Appendix A

Multiple Regression and Matrices

In order to understand how the computer carries out regression analysis—which automatically leads to a better understanding of regression—it is necessary to understand something about matrix math. This section provides a brief introduction to matrix math.

Matrices are used to describe linear equations by tracking the coefficients of linear transformations and to record data that depend on multiple parameters.

An Introduction to Matrix Math

A matrix is a set of numbers in a two-dimensional space. Matrices are almost always designated with capital letters in boldface type. In general, a matrix X has n rows and m columns, as shown in Equation A.1, where the first subscript denotes the row and the second denotes the column.

A matrix is said to have dimensions equal to n and m so that the matrix X has dimensions n × m (rows first, columns second). The following is a typical example of a 2 × 3 matrix.


A vector is a matrix with dimensions n × 1 or 1 × m, as shown in Equation A.2.

The following are typical examples of a 3 × 1 vector and a 1 × 3 vector.


A scalar can be considered a matrix of dimensions 1 × 1. The individual entries of any matrix or vector are scalars, but scalars can stand alone. A scalar is simply a number.

The transpose of a matrix X , designated b01-math-0005, is a matrix in which the first row of X becomes the first column of b01-math-0006, the second row of X the second column of b01-math-0007, and so on, so that if


or if


Addition and Subtraction of Matrices

Addition and subtraction may be performed on matrices if each has equal rows and equal columns. The two matrices X and Y may be added, as shown in Equation A.3.

The matrix Y can also be subtracted from X, as shown in Equation A.4.

Multiplication of Matrices

Multiplication can be performed on matrices if the number of columns in the first matrix is equal to the number of rows in the second. Such matrices will be said to conform for multiplication. The two matrices b01-math-0012 and b01-math-0013 can be multiplied, and the resulting matrix b01-math-0014 will be of dimension 2 × 2, as shown in Equation A.5. Although b01-math-0015 when a and b are both scalars, in general, b01-math-0016 does not equal b01-math-0017 and will not have the same dimensions. When the operation b01-math-0018 is carried out, Y may be said to be premultiplied by b01-math-0019. When b01-math-0020 is carried out, Y is postmultiplied by b01-math-0021. A particularly useful matrix product is b01-math-0022, which provides the sum of squares and cross products for b01-math-0023.

Matrix Multiplication and Scalars

Any matrices or vectors that are to be multiplied must conform for multiplication, with one exception: Any matrix or vector of any dimension can be pre- or postmultiplied by a scalar, as shown in Equation A.6.

Finding the Determinant of a Matrix

Division is, in general, undefined for matrices. With matrices in which rows equal columns and the determinant of the matrix does not equal 0, multiplication of a matrix by its inverse produces the same result as division. The determinant of a matrix is a scalar defined only for matrices in which rows equal columns. For the 2 × 2 matrix W , the determinant of W may be written as shown in Equation A.7.

If any column of a matrix is a linear transformation of one or more other columns, the determinant will be 0. If, for example, the matrix V is as shown in Equation A.8, the determinant of V will be 0 and the inverse of b01-math-0027 will not exist.

In scalar arithmetic, b01-math-0029. If the inverse of a matrix W exists (see Equations A.7 and A.8), then b01-math-0030, where I is a matrix with 1 in each entry on the main diagonal and 0 everywhere else. For example, suppose W is as defined in Equation A.9 (the matrix whose determinant is shown in Equation A.7).

Then, W 1 is as defined in Equation A.10, where b01-math-0032, as defined in Equation A.7.

Finally, b01-math-0034, as shown in Equation A.11.

Whereas it is relatively easy to find the inverse of a 2 × 2 matrix, finding the inverse of a 3 × 3 or larger matrix becomes increasingly difficult. One method developed early on in linear algebra is the square root method—described, for example, in Harmon (1960). Today it is easier to rely on computer programs that have the capability to produce the matrix inverse in order to obtain it. Fortunately, Excel is one such computer program. In the next section, we look at this capability of Excel's and how it works to solve the simultaneous equation problem of multiple regression.

Matrix Capabilities of Excel

Excel provides several functions that are specifically matrix functions and that are particularly useful in regard to the solution of the multiple regression problem. (Interestingly, Excel refers to matrices as arrays, and that term will be used to refer to a matrix during much of this discussion. But it is often confusing to try to stay with one or the other, so if you see “matrix” and “array” used interchangeably here, just remember that they are basically the same things.) Excel provides four functions that are specifically designed to manipulate arrays (or matrices). These are =MMULT, =MINVERSE, =MDETERM, and =TRANSPOSE.

Excel's Array Functions: =MMULT , =MINVERSE , =MDETERM , and =TRANSPOSE

The first of these functions, =MMULT, multiplies any two arrays together as long as the two conform for multiplication. The second, =MINVERSE, finds the inverse of any square array that has a nonzero determinant. If the determinant of the array is 0, Excel will return NUM# in the cells selected. Excel returns the determinant of the array for =MDETERM and the transpose of the array for =TRANSPOSE. To see how these operate and the results obtained, let us look again at the data in Figure 12.1. We will also use the intercept variable (constant), as shown in Figure 12.4, and this is reproduced in Figure A.1. In Figure A.1, the area that is highlighted in black will be referred to with matrix notation as X (matrices other than those that are m × 1 or 1 × m are always designated with bold roman capitals). The cost column (not highlighted) will be designated with matrix notation as y (matrices that are m × 1 or 1 × m are called vectors and are always referred to with bold roman lowercase letters).

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure A.1 Hospital data

Manipulating a Matrix with Excel

Figure A.2 shows the data given in Figure A.2, but with several modifications. Now, the independent variable array is designated as simply y , the independent variable array is designated as X , and a new array, designated as X ′, is shown in cells G2:P4. In the formula line in Figure A.2 is the expression {=TRANSPOSE(C2:E11)}. This is the transpose function, and the resulting array X 9 is the transpose of X . It should be noted that the braces surrounding the =TRANSPOSE function mean that it is one of those functions that enter data into more than one cell and must be invoked by holding down Ctrl+Shift and then pressing Enter.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure A.2 Arrays y , X , and X′

Using the MMULT Function in Excel

The =MMULT array function can be used to produce two new arrays, XX and Xy, which are shown in Figure A.3. The array XX is highlighted, and the formula for that array is shown in the formula bar. It can be seen there that the array is produced with {=MMULT(G2:P4,C2:E11)}. The braces again indicate that the function was completed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. The array Xy is produced with the array function {=MMULT(G2:P4,A2:A11)}.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure A.3 Arrays X′X and X′y

There is something else to note about Figure A.3 and its comparison with the data in cells G3:G11 of Figure 12.4. The array XX includes all the values in cells G3 to G8, and the array Xy includes the values in cells G9 to G11. The calculation of the XX and the Xy arrays using the matrix capabilities of Excel produces all the values needed for the calculation of the coefficients bj. It is important to note that the results shown in XX (3 × 3) would not be the same as the results for XX , which would be 10 × 10. Moreover, yX ′ does not even exist, because the two arrays in that format, (10 × 1) and (3 × 10), cannot be multiplied.

Solving the Regression Equations in Excel

Using the data in XX and Xy from Figure A.3, it is possible to rewrite the second three expressions in Equation (12.7), as shown in Equation A.12. We have already seen that these three equations can be solved for the coefficients bj with successive elimination. But with our understanding of matrix math, it can also be seen that Equation A.12 can be rewritten in matrix format, as shown in Equation A.14.

A.13 equation

In matrix notation, the formulation in Equation A.14 is b01-math-0039. Now, how can matrix math be used to solve this equation for b? If we were dealing strictly with scalar arithmetic and we had an equation such as b01-math-0040, and x and y were known, we could solve for b by b01-math-0041. But this formulation is the same as b01-math-0042. The expression b01-math-0043 is the inverse of x and can also be written as b01-math-0044. Similarly, in matrix terms, it turns out that if we can find the inverse of b01-math-0045, we can solve the equation b01-math-0046 with the equation XX 1 XX b = XX 1 X y, which turns out to be XX 1 X y = b. Happily, Excel provides the ability to find XX 1 . To see how Excel provides the inverse, we can look at Figure A.4. In Figure A.4, the inverse of b01-math-0047 is shown in the highlighted area, cells M7:O9. The {=MINVERSE()} function used to produce the inverse array is shown on the formula bar. Note again that it is enclosed in braces to denote that it was completed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Also, it is important to remember that the entire area consisting of cells M7:O9 was highlighted before the {=MINVERSE()} function was typed.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure A.4 Inverse of X′X

Explanation of Excel Output Displayed with Scientific Notation

A further point that should be made about the inverse array is that the numbers, particularly in cells M7, N7, and M8, may appear a little strange. The way these numbers are shown is known as scientific notation. In more familiar terms, the number 1.98E-05 is actually the number 0.0000198. The E-05 means that there are five decimal places before the decimal place in 1.98E-05. It should be recognized that any number that is followed by E with a minus sign and a number is a very small number. Excel uses the E convention to put numbers into cells that otherwise would be two narrow to display the string of decimal places before the actual values begin.

The E convention is also used for very large numbers. For example, a number that would be shown in Excel as 1.98E+11 would actually be 198,000,000,000. This is a relatively economical way for Excel to display very large numbers.

Now that we have found the inverse of b01-math-0048, it is possible to solve for the vector b. This solution is shown in Figure A.5. The coefficients b01-math-0049 (found by the =MMULT function, as shown in the formula line of Figure A.5) are exactly the same (except for order and decimal places) as the bj values found by using the built-in Excel package under Data Analysis &cmdarr; Regression. Refer to Figure 12.3 for the Data Analysis results.

The highlighted area, cells G12:G14, depicts results of finding b coefficients by using the =MMULT function. The formula used is =MMULT(M7:O9,K7:K9).

Figure A.5 The b coefficients

Using the b Coefficients to Generate Regression Results

In general, the calculation of all the important results relative to multiple regression can all be developed, once the b coefficients are available. These include the predicted value of b01-math-0050, the total sum of squares b01-math-0051, regression sum of squares b01-math-0052 and error sum of squares b01-math-0053, the value of b01-math-0054 and the correlation coefficient (R), the standard error of estimate b01-math-0055, and the F tests. These follow the same development as that described for simple linear regression in Chapter 11. There is one place in which the remaining calculations diverge from that shown for simple linear regression, in the calculation of the standard errors for the coefficients bj. The calculation of the standard errors of the coefficients for multiple regression relies on values that appear only in the matrix XX 1 .

Recall that the standard error of estimate, Syx, the standard error of the predicted values of y, is found by dividing the error sum of squares, b01-math-0056, by b01-math-0057 and taking the square root of the result. In simple linear regression, the standard error of bj is found by dividing Syx by the square root of the sum of squares in b01-math-0058. This is essentially the same as multiplying Syx by the square root of 1/SSX. In multiple regression, the equivalent result is obtained by multiplying Syx by the square root of each of the main diagonal elements of b01-math-0059.

To see the calculation of the standard errors for the coefficients bj, consider Figure A.6. Here the value of Syx has been copied from Figure 12.3. The formula bar shows that the cell highlighted in white is calculated by multiplying the value in cell $M$11 (Syx) by the square root of the value in cell M7 (here 1.98E-05). Because cell $M$11 is fixed, the formula can then be copied into the other cells in row M and in rows N and O to produce, on the main diagonal, the standard errors for all the values of the coefficients b. The expression #NUM! that appears in the off-diagonal cells indicates, in this case, that we tried to take the square root of a negative number. In any case, it is the main diagonal elements that are of interest. It can be seen that except for ordering, they match the values found for the standard errors of the coefficients b in Figure 12.3. These standard error values can be used directly to perform the t test that determines whether the appropriate coefficients are different from 0.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure A.6 Calculation of standard errors of b

Calculation of All Multiple Regression Results

Figure A.7 shows the analysis as given in Figure A.5 and Figure A.6. In addition, it shows all the other important results of multiple regression, as shown originally in Figure 12.3. The section of column A labeled b01-math-0060 was calculated using the matrix function =MMULT(C2:E11,G13:G15), which is essentially the formula for the prediction of the y values cast in matrix form. The values in column C labeled yb01-math-0061 represent the difference between the actual values of y and the mean of y. The value in cell C14 was calculated with the formula =A2–AVERAGE($A$2:$A$11). That formula can be copied all the way to C23 to produce all the yb01-math-0062 values. The value for the total sum of squares, SST, in cell H18, is calculated using the Excel function =SUMSQ(C14:C23).

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure A.7 Calculation of all results from Figure 12.3

The column labeled yh (for b01-math-0063) − yb (for b01-math-0064) was calculated by subtracting the predicted values of y from the average values for y. The formula for cell D14 is =A14–AVERAGE($A$2:$A$11). That formula can be copied to all the cells from D14 to D23 to create all the values of b01-math-0065. The value of the sum of squares due to regression, SSR, in cell H19 is calculated using =SUMSQ(D14:D23). The column labeled b01-math-0066 was calculated by subtracting each value of ŷ from y. The formula for cell E14 is =A2–A14. The sum of squares error, SSE, in cell H20 was calculated using =SUMSQ(E14:E23).

Degrees of freedom in any multiple regression will always be b01-math-0067 for SST, equal to m (the number of predictor variables) for SSR, and b01-math-0068 for SSE. In the case of this analysis, these values are shown in cells I18:I20 as 9, 2, and 7, respectively. The mean square values in cells J19 and J20 are the sum of squares values divided by their degrees of freedom. The overall F test for the independence of y from the two variables x is calculated by dividing the mean square due to regression by the mean square error. The probability of the F value, p, is given by the Excel function =FDIST(K19,2,7).

The R2 value in cell H22 is calculated by dividing b01-math-0069 by b01-math-0070. The value of S.E. (standard error of estimate) in cell H23 is obtained by dividing b01-math-0071 by its degrees of freedom and taking the square root of the result. This value was used to multiply by the square root of the values in cells M12, N13, and 014 to produce the standard error of each value of bj in cells H13:H15. The t values for each of the bj are calculated by dividing each value of b by its standard error. The probabilities of the t values are given by =TDIST(t,d.f.,2). The degrees of freedom for any value of bj are equal to the degrees of freedom for SSE. Because two of the bj values are negative, the =TDIST function will produce only the result #NUM!. In order to produce the actual probability of the coefficients, it is necessary to include the Excel =ABS function to get the absolute value of t before getting the probability of the t value. So, for example, the probability in cell J13 was obtained with =TDIST(ABS(I13),7,2). Table A.1 displays the formulas for the calculation of the multiple regression output from Figure A.7.

Table A.1 Formulas for Figure A.7

Cell or Column Formula Notes
G2:P4 {=TRANSPOSE(C2:E11)} Remember that the braces signify that you must press Crtl+Shift to invoke the function.
G7:I9 {=MMULT(G2:P4,C2:E11)} This generates the X × X matrix.
K7:K9 {=MMULT(G2:P4,A2:A11)} This generates the X × y matrix.
M7:O9 {=MINVERSE(G7:I9)} This generates the X × X−1 matrix.
G13:G15 {=MMULT(M7:O9,K7:K9)} This generates the b coefficients.
M12 =323.9537*SQRT(M7) Copied from cell M12 through to cell M14 and over to cell O14
A14:A23 {=MMULT(C2:E11,G13:G15)} This generates the ŷ values.
C14 =A2–AVERAGE($A$2:$A$11) Copied down to cell C23
D14 =A14–AVERAGE($A$2:$A$11) Copied down to cell D23
E14 =A2–A14 Copied down to cell E23
H18 =SUMSQ(C14:C23) This generates the total sum of squares, SST.
H19 =SUMSQ(D14:D23) This generates the sum of square error, SSR.
H20 =SUMSQ(E14:E23) This generates the sum of square error, SSE.
I18 9 Equals n − 1 or 10 − 1 = 9
I19 2 Equals m or 2
I20 7 Equals n − m − 1 or 10 − 2 − 1=7
J19 =H19/I19 Copied down to cell J20
K19 =J19/J20
L19 =FDIST(K19,2,7)
H22 =H19/H18
H23 =SQRT(H20/I20)
H13 =M12
H14 =N13
H15 =O14
I13 =G13/H13 Copied down to cell I15
J13 =TDIST(ABS(I13),I20,I19) Copied down to cell J15
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