Appendix E
Optimization Challenge Problems (2‐D and Single OF)

E.1 Introduction

There is a need for convenient test functions for creators to test optimizers and for learners to explore issues. Many that have been offered are simple one‐line functions. Although these can embody certain aspects or features related to optimization, they misrepresent the complexity of real applications and are often contrived idealizations. This collection of test functions seeks to embody first‐principles models of optimization applications to reveal issues, within a step‐better reveal of reality, but remaining relatively simple.

This set of objective functions (OF) was created to provide sample challenges for testing optimizers. The examples are all two‐dimensional, having two decision variables (DVs) so as to provide visual understanding of the issues that they embody. Most are relatively simple to program and compute rather simply, for user convenience. Most represent physically meaningful situations, for the person who wants to see utility and relevance. Most should be understood by those with a STEM degree. All are presented with minimization as the objective.

In all equations that follow, x1 and x2 are the DVs, and f_of_x is the OF value. The DVs are programmed for the range [0, 10]. However, not all functions use DV values in that range. So, the DVs are scaled for the appropriate range and labeled x11 and x22. The OF value f_of_x is similarly scaled for a [0, 10] range. The 0–10 scaling permits a common basis for scaling all functions. It could have been 0–1 or 0–100.

These functions are available in VBA from the Excel file “2‐D Optimization Examples” in

E.2 Challenges for Optimizers

Classic challenges to optimizers are objective functions that have

  1. Non‐quadratic behavior
  2. Multiple optima
  3. Stochastic responses
  4. Asymptotic approach to optima at infinity
  5. Hard inequality constraints, or infeasible regions
  6. Slope discontinuities (sharp valleys)
  7. A gently sagging channel (effectively slope discontinuities)
  8. Level discontinuities (cliffs)
  9. Flat spots
  10. Nearly flat spots
  11. Very thin global optimum in a large surface (an improbable to find, pinhole optima)
  12. Discrete, integer, or class DVs mixed with continuous variables
  13. Underspecified problems with infinite number of equal solutions
  14. Discontinuous response to seemingly continuous DVs because of discretization in a numerical integration
  15. Sensitivity of DV or OF solution to givens

Any solution depends on the optimizer algorithm, the coefficients of the algorithm, and the convergence criteria. For instance, a multiplayer optimizer has an increased chance of finding the global optimum. An optimizer based on a quadratic surface assumption (such as successive quadratic or Newton’s) will jump to the optimum when near it, but can jump in the wrong direction when not in the proximity. The values for optimizer coefficients (scaling, switching, number of players, number of replicates, initial step size, tempering, or acceleration) can make an optimizer efficient for one application, but with the same values it might be sluggish or divergent in an application with other features. The convergence criteria may be right for one optimizer but stop another for long before arriving at an optimum. When you are exploring optimizers, realize that the results are dependent on your choice of optimizer coefficients and convergence criteria, as well as the optimizer and the features of the test function.

Metrics for evaluating desirability attributes of optimizers were presented in Chapter 33.

What follows is a description of a variety of 2‐D optimization applications that I believe are useful test applications to reveal a variety of issues. The number that follows the name is the function number in the 2‐D Optimization Examples file.

E.3 Test Functions

E.3.1 Peaks (#30)

This function seems to be a MatLAB creation as a simple representation of several optimization issues. It provides mountains and valleys in the middle of a generally outward sloping surface (Figure E.1). There are two major valleys and, between the three mountains, a small local minima. If the trial solution starts on the north or east side of the mountains, it leads downhill to the north or east boundary. The southern valley has the lowest elevation. The surface is non‐quadratic and has multiple optima.

Surface plot depicting peaks surface.

Figure E.1 Peaks surface.

The function is as follows:

x11 = 3 * (x1 - 5) / 5      'convert my 0-10 DVs to the -3 to +3 range for the function
x22 = 3 * (x2 - 5) / 5
f_of_x = 3 * ((1 - x11) ^ 2) * Exp(-1 * x11 ^ 2 - (x22 + 1) ^ 2) - _
          10 * (x11 / 5 - x11 ^ 3 - x22 ^ 5) * Exp(-1 * x11 ^ 2 - x22 ^ 2) - _
          (Exp(-1 * (x11 + 1) ^ 2 - x22 ^ 2)) / 3
f_of_x = (f_of_x + 6.75) / 1.5    'to convert to a 0 to 10 f_of_x range

E.3.2 Shortest Time (#47)

This simple appearing function is confounding for successive quadratic or Newton’s approaches. It represents a simple situation of a person on sand on one side of a shallow river wanting to minimize the travel time to a point on land on the other side (Figure E.2). It is also kin to light traveling the minimum time path through three media. Variables v1, v3, and v3 are the velocities through the near side, water, and far side; and x1 and x2 represent the E–W distance that the path intersects the near side and far side of the river.

Surface plot depicting shortest-time path surface.

Figure E.2 Shortest‐time path surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

               v1 = 1
               v2 = 0.75
               v3 = 1.25
               xa = 1
               ya = 1
               xb = 9
               yb = 9
               a1 = 3
               b1 = -0.3
               a2 = 5
               b2 = 0.4
               y1 = a1 + b1 * x1
               y2 = a2 + b2 * x2
               distance1 = Sqr((x1 - xa) ^ 2 + (y1 - ya) ^ 2)
               distance2 = Sqr((x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2)
               distance3 = Sqr((xb - x2) ^ 2 + (yb - y2) ^ 2)
               timetravel = distance1 / v1 + distance2 / v2 + distance3 / v3
               f_of_x = (timetravel - 12) * 10 / (32 - 12)

The problem statement from 2012 was: “She was playing in the sandy area across the river from her house when the dinner bell rang. To get home she needed to run across the sand, run through the shallow lazy river, then run across the field to home. She runs faster on land than on sand. Both are faster than running though the knee‐deep water. What is the shortest‐time path home? On the x‐y space of her world, she starts at location (1, 1) and home is at (9, 9). Perhaps the units are deci‐kilometers (dKm) (tenths of a kilometer). Her speed through water is 0.75 dKm/min, through sand is 1.0 dKm/min, and on land is 1.25 dKm/min. The boundaries of the river are defined by y = 3.0 − 0.3x and y = 5.0 + 0.4x.”

E.3.3 Hose Winder (#46)

This function presents discontinuities to the generally well‐behaved floor. It represents a storage box that winds up a garden hose on a spool (Figure E.3). When the winding hose gets to the end of the spool, it starts back but at a spool diameter that is larger by two‐hose diameters. The diameter jump causes the discontinuities. The objective is to design the storage box size and handle length to minimize the owner’s work in winding the hose.

Photo of a hose winder device.

Figure E.3 Hose winder device.

The 2012 problem statement was: “Consider that a hose is 200 feet long, and 1.25 inch in diameter, and is wound on a 6 inch diameter spindle by a gear connection to the handle. The hose goes through a guide, which oscillates side‐to‐side to make the winding uniform. Each sweep of the guide leads to a new hose layer, making the wind‐on diameter 2.5 inches larger.

“Originally the hose is stretched out 200 ft. To reel it in, the human must overcome the drag force of the hose on the ground. Either a smaller spindle diameter or a larger handle radius reduces the handle force required to reel in the hose. As the hose is reeled in, its residual length is less, and the drag force is less. But when the first spindle layer is full and the hose moves to the next layer, the leverage changes, and the windup handle force jumps up.

“After winding 200 ft of hose, the human is exhausted. He had to overcome the internal friction of the device, the hose drag resistance, and move his own body up and down. We wish to design a device that that minimizes the total human work (handle force times distance moving the handle + body work). We also wish to keep the maximum force on the handle less than some excessive value (so that an old man can do the winding). If you increase the handle radius, the force is lessened, but the larger range of motion means more body motion work. There is a constraint on the handle radius—it cannot make the human’s knuckles scrape the ground.

“If you make the spindle length longer, so that more hose is wound on each layer, then the hose wind‐on diameter does not get as large, and the handle needs less force to counter the drag. But more turns to wind‐in the hose means more body motion.

“Further, consider the economics of manufacturing the box. The box volume needs to be large enough to windup the hose on the spindle, and perhaps 20% larger (so that spiders can find space for their webs, it often seems). Use 5 cuft. If the side is square, then defining the length and volume sets the side dimensions. Setting the weight and cost directly proportional to the surface area, the spindle length defines the cost of manufacturing and shipping.

“The objective function is comprised of a penalty for the maximum force, a penalty for the cost, and a penalty for the wind‐up work.”

The 3‐D view indicates a generally smooth approach to a minimum but with local wrinkles on the surface (Figure E.4). The local valleys guide many optimizers to a false minimum.

Surface plot depicting a hose winder surface.

Figure E.4 Hose winder surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

               If x1 <= 0 Or x2 <= 0 Then
                       constraint = "FAIL"
                       f_of_x = 15
                       Exit Function
              End If
              '    HandleRadius = x1 / 4             'nominal, scales 0-10 to 0-2.5 ft
              '    BoxWidth = x2 / 2                   'nominal, scales 0-10 to 0-5 ft
              HandleRadius = 1.8 + 0.04 * x1 'to focus on discontinuities'
              BoxWidth = 0.6 + 0.02 * x2       'to focus on discontinuities
              WindRadius = 0.25                'spindle radius 3 inches as 1/4 ft
              BoxVolume = 5                   'cuft
              BoxSide = Sqr(BoxVolume / BoxWidth)
              If HandleRadius > 0.85 * BoxSide Then
                     constraint = "FAIL"
                     f_of_x = 15
                     Exit Function
                End If
                Area = 2 * BoxSide ^ 2 + 3 * BoxWidth * BoxSide     'no bottom closure
                HoseLength = 200                      'ft
                HoseDiameter = 0.1                    '1.25 inches = 0.1 ft
                DragLength = HoseLength
                dcircle = 0.025                     'fraction of circumfrence
                work = 0
                WindLength = 0
                Fmax = 0
                       Do Until DragLength < 2                 'enough increments to wind up hose, leave 2 feet of hose outside winder
                     DragForce = 0.2 * DragLength        '0.2 is coefficient of friction lbf/ft of hose
                                HandleForce = (DragForce * WindRadius + 0.5) / HandleRadius + 1  'hose drag, torque  to spin assembly, body motion
                     If HandleForce > Fmax Then Fmax = HandleForce
                     dwork = HandleForce * HandleRadius * 2 * 3.14159 * dcircle
                     work = work + dwork
                             dlength = WindRadius * 2 * 3.14159 * dcircle    'incremental length wound in one circle increment
                    WindLength = WindLength + dlength               'total length wound on the layer
                    DragLength = DragLength - dlength               'length of hose left unwoound
                    If WindLength > (BoxWidth / HoseDiameter) * 2 * 3.14159 * WindRadius Then   'layer full, move to next
                    WindRadius = WindRadius + HoseDiameter      'update winding radius
                    WindLength = 0                      'reset wound length on new layer
                End If
                    '  f_of_x = 10 * ((Fmax / 5) ^ 2 + (Area / 20) ^ 2 + (work / 1000) ^ 2 - 28) / (70 - 28)  'nominal
                     f_of_x = 10 * ((Fmax / 5) ^ 2 + (Area / 20) ^ 2 + (work / 1000) ^ 2 - 28.25) / (28.45 - 28.25) 'to focus on discontinuities

E.3.4 Boot Print in the Snow (#19)

This represents a water reservoir design problem, but with very simple equations. It is a surrogate deterministic model. The objectives of a reservoir are to trap excessive rain water to prevent downstream floods, to release water downstream to compensate for upstream droughts, and to provide water for human recreational and security needs. We also want to minimize the cost of the dam and land. The questions are how tall should the dam be and how full should the reservoir be kept. The taller it is, the more it costs, but the lower will be the probability of flood or drought impact, and the better the recreational and security features. The fuller it is kept, the less it can absorb floods, but the better the drought or recreational performance. On the other hand, if kept nearly empty, it can mitigate any flood, but cannot provide recreation or drought protection. The contour appears as a boot print in the snow (Figure E.5). The contours represent the economic risk (probability of an event times the cost of the event). The minimum is at the toe. The horizontal axis, x1, represents the dam height. The vertical axis, x2, is the set point portion of full.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.5 Boot print contour.

A feature of this application that creates difficulty is that the central portion, in the (7, 5) area of the print, is a plane, and optimization algorithms that use a quadratic model (or second derivatives) cannot cope with the zero values of the second derivative.

The VBA code is as follows:

       If x1 < 0 Or x2 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 > 10 Then 
                constraint = "FAIL"
                Exit Function
      End If
      x1line = 1 + 0.2 * (x2 - 4) ^ 2
      deviation = (x1line - x1)
      penalty = 5 * (1 / (1 + Exp(-3 * deviation)))    'logistic functionality
      f_of_x = 0.5 * x1 - 0.2 * x2 + penalty + add_noise
      f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x - 0.3) / 6

E.3.5 Boot Print with Pinhole (#21)

This is the same as boot print in the snow, but the global minimum is entered with a small region on the level snow (Figure E.6). Perhaps an acorn fell from a high tree and drilled a hole in the snow. The difficulty is that there is a small probability of starting in the region that would attract the solution to the true global. Nearly everywhere, the trial solution will be attracted to the toe part of the boot print.

Surface plot depicting a boot print with pinhole surface.

Figure E.6 Boot print with pinhole surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

       If x1 < 0 Or x2 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 > 10 Then 
                 constraint = "FAIL"
                 Exit Function
      End If
      x1line = 1 + 0.2 * (x2 - 4) ^ 2
      deviation = (x1line - x1)
      penalty = 5 * (1 / (1 + Exp(-3 * deviation)))          'logistic functionality
      f_of_x = 0.5 * x1 - 0.2 * x2 + penalty + add_noise
      x1mc2 = (x1 - 1.5) ^ 2
      x2mc2 = (x2 - 8.5) ^ 2
      factor = 1 + (5 * (x1mc2 + x2mc2) - 2) *       Exp(-4 * (x1mc2 + x2mc2))
      f_of_x = factor * f_of_x + add_noise
      f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x - 0.3) / 6

E.3.6 Stochastic Boot Print (#20)

This represents the same water reservoir design problem as boot print in the snow; however, the surface is stochastic (Figure E.7). This, too, is a surrogate model. The OF value depends on a probability of the flood or drought event. Because of this each realization of the contour will yield a slightly different appearance. One realization of the 3‐D view is shown. Note that starting in the middle of the DV space on the planar portion, a downhill optimizer will progressively move toward the far side of the illustration where the spikes are. In that region of a small reservoir kept too full or too empty, there is a probability of encountering a costly flood or drought event that the reservoir cannot mitigate. Moving in the downhill direction, the optimizer may, or may not, encounter a costly event. If it does not, it continues to place trial solutions into a region with a high probability of a disastrous event and continues into the bad region as the vagaries of probability generate fortuitous appearing OF values.

Surface plot depicting a stochastic boot print surface.

Figure E.7 Stochastic boot print surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

       If x1 < 0 Or x2 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 > 10 Then 
                constraint = "FAIL"
                Exit Function
      End If
      x1line = 2 + 0.2 * (x2 - 4) ^ 2
      penalty = 0
     deviation = (x1line - x1)
     probability = 1 / (1 + Exp(-1 * deviation)) 'logistic functionality
     If probability > Rnd() Then penalty = 5 * probability
     f_of_x = 0.5 * x1 - 0.2 * x2 + penalty + add_noise
     f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x + 1.25) / 7.25

Two realizations of the contour are shown in Figure E.8, which reveals the stochastic nature of the surface, the non‐repeatability of the OF value. Now, in addition to the difficulty of the planar midsection, the optimizer also faces a stochastic surface that could lead to a fortuitous minimum in a high risk section of too small a dam (x‐axis) or keeping the reservoir too full or empty (y‐axis).

Image described by caption.

Figure E.8 Stochastic boot print contours: (a) one realization and (b) another realization.

E.3.7 Reservoir (#18)

This is the basis for stochastic boot print, but it is a computationally time‐consuming (but not excessively slow) Monte Carlo simulation of a water reservoir. Reservoir capacity and nominal level are the decision variables.

The larger the reservoir, the greater the initial cost. Cost is the objective function. So, superficially, build a small dam and have a small reservoir to reduce cost. However, if the reservoir is too small, and/or it is maintained nearly full, it does not have enough capacity to absorb an upstream flood due to exceptionally heavy rainfall and it will transmit the flood downstream. Downstream flooding incurs a cost of damaged property. But the chance of a flood and the magnitude of the flood depend on the upstream rainfall. So, the simulator models a day‐to‐day status with a lognormal rainfall distribution for a time period of 20 years. (You can change the simulated time or rainfall distribution.)

Contrasting flooding conditions are drought conditions. If the reservoir is too small, and/or maintained with little reserve of water, an upstream drought will require stopping the water release, which stops downstream river flow. Downstream dwellers, recreationists, or water users will not like this. There is also a cost related to zero downstream flow.

There is a fixed cost of the structure and a probabilistic or stochastic cost associated with extreme flood or drought events.

Since one 20‐year simulation will not reveal the confluence of “100‐year events,” the simulator runs 50 reservoirs for 20 years each—50 realizations of the 20‐year period. You can change the number of realizations.

The function is set up to return either the maximum cost for the 50 realizations or the estimated 99% probable upper limit on the cost. You could choose another performance indicator.

An excessively large reservoir kept half full will have ample reserve (to keep water flowing in a drought) and open capacity (to absorb excess rainfall and prevent downstream flooding), but it will cost a lot, both to build and to acquire the land for the lake. A smaller reservoir will have less cost. But too small a reservoir will not prevent problems with drought or flood. So, there is an in‐between optimum size.

If the nominal volume is near the full mark, then the reservoir will not be able to absorb floods, but it will have plenty of capacity for a drought. If the nominal level is too low, it will be able to prevent a flood, but not keep water flowing for a drought event. So, there is also an in‐between set point capacity that is best. The optimum set point for the level might not be at 50%. It depends on whether the vagaries of rainfall and the associated cost impacts make floods a bigger event than droughts.

For any given sized reservoir, the fuller it is kept, the greater is the fresh water reserve and recreational area. These benefits are added as a negative penalty to the cost.

There is a fixed cost of the structure, a probabilistic or stochastic cost of extreme events, and a negative penalty for reserve and recreation benefits.

Figure E.9 is rotated to provide a good view of the surface. The optimum is in the upper left of the aforementioned figure. The lower axis is x2, the water level nominal set point for the reservoir. At zero the reservoir is empty, and at 10 it is completely full. The nearly vertical axis on the right is the reservoir size, where zero is a nonexistent reservoir and 10 is large.

Surface plot depicting a reservoir surface.

Figure E.9 Reservoir surface.

Similar to stochastic boot print, this function presents optimizer difficulties of the planar midsection and a stochastic surface that could lead to a fortuitous minimum in a high risk section of too small a dam (x‐axis) or keeping the reservoir too full or empty (y‐axis). It is a more realistic Monte Carlo simulation than stochastic boot print but takes longer to compute and provides the same issues for an optimizer as stochastic boot print.

The VBA code is as follows:

      twoPi = 2 * 3.1415926535
      inchavg = 0.4                'average inches of rainfall/event
      prain = 0.25                  'daily probability of rain
      sy = Log(5 / inchavg) / 1.96    'sigma      for log-normal distribution
       Qinavg = prain * inchavg * 2.54 * 10 ^  6           'average water volume      collected/day
      Useravg = 0.4 * Qinavg                'average     daily water demand by users
      Qoutavg = Qinavg - Useravg        'average excess water/day released       downstream
      Vc = (100 + x1 * 100) * 0.25 * inchavg * 2.54 * 10 ^ 6  'reservoir capacity,       from scaled DV x1
      If Vc < 0 Then Vc = 0
          Vset = (0.3 + 0.65 * x2 / 10) * Vc                   'reservoir setpoint from scaled DV x2
        Vmin = 0.3 * Vc                                         'Minimum residual capacity in reservoir, a constraint
        inchflood = 12                           'rain fall amount at one time that causes a flood downstream
         Qflood = inchflood * 2.54 * 10 ^ 6      'volume of water/day associated with the flood rain
      v = Vset                                'initialize simulation with water at the setpoint
      TotalDays = 1 * 365                'simulation period in days
      NRealizations = 10                'number of realizations simulated
      MaxCost = 0                         'initialize total cost for any realization
      For Realization = 1 To NRealizations
          Cost(Realization) = 0.0001 * Vc ^ 0.6       'cost of initial reservoir
          For Daynum = 1 To TotalDays
             If Rnd() > 0.25 Then           'does it rain?
                inches = 0                          'if no
                         inches = inchavg * Exp(sy * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(twoPi * Rnd()))
                     If inches > 25 Then inches = 25     'log-normal occasionally returns some excessive numbers. maybe rainfall is not log-normally distributed
           End If
              Qin = inches * 2.54 * 10 ^ 6        'incoming water volume due to rain - level times area
           If v <= Vmin Then Qout = 0              'control logic for water release
           If Vmin < v And v <= Vset Then Qout = Qoutavg * (v - Vmin) / (Vset - Vmin)
           If Vset < v And v <= Vc Then Qout = Qoutavg + (v - Vset) * (Qflood - Qoutavg) / (Vc - Vset)
                vnew = v + Qin - Qout - Useravg         'reservoir volume after a day if Qout as calculated
                If vnew > Vc Then         'override if reservoir volume would exceed capacity
                Qout = Qin - Useravg - (Vc - v)
                vnew = Vc
            End If
                If vnew < Vmin Then                     'override if reservoir volume would fall lower than Vmin
                Qout = v - Vmin + Qin - Useravg
                If Qout < 0 Then Qout = 0
                vnew = v + Qin - Qout - Useravg
            End If
            v = vnew
            If Qout > Qflood Then                   'cost accumulation if a flood event
                 discount = (1 + 0.03) ^ Int(Daynum / 365)   'discount factor
                 Cost(Realization) = Cost(Realization) + (0.1 * ((Qout - Qflood) / 10 ^ 6) ^ 2) / discount
            End If
            If Qout = 0 Then                        'cost accumulation if a drought event
                 discount = (1 + 0.03) ^ Int(Daynum / 365)
                 Cost(Realization) = Cost(Realization) + 1 / discount
            End If
      Next Daynum
      If Cost(Realization) > MaxCost Then MaxCost = Cost(Realization)
   Next Realization
   costsum = 0             'determine average cost per realizaton
   For Realization = 1 To NRealizations
        costsum = costsum + Cost(Realization)
    Next Realization
    AvgCost = costsum / NRealizations
    cost2sum = 0            'determine variance of realization-to-realization cost
    For Realization = 1 To NRealizations
        cost2sum = cost2sum + (Cost(Realization) - AvgCost) ^ 2
    Next Realization
    SigmaCost = Sqr(cost2sum / (NRealizations - 1))
    f_of_x = AvgCost + 3 * SigmaCost        'Primary OF is 3-sigma, 99.73 probable upper limit
    f_of_x = f_of_x - 0.2 * x2              'Secondary OF adds a benefit (negative penalty) for high setpoint level
    f_of_x = 10 * (Sqr(f_of_x) - 2) / (15 - 4) + add_noise              'scale factor for    display convenience
' f_of_x = MaxCost - 0.2 * x2 - 4        'OF based on max cost for the several realizations
   If Vset < Vmin Or Vset > 0.95 * Vc Or Vc <= 0 Then  'hard constraint
        constraint = "FAIL"
End If

E.3.8 Chong Vu’s Normal Regression (#11)

Chong Vu was a student exploring various regression objective functions as part of the optimization applications course at OSU and created this test problem for a best linear relation to fit five data points representing contrived noisy data (Figure E.10). The points are (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (1, 1), and (2, 2). DVs x1 and x2 are scaled to represent the slope and intercept of the linear model. The OF value is computed as the sum of squared normal distances from the line to the data (as opposed to the traditional vertical deviation least squares that assumes variability in the y‐measurement only).

Surface plot depicting Chong Vu’s normal regression.

Figure E.10 Chong Vu’s normal regression.

The minimum is at about x1 = 8, x2 = 2 in the near valley. The function is relatively well behaved, and even though it represents a sum of squared deviations, it is not a quadratic shape. Further, trial solutions in the far portion of the valley send the solution toward infinity. Accordingly, I added a penalty to bring solutions back toward the global best value.

The VBA code is as follows:

     m11 = 0.5 * x1 - 3        'coefficients adjusted to fit better on x1, x2 display scale
     b11 = 0.3 * x2 + 0.5
     Sum = 0
     Sum = Sum + (1 - m11 * 0 - b11) ^ 2     'first of 5 pairs of x,y data y=1, x=0
     Sum = Sum + (2 - m11 * 0 - b11) ^ 2
     Sum = Sum + (3 - m11 * 1 - b11) ^ 2
     Sum = Sum + (1 - m11 * 1 - b11) ^ 2
     Sum = Sum + (2 - m11 * 2 - b11) ^ 2
      f_of_x = Sum / (1 + m11 ^ 2) - 2          'sum of vertical distance squared converted to normal d^2
    '    f_of_x = 0.6 * (f_of_x - 1 + 0.02 * (x1 - x2 + 3) ^ 2)  'OF adjusted for display appearance and to keep   solution in bounds
      If x1 < 0 Or x2 > 10 Then constraint = "FAIL"              'there is an off-graph attractor seems to be at -      infinity, + infinity

E.3.9 Windblown (#61)

A person wants to travel from point A to point B and chooses two linear paths from A to point C and then C to B so that the cumulative impact of the wind is minimized. Perhaps he is not wearing his motorcycle helmet, and doesn’t want his hair to get messed up. The DVs are the x1 and x2 coordinates for point C. The wind blows in a constant (not stochastic) manner, but the wind velocity and direction change with location. The travel velocity is constant. If point C is out of the high windy area but far away, the travel time is high and the low wind experience persists for a long time. If point C is on the line between A and B, representing the shortest distance path and lowest time path, it takes the traveler into the high wind area, and even though the time is minimized, the cumulative wind damage is high. The wind damage impact is due to the square of the difference of the wind and travel velocity. Moving at 25 mph in the same direction as a 25 mph wind is blowing is like being in calm air. But traveling in the opposite direction is like standing in a 50 mph wind. The objective is to minimize the cumulative impact, the integral of the squared velocity difference along the A–C–B path (Figure E.11).

Surface plot depicting a windblown surface.

Figure E.11 Windblown surface.

The function provides some discontinuities as evidenced by the kinks in the contours. And there are two minima: the global is to the front left of the lower contour, and the secondary is to the back right. Both minima are in relatively flat spots.

Suresh Kumar Jayaraman helped me explore this simulation of a path integral. The VBA code is as follows:

    xc = x1     'Optimizer chooses point C
    yc = x2
    xa = 2      'User defines points A and B
    ya = 4
    xb = 9
    yb = 6
    N = 200     'Discretization number of intervals
    velocity = 1.5        'Velocity of traveller
    wind_coefficient = 0.1            'Coefficient for velocity of wind
                                    'from A to C
    xi = xa     'xi and yi are locations along the path
    yi = ya
    D1 = Sqr((xa - xc) ^ 2 + (ya - yc) ^ 2)     'total path distance
    dD1 = D1 / N                                'path incremental length
    time_interval = dD1 / velocity              'travel time along path increment
    dxi1 = (xc - xa) / N                        'incremental x increments
    dyi1 = (yc - ya) / N                        'incremental y increments
    If xc = xa Then
        vx = 0                                  'traveler x velocity
        vx = velocity * (1 + ((yc - ya) / (xc - xa)) ^ 2) ^ -0.5
    End If
    If yc = ya Then
        vy = 0                                  'traveler y velocity
        vy = velocity * (((xc - xa) / (yc - ya)) ^ 2 + 1) ^ -0.5
    End If
    im1 = 0                                     'integral of impact on path 1
    For Path_Step = 1 To N
        If D1 = 0 Then Exit For
        xi = xi + dxi1
        yi = yi + dyi1
        wx = (-wind_coefficient * xi ^ 2 * yi) / Sqr((xi + 0.1) ^ 2 + (yi + 0.1) ^ 2)
        wy = (wind_coefficient * xi * yi ^ 2) / Sqr((xi + 0.1) ^ 2 + (yi + 0.1) ^ 2)
        lim = Sqr((vx - wx) ^ 2 + (vy - wy) ^ 2)
        im1 = im1 + lim
    Next Path_Step
    im1 = im1 * time_interval                   'total impact scaled by time
                                    'from C to B
    xi = xc
    yi = yc
    D2 = Sqr((xc - xb) ^ 2 + (yc - yb) ^ 2)
    dD2 = D2 / N
    time_interval = dD2 / velocity
    dxi2 = (xb - xc) / N
    dyi2 = (yb - yc) / N
    If xc = xb Then
        vx = 0
        vx = velocity * (1 + ((yb - yc) / (xb - xc)) ^ 2) ^ -0.5
    End If
    If yc = yb Then
        vy = 0
        vy = velocity * (((xb - xc) / (yb - yc)) ^ 2 + 1) ^ -0.5
    End If
    im2 = 0
    For Path_Step = 1 To N
        If D2 = 0 Then Exit For
        xi = xi + dxi2
        yi = yi + dyi2
        wx = (-wind_coefficient * xi ^ 2 * yi) / Sqr((xi + 0.1) ^ 2 + (yi + 0.1) ^ 2)
        wy = (wind_coefficient * xi * yi ^ 2) / Sqr((xi + 0.1) ^ 2 + (yi + 0.1) ^ 2)
        lim = Sqr((vx - wx) ^ 2 + (vy - wy) ^ 2)
        im2 = im2 + lim
    Next Path_Step
    im2 = im2 * time_interval
    f_of_x = im1 + im2
    f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x - 18) / (35 - 18)
    f_of_x = f_of_x + add_noise

E.3.10 Integer Problem (#33)

This simple example represents a classic manufacturing application (Figure E.12). Minimize a function (perhaps maximize profit) of DVs x1 and x2 (perhaps the number of items of products A and B to make), subject to constraints (perhaps on capacity) and requiring x1 and x2 to be integers (you can only sell whole units).

Surface plot depicting an integer problem surface.

Figure E.12 An integer problem surface.

There are many similar examples in textbooks.

The attributes of such applications are the level discontinuities (cliffs) as the integer value changes and the flat spots over the range of DV values that generate the same integer value. The surface is nonanalytic—derivatives are either zero or infinity. This illustration illustrates the constraint regions with a high OF value.

The VBA code is as follows:

    x11 = Int(x1)
    x22 = Int(x2)
    f_of_x = 11 - (4 * x11 + 7 * x22) / 10 
    If 3 * x11 + 4 * x22 > 36 Then constraint = "FAIL"
    If x11 + 8 * x22 > 49 Then constraint = "FAIL"

E.3.11 Reliability (#56)

This application represents a designer’s choice of the number and size of parallel items for system success (Figure E.13). Consider a bank of exhaust fans needed to keep building air refreshed. The fans are operating in parallel. If one fails, air quality deteriorates. If there are three operating fans and one spare, when one fails, the spare can be placed online. This increases reliability of the operation but increases the cost of the fan assembly by 4/3. Even so, reliability is not perfect. There is a chance that two fans will fail, or three. Perhaps have three spares. Now, the reliability is high, but the cost is 6/3 of the original fan station. In either case, the cost needs to be balanced by the probability of the fan bank not handling the load. Alternately, it could be balanced by risk (the financial penalty of an event times the probability that an event will happen).

Surface plot depicting reliability surface.

Figure E.13 Reliability surface.

A clever cost reduction option is to use smaller capacity items but more of them. For example, if there are four operating fans, each only has to have 3/4 of the capacity of any one of the original three, each doing 1/3 duty. Using the common 6/10th power law for device cost, the smaller fans each cost (3/4)0.6 of the original three, but there are four of them. So, the cost of the zero‐spare situation with four smaller fans is higher than the cost of the three larger fans. The ratio is 4 * (3/4)0.6/3 = 1.12. However, if three spares are adequate, the cost of seven smaller fans is lower than the cost of six larger fans. The ratio is 7 * (3/4)0.6/6 = 0.98.

The optimization objective is to determine the number of operating units and the number of spare units to minimize cost with a constraint that the system reliability must be greater than 99.99%.

The realizable values of the DVs must be integers. This creates flat surfaces with cliff discontinuities (derivatives are either zero or infinity), and the constraint creates infeasible DV sets.

The VBA code is as follows:

       N = 3 + Int(8 * x1 / 10 + 0.5) 'total number of components
       M = Int(5 * x2 / 10 + 0.5) 'number of operating components needed to meet capacity
       p = 0.2             'probability of any one component failing
       q = 1 - p           'probability of any one component working
       If M > N Then
           f_of_x = 0
           constraint = "FAIL"
           Exit Function
      End If
      If M > 0 Then
           f_of_x = N * (1 / M) ^ 0.6
           f_of_x = 0
           constraint = "FAIL"
           Exit Function
     End If
     P_System_Success = 0
     For im = 0 To N - M
       P_System_Success = P_System_Success + (factorial(N) / (factorial(im) * factorial(N - im)))     * (p ^ im) * (q ^ (N - im))
       Next im
       If P_System_Success < 0.999 Then
          f_of_x = 0
          constraint = "FAIL"
          Exit Function
    End If

The factorial function is:

    factorial = 1
    If NUM = 1 Or NUM = 0 Then Exit Function
    For iNUM = 2 To NUM
        factorial = factorial * iNUM
    Next iNUM

E.3.12 Frog (#2)

I generated this function for students to enjoy as a final project for a freshman‐level computer programming class at NCSU (Figure E.14). Students would know when they have the right answer!

Surface plot depicting a frog surface.

Figure E.14 Frog surface.

The eyes represent equal global optima. There are also three minima in the mouth. To add difficulty for an optimizer, there is an oval constraint, a forbidden area, surrounding the eye in the upper left. Downhill‐type optimizers get stuck on the constraint northwest of the eye. The face is also relatively flat, tricking some convergence criteria to stop early.

The VBA code is as follows:

f_of_x = 2 + 1 * (((x1 - 5) ^ 2) + ((x2 - 5) ^ 2)) * (0.5 - Exp((-((x1 - 3.5) ^ 2)) - _
      ((x2 - 7) ^ 2))) * (0.5 - Exp((-((x1 - 6.5) ^ 2)) - _
      ((x2 - 7) ^ 2))) * (0.5 + (Abs(Sqr(((x1 - 5) ^ 2) / ((x2 - 11) ^ 2)))) - _
      (Exp(-(Sqr(((x1 - 5) ^ 2) + ((x2 - 11) ^ 2)) - 7) ^ 2))) 
If (x1 - 3.5) ^ 2 + (x2 - 7) ^ 4 <= 2 Then
      constraint = "FAIL"                                      'Hard constraint approach
        constraint = "OK"
End If

E.3.13 Hot and Cold Mixing (#36)

This function represents the control action required to meet steady‐state mixed temperature and flow rate targets of 70°C and 20 kg/min from the current conditions of 35°C and 8 kg/min (Figure E.15). The DVs are the signals to the hot and cold valves.

3-D plot of hot and cold mixing.

Figure E.15 Hot and cold mixing.

Hot and cold fluids are mixed in line, and the objective is to determine the hot and cold flow control valve positions, o1 and o2, to produce the desired mixed temperature and total flow rate. The valves have a parabolic inherent characteristic and identical flow rate versus valve position response. The control algorithm is the generic model control (GMC) law with a steady‐state model, and the control desire is to target for 20% beyond the biased set point, Kc = 1.2. There is uncertainty on the model parameters of the supply temperatures, measured flow rate and temperature, and valve Cv. The controller objective is to determine o1 and o2 values that minimize the equal‐concern‐weighted deviations from target at steady state:


The first term in the OF relates to the temperature deviation, and the second term the flow rate deviation. The deviations are weighted by the equal‐concern factors ET and EF. The numerator of each term starts with the calculated target value (beyond the set point) and subtracts from it the modeled value. The OF is the equal‐concern‐weighted sum of squared deviations.

The VBA code is as follows:

If x1 <= 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 <= 0 Or x2 > 10 Then
       constraint = "FAIL"
       Exit Function
    End If
    o1 = 10 * x1        'hot valve position, %
    o2 = 10 * x2        'cold valve position, %
    SetpointT = 70                  'Celsius
      add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
    FromT = 35 * (1 + add_noise)    'Celsius
    SetpointF = 20                  'm^3/min
    add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
    FromF = 8 * (1 + add_noise)      'm^3/min
    add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
    HotTin = 80 * (1 + add_noise)    'Celsius
    add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
    ColdTin = 20 * (1 + add_noise)   'Celsius
    add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
    ValveCv = 0.0036 * (1 + add_noise)  'm^3/min/%^2
    EC4T = 0.15                        'Celsius^(-2)
    EC4F = 1                            '(m^3/min)^(-2)
    f_of_x = EC4T * (1.2 * (SetpointT - FromT) + FromT - (HotTin * o1 ^ 2 + ColdTin * o2 ^ 2) / (o1 ^ 2 + o2 ^ 2)) ^ 2 + EC4F * (1.2 * (SetpointF - FromF) + FromF - ValveCv * (o1 ^ 2 + o2 ^ 2)) ^ 2
    f_of_x = f_of_x / 150

This is a simple function but provides substantial misdirection to a steepest descent optimizer that starts in the far side. It has steep walls, but a low slope at the proximity of the minimum. Some optimizers starting in the proximity of the optimum do not make large enough DV changes, and convergence criteria can stop them where they start.

With no uncertainty on model values, the contour of the 2‐D search or o1 and o2 appears as Figure E.16a, which is interesting enough as a test case for nonlinear optimization. However, with a 5% nominal uncertainty (Figure E.16b), the contours are obviously irregular, and the 3‐D plot of OF versus DVs (Figure E.16c) reveals the irregular surface.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.
Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.16 Hot and cold mixing: (a) deterministic contour, (b) one contour realization with uncertainty, and (c) one surface realization with uncertainty.

E.3.14 Curved Sharp Valleys (#37)

This is a contrivance to provide a simple function with a slope discontinuity at the global minimum (in the valley near the lower right of Figure E.17, but in the interior, at about the point x1 = 8, x2 = 3). At the minimum the slope of the valley floor is low compared with the side walls. This means that from any point in the bottom of the valley, there is only a small directional angle to move to a lower spot. Nearly all directions point uphill. Also the valley is curved, so that once the right direction is found, it is not the right direction for the next move. Most optimizers will “think” they have converged when they are in the steep valley, and multiple runs will lead to multiple ending points that trace the valley bottom. The surface has another minimum in a valley in the upper right and a well‐behaved local minimum up on the hill in the far right. Both the parameter correlation and the ARMA regression function have a similar feature. This exaggerates it and has a very simple formulation.

3-D plot depicting a curved sharp valleys surface.

Figure E.17 Curved sharp valleys surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

     f_of_x = 0.015 * (((x1 - 8) ^ 2 + (x2 - 6) ^ 2) + _
         15 * Abs((x1 - 2 - 0.001 * x2 ^ 3) * (x2 - 4 + 0.001 * x1 ^ 3)) - _
         500 * Exp(-((x1 - 9) ^ 2 + (x2 - 9) ^ 2)))

E.3.15 Parallel Pumps (#41)

This represents a redundancy design application (Figure E.18). A company has three identical centrifugal pumps in parallel in a single process stream. The pumps run at a constant impeller speed. They wish to have a method that chooses how many pumps should be operating and what flow rate should go through each operating pump to minimize energy consumption for a given total flow rate. The inlet and outlet pressures on the overall system of pumps remain a constant, but not on each individual pump. The individual flow rates out of each pump are controlled by a flow control valve.

3-D plot depicting a parallel pumps surface.

Figure E.18 Parallel pumps surface.

The pump characteristic curves (differential pressure vs. flow rate) are described as


That means that at high flow rates, the outlet pressure will be low. The choice of the pump flow rate must create a pressure that is greater than the downstream line pressure.

The efficiency of each pump is roughly a quadratic relation to flow rate:


The nominal flow rate rating is at the peak efficiency, but the pumps can operate at a flow rate that is 50% above nominal, images. The energy consumption for any particular pump is the flow rate times the pressure drop divided by efficiency. And the total power is the sum for all operating pumps:


We prefer to not run a pump if its flow rate is less than 20% of nominal, because of the very low energy efficiency. We also wish to not use all three pumps unless absolutely needed—we have a fairly strong desire to keep a spare pump off‐line for maintenance so that we always have one in peak condition. Although it might be best for energy efficiency when the target total flow rate is 3 * Fnominal to run all three pumps at Fnominal, the desire to keep a spare would prefer that we operate two pumps at 1.5 * Fnominal.

This OF reveals surface discontinuities, cliffs, due to the switching of pumps and multiple optima.

The VBA code provides an option for either hard or soft constraints on the issue of running pumps when they would be less than 20% of nominal. The DVs, x1 and x2, represent the fraction of maximum of any two pumps. The third pump makes up the balance.

The code is as follows:

Qnominal = 6
Qmaximum = 1.5 * Qnominal
Qminimum = 0.2 * Qnominal
If x1 < 0 Or x2 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 > 10 Then constraint = "FAIL"
Qtotal = 15
o1 = x1 * Qmaximum / 10   'Transfer to permit an override if Q<min
o2 = x2 * Qmaximum / 10
penalty = 0
ConstraintType = "Hard"        '  "Soft"   ' Preference on running pumps less than Qminimum
If ConstraintType = "Soft" And o1 < 0.1 * Qminimum Then o1 = 0  'Absolutely off if a trivial flow rate
If ConstraintType = "Hard" And o1 < Qminimum Then o1 = 0
If ConstraintType = "Soft" And o1 < Qminimum Then penalty = penalty + 2 * (o1 - 0) ^ 2      'What to use for equal concern factors?
If ConstraintType = "Soft" And o2 < 0.1 * Qminimum Then o2 = 0
If ConstraintType = "Hard" And o2 < Qminimum Then o2 = 0
If Constraint Type = "Soft" And o2 < Qminimum Then penalty = penalty + 2 * (o2 - 0) ^ 2
o3 = Qtotal - o1 - o2
If o3 < 0 Or o3 > Qmaximum Then constraint = "FAIL"
If o3 > Qmaximum Then o3 = Qmaximum
If ConstraintType = "Soft" And o3 < 0.1 * Qminimum Then o3 = 0
If ConstraintType = "Hard" And o3 < Qminimum Then o3 = 0
If ConstraintType = "Soft" And o3 < Qminimum Then penalty = penalty + 2 * (o3 - 0) ^ 2
If Abs(o1 + o2 + o3 - Qtotal) > 0.0001 * Qtotal Then constraint = "FAIL" 'hard constraint on production
If ConstraintType = "Hard" And 1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o1 / Qnominal)) < 0.7 Then constraint = "FAIL"        'Constraint on output pressure
If ConstraintType = "Hard" And 1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o2 / Qnominal)) < 0.7 Then constraint = "FAIL"
If ConstraintType = "Hard" And 1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o3 / Qnominal)) < 0.7 Then constraint = "FAIL"
If ConstraintType = "Soft" And 1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o1 / Qnominal)) < 0.7 Then penalty = penalty + 10 * (1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o1 / Qnominal)) - 0.7) ^ 2
If ConstraintType = "Soft" And 1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o2 / Qnominal)) < 0.7 Then penalty = penalty + 10 * (1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o2 / Qnominal)) - 0.7) ^ 2
If ConstraintType = "Soft" And 1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o3 / Qnominal)) < 0.7 Then penalty = penalty + 10 * (1.22 * (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o3 / Qnominal)) - 0.7) ^ 2
f1 = 0
f2 = 0
f3 = 0
If o1 > 0 Then f1 = (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o1 / Qnominal)) / (2 * Qnominal - o1)  'Calculate scaled energy rate
If o2 > 0 Then f2 = (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o2 / Qnominal)) / (2 * Qnominal - o2)
If o3 > 0 Then f3 = (1 - 0.017 * Exp(2.37 * o3 / Qnominal)) / (2 * Qnominal - o3)
If o1 * o2 * o3 > 0 Then penalty = penalty + 1      'soft penalty if all three pumps are running

E.3.16 Underspecified (#43)

There are an infinite number of simple functions to create that are underspecified that permit infinite solutions with the same OF value (Figure E.19). These arise in optimization applications that are missing one (or more) of the impacts of a DV, when the OF is incomplete. In this one contrivance, the code is as follows:

f_of_x = 2 * (x1 * x2 / 20 - Exp(-x1 * x2 / 20)) ^ 2  
3-D plot depicting an underspecified surface.

Figure E.19 Underspecified surface.

Since x1 and x2 always appear as a product, the function does not have independent influence by the DVs. Regardless of the value of x1, as long as the value of x2 makes the product equal 11.343, the function is at its optimum.

E.3.17 Parameter Correlation (#54)

This is similar to the underspecified case but brought about by an extreme condition that makes what appears to be independent functionalities reduce to a joint influence. I encountered this in modeling viscoelastic material using a hyper‐elastic model for a nonlinear spring. The model computes stress, σ, given strain, ɛ:


The DVs, A and B, appear independent. But if ɛ is low, the product is small and, in the limit, the exponential becomes images, resulting in images in which the value of coefficients A and B are dependent. Run many trials and plot the values of A w.r.t. B, and there will be a strong correlation. The 3‐D plot happens to be very similar to that of the underspecified example, but there is a true minimum in the valley (Figure E.20).

3-D plot depicting a parameter correlation surface.

Figure E.20 Parameter correlation surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

epsilon1 = 0.01          'no problem if epsilons = 0.1 and 0.2.  Then it doesn't degenerate to a product
epsilon2 = 0.02
' the data are generated by three true values of x1=5 and x2=5.
'minimize the model deviations from data.
f_of_x = (x1 * (Exp(x2 * epsilon1) - 1) - 5 * (Exp(5 * epsilon1) - 1)) ^ 2 + (x1 * (Exp(x2 * epsilon2) - 1) - 5 * (Exp(5 * epsilon2) - 1)) ^ 2
f_of_x = 10 * f_of_x    'minimize normal equations deviation from zero

E.3.18 Robot Soccer (#35)

The Automation Society at OSU (the Student Section of the International Society of Automation at OSU) creates an automation contest each year. In 2011 it was to create the rules for a simulated soccer defender to intercept the offensive opponent dribbling the ball toward the goal. The players start in randomized locations on their side of the field, and the offensive player has randomized evasive rules. Both players are subject to limits on speed and momentum changes. The ball‐carrying opponent moves slightly slower than the defensive player. Figure E.21 shows one realization of the path of the two players and the final interception of the offensive player by the defender. The contest objective was to create motion rules (vertical and horizontal speed targets) for the defender to intercept the opponent. The OF was to maximize the fraction of successful stops in 100 games. If a perfect score, then the objective was to minimize the average playing time to intercept the opponent.

Illustration of a robot soccer field with the defender side at the left and attacker side at the right. The paths of the two players from their respective goal areas are represented by two curved lines.

Figure E.21 Robot soccer field.

Much thanks to graduate student Solomon Gebreyohannes for creating the code and simulator.

Simple motion rules for the defender might be as follows: Always run as fast as possible. And run directly toward the offensive player. In that case, with too much defender momentum, an evasive move by the offensive player may permit the ball‐carrier to get to the goal when momentum carries the defender past.

The defender motion rules in the succeeding code are as follows: Extrapolate the opponent speed and direction to anticipate where it will be in “slead” seconds. Run toward that spot at a speed that gets you there in “stemper” reciprocal seconds. The scaled variables for “slead” and “stemper” are x1 and x2. The optimizer objective is to determine x1 and x2 to maximize fraction of successful stops and, if 100%, then to minimize playtime. This is a stochastic problem, and Figure E.22 shows the OF surface. x1, the lead time, is on the right‐hand axis, and x2, the speed temper factor, is on the near axis. The rotation is chosen to provide a best view of the surface. The successful region is seen as a curving and relatively flat valley within steep walls.

3-D plot depicting a robot soccer stochastic surface.

Figure E.22 Robot soccer stochastic surface.

The high surface is stochastic, and the value of any point changes with each sampling; and optimizers that start there will wander around in confusion seeking a local fortuitous best.

However, the floor of the valley is also stochastic. It represents the game time for speed rules that are 100% successful, and replicate DV values do not produce identical OF values. Accordingly, optimizers based on surface models will be confounded.

Further, the motion rules limit the defender speed, so that regardless of combinations of desired motion rules, the player cannot move any faster, and the floor of the valley is truly flat. It would be underspecified, except for the stochastic OF fluctuations.

The VBA code is as follows:

    Dim GameTimeCounter As Integer
    If x1 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 < 0 Or x2 > 10 Then
        constraint = "FAIL"
        Exit Function
    End If
    slead = 3 * (x1 - 3) 'DV 1
    stemper = (x2 - 0) / 10 'DV 2
    NumGames = 50   '500
    GameTimeCounterMax = 10000
    Distance = 0
    SuccessCount = 0
    undercount = 0
    sdt = 0.03
    Lamdad = 0.2                'momentum constraints on speed rate of change
    CLamdad = 1 - Lamdad
    Lamdaa = 0.2
    CLamdaa = 1 - Lamdaa
    AAngle = 3.14159
    For GameNumber = 1 To NumGames
        'Player defender initialize
        xd = 1
        yd = 5
        vxd = 0
        vyd = 0
        'Player attacker initialize
        xa = 8 + 2 * Rnd()   'Int(Rnd() * 3)
        ya = 10 * Rnd()      'Int(Rnd() * 11)
        vxa = -2 * Rnd()
        vya = 2 * (Rnd() - 0.5)
        For GameTimeCounter = 1 To GameTimeCounterMax
            'Changing the attacker vx and vy speed
            If xa > 3 Then
                separation = Sqr((xa - xd) ^ 2 + (ya - yd) ^ 2)
                If separation < 3 And xa > xd Then
                     LoAngle = 2 * 3.14159 * 45 / 360
                     HiAngle = 2 * 3.14159 * 315 / 360
                     If GameTimeCounter = 3 * Int(GameTimeCounter / 3) Then AAngle = LoAngle + Rnd() * (HiAngle - LoAngle)
                     LoAngle = 2 * 3.14159 * 120 / 360
                     HiAngle = 2 * 3.14159 * 250 / 360
                     If GameTimeCounter = 10 * Int(GameTimeCounter / 10) Then AAngle = LoAngle + Rnd() * (HiAngle - LoAngle)
               End If
                LoAngle = 3.14159 + Atn((6.5 - ya) / (-xa))
                HiAngle = 3.14159 + Atn((3.5 - ya) / (-xa))
                If GameTimeCounter = 3 * Int(GameTimeCounter / 3) Then AAngle =             LoAngle + Rnd() * (HiAngle - LoAngle)
            End If
            ASpeed = 4 + Rnd() * (5 - 4)
            vxa = CLamdaa * vxa + Lamdaa * ASpeed * Cos(AAngle)
            vya = CLamdaa * vya + Lamdaa * ASpeed * Sin(AAngle)
            xa = xa + vxa * sdt          'Calculate current position of player 2 (Attacker)
            ya = ya + vya * sdt
            'Field constraints
            If ya > 10 Then ya = 10
            If ya < 0 Then ya = 0
            If xa > 10 Then xa = 10
            If xa < 0 Then xa = 0
          '   Defender rules - Anticipate where target will be at next interval and seek to get there
            xdtarget = xa + slead * sdt * vxa             'anticipated attacker location leadnumber of dts intot he future
            ydtarget = ya + slead * sdt * vya
            Ux = stemper * (xdtarget - xd) / sdt   'speed to get defender there - tempered faster or slower
            Uy = stemper * (ydtarget - yd) / sdt
            Utotal = Sqr(Ux ^ 2 + Uy ^ 2)
            If Utotal > 5 Then
                    Ux = Ux * 5 / Utotal                    'constrained defender target speed, 5 is the max
                Uy = Uy * 5 / Utotal
            End If 
            'Calculate new speed and position of the defender using calculated Ux and Uy
            vxd = CLamdad * vxd + Lamdad * Ux
            vyd = CLamdad * vyd + Lamdad * Uy
            xd = xd + vxd * sdt
            yd = yd + vyd * sdt
            'Field constraints
            If yd > 10 Then yd = 10
            If yd < 0 Then yd = 0
            If xd > 10 Then xd = 10
            If xd < 0 Then xd = 0
            If xa <= 0 And ya >= 3.5 And ya <= 6.5 Then Exit For    'Goal scored
            'Check if both players are in 0.2 radius region
            If Sqr((xd - xa) ^ 2 + (yd - ya) ^ 2) < 0.2 Then
               SuccessCount = SuccessCount + 1
               PlayTime = PlayTime + sdt * GameTimeCounter                  'play time to intercept
               Distance = Distance + Sqr((xa - 0) ^ 2 + (ya - 5) ^ 2)       'stopped this distance from goal
               Exit For
            End If
        Next GameTimeCounter
    Next GameNumber
    AvgDistance = Distance / NumGames           'larger is better
    AvgPlayTime = PlayTime / NumGames           'smaller is better
    SuccessRatio = SuccessCount / NumGames
    If SuccessRatio = 1 Then                    'Only important if zero goals scored
        f_of_x = AvgPlayTime 
        f_of_x = 10 - 5 * SuccessRatio   'if a goal is scored, then playtime and distance are unimportant
    End If

E.3.19 ARMA(2, 1) Regression (#62)

This optimization seeks the coefficients in an equation to model a second‐order process. The true process is yi = ayi–1 + byi–2 + ui–1. Here y is the process response; u is the process independent variable, influence; and i is the time counter. The term u, the forcing function, is expressed as the variable labeled “push” in the VBA assignment statements. The model has the same functional form as the process. The optimizer objective is to determine model coefficient values that minimize the sum of squared differences between data and model. A good optimizer will find the right values of a = 0.3 and b = 0.5.

The difficulty of this problem is that the true solution is in the middle of a long valley of steep walls and very gentle longitudinal slope. Like the steep valley and parameter correlation functions, when the trial solution is in the bottom of the valley, optimizers have difficulty in moving it along the bottom to the optimum (see Figure E.23).

3-D plot depicting ARMA (2, 1) regression surface.

Figure E.23 ARMA (2, 1) regression surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

    x11 = 0.3 + (x1 - 5) / 100
    x22 = 0.5 + (x2 - 5) / 100
    y_trueOld = 0
    y_trueOldOld = 0
    y_modelOld = 0
    y_modelOldOld = 0
    Sum = 0
    For i_stage = 1 To 100
        If i_stage = 1 Then push = 5
        If i_stage = 20 Then push = 0
        If i_stage = 40 Then push = -2
        If i_stage = 60 Then push = 7
        If i_stage = 80 Then push = 3
        y_true = 0.3 * y_trueOld + 0.5 * y_trueOldOld + push
        y_model = x11 * y_modelOld + x22 * y_modelOldOld + push
        y_trueOldOld = y_trueOld
        y_trueOld = y_true
        y_modelOldOld = y_modelOld
        y_modelOld = y_model
        Sum = Sum + (y_true - y_model) ^ 2
    Next i_stage
    rms = Sum / (i_stage - 1)
    f_of_x = 2 * Log(rms + 1)

E.3.20 Algae Pond (#63)

This seeks to determine an economic optimization of an algae farm. Algae are grown in a pond, in a batch process, and in wastewater from a fertilizer plant that contains needed nutrients. The algae biomass is initially seeded in the pond, grows naturally in the sunlight, and eventually is harvested. The questions are “How deep should the pond be?” and “How long a time between harvestings?” Considering depth, a deeper pond has greater volume and can grow more algae. But sunlight attenuates with pond depth; so, a too deep pond does not add growing volume. Instead, a too deep pond creates more water that must be processed in harvesting, which increases costs.

Considering growth time, initially, there are no algae in the water. The initial seeded batch grows in time, but the mass asymptotically approaches a steady‐state concentration when growth rate matches death rate. Growth is limited by CO2 infusion and sunlight, and high concentration of biomass shadows the lower levels. If you harvest on a short time schedule, you have a low algae concentration and produce low mass on a batch but still have to process all the water. Alternately, if you harvest on a long time schedule, the excessive weeks don’t contribute biomass and you lose batches of production per year.

The simulation uses a simple model of the algae growth, and I appreciate Suresh Kumar Jayaraman’s role in devising the simulator. The objective function is to maximize annual profit, which is based on value of the mass harvested per year less harvest costs and fixed costs.

The DVs are scaled to represent 2–25 batch growth days (horizontal axis) and 0.1–2 m of pond depth (vertical axis). The minimum is in the lower left of the contour, a steep valley. The feature in the lower right of Figure E.24 is a broad maximum that sends downhill searches either upward to the valley or downward toward the axis representing a very shallow pond.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.24 Algae pond contour.

There are three difficulties with this problem. First, the steep valley causes difficulty for some gradient‐based optimizers. Second, the nearly flat plane in the lower right can lead to premature convergence. Third, the surface has slope discontinuities due to the time discretization of the simulation. These can be made more visible with a larger simulation time increment and appear as irregularities on the contour lines on the left. Ideally, the function is continuous in time, and the contours are smooth. Larger simulation discretization time intervals permit the simulation to run faster, which is desirable; but this has the undesired impact of creating discontinuities. Even with the small discretization used to generate the contours on the right, where there are no visible discontinuities, the surface undulations are present and will confound gradient‐ and Hessian‐based searches.

One can add a fourth difficulty, uncertainty on parameter and coefficient values in the model. Which creates a stochastic “live” fluctuations to the surface, as illustrated in Figure E.25.

Stochastic contour (left) and stochastic surface (right) of algae pond.

Figure E.25 Algae pond: (a) stochastic contour and (b) stochastic surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

    If x2 < 0 Or x1 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 > 10 Then
            constraint = "FAIL"
            Exit Function
        End If
        Dim C68(5000) As Single
        Dim p68(5000) As Single
        Dim n68(5000) As Single
        Dim profit68 As Single
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        Izero68 = 6 * (1 + add_noise)
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        K168 = 0.01 * (1 + add_noise) 'growth rate constant
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        K268 = 0.03 * (1 + add_noise) 'death rate constant
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        alpha68 = 5 * (1 + add_noise)
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        tr68 = 288 * (1 + add_noise) 'pond temperature
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        topt68 = 293 * (1 + add_noise)   'optimum temperature
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        kt68 = 0.001 * (1 + add_noise) 'temperature rate const
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        kp68 = 0.02 * (1 + add_noise)  'P growth rate const
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        kn68 = 0.02 * (1 + add_noise)  'N growth rate const
        add_noise = Worksheets("Main").Cells(8, 12) * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd())
        dt68 = 0.01 * (1 + add_noise)  'time increment (hr) 0.1 reveals discretization discontinuities
        simtime68 = 2 + x1 * (25 - 2) / 10      'time: min is 2 days and max is 25 days
        Depth68 = 0.1 + x2 * (2 - 0.1) / 10      'depth: min is 0.1 m and max is 2 m
        M68 = simtime68 / dt68
        rp68 = 0.025  'gP/gAlgae
        np68 = 0.01 'gN/gAlgae
        pc68 = 0.0001  'critical P conc
        nc68 = 0.0001  'critical N conc
        hn68 = 0.0145 'half saturation N conc
        hp68 = 0.0104 'half saturation P conc
        C68(1) = 0.1  'scaled value - starts at 1% of maximum possible
        p68(1) = 0.1  'initial P conc
        n68(1) = 0.1  'initial N conc
        For i68 = 1 To M68
            'dependence of the biomass growth on temperature f(T), intensity f(I), phosphorus f(P), Nitrogen F(N)
            If (p68(i68) - pc68) > 0 Then
                fp68 = ((p68(i68) - pc68)) / (hp68 + (p68(i68) - pc68))
                fp68 = 0
            End If
            If (n68(i68) - nc68) > 0 Then
                fn68 = ((n68(i68) - nc68)) / (hn68 + (n68(i68) - nc68))
                fn68 = 0
            End If
            ft68 = Exp(-kt68 * (tr68 - topt68) ^ 2)
            fi68 = (Izero68 / (alpha68 * Depth68)) * (1 - Exp(-alpha68 * Depth68))
                    p68(i68 + 1) = p68(i68) + dt68 * (kp68 * (-fi68 * ft68 * fp68 * fn68 * rp68) * C68(i68))
            If p68(i68 + 1) < 0 Then p68(i68 + 1) = 0
                    n68(i68 + 1) = n68(i68) + dt68 * (kn68 * (-fi68 * ft68 * fp68 * fn68 * np68) * C68(i68))
            If n68(i68 + 1) < 0 Then n68(i68 + 1) = 0
           C68(i68 + 1) = C68(i68) + dt68 * (((fi68 * ft68 * fp68 * fn68) - K268 * C68(i68)) * C68(i68))
            If C68(i68 + 1) < 0 Then C68(i68 + 1) = 0
        Next i68
        avg68 = C68(i68 - 1)
             sales68 = 1 * avg68 * 25 * Depth68 * 365 / (simtime68 + 5)     '$/year    5 days to process pond
           expenses68 = 10 * Depth68 * 25 * 365 / (simtime68 + 5)             '$/year    cost to process and stock
        profit68 = sales68 - expenses68
        f_of_x = -profit68
        f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x + 16700) / 43000   'for 25 days and 2 meters  

E.3.21 Classroom Lecture Pattern (#73)

Lectures are effective in the beginning when students are paying attention. But as time drags on, student attention wanders, and fewer and fewer students are sufficiently intently focused to make the continued lecture be of any use. A “logistic” model that represents the average attention is


where f is the fraction of class attention and t is the lecture time in minutes. Graph this, and you’ll see that after 15 min f = 0.5, half the class is not paying attention. After about 20 min, effectively no one is attentive to the lecturer. The average f over a 55‐min period is about 0.26. Students only “get” 26% of the material. That is not very efficient. A teacher wants to maximize learning, as measured by maximizing the average f over a lecture. He/she plans on doing this by taking 3‐min breaks in which the students stand up, stretch, and slide over to the adjacent seat and then resuming the lecture with fully renewed student attention (t = 0 again). If a teacher lectured 2 min and took a 3 min break, on a 5‐min cycle, then the value of f would be nearly 1.00 for the 2 min, but there would only be 2 * (55/5) = 22 min of lecture per session. But 22 min at an f of 0.9999 over the 55 min is an average f of 0.40. This is an improvement in student focus on the lecture material. Is there a better lecture‐stretch cycle period?

It can be argued that the lecture segments should have an equal duration. If there is an optimal duration, then exceeding it in one segment loses more than what is not lost in the other. There would be n equal duration lecture segments and (n – 1) 3‐min breaks within in a class period of p total minutes:


How long should a class period be to maximize learning? Say, a school wants to have seven lecture periods in a day so that students have a one‐period lunch break, when they are enrolled in six classes each semester. And the schedule needs to permit 10 min for between class transitions. Longer classes would permit more learning. The work‐day length would be


But an excessive day would receive objection from the faculty member’s home. So, let’s maximize learning by choosing p and n, but penalize an excessive day.

The code is as follows:

n_segments = Int(1 * x1)    '# segments between 3-min breaks, integer value
Period = 10 * x2           'lecture duration, continuous, minutes
If n_segments > Period / 3 + 1 Or n_segments < 1 Then
            constraint = "FAIL"
            Exit Function
End If
Sum = 0     'initialize integral of student attention
For x11 = 0 To ((Period + 3) / n_segments - 3) Step 0.001
            Sum = Sum + 0.001 / (1 + Exp(x11 - 15))
Next x11
Duration = 7 * Period + 6 * 10      'work-day length planning 6 class periods per day
penalty = 0
If Duration > 10 * 60 Then penalty = 0.05 * (Duration - 10 * 60) ^ 2
f_of_x = -7 * n_segments * Sum + penalty
f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x + 458) / (1617)

This is a mixed integer continuous DV problem. The front axis in Figure E.26 represents the number of lecture segments within a class period, and the RHS axis represents classroom period in 10‐min intervals.

3-D plot depicting a classroom lecture pattern.

Figure E.26 Classroom lecture pattern.

The horizontal direction in each segment is flat and becomes discontinuous when the n integer value changes.

Not visible in this view is the additional problem of the time discretization in using the rectangle rule of integration to solve for the average f‐value. With a time step of 0.001 min, it is not visible. But with a step size of 1 min, the discontinuity along the “continuous” “p” axis becomes visible.

E.3.22 Mountain Path (#29)

This uses the peaks function to represent the land contour of a mountain and valley region. City A is at location (1, 1) and city B at location (9, 9) in Figure E.27 (see Figure E.1 for a 3‐D view). The objective is to find a path from A to B that minimizes distance and avoids excessive steepness along the path. The path is described as a cubic relation of y (the vertical axis in the peaks contour) and x (the horizontal axis in the peaks contour):

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.27 Peaks contour.

If the path follows a straight line on the x–y projection surface, from (1, 1), the path goes over the mountain at (4, 4), down the valley at (5.5, 5.5), over the side of the mountain at (7, 7), and down to (9, 9). Alternately, if the path goes from (1, 1) to (5, 3), it stays on relatively level ground. Then to (7, 6.5) it does not go into the middle valley and only rises to the lowest point (the pass) between the two mountains in the upper right. While the projection of the curved path might be longer, it does not rise or fall and is actually a shorter path.

A section of an alternate path might go from (6, 6) to (8, 7), taking the shortest distance across the mountain pass, but this might have a steep climb, about (6.5, 6.5). An alternate path through the pass, from (6, 4) to (8, 8), sideways up the mountain would not have the steep climb.

In the peaks function the DVs are the x‐ and y‐direction, and the objective is to find the min (or max) point. By contrast, here, the DVs are coefficients c and d in the y(x) relation. Once the optimizer chooses trial values for c and d, a and b are determined by the equality constraints of y(at xA) = yA and y(at xB) = yB. The path length includes the x, y, and z (elevation) distances, and the function calculates path length by discretizing the path into 100 ∆x increments and summing the 100 images elements. The steepness of the path is evaluated at each of the 100 increments, and if |dz/ds| exceeds a threshold, the constraint is violated.

The objective statement is


The function S(c, d) results in multiple local optima comprised of steep, narrow valleys with low sloping floor. The dark bands in Figure E.28 indicate steep rises to a maximum value at constrained conditions. The minimum is in the (DV1 = 7, DV2 = 2) area. However, if trial solutions start outside of that area, constraints would prevent the trial solution from migrating to the optimum. Many optimizers migrate to local optima at (4, 4) and (5, 6).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.28 Mountain path of contour w.r.t. path coefficients c (horizontal) and d (vertical).

The VBA code is as follows:

    CoeffC = 0.2 * x1 - 1.8 'scaled for best reveal of the function detail
    CoeffD = 0.012 * x2 + 0
    xa = 1              'start location - E-W direction
    ya = 1              'start location - N-S direction
    xb = 9              'end location
    yb = 9
    CoeffB = ((yb - ya) - CoeffC * (xb ^ 2 - xa ^ 2) - CoeffD * (xb ^ 3 - xa ^ 3)) / (xb - xa)
    CoeffA = ya - CoeffB * xa - CoeffC * xa ^ 2 - CoeffD * xa ^ 3
    N = 100
    deltax = (xb - xa) / N
    PathS = 0
    MaxSteepness = 0
    For xstep = 1 To N
        x = xa + xstep * deltax
        y = CoeffA + CoeffB * x + CoeffC * x ^ 2 + CoeffD * x ^ 3
        dydx = CoeffB + 2 * CoeffC * x + 3 * CoeffD * x ^ 2 'derivative of y w.r.t. x
        x11 = 3 * (x - 5) / 5      'convert my 0-10 DVs to the -3 to +3 range for the function
        x22 = 3 * (y - 5) / 5
        zbase = 3 * ((1 - x11) ^ 2) * Exp(-1 * x11 ^ 2 - (x22 + 1) ^ 2) - _
            10 * (x11 / 5 - x11 ^ 3 - x22 ^ 5) * Exp(-1 * x11 ^ 2 - x22 ^ 2) - _
            (Exp(-1 * (x11 + 1) ^ 2 - x22 ^ 2)) / 3
        zbase = (zbase + 6.75) / 1.5
        x11 = 3 * (x + 0.0001 - 5) / 5   'convert my 0-10 DVs to the -3 to +3 range for the function
        Z = 3 * ((1 - x11) ^ 2) * Exp(-1 * x11 ^ 2 - (x22 + 1) ^ 2) - _
            10 * (x11 / 5 - x11 ^ 3 - x22 ^ 5) * Exp(-1 * x11 ^ 2 - x22 ^ 2) - _
            (Exp(-1 * (x11 + 1) ^ 2 - x22 ^ 2)) / 3
        Z = (Z + 6.75) / 1.5
        pzpx = (Z - zbase) / 0.0001     'partial derivative of elevation w.r.t. x
        x11 = 3 * (x - 5) / 5      'convert my 0-10 DVs to the -3 to +3 range for the function
        x22 = 3 * (y + 0.0001 - 5) / 5
        Z = 3 * ((1 - x11) ^ 2) * Exp(-1 * x11 ^ 2 - (x22 + 1) ^ 2) - _
            10 * (x11 / 5 - x11 ^ 3 - x22 ^ 5) * Exp(-1 * x11 ^ 2 - x22 ^ 2) - _
            (Exp(-1 * (x11 + 1) ^ 2 - x22 ^ 2)) / 3
        Z = (Z + 6.75) / 1.5
        pzpy = (Z - zbase) / 0.0001     'partial derivative of elevation w.r.t. y
        dzdx = pzpx + pzpy * dydx       'total derivative of elevation w.r.t. x
            dsdx = Sqr(1 + dydx ^ 2 + dzdx ^ 2) 'total derivative of path length w.r.t. x
        dPathS = deltax * dsdx      'Path segment length
        PathS = PathS + dPathS      'Cumulative path length
        dzds = dzdx / dsdx          'Path slope
        Steepness = Abs(dzds)
        If Steepness > MaxSteepness Then MaxSteepness = Steepness
        badness = 0
        '   Soft Constraint
'        If Steepness > 0.8 Then    '   .85=tan(40),  .60=tan(30),   .35=tan(20)
'            badness = (Steepness - 0.8)
'            PathS = PathS + 2 * badness ^ 2
'        End If
        '   Hard Constraint
        If Steepness > 0.95 Then   '   .85=tan(40),  .60=tan(30),   .35=tan(20)
            constraint = "FAIL"
            f_of_x = 10             ' visually acknowledge violation on contour
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next xstep
    f_of_x = PathS
    f_of_x = 10 * (PathS - 13.28) / 52.36

E.3.23 Chemical Reaction with Phase Equilibrium (#75)

A reversible homogeneous reaction of A + B goes to C seems simple; but there are two immiscible phases, oil and water, and the A, B, and C species are dispersed in both. The A and B species are preferentially soluble in the water, and C is preferentially soluble in the oil. The reaction is slow relative to mass transfer and diffusion, so the A, B, and C species are considered in thermodynamic equilibrium between the oil and water phases:

  1. The reaction in the oil layer of volume v is a + bc, r = –k1ab + k2c. Lower case letters represent oil.
  2. In the water layer of volume, V is A + BC, R = –k3AB + k4C. Uppercase letters represent water.
  3. Each component is in concentration equilibrium between the two phases KA = a/A, KB = b/B, KC = c/C, because the reactions are relatively slow compared with the rate of mass transfer between phases.
  4. The total number of moles of each species are NA (=va + VA), NB, and NC.
  5. Given an initial number of moles, NA0, and phase equilibria, the number of moles in each phase are determined by a0 = NA0/(v + V/KA) and A0 = NA0/(vKA + V). bo, co, Bo, and Co are similarly calculated.
  6. Combined mass balances on species in the individual oil and water phases, eliminate the unknowable terms for the interphase rates, and result in images
  7. Equilibrium relates the a and A concentrations to NA as in line 5. Stoichiometry and equilibrium relate the b, c, B, and C concentrations to NA. Concentrations a, b, c, A, B, and C can be reformulated in terms of NA. Stoichiometry gives NB = NB0 – (NA – NA0). Equilibrium gives b = NB/(v + V/KB). Combined, (NB0 – (NA – NA0))/(v + V/KB). Etc.
  8. There are four rate coefficients (k1, k2, k3, k4); however, only two are independent. The reaction is the same whether in the oil phase or the water phase. But the reaction is not really dependent on concentrations. It is dependent on activities of the species in the oil and water medium. Further, the equilibrium of a to A (b to B and c to C) are defined as equal activities. This means that the activity coefficients are related to the partition coefficient. KA = γa/γA. Etc. Then k3 = k1 * KA * KB, and k4 = k2 * KC. So,
  9. This differential equation represents a phase‐equilibrium constrained model.
  10. Only the one nonlinear ODE needs to be solved, because all species concentrations are related to the single NA and the initial conditions on NA0, NB0, and NC0.
  11. This can be expressed in terms of reaction extent:
    12) which is solved with a simple Euler’s method.

The optimization seeks to find k1 and k2 values that make the dynamic model best match the experimental data in a least squares sense. The function in Figure E.29 has the “steep valley” property that makes many optimizers converge along the bottom, with parameter correlation.

3-D plot depicting a chemical reaction with phase-equilibrium surface.

Figure E.29 Chemical reaction with phase‐equilibrium surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

        k1075 = 200 + 200 * (x1 - 5) / 5        'oil forward reaction rate coefficient
        k2075 = 0.015 + 0.015 * (x2 - 5) / 5    'oil backward reaction rate coefficient
        If k1075 < 0 Or k2075 < 0 Then
            constraint = "FAIL"
            Exit Function
        End If
        sum75 = 0       'sum of penalties for deviations from measured values
        dt75 = 0.5      'time increment for Euler's method, min
        v075 = 100      'volume of oil, liters, human supposition
        VW75 = 200      'volume of Water, liters, human supposition
        NA75 = 5        'initial moles of A, combined, in oil and water, human supposition
        NB75 = 3        'initial moles of B, human supposition
        NC75 = 1        'initial moles of C, human supposition
        KA75 = 0.1      'partition coefficient for A, human supposition
        KB75 = 0.05     'for B, human supposition
        KC75 = 5.5      'for C, human supposition
        k1W75 = k1075 * KA75 * KB75     'water forward reaction rate coefficient
        k2W75 = k2075 * KC75            'water backward reaction rate coefficient
        e75 = 0                         'reaction extent sum of oil and water
        For i75 = 1 To 80               '80 time steps for dynamic model
            a075 = (NA75 - e75) / (v075 + VW75 / KA75)  'concentration of A in oil
            b075 = (NB75 - e75) / (v075 + VW75 / KB75)  'B in oil
            c075 = (NC75 + e75) / (v075 + VW75 / KC75)  'C in oil
            AW75 = (NA75 - e75) / (v075 * KA75 + VW75)  'A in water
            BW75 = (NB75 - e75) / (v075 * KB75 + VW75)  'B in water
            CW75 = (NC75 + e75) / (v075 * KC75 + VW75)  'C in water
            r075 = k1075 * a075 * b075 - k2075 * c075   'reaction rate in oil
            RW75 = k1W75 * AW75 * BW75 - k2W75 * CW75   'reaction rate in water
            e75 = e75 + dt75 * (v075 * r075 + VW75 * RW75)              'Euler's method
            t75 = i75 * dt75                                            'simulation time
                                'data generated by Excel simulator - "Kinetic Model with Phase Equilibrium Sheet 1"
            If i75 = 8 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.235176) ^ 2        'penalty for deviation from data
            If i75 = 16 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.361498) ^ 2
            If i75 = 24 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.453315) ^ 2
            If i75 = 32 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.590891) ^ 2
            If i75 = 40 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.658838) ^ 2
            If i75 = 48 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.637532) ^ 2
            If i75 = 56 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.717511) ^ 2
            If i75 = 64 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.701781) ^ 2
            If i75 = 72 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.70742) ^ 2
            If i75 = 80 Then sum75 = sum75 + (e75 - 0.763436) ^ 2
        Next i75
        f_of_x = 10 * (sum75 - 0.0059) / 18

E.3.24 Cork Board (#1)

This seeks to determine the number of rows and columns for a bulletin board made of wine corks. The length of a cork is between about 1.7 and 1.8 inches, which is nearly double the width. So a pair of adjacent corks makes a square, and squares tile a surface. I used 1.73 inches for the length in this design application. Artistically, the aspect ratio of a picture (the cork region) should be equal to the golden ratio, images.

Functionally, it needs a minimum of about 150 corks to provide adequate posting area, but more than that number takes assembly time and uses up an endangered commodity. (Real corks are being replaced with plastic stoppers or screw tops.) There are many ways to tile the corks—rectangular, chevron, etc.—and align with the frame or on the diagonal. Figure E.30 shows a rectangular arrangement along the diagonal. In this pattern, choose an integer number of rows and columns, so the unused portion of corks on one side fill the complementary space on the other side, conserving material. The DVs are the number of rows and columns, and the OF is a combination of the deviations from the ideal γ and 150 corks. In the combined OF, I choose EC factors of 0.05 deviation from the golden ratio as creating concern equivalent to 50 corks deviation from the target.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.30 Cork board sketch.

This has integer DVs, which create flat surfaces with discontinuities between (see Figure E.31). Although there is a general trend to the minimum, there are local traps (minima surrounded by worse spots). Far from the minimum, the large OF values make the entire minimum region seem featureless. So to better visualize the region of interest, I log transformed the OF.

Mesh plot displaying cork board surface characterize with flat surfaces with discontinuities between.

Figure E.31 Cork board surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

The VBA Code is:
    If Fchoice = 1 Then  'Cork Board dimension
        n = Int(x1 + 0.5)   'number of full rows on the bias for length count
        m = Int(x2 + 0.5)   'number of full rows on the bias for height count
        If n < 1 Or m < 1 Then
            constraint = "FAIL"
            Exit Function
        End If
        corks = 4 * (n + 1) * (m + 1)   'number of corks needed
        L1 = (n + 1) * Sqr(2) * 1.73 '+ 2 * 2.5     'frame inside length add 2 times thickness for exterior length
        L2 = (m + 1) * Sqr(2) * 1.73 '+ 2 * 2.5     'frame inside height
        ratio = L2 / L1
        golden = (-1 + Sqr(5)) / 2      'ideal aspect ratio
        badness1 = (ratio - golden) ^ 2     'deviation from ideal
        badness2 = (150 - corks) ^ 2        'deviation from ideal
        ec1 = 0.05                          'Equal Concern factor
        ec2 = 50                            'Equal Concern factor
        f_of_x = badness1 / ec1 ^ 2 + badness2 / ec2 ^ 2    'the OF
             f_of_x = Log(f_of_x)                    'transform to make the features in low values more visible
        f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x + 2.83) / 12      'scaling on a 0 to 10 basis
        Exit Function
    End If

E.3.25 Three Springs (#12)

In this application three springs are joined at a common but floating node 4. They are fixed at the other ends, nodes 1, 2, and 3. Initially all springs are at their resting length. There is no tension or compression in any spring. Then fixed node 3 is moved, which stresses the springs. When they move to equilibrium, node 4 will be relocated and springs will retain some residual stress. This application seeks to determine the location of the common floating node 4 that balances the x‐ and y‐force on node 4. Springs have a linear stress–strain response, and compression and tension have the same k‐values. Springs are not bendable. Interestingly, there are several unstable equilibria locations. The code has an option to minimize energy in the springs. Shown in Figure E.32 is the force balance version.

Mesh plot displaying three springs surface.

Figure E.32 Three springs surface.

There are spikes at nodes 1, 2, and 3. If node 4 is at any of those points, then the compression of a spring is infinity. Thanks to MAE MS Candidate Romit Maulik for the idea, summer 2015, who was actually seeking to minimize the collective energy in all springs. A reader might want to convert this function to use energy as the OF or to make tension and compression have alternate k‐values.

The VBA code is as follows:

If Fchoice = 12 Then        'Three Springs, unbendable, linear
'   Thanks to Romit Maulik for the basic idea - June 2015
'   All three springs are joined at the common, and free to move (y4, x4) node
'   Originally one end of Spring 1 is fixed at position (y1,x1), Spring 2 at (y2,x2), and 3 at (y3o, x3o)
'   Originally all three springs are at rest
'   Node 3 moves to (y3, x3).  Where does Node 4 move to?
'   OF from Case 1:  At rest the y and x forces on Node 4 must be balanced. Then
'       minimize the squared sum of component forces.  This works, but permits
'       unstable equilibrium points of high tension when the forces are balanced.
'   OF from Case 2:  A more rational surface happens when finding the Node 4 position
'       that minimizes the energy in all springs.
    F12y1 = 8   'you can initialize springs in any locations
    F12x1 = 2
    F12y2 = 2
    F12x2 = 4
    F12y3o = 7
    F12x3o = 7
    F12y4o = 5
    F12x4o = 5
    F12y3 = 1   'choose a variety of interesting move to points
    F12x3 = 8
    F12y4 = x2
    F12x4 = x1
    F12k1 = 1   'choose a variety of values for the spring constants
    F12k2 = 2
    F12k3 = 0.05
    F12L1o = Sqr((F12y1 - F12y4o) ^ 2 + (F12x1 - F12x4o) ^ 2)   'spring original at rest lengths
    F12L2o = Sqr((F12y2 - F12y4o) ^ 2 + (F12x2 - F12x4o) ^ 2)
    F12L3o = Sqr((F12y3o - F12y4o) ^ 2 + (F12x3o - F12x4o) ^ 2)
    F12L1 = Sqr((F12y1 - F12y4) ^ 2 + (F12x1 - F12x4) ^ 2)      'spring lengths after Node 3 moves
    F12L2 = Sqr((F12y2 - F12y4) ^ 2 + (F12x2 - F12x4) ^ 2)
    F12L3 = Sqr((F12y3 - F12y4) ^ 2 + (F12x3 - F12x4) ^ 2)
'   Force Analysis (more interesting surface, permits unstable equilibrium)
    If F12L1 = 0 Or F12L2 = 0 Or F12L3 = 0 Then  'to prevent a divide by zero
        constraint = "FAIL"
        f_of_x = 10
        Exit Function
    End If
    F12F1 = F12k1 * (F12L1o - F12L1)    'negative if tension, positive if compression
    F12F2 = F12k2 * (F12L2o - F12L2)
    F12F3 = F12k3 * (F12L3o - F12L3)
    F12F1y = F12F1 * (F12y4 - F12y1) / F12L1
    F12F1x = F12F1 * (F12x4 - F12x1) / F12L1
    F12F2y = F12F2 * (F12y4 - F12y2) / F12L2
    F12F2x = F12F2 * (F12x4 - F12x2) / F12L2
    F12F3y = F12F3 * (F12y4 - F12y3) / F12L3
    F12F3x = F12F3 * (F12x4 - F12x3) / F12L3
    F12Fy = F12F1y + F12F2y + F12F3y
    F12Fx = F12F1x + F12F2x + F12F3x
    f_of_x = F12Fy ^ 2 + F12Fx ^ 2 + add_noise
    f_of_x = 2.5 * f_of_x ^ 0.25        'this power scaling emphasizes visibility of features in the low OF region
''   Energy Analysis (more rational surface, and simpler to compute)
'    F12E1 = F12k1 * (F12L1o - F12L1) ^ 2
'    F12E2 = F12k2 * (F12L2o - F12L2) ^ 2
'    F12E3 = F12k3 * (F12L3o - F12L3) ^ 2
'    f_of_x = F12E1 + F12E2 + F12E3
'    f_of_x = Sqr(f_of_x)
    Exit Function
End If

E.3.26 Retirement (#15)

This investigates two decisions: when to retire and what portion of your salary you should set aside each year while working to finance retirement.

The objective is to maximize cumulative joy in life. Joy is not income. Joy is based on income but is as much determined by the discretionary time that permits one to pursue personal happiness and by the affirmation pleasure of working.

The model has one start working at age 25 and die at 85. While working, a portion of the salary is invested in savings for retirement. In retirement, withdrawing from the savings provides income. But since the person might live to 90, the retirement income is allocated to last until age 90. One DV is the age to retire: retiring at an early age would leave a long retirement period to pursue individual choices, but there would not be much $ saved to finance the pursuit. Retiring at a late age would mean that a lot of $ had accumulated to finance retirement activities, but then there is little time left to enjoy it. The other DV is the portion of salary to invest: Don’t invest much, and there is more $ to enjoy life while working but little in retirement. Invest a high portion of work salary, and there will be more $ to enjoy retirement, but it means a low‐joy life while working. If retirement income is too high, then it is excessive to support joy and means that the tax rate is very high.

The equations are described in detail in Case Study 3, Chapter 38. The code accounts for the time value of $ and the compounding of investment $. The code also accounts for tax rate and has joy as a diminishing returns consequence of salary. Further the code accounts for an age factor that diminishes the ability to enjoy with increasing age. As complicated as that seems, it is still a simple representation, not accounting for partner activity, pensions, inheritances, postretirement employment, etc. I modeled this as how I perceive life with 50% of my time at work, leading to personal joys (a professor’s view), which also has a salary‐capped academic position, a 50 percentile death age of 85, and an age of half function at 80. But you will make alternate career choices and have differing life expectancy. You can adapt the code to better suit your choices.

The 3‐D response is shown in Figure E.33. DV1 is scaled age, from 40 to 90, and is on the lower‐left axis. DV2 is scaled portion of salary, from 0 to 100%, on the right‐hand axis. The discontinuity of the surface at DV1 = 8 represents the impact of attempting to work after the age factor has diminished and led to forced retirement.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.33 Retirement (deterministic surface).

The surface seems continuous (smooth), but a detailed look in Figure E.34, over the 67–72‐year period, reveals the impact of age discretization.

Mesh plot of detail of retirement surface, displaying a 3D stair-like pattern.

Figure E.34 Detail of retirement surface.

In addition, the nominal values of interest rate, inflation rate, half age, and death age are uncertain. If selected these can be a stochastic factor. One realization of the stochastic surface is revealed in Figure E.35, and the reality of uncertainty obscures the apparently rational surface of Figure E.33.

Mesh plot displaying a retirement stochastic surface.

Figure E.35 Retirement stochastic surface.

The VBA code is as follows:

If Fchoice = 15 Then
'   Seeks optimum retirement age and portion of annual salary to
'       set aside for retirement.
'   The discretization associated with year-to-year age of retirement makes
'       discontinuities that sibstantially confound gradient based techniques.
    salary15begin = 12
    salary15end = 150
    basesalary15 = salary15begin
    savings15 = 0
    joy15 = 0
    discount15 = 0.0375
    interest15 = 0.07
    halfage15 = 80
    deathage15 = 90
    plandeathage15 = 85
    retireage15 = Int(40 + x1 * 5 + 0.5)
'    retireage15 = Int(66 + 0.5 * x1 + 0.5)    'to see discretization detail near optimum
    portion15 = x2 / 10
'    portion15 = 0.06 + x2 / 40         'to see discretization detail near optimum

'   Stochastic?  If Yes, uncomment these lines
'    discount15 = discount15 + 0.002 * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd()) '0.02 * (Rnd() - 0.5)
'    interest15 = interest15 + 0.002 * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd()) '0.02 * (Rnd() - 0.5)
'    halfage15 = halfage15 + Int(2 * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd()))  'Int(20 * (Rnd() - 0.5))
'    deathage15 = deathage15 + Int(2 * Sqr(-2 * Log(Rnd())) * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * Rnd()))   ' Int(30 * (Rnd() - 0.5))

    If retireage15 > plandeathage15 Then
        constraint = "FAIL"
'        f_of_x = 10
        Exit Function
    End If

    If retireage15 < plandeathage15 - 5 Then
        withdrawportion15 = 1 / (plandeathage15 + 5 - retireage15)
        withdrawportion15 = 0.2
    End If

    For age15 = 25 To deathage15 Step 1     'calculate cumulative joy over the lifetime
        agefactor15 = 0.1 + 0.9 / (1 + Exp(0.2 * (age15 - halfage15)))    'functionality to work or enjoy
        If agefactor15 < 0.5 And retireage15 > age15 Then retireage15 = age15 'forced retirement
        If age15 = retireage15 Then capitalwithdraw15 = savings15 * withdrawportion15
        If age15 <= retireage15 Then        'working
            savings15 = savings15 * (1 + interest15) + portion15 * salary15   'compound retirement savings15
            basesalary15 = basesalary15 * (1 + 0.15 * (salary15end - basesalary15) / (salary15end - salary15begin)) 'my model for how my salary increased over my career
                  salary15 = agefactor15 * basesalary15     'The base salary is for a 100% functioning person.  The actual income could be reduced by days on the job, etc.
               discountedsalary15 = salary15 / (1 + discount15) ^ (age15 - 25) 'normalized to the start, at age 25, by the inflation rate
               tax15 = 0.85 / (1 + Exp(0.1 * (35 - discountedsalary15 * (1 - portion15))))  'an approximate model for the graduated income tax, based on income after investing in tax-deferred savings15
            joyfactor15 = 1 - 2.5 * Exp(-discountedsalary15 * (1 - portion15) * (1 - tax15) / 10) 'my approximation for how joy scales with discretionary $
                 joy15 = joy15 + joyfactor15 * agefactor15 * (1 * 52 + 3 * 5) / 364 'joy of personal time per year - based on a 52 week year of 364 days
                  joyfactor15 = 1 - 2.5 * Exp(-discountedsalary15 / 10)          'now based on salary as a measure of value to humanity
                   joy15 = joy15 + joyfactor15 * agefactor15 * 0.5 * (5 * 45) / 364   'joy of the job per year - only 20% of the time generates joy on average.  My 50% of job is joy might not match most jobs.
        Else        'retired
                   salary15 = capitalwithdraw15 + savings15 * interest15   'take all interest plus capital draw from savings15
            savings15 = (savings15 - salary15) * (1 + interest15)   'residual $ in savings15 compounds
            discountedsalary15 = salary15 / (1 + discount15) ^ (age15 - 25)
            tax15 = 0.85 / (1 + Exp(0.1 * (35 - discountedsalary15)))
            joyfactor15 = 1 - 2.5 * Exp(-discountedsalary15 * (1 - tax15) / 10)
            joy15 = joy15 + joyfactor15 * agefactor15 * (6 * 52) / 364  'joy  of personal time less one day per week for bills, taxes etc.
        End If
    Next age15
    age15 = age15 - 1
    If savings15 > 0 Then
        discountedsavings15 = savings15 / (1 + discount15) ^ (age15 - 25)
        joyfactor15 = 1 - 2.5 * Exp(-discountedsavings15 * (1 - tax15) / 10)
        joy15 = joy15 + joyfactor15
        joy15 = joy15 - 3
    End If
'    f_of_x = 10 * (-joy15 + 20) / 70 'normal scaling - misses floor detail
'    f_of_x = 10 * (-joy15 + 20) / 20 'normal scaling - sees floor detail but misses high detail
    f_of_x = 10 * Sqr(Sqr((-joy15 + 20) / 20)) - 3.5  'normal, transformed to reveal
'    f_of_x = 10 * (-joy15 + 20) / 20                   'for stochastic function
'    f_of_x = 10 * (-joy15 + 19.4) / 4              'to see discretization detail
    Exit Function
End If

E.3.27 Solving an ODE (#23)

Some differential equations can be solved exactly analytically. But some are too complicated. This investigates the use of a polynomial relation to approximate the solution. (This approach is similar to that of Case Study 7, Chapter 42, but the model types are distinctly different.) Consider the ODE images. If there is a solution, y(x), then it can be expanded in a Taylor series and terms rearranged to make it a power series, images. If the truncated power series (e.g., a cubic) is a reasonable approximation, then its derivative, images, is a reasonable approximation to images for all x‐values. The objective is to find the b‐ and c‐values that make images best match images for many x‐values.

With a quadratic approximation (appropriate for a 2‐D exercise), and b and c chosen by the optimizer, the value of coefficient “a” is determined from the initial condition, images. The generic optimization statement is


My 2‐D example uses the quadratic polynomial to approximate the solution to a first‐order linear ODE images where images. The specific optimization statement is


The function is a steep valley type, as seen in Figure E.36.

Mesh plot for ODE displaying diagonal lines and oval (center).

Figure E.36 Solving an ODE.

Feel free to change the ODE coefficients and initial conditions and its functionality. How would you test the optimal solution to determine if the approximation is adequate?

The VBA code is as follows:

If Fchoice = 23 Then                'RRR power series model solution to an ODE
'   Best fit of a polynomial y=a+bx+cx^2 as a solution to the
'   linear first order ODE   tau*(dy/dx)+y=k
'   By minimizing the difference between the polynomial derivative =b+2cx and
'   The ODE derivative = (k-y)/tau
'    If x1 < 0 Or x2 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 > 10 Then
'        constraint = "Fail"
'        Exit Function
'    End If
    x023 = 1
    xend23 = 10
    y023 = 1
    k23 = 10
    tau23 = 4
    b23 = 2 * (x1 - 5)
    c23 = 0.2 * (x2 - 5)
    a23 = y023 - b23 * x023 - c23 * (x023) ^ 2
    sum23 = 0
    deltax23 = (xend23 - x023) / 100
    For i23 = 1 To 100
        x23 = x023 + i23 * deltax23
        y23 = a23 + b23 * x23 + c23 * (x23) ^ 2
        sum23 = sum23 + (((k23 - y23) - tau23 * (b23 + 2 * c23 * x23)) * deltax23) ^ 2
    Next i23
    f_of_x = 10 * (Sqr(sum23) - 2) / 150
    Exit Function
End If

E.3.28 Space Slingshot (#39)

Determine (i) the drawback on the slingshot and (ii) the angle to aim it, and send the projectile along its free‐fall trajectory in 2‐D space to accumulate points, as illustrated in Figure E.37.

Graph of Space slingshot displaying an arc connecting 2 big circles situated at 0 and the other between 5 and 10 on the X-axis and between 3 and 5 on Y-axis, with 7 diamonds and 2 small circles (shaded and unshaded).

Figure E.37 Space slingshot illustration.

In this example there are three planets. The home planet is at the origin and the main target planet is centered at 4‐up and 7‐over. The third, smaller planet is at 9‐up, 2‐over. All three planets have gravitational pull on the projectile, but they remain stationary. The two larger planets have an atmosphere that adds drag to the projectile when in the proximity. Otherwise translational x‐ and y‐motion is governed by the gravitational force balance in this 2‐D space.

The diamond markers indicate modest prize locations in space and larger prize locations on the planets. Get near or crash into them to gather target points. The OF is the target points accumulated and the DVs are pullback and angle. Figure E.38 shows a 3‐D plot of OF w.r.t. DVs. There are many local optima and very narrow pinholes. There are flat spots. It was a surprisingly difficult surface for optimization.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.38 Space slingshot surface.

One of the best paths (Figure E.39a) sends the projectile upward, gravity pulls it to the right passing near the in‐space prize points, and then overshoots the target planet and moves to the upper left; but the projectile is prevented from going into deep space by the combined gravitational pull (at about 5 on the vertical axis). It then falls back toward the target planet, encircles it, and eventually crashes into the North Pole target post.

Left: Graph of the best path displaying spiral curve from the 2 big circles projecting upward at about 5 on Y-axis. Right: Graph illustrating nearly as good path, displaying spiral curve connecting the 2 big circles.

Figure E.39 (a) A best path and (b) a nearly as good path.

There are many nearly as good (point‐accumulating) patterns. Figure E.39b shows a very distinctly different, but nearly as good, path.

The VBA code is as follows:

If Fchoice = 26 Then        'Projectiles in Space
    If x1 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 < 0 Or x2 > 10 Then
        constraint = "Fail"
        Exit Function
    End If
    abx1 = 0
    aby1 = 0
    abr1 = 1
    abGm1 = 1.25
    abx2 = 7
    aby2 = 4
    abr2 = 1
    abGm2 = 1
    abx3 = 2
    aby3 = 9
    abr3 = 0.5
    abGm1 = 0.25
    abcdr2m = 1
    abalpha2 = -3
    abalpha1 = -2
    abx = 1
    aby = 1
    abd = 0.06 + x1 * (0.2 - 0.06) / 10 '0.06 + (x1 - 3) / 50  'slingshot draw
    abangle = 36 * (-2 + x2 * 6 / 10) '(x2 - 4) * 36
    abv = 40 * abd ^ 2
    abvx = abv * Cos(2 * 3.14159 * abangle / 360)
    abvy = abv * Sin(2 * 3.14159 * abangle / 360)
    abn = 50 '5000
    abdt = 1
    f_of_x = 0
    Value1 = 300
    Value2 = 100
    Value3 = 300
    Value4 = 800
    Value5 = 100
    Value6 = 100
    value7 = 500
    For abtcount = 1 To 500
        For abncount = 1 To abn
            abx = abx + abvx * abdt / abn
            aby = aby + abvy * abdt / abn
            abrb1 = Sqr((abx - abx1) ^ 2 + (aby - aby1) ^ 2)
            abrb2 = Sqr((abx - abx2) ^ 2 + (aby - aby2) ^ 2)
            abrb3 = Sqr((abx - abx3) ^ 2 + (aby - aby3) ^ 2)
            If abrb1 <= abr1 Then Exit For  'crashed
            If abrb2 <= abr2 Then Exit For  'crashed
            If abrb3 <= abr3 Then Exit For  'crashed
            abax = abGm1 * (abx1 - abx) / abrb1 ^ 3 + abGm2 * (abx2 - abx) / abrb2 ^ 3 + abGm3 * (abx3 - abx) / abrb3 ^ 3 - abcdr2m * abv * abvx * Exp(abalpha1 * (abrb1 - abr1)) - abcdr2m * abv * abvx * Exp(abalpha2 * (abrb2 - abr2))
            abay = abGm1 * (aby1 - aby) / abrb1 ^ 3 + abGm2 * (aby2 - aby) / abrb2 ^ 3 + abGm3 * (aby3 - aby) / abrb3 ^ 3 - abcdr2m * abv * abvy * Exp(abalpha1 * (abrb1 - abr1)) - abcdr2m * abv * abvy * Exp(abalpha2 * (abrb2 - abr2))
            abvx = abvx + abdt * abax / abn
            abvy = abvy + abdt * abay / abn
            abv = Sqr(abvx ^ 2 + abvy ^ 2)
            abdragx = abcdr2m * abv * abvx * Exp(abalpha * (abrb2 - abr2)) / abax

            distance = Sqr((abx - 4) ^ 2 + (aby - 10) ^ 2)
            If Value1 > 0 Then
                increment = 3 * Exp(-2 * distance)
                f_of_x = f_of_x + increment
                Value1 = Value1 - increment
            End If
            distance = Sqr((abx - 7) ^ 2 + (aby - 8) ^ 2)
            If Value2 > 0 Then
                increment = 1 * Exp(-2 * distance)
                f_of_x = f_of_x + increment
                Value2 = Value2 - increment
            End If
            distance = Sqr((abx - 2.5) ^ 2 + (aby - 9) ^ 2)
            If Value3 > 0 Then
                increment = 3 * Exp(-2 * distance)
                f_of_x = f_of_x + increment
                Value3 = Value3 - increment
            End If
            distance = Sqr((abx - 7) ^ 2 + (aby - 5) ^ 2)
            If Value4 > 0 Then
                increment = 8 * Exp(-3 * distance)
                f_of_x = f_of_x + increment
                Value4 = Value4 - increment
            End If
            distance = Sqr((abx - 7) ^ 2 + (aby - 3) ^ 2)
            If Value5 > 0 Then
                increment = 1 * Exp(-2 * distance)
                f_of_x = f_of_x + increment
                Value5 = Value5 - increment
            End If
            distance = Sqr((abx - 6) ^ 2 + (aby - 4) ^ 2)
            If Value6 > 0 Then
                increment = 1 * Exp(-2 * distance)
                f_of_x = f_of_x + increment
                Value6 = Value6 - increment
            End If
            distance = Sqr((abx - 8) ^ 2 + (aby - 4) ^ 2)
            If value7 > 0 Then
                increment = 5 * Exp(-2 * distance)
                f_of_x = f_of_x + increment
                value7 = value7 - increment
            End If

        Next abncount
        If abrb1 <= abr1 Then Exit For  'crashed
        If abrb2 <= abr2 Then Exit For  'crashed
        If abrb3 <= abr3 Then Exit For  'crashed
        If abx < -10 Or abx > 30 Or aby < -10 Or aby > 30 Then Exit For
    Next abtcount
    f_of_x = -Sqr(f_of_x)
    f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x + 30) / 30
    Exit Function
End If

E.3.29 Goddard Problem (#79)

There are many variations on this application named to honor Robert H. Goddard, rocket scientist. The objective is to schedule the thrust to minimize fuel consumption to achieve a desired rocket height. If the initial thrust is not high enough, then the rocket never lifts off the launch pad and burns all the fuel. The best initial thrust is 100% to get the rocket moving. But, once moving upward, the faster it goes, the greater is the air drag, and continuing full thrust leads to excessive velocity and excessive drag, which wastes fuel. In this simple version of the exercise, the initial thrust is 100%, and the objective is to find the elevation to cut the thrust to 20% and then the next elevation to cut it to 0%. Even at 0% thrust, the upward velocity of the rocket continues until gravitational pull and air drag counter the momentum. The two elevations are the DVs. Although the DVs are continuum variables, the thrust discretization makes the OF response have discontinuities, as revealed in Figure E.40. The OF has flat spots, cliff discontinuities, and hard constraints. There is small sensitivity to the second stage of thrust, and numerical time discretization of the dynamic model has a visible impact on the OF surface.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.40 A Goddard problem surface.

There are many variations on the OF and scheduling basis for the thrust. See Case Study 4, Chapter 39, for an alternate. Functions #77 through #80 in the 2‐D Optimization Examples file explore alternate 2‐DV options.

Thanks to Thomas Hays for pointing me to this in the fall of 2013. The model and coefficient values are from, and the model equations are explained in detail in Case Study 4, Chapter 39.

The VBA code is as follows:

    If Fchoice = 79 Then    'Goddard Problem 3.  Start with u1 thrust = 1, then
        'find elevation to switch to u2=0.2 and then elevation to switch fuel off
        'to maximize remaining fuel content to reach desired height
        'time is i79*dtprime*7915, sec
        'elevation is (rprime-1)*20170, thousands of feet (rocket can get to 243k feet, 46 miles)

        If x1 > 10 Or x2 > 10 Or x1 < 0 Or x2 < 0 Then
            constraint = "FAIL"
            Exit Function
        End If
        rprimeend = 1.005       'about 100k feet
        rprime1 = 1 + (rprimeend - 1) * x1 / 10
        rprime2 = 1 + (rprimeend - 1) * x2 / 10
        If rprime1 > rprime2 Then
            constraint = "FAIL"
            Exit Function
        End If

        Stage79 = 1
        mprime0 = 1              'initial scaled mass of rocket with fuel
        rprime0 = 1              'initially on the Earth's surface, scaled radius
        vprime0 = 0              'initial scaled velocity
        dtprime = 0.0001         'small dt is required to make numerical discretization inconsequential, should use 0.00001
        For i79 = 1 To 100000       'takes about a quarter this many iterations for a simulation
        If Stage79 = 1 Then influence = 1
        If Stage79 = 2 Then influence = 0.2
        If Stage79 = 3 Then influence = 0
            mprime = mprime0 - dtprime * 24.5 * influence
            vprime = vprime0 + dtprime * (3.5 * influence / mprime0 - 1 / rprime0 ^ 2 - 310 * vprime0 ^ 2 * Exp(-500 * (rprime0 - 1)) / mprime0)
            rprime = rprime0 + dtprime * vprime0
            If vprime < 0 Then Exit For     'falling
            If mprime < 0.2 Then Exit For   'fuel out not a good trial
            If rprime > rprime1 And Stage79 = 1 Then  'entered stage 2
                dtincrement = dtprime * (rprime - rprime1) / (rprime - rprime0) 'recalculate last dt
                mprime = mprime0 - dtincrement * 24.5 * influence
                vprime = vprime0 + dtincrement * (3.5 * influence / mprime0 - 1 / rprime0 ^ 2 - 310 * vprime0 ^ 2 * Exp(-500 * (rprime0 - 1)) / mprime0)
                rprime = rprime0 + dtincrement * vprime0
                Stage79 = 2
            End If
            If rprime > rprime2 And Stage79 = 2 Then  'entered stage 3
                dtincrement = dtprime * (rprime - rprime2) / (rprime - rprime0) 'recalculate last dt
                mprime = mprime0 - dtincrement * 24.5 * influence
                vprime = vprime0 + dtincrement * (3.5 * influence / mprime0 - 1 / rprime0 ^ 2 - 310 * vprime0 ^ 2 * Exp(-500 * (rprime0 - 1)) / mprime0)
                rprime = rprime0 + dtincrement * vprime0
                Stage79 = 3
            End If
            mprime0 = mprime
            vprime0 = vprime
            rprime0 = rprime
            If rprime > rprimeend Then Exit For  'made it 1.005 is about 100k ft.
        Next i79
        f_of_x = -mprime '+ 10 * vprime ^ 2  'plus penalty for excessive velocity (unnecessary)
'        If rprime < rprimeend Then f_of_x = f_of_x + (1000 * (rprimeend - rprime)) ^ 2          'soft penalty for not making height
'        f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x + 0.353) / 24
        If rprime < rprimeend Then f_of_x = (100 * (rprimeend - rprime)) ^ 2  'change OF penalty for not meeting height
        f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x + 0.25826) / 0.50824
        Exit Function
    End If

E.3.30 Rank Model (#84)

The objective is to create a formula that can determine competitiveness of players from their attributes. Perhaps you need a method to invite people to be junior members of your school team and want to know who has the best promise to develop into a winner at the varsity level. Perhaps you want to know whether your 6‐year‐old child has talent and whether you should invest time and money in developing them for a possible place on the Olympics team. Perhaps you want to know if you should join the tennis ladder at work.

The hope is that there are fundamental physical attributes of the individuals that can indicate their competitive fitness. For instance, reflex rate could be easily measured in a laboratory test of individual’s delay in hand response to visual signals, and such reflex rate seems to be a relevant metric to imply fast responses on the tennis court, which seems important to winning. Smaller would be better. Another measureable attribute might be how far a person can reach when standing. Larger would be better. There are several such attributes, and the hope is that a model of overall fitness can be developed from the following power‐law function: images, where F is the overall player fitness, fi are the lab‐measured attributes, and coefficients a, b, c, etc., are adjustable model parameters (these are the DVs in the optimization).

Contrasting additive fitness functions, typical of the “cost functions” models, this composite fitness model indicates that if one factor is very low (perhaps images), even if two are very high (perhaps images and images), the player is not as fit for the game as one with mediocre values for all attributes (perhaps images).

The model will be developed by taking N number of high‐level players, testing them for their attribute values, and have them play in tournaments under various conditions (indoor, outdoor, clay court, morning, evening, etc.). The model coefficients will be adjusted so that the rank predicted by the overall fitness model best matches the average rank found from the tournaments.

Typical of rank models, there are cliff discontinuities and flat spots. If overall fitness values for players A, B, and C are 10, 7, and 2, respectively, then their ranks are first, second, and third. If the fitness values were 8, 7.1, and 2, the ranking does not change. If 7.3, 7.29, and 2, it is still not changed. However, with a tiny change to that last set of values, to 7.3, 7.301, and 2, the ranking abruptly changes to second, first, and third (see Figure E.41).

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.41 Rank model surface.

In this exercise, I choose to use three metrics, a geometric mean for the overall fitness, and to set the power of the first factor to unity. As long as a > 0, the images functionality can be raised to the 1/a power without changing ranking. Or equivalently, set a = 1. I choose to use a geometric mean of the fitness function to keep ranges on F and f similar. As long as the value of (1 + a + b) > 0, this is a strictly positive transformation that does not change the DV values:


This is a 2‐DV application. The example uses three contestants, with three attributes each, and seeks to best match the ranking from three contests between the three players.

The VBA code is as follows:

    If Fchoice = 84 Then    'rank exploration - 6 sets of 3 contestants, 3 attributes each - what is model that best matches ranks
        x11 = -2 + x1 / 2   'model parameter 1
        x22 = -2 + x2 / 2   'model parameter 2
        If x1 < 0 Or x1 > 10 Or x2 < 0 Or x2 > 10 Then      'prevent extreme values
            constraint = "FAIL"
            Exit Function
        End If
                            '   Set 1
        FA184 = 0.4         'Player attributes - Player A, Attribute 1
        FA284 = 0.3
        FA384 = 0.9
        FB184 = 0.4
        FB284 = 0.6
        FB384 = 0.5
        FC184 = 0.7
        FC284 = 0.7
        FC384 = 0.8
        fA84 = (FA184 * FA284 ^ x11 * FA384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))  'composite fitness
        fB84 = (FB184 * FB284 ^ x11 * FB384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        fC84 = (FC184 * FC284 ^ x11 * FC384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        minf84 = fA84                       ' find worst
        If fB84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fB84
        If fC84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fC84
        maxf84 = fA84                       ' find best
        If fB84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fB84
        If fC84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fC84
        RankA = 2                           ' Assign rank - very primitive approach
        RankB = 2
        RankC = 2
        If fA84 = maxf84 Then RankA = 1
        If fB84 = maxf84 Then RankB = 1
        If fC84 = maxf84 Then RankC = 1
        If fA84 = minf84 Then RankA = 3
        If fB84 = minf84 Then RankB = 3
        If fC84 = minf84 Then RankC = 3
        f_of_x = ((RankC - 1) ^ 2) / 1 + ((RankB - 2) ^ 2) / 2 + ((RankA - 3) ^ 2) / 3  'Assess - compare model to actual
                            '   Set 2
        FA184 = 0.3         'Player attributes
        FA284 = 0.5
        FA384 = 0.5
        FB184 = 0.7
        FB284 = 0.8
        FB384 = 0.2
        FC184 = 0.5
        FC284 = 0.5
        FC384 = 0.6
        fA84 = (FA184 * FA284 ^ x11 * FA384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))  'composite
        fB84 = (FB184 * FB284 ^ x11 * FB384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        fC84 = (FC184 * FC284 ^ x11 * FC384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        minf84 = fA84                       ' find worst
        If fB84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fB84
        If fC84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fC84
        maxf84 = fA84                       ' find best
        If fB84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fB84
        If fC84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fC84
        RankA = 2                           ' Assign rank
        RankB = 2
        RankC = 2
        If fA84 = maxf84 Then RankA = 1
        If fB84 = maxf84 Then RankB = 1
        If fC84 = maxf84 Then RankC = 1
        If fA84 = minf84 Then RankA = 3
        If fB84 = minf84 Then RankB = 3
        If fC84 = minf84 Then RankC = 3
        f_of_x = f_of_x + ((RankC - 1) ^ 2) / 1 + ((RankB - 2) ^ 2) / 2 + ((RankA - 3) ^ 2) / 3 'Assess
                                    '   Set 3
        FA184 = 0.6         'Player attributes
        FA284 = 0.5
        FA384 = 0.6
        FB184 = 0.7
        FB284 = 0.6
        FB384 = 0.5
        FC184 = 0.8
        FC284 = 0.7
        FC384 = 0.5
        fA84 = (FA184 * FA284 ^ x11 * FA384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))  'composite
        fB84 = (FB184 * FB284 ^ x11 * FB384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        fC84 = (FC184 * FC284 ^ x11 * FC384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        minf84 = fA84                       ' find worst
        If fB84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fB84
        If fC84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fC84
        maxf84 = fA84                       ' find best
        If fB84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fB84
        If fC84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fC84
        RankA = 2                           ' Assign rank
        RankB = 2
        RankC = 2
        If fA84 = maxf84 Then RankA = 1
        If fB84 = maxf84 Then RankB = 1
        If fC84 = maxf84 Then RankC = 1
        If fA84 = minf84 Then RankA = 3
        If fB84 = minf84 Then RankB = 3
        If fC84 = minf84 Then RankC = 3
        f_of_x = f_of_x + ((RankC - 1) ^ 2) / 1 + ((RankB - 2) ^ 2) / 2 + ((RankA - 3) ^ 2) / 3 'Assess
                                             '   Set 4
        FA184 = 0.6         'Player attributes
        FA284 = 0.5
        FA384 = 0.5
        FB184 = 0.7
        FB284 = 0.6
        FB384 = 0.5
        FC184 = 0.8
        FC284 = 0.8
        FC384 = 0.4
        fA84 = (FA184 * FA284 ^ x11 * FA384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))  'composite
        fB84 = (FB184 * FB284 ^ x11 * FB384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        fC84 = (FC184 * FC284 ^ x11 * FC384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        minf84 = fA84                       ' find worst
        If fB84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fB84
        If fC84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fC84
        maxf84 = fA84                       ' find best
        If fB84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fB84
        If fC84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fC84
        RankA = 2                           ' Assign rank
        RankB = 2
        RankC = 2
        If fA84 = maxf84 Then RankA = 1
        If fB84 = maxf84 Then RankB = 1
        If fC84 = maxf84 Then RankC = 1
        If fA84 = minf84 Then RankA = 3
        If fB84 = minf84 Then RankB = 3
        If fC84 = minf84 Then RankC = 3
        f_of_x = f_of_x + ((RankC - 1) ^ 2) / 1 + ((RankB - 2) ^ 2) / 2 + ((RankA - 3) ^ 2) / 3 'Assess
                                            '   Set 5
        FA184 = 0.1         'Player attributes
        FA284 = 0.6
        FA384 = 0.2
        FB184 = 0.5
        FB284 = 0.2
        FB384 = 0.2
        FC184 = 0.3
        FC284 = 0.3
        FC384 = 0.3
        fA84 = (FA184 * FA284 ^ x11 * FA384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))  'composite
        fB84 = (FB184 * FB284 ^ x11 * FB384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        fC84 = (FC184 * FC284 ^ x11 * FC384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        minf84 = fA84                       ' find worst
        If fB84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fB84
        If fC84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fC84
        maxf84 = fA84                       ' find best
        If fB84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fB84
        If fC84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fC84
        RankA = 2                           ' Assign rank
        RankB = 2
        RankC = 2
        If fA84 = maxf84 Then RankA = 1
        If fB84 = maxf84 Then RankB = 1
        If fC84 = maxf84 Then RankC = 1
        If fA84 = minf84 Then RankA = 3
        If fB84 = minf84 Then RankB = 3
        If fC84 = minf84 Then RankC = 3
        f_of_x = f_of_x + ((RankC - 1) ^ 2) / 1 + ((RankA - 2) ^ 2) / 2 + ((RankB - 3) ^ 2) / 3 'Assess
                                            '   Set 6
        FA184 = 0.7         'Player attributes
        FA284 = 0.4
        FA384 = 0.8
        FB184 = 0.8
        FB284 = 0.3
        FB384 = 0.9
        FC184 = 0.8
        FC284 = 0.5
        FC384 = 0.6
        fA84 = (FA184 * FA284 ^ x11 * FA384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))  'composite
        fB84 = (FB184 * FB284 ^ x11 * FB384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        fC84 = (FC184 * FC284 ^ x11 * FC384 ^ x22) '^ (1 / (x11 + x22 + 1))
        minf84 = fA84                       ' find worst
        If fB84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fB84
        If fC84 < minf84 Then minf84 = fC84
        maxf84 = fA84                       ' find best
        If fB84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fB84
        If fC84 > maxf84 Then maxf84 = fC84
        RankA = 2                           ' Assign rank
        RankB = 2
        RankC = 2
        If fA84 = maxf84 Then RankA = 1
        If fB84 = maxf84 Then RankB = 1
        If fC84 = maxf84 Then RankC = 1
        If fA84 = minf84 Then RankA = 3
        If fB84 = minf84 Then RankB = 3
        If fC84 = minf84 Then RankC = 3
             f_of_x = f_of_x + ((RankC - 1) ^ 2) / 1 + ((RankA - 2) ^ 2) / 2 + ((RankB - 3) ^ 2) / 3 'Assess
        f_of_x = Sqr(f_of_x)                ' Transformed to visualize contours
        f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x - 0) / 5.066
        Exit Function
    End If

E.3.31 Liquid–Vapor Separator (#27)

The objective is to design a horizontal cylindrical tank to disengage liquid and vapor. Two‐phase flow enters the top of the tank on one side, and the liquid drops out to the lower portion of the tank and the vapor to the upper portion. They exit at the other end of the tank, liquid at the bottom and vapor at the top. As the vapor flows from entrance to exit, mist droplets gravity‐fall from the vapor to the liquid. The higher the vertical dimension of the head space (the vapor space), or the higher the vapor velocity, the longer the tank must be for droplets to have time to fall out of the vapor. This places a constraint relating tank length to diameter. There are two additional constraints: The vapor flow rate must be small enough so that it does not make waves on the liquid surface and re‐entrain droplets. And the liquid holdup must provide a reservoir to provide continuity of downstream flow rate in spite of inflow pulses. The process tank designer can choose tank aspect ratio (L/D) and liquid level in the tank, and then tank diameter will be a consequence of compliance to the limiting constraint. The objective is to minimize the capital cost of the tank.

I modified this problem from one given to me by Josh Ramsey, ChE design instructor, who modified it from an example that Jan Wagner had used in the class, who created it based on the publication by W. Y. Svrcek and W. D. Monnery, “Design Two‐Phase Separators within the Right Limits,” Chemical Engineering Progress, October 1993, pp. 53–60. There are actually three stages of separation in a tank, the initial impingement plate to deflect incoming liquid, a settling zone to let large droplets gravity‐fall from vapor to liquid, and then demisters to coalesce small droplets. For simplicity, this exercise only considers the second‐stage mechanisms of droplet settling and idealizes some aspects to keep the equations easily recognized and understood by the general reader.

What are the undesirables that need to be balanced? If liquid level is high in the tank, then the area for vapor flow is low, vapor velocity is high, and mist is re‐entrained. To prevent this, tank D must be large, which is costly. By contrast, if the level is low, then liquid residence time is too low to either degas or provide surge capacity. To prevent this, either tank D or L/D must be large. There is an intermediate level that minimizes cost. Similarly, if L/D is low, then D needs to be high to provide low gas velocity and high enough droplet settling and degas times and liquid holdup. This increases tank cost. Alternately, if L/D is large, the diameter is limited to ensure gas velocity constraints, and the long tank is expensive.

Tanks come in standard sizes; for this exercise L/D ratios will be restricted to half‐integer values (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, etc.). This means that one of the DVs, the L/D ratio, is discretized, which creates ridges in the OF response. Further, the tank diameter is limited to standard sizes here based on 3‐inch (quarter‐ft) increments. This means that although the DV representing the choice for liquid level in the tank is continuum valued, the OF will have flat spots. Further, the three conditions on tank diameter (ensure settling time, ensure liquid holdup time, and ensure that vapor velocity is low enough to not re‐entrain droplets) create a discontinuity in the surface, intersecting sharp valleys, even if the DV and OF were continuum valued.

For simplicity, I consider that the cost of the vessel is directly related to the mass of the metal needed to make it (which will be the surface area times thickness times density), and I modeled the vessel as a right circular cylinder with flat ends. Since density, thickness, and cost/mass are constants, the OF can be stated as images. Additionally to reveal detail of the lower values of the OF surface, I have the function as the square root of J (a strictly monotonic function transformation does not change the DV* values).

The detailed derivation of the equations is revealed in Case Study 8, Chapter 43.

The liquid level can be stated as a fraction of the tank diameter, and the geometry/trigonometry of a segment of a circle is used to calculate the cross‐sectional area faction for liquid and vapor flow. Again, for simplicity, this model assumes plug flow of both liquid and vapor, immediately developed at the entrance. Then the liquid residence time is images, which must be greater than the holdup time desired. This can be rearranged to calculate a required tank D. Further, the vapor flow rate Reynolds number must be low enough to prevent re‐entrainment images. This can be rearranged to determine the required tank D. Finally, the vapor residence time must be longer than the time for droplets to fall the largest vapor distance, images, which also can be rearranged to determine the required tank D. The required tank D is the maximum of the D determined by each of the three constraints and then rounded to the next higher 3‐inch increment.

Without the increments on either L/D or D, the surface has discontinuities due to the choice of diameter‐controlling mechanism. This can be seen as discontinuities in either the net lines or contour lines at the bottom of the three valleys in Figure E.42a. With discretized L/D and D values, the surface has additional ridges and many flat spots as Figure E.42b reveals.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure E.42 Liquid–vapor separator surfaces: (a) continuum size variables and (b) discretized size.

Even if there is no discretization (Figure E.43a), the discontinuity in the valleys is a problem for most optimizers. Gradient‐based optimizers stop anywhere along the discontinuity, as shown in Figure E.43a. You can easily comment out the two lines of VBA code that discretize L/D or D values and generate the left‐hand graph and apply the optimizers to see the issues in their solutions.

Liquid-vapor separator issues for optimizers: effect of ridges displaying ascending and descending curves and X markers (top) and effect of flat spots displaying discrete curves with scattered X markers (bottom).

Figure E.43 Liquid–vapor separator issues for optimizers: (a) effect of ridges and (b) effect of flat spots.

With the flat spots from discretization (Figure E.43b), most single TS optimizers stop where they are initialized (on a flat spot, no direction is downhill). The optimum from Figure E.43a (continuum version of the application) can be rounded to the nearest L/D and tank D values; but this is not the optimum when the application considers the discretization. This is a great application example!

The VBA code is as follows:

If Fchoice = 27 Then        'vapor/liquid disengagement tank (British Units)
    'based on design example created by Jan Wagner and Josh Ramsey for process Design course
    'RRR added the gas Re constraint, and rounded the "givens"
    ld27 = x1                       'L/D ratio for the horizontal cylinder, 0 to 10
    ld27 = Round(2 * ld27) / 2      'L/D ratio discretized to halves, comment this line to make the DV continuous
    f27 = 0.2 + 0.4 * x2 / 10        'height of liquid as a fraction of cylinder diameter, 20% to 80% nominal range
    If ld27 <= 0 Or f27 <= 0 Or f27 >= 1 Then
        constraint = "FAIL"
        Exit Function
    End If
    '   Here are the "givens", the process basis
    QV27 = 2                'vapor volumetric flow rate, cuft/s
    QL27 = 0.05             'liquid volumetric flow rate, cuft/s
    vt27 = 0.1              'mist droplet in vapor settling velocity, ft/s
    tL27 = 500              'liquid degas miminum time, sec
    densV27 = 0.6           'gas density, lbm/cuft
    viscV27 = 0.0001        'gas viscosity, lbm/ft-s
    If f27 <= 0.5 Then
        y27 = 1 - 2 * f27       'vertical scaled distance from surface up to center
        beta27 = Atn(y27 / Sqr(1 - y27 ^ 2))    'angle in radians, of surface-edge to center
        alpha27 = 3.1415926536 - 2 * beta27     'angle in radians, of the segment end-to-end
        ALf27 = (alpha27 - Sin(alpha27)) / (2 * 3.1415926536)   'fraction of cross section area that is liquid
           AVf27 = 1 - ALf27                                       'fraction of cross section area that is vapor
         y27 = 2 * f27 - 1       'vertical scaled distance from surface down to center
        beta27 = Atn(y27 / Sqr(1 - y27 ^ 2))    'angle in radians
        alpha27 = 3.1415926536 - 2 * beta27     'angle in radians
           AVf27 = (alpha27 - Sin(alpha27)) / (2 * 3.1415926536)   'fraction of cross section area that is vapor
            ALf27 = 1 - AVf27                             'fraction of cross section area that is liquid
    End If
        '   effective d of the vapor segment is taken as the height of the head space
    dVRe27 = 4 * QV27 * densV27 / (3.1415926536 * 20000 * AVf27 * viscV27 * (1 - f27))  'diameter based on moderately turbulent, ft
    dV27 = Sqr((1 - f27) * QV27 * 4 / (vt27 * 3.1415926536 * AVf27 * ld27)) 'diameter based on droplet settling time, ft
     dL27 = (tL27 * QL27 * 4 / (3.1415926536 * ALf27 * ld27)) ^ (1 / 3)      'diameter based on liquid degassing time, ft
    d27 = dL27
     If dV27 > d27 Then d27 = dV27       'maximum of the two diameters - this creates a sharp valley discontinuity
    If dVRe27 > d27 Then d27 = dVRe27   'maximum of the three diameters
    d27 = Int(4 * (d27 + 0.49999)) / 4      'discretizing to next larger in 3-inch increments, comment this line to make the OF continuous
      f_of_x = (0.5 + ld27) * d27 ^ 2        'OF is porportional to capital based on mass of tank
      f_of_x = Sqr(f_of_x)                    'transformation to see detail in low OF values
    f_of_x = 10 * (f_of_x - 5) / 5         'scaled for display on 0-10 range
    Exit Function
End If

E.4 Other Test Function Sources

There are numerous compilations of 2‐D sample problems for optimization. Here is a list of sites that were reported on ResearchGate during the summer of 2015:

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