voltages on all other conductors, 1, 2, …, N, is given by

image     (A.1b)

Writing Equations (A.1) in matrix form for δx → 0, we have

image     (A.2a)

image     (A.2b)

where Z and Y are the series phase impedance and shunt phase admittance matrices of the line in per-unit length. Differentiating Equations (A.2a) and (A.2b) with respect to x, we obtain

image     (A.3a)

image     (A.3b)


image     (A.3c)

γ is the line’s propagation coefficient matrix and γT is its transpose noting that Z and Y are symmetric matrices.

The general solutions to Equations (A.3a) and (A.3b) are given by

image     (A.4a)

image     (A.4b)

where Vi, Vr, Ii and Ir are column matrices that satisfy the boundary conditions of the line. Differentiating Equation (A.4a) with respect to x and substituting into Equation (A.2a), we obtain a different form for Equation (A.4b) as follows:

image     (A.5a)


image     (A.5b)

Yo is the characteristic admittance matrix of the line and its inverse, the characteristic impedance matrix is given by

image     (A.5c)

Also, differentiating Equation (A.5a) and substituting in Equation (A.2b), we obtain another formulation for Yo and Zo as follows:

image     (A.5d)

Equations (A.4a) and (A.5a) are general and provide the voltage and current solutions at any point along the line. However, if we are only interested in the line’s terminal conditions, i.e. at x = 0 and at x = l, we can derive an equivalent two-port π admittance model. Substituting x = 0 and at x = l in Equations (A.4a) and (A.5a), and using V(x = 0) = VS, V(x = l) = VR, I(x = 0) = IS and I(x = l) = IR, we have

For x = 0:

image     (A.6a)

image     (A.6b)

For x = l:

image     (A.7a)

image     (A.7b)

From Equation (A.6), we obtain

image     (A.8a)

image     (A.8b)

Substituting Equation (A.8) into Equation (A.7), and after some matrix and hyperbolic functions manipulations, we obtain

image     (A.9a)

image     (A.9b)


image     (A.10a)

image     (A.10b)

Substituting Equation (A.3c), image, and using Equation (A.5d), Yo = Yγ−1, in Equation (A.10), we obtain

image     (A.11a)

image     (A.11b)

Using Equations (A.9), the π equivalent admittance model of a multi-conductor line or cable is shown in Figure A.1.


Figure A.1 π equivalent circuit of a multi-conductor overhead line or a multi-conductor cable where A, B, Z and Y are square matrices, and V and I are column matrices

A.2 Typical data of power system equipment

A.2.1 General

In this section, typical data and parameters for various power systems equipment is assembled and presented in tabular format. Throughout, the parameters used are defined as follows:

For overhead lines, cables, reactors and capacitors

ZP/RP/XP: positive phase sequence (PPS) impedance/resistance/reactance of a three-phase circuit

ZZ/RZ/XZ: zero phase sequence (ZPS) impedance/resistance/reactance of a three-phase circuit

BP/BZ: PPS/ZPS susceptance of a three-phase circuit


image: PPS/ZPS mutual impedance between two adjacent three-phase circuits

image: PPS/ZPS mutual susceptance between two adjacent three-phase circuits


For transformers

Z/R/X is leakage impedance/resistance/reactance.


HL represents high voltage to low voltage leakage parameter, HT represents high voltage to low voltage leakage parameter and LT represents low voltage to tertiary voltage leakage parameter.

For synchronous machines

Xd/Xd/Xd: d-axis subtransient/transient/synchronous reactance and Xq is q-axis subtransient reactance. XZ is ZPS reactance and Ra is armature ac resistance

Td/Td: d-axis subtransient/transient short-circuit time constant

Ta: armature or dc short-circuit time constant. H is inertia constant.

For induction machines

Double-cage or deep-bar: X″/X′/X is subtransient/transient/steady state reactance

T″/T′: subtransient/transient short-circuit time constant

Ta: armature or dc short-circuit time constant

Single-cage: X′/X is transient/steady state reactance

T′: transient short-circuit time constant

Ta: armature or dc short-circuit time constant

A.2.2 Data

Table A.1 Typical parameters of synchronous generators


Table A.2 Typical parameters of induction generators


Table A.3 Typical parameters of induction motors


Table A.4 Typical sequence parameters of single-circuit and double-circuit overhead lines

image image

Table A.5 Typical sequence parameters of single-circuit three-phase cables (a) Cable parameters (50 Hz)

image image

Table A.6 Typical sequence parameters of transformers (a) Two-winding transformers

image image

Table A.7 Typical sequence parameters of quadrature boosters and phase shifters


Table A.8 Typical sequence parameters of series reactors


Table A.9 Typical sequence parameters of shunt reactors


Table A.10 Typical sequence parameters of shunt capacitors


Table A.11 Typical positive phase sequence X/R ratios and dc time constants of power system equipment

image image image
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