



Focus your attention

imageEliminate distractions

imageState the importance to you up front

imageIncorporate conversational pauses

imageShow receptive body language

Show up centered

imageSet a situational intention:

How do you want to make this person feel? How do you need to show up to put that feeling in the room?

imageTake a deep breath before you begin

imageReset your energy (change location, take a walk, etc.)

imageReflect on a positive to defuse stress

Keep an open mind

imageKnow and preempt where you’re likely to jump to conclusions

imageAsk questions out of curiosity, not to be leading

imageDetach from the outcome

imageSay “I don’t know” if it’s true



Be authentic

imageKnow your core values and brand

imageShare cogent leadership stories

imageState your intentions and be explicitly transparent

imageUse genuine language and express vulnerability with competency

Call out potential

imageTell others the strengths you see in them

imageMake a point to sincerely recognize the efforts of others

imageUse phrases such as:

I see [this] in you

You’re always good at [this].

I’m proud of you for [this].

I’ve seen how you’ve grown/progressed.

Let me share what I see is possible for you.

Shift your listening

imageListen for the whole person rather than the facts

imageListen for text and subtext rather than just for text

imageListen for what the other person needs to say and not what you need to hear

imageListen out of curiosity rather than to judge



Show energy

imageUnderstand up front what gives you energy about your message

imageKnow what mood you want to convey

imageCalibrate your energy to your audience and environment

imageEmote energy through rate of speech, voice inflection, facial expressions, gestures, and energetic words

Use emotion

imageCouple emotion with logic to convey your message

imageMake emotional appeals

imageUse emotion words that tap into feelings

imageTell engaging stories that transport listeners

Express conviction

imageMake yourself visible (if virtual, use video)

imageAlign your nonverbal with your words, and both with your intent

imageSpeak simply and directly

imageOrient your body OUT: open, up, and toward



Talk about purpose

imageGuide others toward purpose, exploring:

What they’re good at doing

What they enjoy doing

What they find useful

What has forward-momentum

What builds relationships to others

Role model purpose

imageOpenly share your own purpose with others

imageActivate your personal presence brand and schedule time to reconcile actions against it

imagePrioritize activities and people who inspire you

imageTake risks toward your purpose

Demonstrate courage

imageCommunicate what you’re saying no to and yes to and why

imageHave honest conversations rather than avoiding conflict

imagePrioritize purpose and lead by values

imageDecisively jump and decisively let go

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