I am honored and grateful that I get to do what I do for a living, and even more, to be able to write about it. So first, I’d like to thank you, the reader, for making this possible. It’s been one of the most meaningful experiences of my career to be in this larger conversation about ideas I care deeply about, and to find a passionate community who feels the same. Putting a book into the world feels somewhere between exhilarating and terrifying, and to all of those who’ve reached out in appreciation, you’ve fortified me to keep doing what I’m doing.

I am lucky to do a job that never feels like work, and that’s because of the people I’m with—lifelong learners who fully engage in growing themselves and others. To my clients, a heartfelt appreciation for bringing me into your confidences, bravely sharing of yourselves, and inviting me along on your leadership journeys. You inspire me constantly.

I’d like to thank my publisher AMACOM for supporting my work for the past eight years, and especially Ellen Kadin, for taking the initial bet on me and doubling down. Thanks to Louis Greenstein for his adept hand at editing, and to Barry Richardson, Irene Majuk, Janine Barlow, and Therese Mausser. The entire AMACOM team has been helpful at every turn with a steady eye on doing what’s best over what’s expedient—a rarity in the publishing world. I’m lucky to have them in my corner.

Thanks to Jacquie Flynn, my uber agent, who combines just the right mix of support, candor, and push. You helped me get out of my head and on the paper, and made the book better in every way. You’ve had my best interests at heart, and I’m grateful.

Thank you to the authors, experts, and leaders who shared their time and counsel to make this book stronger: Sigal Barsade, Tony Bingham, Scott Eblin, Sydney Finkelstein, Adam Grant, Mary Ellen Joyce, Atif Rafiq, Carol Seymour, Todd Thrash, and Liz Wiseman. I’m glad to be able to share your messages.

Thanks to the many colleagues and friends who have shared their ideas and wisdom over the last several years about the book’s topic and how to make the content most meaningful. I can’t list you all here, but please know I remember and I’m grateful. A special shout out to Perry Hooks for her sage advice and wit, and for inspiring me to start the scholarship fund with the book’s proceeds.

To my business partners and trusted readers, Mike McGinley and Chris Segall Litvak, a deep appreciation for their astute insights, true friendship, and unceasing ability to make me laugh. And to my colleague Susan Seiger, who can literally make anything happen, all while bursting with positivity. I get to work every day with people I love to be around.

And finally to my family, there aren’t enough words or crazy-tight hugs to convey how much you mean to me. You give me the most loving foundation that enables me to grow, take risks, and flourish. To my parents and sister, thank you for believing in me, encouraging me, and just as important, never letting me take myself too seriously. To Smith and Emery, your ability to be who you are in the world with grace and joy inspires me to be and do better. I can’t begin to describe the happiness you bring me. And to my husband, Mike, who for twenty-three years and counting has never been less than 100 percent supportive of me: You are, simply, the meaning of home.

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