Segmentation application in telecommunications

8.1 Mobile telephony: the business background and objective

In an environment of hard competition, especially in the case of mature markets, offering of high-level quality services is essential for mobile phone network operators to become established in the market. In times of rapid changes and hard competition, focusing only on customer acquisition, which is nevertheless becoming more and more difficult, is not enough. Inevitably, organizations have to also work on customer retention and on gaining a larger “share of customer” instead of only trying to gain a bigger slice of the market. Growth from within is sometimes easier to achieve and equally important as winning customers from competitors.

Hence, keeping customers satisfied and profitable is a one way street for success. In order to achieve this, operators have to focus on customers and understand their needs, behaviors, and preferences. Behavioral segmentation can help in the identification of the different customer typologies and in the development of targeted marketing strategies.

Nowadays, customers may choose from a huge variety of offered services. The days of voice-only calls are long gone. Mobile phones are communication centers and it’s up to the user to select the way of usage that suits his needs. People can communicate via SMS and MMS messages. They can use their phones for connecting to the Internet, for sending e-mails, for downloading games and ringtones, and for communicating with friends and family when they travel abroad. Mobile phones are perceived differently by various people. Some customers only use them in rare circumstances and mainly for receiving incoming calls. Others are addicted to their devices and cannot live without them. Some treat them as electronic gadgets, while for others, they are a tool for work.

As you can imagine, this multitude of potential choices results in different usage patterns and typologies. Once again, the good news is that usage is recorded in detail. Call Detail Records (CDRs) are stored, providing a detailed record of usage. They contain detailed information about all types of calls made. When aggregated and appropriately processed, they can provide valuable information for behavioral analysis.

All usage history should be stored in the organization’s mining datamart. Information about frequency and intensity of usage for each call type (voice, SMS, MMS, Internet connection, etc.) should be taken into account when trying to identify the different behavioral patterns. In addition to this, information such as the day/time of the calls (workdays vs. nonworkdays, peak vs. off-peak hours, etc.), roaming usage, direction of calls (incoming vs. outgoing), and origination/destination network type (on-net, off-net, etc.) could also contribute in the formation of a rich segmentation solution.

In this section, we’ll present a segmentation example from the mobile telephony market. Marketers of a mobile phone network operator decided to segment their customers according to their behavior. They used all the available usage data to reveal the natural groupings in their customer base. Their goal was to fully understand their customers in order to:

  • Develop tailored sales and marketing strategies for each segment.
  • Identify distinct customer needs and habits and proceed to the development of new products and services, targeting the diverse usage profiles of their customers. This could directly lead to increased usage on behalf of existing customers but might also attract new customers from the competition.

8.2 The segmentation procedure

The methodological approach followed was analogous to the general framework presented in detail in the relevant chapter. In this section, we’ll just present some crucial points concerning the project’s implementation plan, which obviously affected the whole application. The key step of the process was the application of a cluster model to segment the consumer postpaid customer base according to their behavioral similarities. The application of the clustering algorithm was preceded by a data reduction technique which identified the underlying data dimensions which were used as inputs for clustering. The entire procedure is described in detail in the following paragraphs.

8.2.1 Selecting the segmentation population: the mobile telephony core segments

Mobile telephony customers are typically categorized in core segments according to their rate plans and the type of the relationship with the operator. The first segmentation level differentiates residential (consumer) from business customers. Residential customers are further divided into postpaid and prepaid:

  • Postpaid—contractual customers: Customers with mobile phone contracts. Usually, they comprise the majority of the customer base. These customers have a contract and a long-term billing arrangement with the network operator for the received services. They are billed on a monthly basis and according to the traffic of the past month; hence, they have unlimited credit.
  • Prepaid customers: They do not have a contract-based relationship with the operator, and they are buying credit in advance. They do not have ongoing billing and they pay for the services before actually using them.

Additionally, business customers are further differentiated according to their size into corporate, SME, and SOHO customers.

The typical core segments in mobile telephony are depicted in Figure 8.1.


Figure 8.1 Core segments in mobile telephony.

Source: Tsiptsis and Chorianopoulos (2009). Reproduced with permission from Wiley

The objective of the marketers was to enrich the core segmentation scheme with refined subsegments. Therefore, they decided to focus their initial segmentation attempts exclusively on residential postpaid customers. Prepaid customers need a special approach in which attributes like the intensity and frequency of top-ups (recharging of their credits) should also be taken into account. Business customers also need a different handling since they comprise a completely different market. It is much safer to analyze those customers separately, with segmentation approaches such as value based, size based, industry based, etc.

Moreover, only MSIDNs (telephone numbers) with current status active or in suspension (due to payment delays) were included in the analysis. Churned (voluntary and involuntary churners) MSISDNs have been excluded from the start. Their “contribution” is crucial in the building of a churn model but trivial in a segmentation scheme mainly involving phone usage. In addition, segmentation population was narrowed down even further by excluding users with no incoming or outgoing usage within the past 6 months. Those users have been flagged as inactive, and they have been selected for further examination and profiling. They could also form a target list for an upcoming reactivation campaign, but they do not have much to contribute to a behavioral analysis since, unfortunately, inactivity is their only behavior at the moment.

8.2.2 Deciding the segmentation level

Customers may own more than one MSISDN which may use in a different manner to cover different needs. In order to capture all the potentially different usage behaviors of each customer, it has been decided to implement the behavioral segmentation at MSISDN level. Therefore, relevant input data have been preaggregated accordingly, and the derived cluster model assigned each MSISDN to a distinct behavioral segment.

8.2.3 Selecting the segmentation dimensions

Once again, the mining datamart tables, comprised the main sources of the input data. Table 8.1 outlines the main usage aspects that were selected as segmentation criteria.

Table 8.1 Mobile telephony usage aspects that were investigated in the behavioral segmentation

Number of calls Information by Core service type Voice
Minutes/traffic Community Information by Call direction Incoming

The modeling phase was followed by extensive profiling of the revealed segments. In this phase, all available information, including demographic data and contract information details, were cross-examined with the identified customer groups.

8.2.4 Time frames and historical information analyzed

A 6-month observation period was analyzed, a time span that in general ensures the capturing of stable, nonvolatile behavioral patterns instead of random or outdated ones. Summary fields (sums, counts, percentages, averages, etc.) covering the 6-month observation period were used as inputs in the clustering model.

8.3 The data preparation procedure

Readers not interested in the data preparation procedure might skip the following paragraphs and proceed directly to Section 8.4. Note that the data preparation phase presented here is simplified and deals merely with the derivation of KPIs. The Modeler stream for the enrichment of the modeling file with derived KPIs is shown in Figure 8.2. A set of fields, with a PRC_ prefix, was constructed to summarize the relative usage (percentage of total calls) by service type, preferred day/time, as well as the international and the roaming usage. Additionally, the average call duration, both incoming and outgoing, was calculated as the ratio of minutes to number of calls (fields ACD_IN and ACD_OUT, respectively) for each MSISDN.


Figure 8.2 The data preparation Modeler stream

8.4 The data dictionary and the segmentation fields

The list of candidate inputs for behavioral segmentation initially included all usage fields contained in the mining datamart and the customer “signature” reference file. In a later stage and according to the organization’s specific segmentation objectives, marketers selected a subset list of clustering inputs which are designated in the last column of Table 8.2.

Table 8.2 Mobile telephony segmentation fields

Field name Description Role in the model
OUT_COMMUNITY_TOTAL Total outgoing community: monthly average of distinct phone numbers that the holder called (includes all call types) INPUT
OUT_COMMUNITY_VOICE Outgoing voice community INPUT
IN_COMMUNITY_VOICE Incoming voice community
IN_COMMUNITY_SMS Incoming SMS community
IN_COMMUNITY_TOTAL Total incoming community
Number of calls by call type
VOICE_OUT_CALLS Monthly average of outgoing voice calls. Derived as the ratio of total voice calls during the 6-month period examined to 6 (months) or to customer tenure for new customers INPUT
VOICE_IN_CALLS Monthly average of incoming voice calls INPUT
SMS_OUT_CALLS Monthly average of outgoing SMS calls INPUT
SMS_IN_CALLS Monthly average of incoming SMS calls INPUT
MMS_OUT_CALLS Monthly average of outgoing MMS calls INPUT
EVENTS_CALLS Monthly average of event calls INPUT
INTERNET_CALLS Monthly average of Internet calls INPUT
TOTAL_OUT_CALLS Monthly average of outgoing calls (includes all call types) INPUT
Minutes/traffic by call type
VOICE_OUT_MINS Monthly average number of minutes of outgoing voice calls INPUT
VOICE_IN_MINS Monthly average number of minutes of incoming voice calls INPUT
EVENTS_TRAFFIC Monthly average of events traffic INPUT
GPRS_TRAFFIC Monthly average of GPRS traffic INPUT
International calls/roaming usage
OUT_CALLS_ROAMING Monthly average of outgoing roaming calls (calls made in a foreign country) INPUT
OUT_MINS_ROAMING Monthly average number of minutes of outgoing voice roaming calls INPUT
OUT_CALLS_INTERNATIONAL Monthly average of outgoing calls to international numbers (calls made in home country to international numbers) INPUT
OUT_MINS_INTERNATIONAL Monthly average number of minutes of outgoing voice calls to international numbers INPUT
Usage by day/hour
OUT_CALLS_PEAK Monthly average of outgoing calls in peak hours
OUT_CALLS_OFFPEAK Monthly average of outgoing calls in off-peak hours
OUT_CALLS_WORK Monthly average of outgoing calls on workdays
OUT_CALLS_NONWORK Monthly average of outgoing calls on nonworkdays
IN_CALLS_PEAK Monthly average of incoming calls in peak hours
IN_CALLS_OFFPEAK Monthly average of incoming calls in off-peak hours
IN_CALLS_WORK Monthly average of incoming calls on workdays
IN_CALLS_NONWORK Monthly average of incoming calls on nonworkdays
Days with usage
DAYS_OUT Monthly average number of days with any outgoing usage INPUT
DAYS_IN Monthly average number of days with any incoming usage INPUT
Average call duration
ACD_OUT Average duration of outgoing voice calls (in minutes) INPUT
ACD_IN Average duration of incoming voice calls (in minutes) INPUT
Demographics—profiling fields
AGE Age of customer
Gender Gender of customer
Derived fields (IBM Modeler stream: “Telcos Segmentation Data Preparation.str”)
PRC_OUT_COMMUNITY_VOICE Percentage of outgoing voice community: outgoing voice community as a percentage of total outgoing community INPUT
PRC_OUT_COMMUNITY_SMS Percentage of outgoing SMS community INPUT
PRC_IN_COMMUNITY_VOICE Percentage of incoming voice community
PRC_IN_COMMUNITY_SMS Percentage of incoming SMS community
PRC_VOICE_OUT_CALLS Percentage of outgoing voice calls: outgoing voice calls as a percentage of total outgoing calls INPUT
PRC_SMS_OUT_CALLS Percentage of SMS calls INPUT
PRC_MMS_OUT_CALLS Percentage of MMS calls INPUT
PRC_EVENTS_CALLS Percentage of Event calls INPUT
PRC_INTERNET_CALLS Percentage of Internet calls INPUT
PRC_OUT_CALLS_ROAMING Percentage of outgoing roaming calls: roaming calls as a percentage of total outgoing calls INPUT
PRC_OUT_CALLS_INTERNATIONAL Percentage of outgoing international calls: outgoing international calls as a percentage of total outgoing calls INPUT
PRC_OUT_CALLS_PEAK Percentage of outgoing calls in peak hours
PRC_OUT_CALLS_OFFPEAK Percentage of outgoing calls in nonpeak hours
PRC_OUT_CALLS_WORK Percentage of outgoing calls on workdays
PRC_OUT_CALLS_NONWORK Percentage of outgoing calls on nonworkdays
PRC_IN_CALLS_PEAK Percentage of incoming calls in peak hours
PRC_IN_CALLS_OFFPEAK Percentage of incoming calls in nonpeak hours
PRC_IN_CALLS_WORK Percentage of incoming calls on workdays
PRC_IN_CALLS_NONWORK Percentage of incoming calls on nonworkdays

Obviously, this list can’t be considered a silver-bullet approach that can cover all the needs of every organization. It represents the approach adopted in the specific implementation but it also outlines a general framework of potential types of fields that could be proved useful in similar applications.

The selected fields indicate the marketers’ orientation to a segmentation scheme that would reflect usage differences in terms of preferred type of calls (voice, SMS, MMS, Internet, etc.), roaming usage (calls made in a foreign country), and frequency of international calls (calls made in home country to international numbers).

The full attribute list of the modeling file is presented in Table 8.2. The last section of the table lists attributes derived through the data preparation phase. The role of each attribute is designated in the last column of the table. Attributes used as inputs in the subsequent models are flagged with an INPUT role.

8.5 The modeling procedure

The IBM SPSS Modeler stream (procedure) for segmentation through clustering is displayed in Figure 8.3. This stream uses the modeling file presented in Table 8.2.


Figure 8.3 The IBM SPSS Modeler procedure for segmentation through clustering

The main modeling steps included:

  • The application of a data reduction technique, PCA in particular, to reveal the distinct dimensions of information which were then used as clustering fields
  • The use of a cluster model which analyzed the data components identified by PCA and grouped MSISDNs in clusters of similar behaviors
  • The profiling of the revealed segments

These steps are explained in detail in the following text.

8.5.1 Preparing data for clustering: combining fields into data components

The number of the original segmentation inputs exceeded 30. Using all those fields as direct input in a clustering algorithm would have produced a complicated solution. Therefore, the approach followed was to incorporate a data reduction technique in order to reveal the underlying data dimensions prior to clustering.

This approach was adopted to eliminate the risk of deriving a biased solution due to correlated attributes. Moreover, it also ensures a balanced solution, in which all data dimensions contribute equally, and it simplifies the tedious procedure of segmentation understanding by providing conceptual clarity.

Specifically, a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) model with varimax rotation was applied to the original segmentation fields. A Type node was used to set as Inputs (Direction In) the designated attributes of Table 8.2. The rest of the attributes were assigned with a None role and didn’t contribute to the subsequent model. The modeling data were then fed into a PCA/Factor modeling node, and a PCA model was developed which grouped original inputs into components. The parameter settings for the PCA model are listed in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3 The PCA model parameter settings

PCA model parameter settings
Parameter Setting
Model Principal Components analysis (PCA)
Rotation Varimax
Criteria for the number of factors to extract Initially eigenvalues over 1. Then set to eight components after examination of the results

Initially, based on the eigenvalues over 1 criterion, the algorithm suggested the extraction of nine components. However, the ninth component was mainly related with a single original attribute, the GPRS traffic. Moreover, it accounted for a small percentage of the information of the original inputs, about 3%. Having considered that, the analysts decided to go for a simpler solution of eight components, selecting to sacrifice a small part of the original information for simplicity. In the eight-component solution, the GPRS traffic was combined with Events usage to form a single component.

Before using the derived components and substituting more than 30 fields with a handful of new ones, the data miners of the organization wanted to be sure that:

  • The PCA solution carried over most of the original information.
  • The derived components, which would substitute the original attributes, were interpretable and had a business meaning.

Therefore, they started the examination of the model results by looking at the table of “Explained Variance.” Table 8.4 presents these results.

Table 8.4 Deciding the number of extracted components by examining the variance explained table

Total variance explained
Components Eigenvalue % of variance Cumulative %
1 6.689 21.576 21.576
2 4.000 12.903 34.479
3 2.550 8.227 42.705
4 2.443 7.881 50.587
5 1.962 6.329 56.916
6 1.791 5.779 62.695
7 1.742 5.618 68.313
8 1.662 5.362 73.675
31 0.002 0.00 100.00

The resulted eight components retained more than 73% of the variance of the original fields. This percentage was considered satisfactory and thus the only task left before accepting the components was their interpretation. In practice, only a solution comprised of meaningful components should be retained.

So what do those new composite fields represent? What business meaning do they convey? As these new fields are constructed in order to substitute the original fields in the next stages of the segmentation procedure, it is necessary to be thoroughly decoded before being used in upcoming models.

The component interpretation phase included the examination of the “rotated component matrix” (Table 8.5), a table that summarizes the correlations (loadings) between the components and the original fields.

Table 8.5 Understanding and labeling the components through rotated component matrix

Rotated component matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
DAYS_OUT 0.740
DAYS_IN 0.688
VOICE_OUT_MINS 0.648 0.536
SMS_OUT_CALLS 0.356 0.690
ACD_OUT 0.840
ACD_IN 0.683

The “interpretation” results are summarized in Table 8.6.

Table 8.6 The interpretation and labeling of the derived components

Derived components
Component Label and description
1 Voice calls
The high loadings in the first column of the rotated component matrix denote a strong positive correlation between Component 1 and the original fields which measure voice usage and traffic such as the number and minutes of outgoing and incoming voice calls (VOICE_OUT_CALLS, VOICE_IN_CALLS, VOICE_OUT_MINS, VOICE_IN_MINS) and the size of the voice community (OUT_COMMUNITY_VOICE). Thus, Component 1 seems to be associated with voice usage
Because generally voice calls constitute the majority of calls for most users and they tend to dominate the total usage, a set of fields associated with total usage (total number of calls, TOTAL_OUT_CALLS) as well as days with usage (DAYS_IN, DAYS_OUT) are also loaded high on this component
2 SMS calls
Component 2 seems to measure SMS usage and community since it is seems strongly correlated with the percentage of SMS out calls (PRC_SMS_OUT_CALLS) and SMS community (PRC_OUT_COMMUNITY_SMS)
The rather interesting negative correlation between Component 2 and the percentage of voice out calls (PRC_VOICE_OUT_CALLS) denotes a contrast between voice and SMS usage. Thus, users with high positive values in this component are expected to have increased SMS usage and increased SMS to voice calls ratio. This does not necessarily mean low voice traffic, but it certainly implies relatively lower percentage of voice calls and increased percentage of SMS calls
3 International calls
Component 3 is associated with calls to international networks
4 Roaming usage
Component 4 seems to measure outgoing roaming usage (making calls when abroad)
5 Events and GPRS
Component 5 measures Event calls and traffic. GPRS traffic (originally constituting a separate component) is also loaded moderately high on this component
6 Internet usage
Component 6 is associated with Internet usage
7 MMS usage
MMS usage seems to be measured by Component 7
8 Average call duration (ACD)
Fields denoting average call duration of incoming and outgoing voice calls seem to be related, and they are combined to form Component 8. Unsurprisingly, this component is also associated with minutes of calls (VOICE_OUT_MINS)

The explained and labeled components and the respective component scores were subsequently used as inputs in the clustering model. This brings us to the next phase of the application: the identification of useful groupings through clustering.

8.5.2 Identifying the segments with a cluster model

The generated components represented effectively all the usage dimensions of interest, in a concise and comprehensive way, leaving no room for misunderstandings about their business meaning. The next step of the segmentation project included the usage of the derived component scores as inputs in a cluster model. Through a new Type node, the generated components were set as Inputs for the training of the subsequent cluster model.

The clustering process involved the application of an Auto Cluster node for the training and evaluation of 2 TwoStep models with different parameter settings in terms of outlier handling. Figure 8.4 presents an initial comparison of the two cluster models provided by the generated Auto Cluster model.


Figure 8.4 An initial comparison of the generated cluster models provided by the Auto Cluster model nugget

The cluster viewer presents the number of identified clusters as well as the Silhouette coefficient and the size of smallest and largest clusters for each model. In our case, the first TwoStep model was selected for deployment due to its higher Silhouette value and, more importantly, due to its transparency and interpretability.

The parameter settings of the selected cluster model are presented in Table 8.7.

Table 8.7 The parameter settings of the cluster model

PCA model parameter settings
Parameter Setting
Model TwoStep
Number of clusters Automatically calculated
Exclude outliers option On
Noise percentage 10%

As shown in Figure 8.5, the model yielded a five-cluster solution with a fair Silhouette measure of 0.29.


Figure 8.5 The Silhouette measure of the cluster model

The distribution of the revealed clusters is depicted in Figure 8.6.


Figure 8.6 The distribution of the revealed clusters

As a reminder, we outline that these clusters were not known in advance, neither imposed by users, but uncovered after analyzing the actual behavioral patterns of the usage data. The largest cluster, Cluster 1, which as we’ll see corresponds to “typical” usage, contained about 30% of customers. The smallest one included about 11.5% of total users.

8.5.3 Profiling and understanding the clusters

Each revealed cluster corresponds to a distinct behavioral typology. This typology had to be understood, named, and communicated to all the people of the organization in a simple and concise way before being used for tailored interactions and targeted marketing activities. Therefore, the next phase of the project included the profiling of the clusters through simple reporting techniques. The “recognize and label” procedure started with the examination of the clusters in respect to the component scores, providing a valuable first insight on their structure, before moving to profiling in terms of the original usage fields. The table of centroids is shown in Figure 8.7.


Figure 8.7 The table of centroids of the five clusters

Since the component scores are standardized, their overall means are 0 and the mean for each cluster denotes the signed deviation from the overall mean. By studying these deviations, we can see the relatively large mean values of Factors 1 and 8 among cases of Cluster 5. Since Factors 1 and 8 represent voice usage and average call duration, it seems that Cluster 5 was comprised of high voice users. This conclusion is further supported by studying the distribution of the factors for Cluster 5 with the series of boxplots presented in Figure 8.8.


Figure 8.8 The distribution of factors for Cluster 5

The background boxplot summarizes the entire population, while the overlaid boxplot refers to the selected cluster. In respect to Factors 1 and 8, the boxplots for Cluster 5 are at the right side of those for the entire population, indicating high values and consequently high voice usage.

After studying the distributions of the factors, the profile of each cluster had started to take shape. In the final profiling stage, analysts returned to the primary inputs, seeking for more straightforward differentiations in terms of the original attributes. Table 8.8 summarizes the five clusters in terms of some important usage attributes. It presents the mean of each attribute over the members of each cluster. The last column denotes the overall mean.

Table 8.8 The means of some original attributes of importance for each cluster

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5 Total
VOICE_OUT_CALLS 120 39 119 84 319 116
PRC_VOICE_OUT_CALLS 0.95 0.89 0.84 0.66 0.93 0.86
VOICE_OUT_MINS 92 37 108 77 357 108
VOICE_IN_CALLS 172 60 151 145 368 159
VOICE_IN_MINS 147 72 139 162 405 161
OUT_COMMUNITY_VOICE 31 12 30 22 67 29
SMS_OUT_CALLS 3 2 8 34 16 11
PRC_SMS_OUT_CALLS 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.25 0.05 0.08
OUT_COMMUNITY_SMS 1.57 1.06 3.44 8.89 5.36 3.67
OUT_CALLS_ROAMING 0.14 0.18 2.10 0.40 1.12 0.59
OUT_MINS_ROAMING 0.13 0.24 2.48 0.42 1.38 0.68
OUT_CALLS_INTERNATIONAL 0.29 0.21 2.81 0.53 1.06 0.76
OUT_MINS_INTERNATIONAL 0.36 0.32 4.42 0.74 1.86 1.16
MMS_OUT_CALLS 0.04 0.03 0.12 0.20 0.16 0.09
INTERNET_CALLS 0.07 0.03 0.93 0.15 0.17 0.21
EVENTS_CALLS 0.28 0.22 2.17 0.60 0.83 0.65
OUT_COMMUNITY_TOTAL 34 14 33 29 72 32
DAYS_OUT 25 16 23 23 28 23
DAYS_IN 26 18 24 24 28 24
ACD_OUT 0.75 0.93 0.89 0.86 1.17 0.88
ACD_IN 0.85 1.13 0.93 1.10 1.21 1.02

Large deviations from the marginal mean characterize the respective cluster and denote a behavior that differentiates the cluster from the typical behavior.

Although inferential statistics have not been applied to flag statistically significant differences from the overall population mean, we can see some large observed differences which seem to characterize the clusters. Based on the information summarized so far, the project team started to outline a first rough profile of each cluster:

  • Cluster 1 contains average voice users.
  • Cluster 2 seems to include users with basic usage. They also seem to be characterized by increased average call duration and very small communities.
  • Cluster 3 includes roamers and users with increased communication with international destinations. They are also accustomed to Internet and event calls.
  • Cluster 4 is mainly consisted of SMS users that seem to have an additional inclination to tech services like MMS, Internet, and event calls.
  • Cluster 5 contains heavy voice users. They also have the largest outgoing communities. Perhaps, this segment included residential customers who use their phones for business purposes (self-professionals).

Although not presented here, the profiling of the clusters went on with demographical exploration and by assessing their revenue contribution. Additionally, the cohesion of the clusters was also examined mainly with boxplots and with dispersion measures, such as the standard deviations of the clustering fields for each cluster. Finally, a series of summarizing charts were built to graphically illustrate in an intuitive manner the cluster “structures.” The bars in the graphs represent the means of selected, important attributes, after standardization (in z-scores) over the members of the cluster. The vertical line at 0 denotes the overall mean. Hence, a bar facing to the right indicates a cluster mean higher than the overall mean, while a bar facing to the left indicates a lower mean. The bar charts are followed by a more detailed profiling of each cluster which wrap ups all their defining characteristics. The clusters were labeled according to these profiles (Figures 8.9, 8.10, 8.11, 8.12, and 8.13).

Segment 1: typical voice users
Behavioral profile
  • Average voice usage, in terms of number and minutes of calls
  • Low SMS usage
  • Low usage of tech services (MMS, Events, Internet)
  • Average communities
  • Relatively increased days with usage
Segment size
Segment 2: basic users
Behavioral profile
  • Lowest utilization of all services
  • Smallest outgoing and incoming communities
  • They use their phones a few days a month
  • However, when they make phone calls, the duration is quite long, as denoted by their average call duration, which is above the average
Segment size
Segment 3: international users
Behavioral profile
  • Frequent travelers with the highest roaming usage
  • Highest number of roaming calls and roaming traffic minutes
  • Frequent calling of international numbers. They have the highest number of international calls and minutes
  • They seem to be accustomed to the new types of communication: they have high Internet, Events, and MMS usage
  • Particularly in terms of Internet, they are the top users. Probably, they use it a lot when they travel abroad
  • Their voice usage is average
Segment size
Segment 4: young—SMS users
Behavioral profile
  • Heaviest SMS usage, much higher than the average
  • Low voice usage and community
  • Mostly use their handsets for sending SMS. They have by far the highest percentage of SMS calls and the lowest percentage of voice calls
  • Their voice usage is predominantly incoming
  • Their voice calls are brief, especially the outgoing ones
  • They also like to send MMS; they have the highest average number of MMS calls
  • Their Internet usage is average
  • Predominantly young users
Segment size
Segment 5: professional users
Behavioral profile
  • Heavy voice usage, incoming as well as outgoing
  • Highest number of voice calls and minutes. This segment includes many residential customers who seem to use their phone as a business tool as well. Their voice calls and minutes are almost three times above the average
  • They have by far the largest voice community
  • They use their phone on a daily basis and their voice calls quite long, as denoted by the relatively high average call duration
  • Relatively low SMS usage
Segment size


Figure 8.9 Cluster 1 profiling chart


Figure 8.10 Cluster 2 profiling chart


Figure 8.11 Cluster 3 profiling chart


Figure 8.12 Cluster 4 profiling chart


Figure 8.13 Cluster 5 profiling chart

8.5.4 Segmentation deployment

The final stage of the segmentation process involved the integration of the derived scheme in the company’s daily business procedures. From that moment, all customers were characterized by the segment to which they were assigned. The deployment procedure involved a regular (on a monthly basis) segment update. More importantly, the marketers of the operator decided to further study the revealed segments and enrich their profiles with attitudinal data collected through market research surveys. Finally, the organization used all the gained insight to design and deploy customized marketing strategies which improved the overall customer experience.

8.6 Segmentation using RapidMiner and K-means cluster

An alternative segmentation approach using the K-means algorithm and RapidMiner is presented in the following paragraphs.

8.6.1 Clustering with the K-means algorithm

A two-step approach was followed for clustering with RapidMiner. Initially, a PCA algorithm was applied for reducing the data dimensionality and for replacing the original inputs with fewer combined measures. Subsequently, the generated component scores were used as the clustering fields in a K-means algorithm which identified the distinct customer groupings. The RapidMiner process is presented in Figure 8.14.


Figure 8.14 The RapidMiner process for clustering

More specifically, a Retrieve operator was used to retrieve the modeling data from the RapidMiner repository. Then, through a Select Attributes operator, only the attributes designated as Inputs in Table 8.2 were retained for clustering. Since the PCA model in RapidMiner requires normalized inputs, the selected attributes were normalized with a Normalize operator. A z-normalization method was applied so eventually all attributes ended with a mean value of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The z-scores were then fed into a PCA model operator with the parameter settings shown in Figure 8.15.


Figure 8.15 The PCA model settings

After trial and experimentation, a variance threshold of 85% was selected as the criterion for the extraction of components. This setting led to the extraction of 12 components which cumulatively accounted for about 85% of the total variance/information of the 31 original attributes, as shown in the rightmost column of the table in Figure 8.16. Initially, eight components were extracted which explained about 75% of the information of the original inputs. However, it turned out that the extraction of a larger number of components improved the K-means clustering, leading to a richer and more useful clustering solution. Therefore, the final choice was to proceed with the 12 components.


Figure 8.16 The variance explained by the components

The 12 components were then used as clustering inputs in a K-means model. The parameter settings are shown in Figure 8.17.


Figure 8.17 The K-means parameter settings

The Euclidean distance was selected for measuring the similarities of the records. The add-cluster attribute option generated the cluster membership field and assigned each instance to a cluster. After many trials and evaluations of many different clustering solutions, a 5-cluster solution was finally adopted for deployment. Hence, a “k” of 5 was specified, guiding the algorithm to form five clusters. The cluster distribution is presented in Figure 8.18. Clusters 3 and 4 are dominant since they comprise almost 80% of the total customer base.


Figure 8.18 The distribution of the K-means clusters

The generated K-means model was connected with a Cluster Distance Performance operator to evaluate the average distance between the instances and the centroid of their cluster. The respective results are shown in Figure 8.19.


Figure 8.19 Evaluating the cluster solution using within centroid distances

The segmentation procedure was concluded with the profiling of the revealed clusters and with the identification of their defining characteristics. The first step was to study the centroids table, available in the results tab of the cluster model. To facilitate additional profiling in terms of the original attributes, the cluster membership field was cross-examined with the original inputs. Figure 8.20 presents a profiling chart which depicts the averages of some important (normalized) attributes over the clusters. The vertical line at 0 corresponds to the marginal means of the normalized attributes. Hence, bars and dots to the right of this reference line designate cluster means above the marginal mean, while bars and dots to the left designate lower cluster means.


Figure 8.20 A profiling chart of the revealed clusters

A brief profile of the clusters is presented below. The clusters were named according to their identified characteristics:

  • Cluster_0 SMS users: Highest SMS usage. Highest SMS to voice ratio. Increased usage of MMS, Events, and Internet
  • Cluster_1 International users: Highest roaming and international usage. Also increased usage of voice and MMS
  • Cluster_2 Professional users: High voice usage. Increased community, frequency (days), and duration of voice calls
  • Cluster_3 Basic users: Lowest usage of all services and lowest community
  • Cluster_4 Typical voice users: Average usage, almost exclusively voice

The revealed clusters seem indeed similar to the ones identified by the TwoStep algorithm. Tempted to compare the two solutions? After joining and cross-tabulating the cluster membership fields, it appears that the two models present an “agreement” of about 70%. Specifically, after excluding the TwoStep “outlier” cluster, the two models seem to assign approximately 70% of the instances in analogous groups. Where do they not agree? Their main difference is in the “international” segment which in the K-means solution is smaller, including only those roamers with increased general usage. The similarity of the clusters nevertheless is a good sign for the validity of the solutions.

8.7 Summary

In this chapter, we’ve followed the efforts of a mobile phone network operator to segment its customers according to their usage patterns. The business objective was to group customers in terms of their behavioral characteristics and to use this insight to deliver personalized customer handling. The first segmentation effort took into account the established core customer segments and initially focused on the residential postpaid customers which were further segregated into five behavioral segments, as summarized in Table 8.9. The procedure followed for the behavioral segmentation included the application of a PCA model for data reduction and a cluster model for revealing the distinct user groups.

Table 8.9 The mobile telephony segments

Core segments Residential customers Postpaid—contractual
Behavioral segments
Typical voice users
Basic users
International users
SMS users
Professional users
Business customers Large business—corporate
Small medium enterprise—SME
Small office home office—SOHO
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