Lesson 27

Using Interfaces

In .NET programming, an interface is like a contract. It defines the public properties, methods, and events that a class must provide to satisfy the contract. It doesn't indicate how the class must provide these features, however. That's left up to the class's code. It only defines an interface that the class must show to the rest of the world.

In this lesson, you learn how to implement interfaces that are predefined by the .NET Framework. You also learn how to define your own interfaces to make your code safer and more efficient.

Interface Advantages

The following sections discuss two of the most important advantages provided by interfaces: multiple inheritance and code generalization.

Multiple Inheritance

Suppose you define a Vehicle class with properties such as NumberOfPassengers, MilesPerGallon, and NumberOfCupHolders. From this class you can derive other classes such as Car, PickupTruck, and Unicycle.

Suppose you also define a Domicile class that has properties such as SquareFeet, NumberOfBedrooms, and HasAnnoyingNeighbor. From this class you can derive Apartment, Condo, and VacationHome.

Next you might like to derive the MotorHome class from both Vehicle and Domicile so it has the properties and methods of both parent classes. Unfortunately you can't do that in C#. In C#, a class can inherit from only a single parent class.

Although a class can have only one parent, it can implement any number of interfaces. For example, if you turn the Domicile class into the IDomicile interface, the MotorHome class can inherit from Vehicle and implement IDomicile. The interface doesn't provide the code needed to implement such features as the HasAnnoyingNeighbor property, but at least it defines that property so code that uses a MotorHome object knows the property is available.

Defining a property such as SquareFeet but not implementing it may not seem very useful, but it lets your code treat all IDomicile objects in a uniform way. Instead of writing separate methods to work with Duplex, RusticCabin, and HouseBoat objects, you can write a single method that manipulates objects that implement IDomicile.

That brings us to the second big advantage provided by interfaces: code generalization.

Code Generalization

Interfaces can make your code more general while still providing type checking. They let you treat objects that have common features as if they were of the interface type rather than their true individual types.

For example, suppose you write the following method that displays an array of strings in a ListBox:

private void DisplayValues(string[] items, ListBox listbox)
    foreach (string value in items)

This method works reasonably well, but suppose you later decide that you need to display the items that are in a List<string> instead of an array. You could write a new version of the method that was nearly identical to this one but that works with a list instead of an array, as in the following code:

private void DisplayValues(List<string> items, ListBox listbox)
    foreach (string value in items)

If you compare these two methods, you'll see that they are practically identical, so you must write, debug, and maintain two pieces of code that do almost exactly the same thing.

This is where interfaces can help.

Look again at the two methods. They differ only in their parameter definitions and the rest of their code is the same. The reason is that the methods don't really care that the parameters are arrays or lists. All they really care about is that you can use a foreach loop to iterate through them.

The IEnumerable<> interface requires that a class provide an enumerator that a program can use to loop through the items in the object. In particular, the enumerator supports foreach loops.

This is a generic interface so you must provide a type parameter for it to indicate the type of the items over which the interface can loop.

Both string[] and List<string> implement IEnumerable<string>, so you can combine and generalize the methods by making the items parameter have the type IEnumerable<string> instead of string[] or List<string>. The following code shows the new version of the method:

private void DisplayValues(IEnumerable<string> items, ListBox listbox)
    foreach (string value in items)

This version can display the items in a string[], List<string>, or any other object that implements IEnumerable<string> such as LinkedList<string>, Stack<string>, or SortedSet<string>.

Implementing Interfaces

To make a class that implements an interface, add the interface name in the class's declaration as if the class were inheriting from the interface. For example, the following code shows the declaration for a Person class that implements IComparable:

class Person : IComparable

You can include a class and multiple interfaces in the inheritance list. For example, the Manager class could inherit from Person and implement the interfaces IComparable and IDisposable.

The only other thing you need to do is implement the properties, methods, and events defined by the interface. For example, the IComparable interface defines a CompareTo method that takes an object as a parameter and returns an integer that is less than, equal to, or greater than zero to indicate whether the object should be considered less than, equal to, or greater than the parameter.

Many interfaces come in generic versions. For example, the IComparable<Person> interface requires a class to define a CompareTo<Person> method.

For a concrete example, suppose the Person class defines FirstName and LastName properties. The following code implements a version of CompareTo<Person> that orders Person objects according to their last names first:

class Person : IComparable<Person>
    // Compare this Person to another Person.
    public int CompareTo(Person other)
        // If other is null, it comes first.
        if (other == null) return 1;
        // If our last name comes first, we come first.
        if (LastName.CompareTo(other.LastName) < 0) return -1;
        // If our last name comes second, we come second.
        if (LastName.CompareTo(other.LastName) > 0) return 1;
        // If our last names are the same, compare first names.
        return FirstName.CompareTo(other.FirstName);

First, if the other Person object is null, the method returns 1 to indicate that the current Person should come after it. (By convention, null values come before non-null values.)

Next, the method compares the two objects' LastName values. If the values are not the same, the code returns –1 or 1 to indicate that the current Person comes before or after the other.

Finally, if the two LastName values are the same, the code uses the CompareTo method provided by the string class to compare the two FirstName values and returns the result.

You can write the code to implement an interface yourself, but it's easier to let Visual Studio build a default implementation for you. Write the class declaration including the interface. Then hover the mouse over the interface's name in the class declaration and look for the change suggestion lightbulb to appear. You can see it under the word “class” in Figure 27.1.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure 27.1

Click the lightbulb and select the Implement Interface command from the dropdown list, as shown in Figure 27.2.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure 27.2

When you select that command, Visual Studio adds placeholder code to satisfy the interface. The following code shows the placeholder method for the ICompare<Person> interface:

public int CompareTo(Person other)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

Now you can fill in the code you want to use.

You can learn more about what an interface is for and what it does in several ways. You can always search the online help. You can also right-click the interface's name and select Go To Definition to see information, as shown in Figure 27.3. Click the plus signs on the left to view detailed comments describing the purposes of the pieces of code.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure 27.3

Finally, you can open the Object Browser (use the View menu's Object Browser command) and search for the interface's name (without the generic parameters). Select the interface in the browser's left panel. Click an item in the upper-right panel for more details, as shown in Figure 27.4.

Image described by surrounding text.

Figure 27.4

Defining Interfaces

The preceding sections give examples that implement predefined interfaces. This section explains how you can define your own.

Defining an interface is a lot like defining a class, with two main differences:

  • First, you use the keyword interface instead of class in the declaration. (You can use the Project menu's Add Class command and then change the keyword class to interface.)
  • Second, you don't provide any code for the properties, methods, and events that you declare in the interface.

The following code shows a simple IDrawable interface. The code includes a using System.Graphics directive at the top of the file to make working with Brush, Pen, and Graphics objects easier.

interface IDrawable
    int X { get; set; }
    int Y { get; set; }
    Brush Background { get; set; }
    Pen Foreground { get; set; }
    void Draw(Graphics gr);

A class that implements IDrawable must provide X, Y, Background, and Foreground properties and a Draw method.

You cannot provide an accessibility modifier such as private to the items defined by an interface because they are always assumed to be public. That means a class that implements the interface must declare these items as public.

The declarations for the properties look like they are providing a default implementation, but they actually only indicate which accessors are required. For example, you could omit the set accessor to require a read-only property.

A class that implements IDrawable must still provide its own implementations, although you can use auto-implemented properties if you like. For example, the following code shows how the DrawableCircle class might implement its X property:

public int X { get; set; }

Try It

In this Try It, you build the Vehicle class and the IDomicile interface described earlier in this lesson. You then make a MotorHome class that inherits from the first and implements the second. Finally, you create an instance of the derived class.

Lesson Requirements

In this lesson, you:

  • Start a new project. Create a Vehicle class with the properties NumberOfPassengers, MilesPerGallon, and NumberOfCupHolders. Give it an initializing constructor and override its ToString method so it returns the object's property values separated by the escape sequence .
  • Make an IDomicile interface that defines the properties SquareFeet, NumberOfBedrooms, and NumberOfBathrooms. Also make it define a ToString method that returns a string as usual.
  • Derive the MotorHome class from Vehicle, making it implement IDomicile. Give it an initializing constructor and override its ToString method so it returns all of the object's property values separated by the escape sequence .
  • Create an instance of the MotorHome class. Then use its ToString method to display its properties in a textbox.


  • Don't forget to make the MotorHome class's constructor invoke the base class's constructor. If you don't remember how, see the section “Invoking Other Constructors” in Lesson 24.
  • You can save a little work by making the MotorHome class's ToString method call the Vehicle class's version.


  • Start a new project. Create a Vehicle class with the properties NumberOfPassengers, MilesPerGallon, and NumberOfCupHolders. Give it a constructor to make it easy to initialize a new object's properties. Override its ToString method so it returns the object's property values separated by the escape sequence .
    1. Use code similar to the following:
      class Vehicle
          // Properties.
          public int NumberOfPassengers { get; set; }
          public double MilesPerGallon { get; set; }
          public int NumberOfCupHolders { get; set; }
          // Initializing constructor.
          public Vehicle(int numberOfPassengers, double milesPerGallon,
              int numberOfCupHolders)
              NumberOfPassengers = numberOfPassengers;
              MilesPerGallon = milesPerGallon;
              NumberOfCupHolders = numberOfCupHolders;
          // Return the object's properties.
          public override string ToString()
                  "NumberOfPassengers: " + NumberOfPassengers +
      MilesPerGallon : " + MilesPerGallon +
      NumberOfCupHolders: " + NumberOfCupHolders;
  • Make an IDomicile interface that defines the properties SquareFeet, NumberOfBedrooms, and NumberOfBathrooms. Also make it define a ToString method that returns a string as usual.
    1. Use code similar to the following:
      interface IDomicile
          int SquareFeet { get; set; }
          int NumberOfBedrooms { get; set; }
          double NumberOfBathrooms { get; set; }
          string ToString();
  • Derive the MotorHome class from Vehicle, making it implement IDomicile. Give it a constructor to make it easy to initialize a new object's properties. Override its ToString method so it returns the object's property values separated by the escape sequence .
    1. Use code similar to the following:
      class MotorHome : Vehicle, IDomicile
          // IDomicile methods.
          public int SquareFeet { get; set; }
          public int NumberOfBedrooms { get; set; }
          public double NumberOfBathrooms { get; set; }
          // Initializing constructor.
          public MotorHome(int numberOfPassengers, double milesPerGallon,
              int numberOfCupHolders, int squareFeet,
              int numberOfBedrooms, double numberOfBathrooms)
              : base(numberOfPassengers, milesPerGallon,
              SquareFeet = squareFeet;
              NumberOfBedrooms = numberOfBedrooms;
              NumberOfBathrooms = numberOfBathrooms;
          // Return the object's properties.
          public override string ToString()
              return base.ToString() +
      SquareFeet: " + SquareFeet +
      NumberOfBedrooms: " + NumberOfBedrooms +
      NumberOfBathrooms: " + NumberOfBathrooms;
  • Create an instance of the MotorHome class. Then use its ToString method to display its properties in a textbox.
    1. The following code creates an instance of the MotorHome class and displays its properties in resultTextBox:
      private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
          // Make a MotorHome.
          MotorHome motorHome = new MotorHome(6, 8.25, 32, 150, 3, 0.5);
          // Display its properties.
          resultTextBox.Text = motorHome.ToString();


  1. Build a program that defines the IDrawable interface described earlier in this lesson. Make the DrawableCircle and DrawableRectangle classes implement the interface.

    Hints: Give DrawableCircle an additional Radius property and give DrawableRectangle additional Width and Height properties. Use code similar to the following to draw the circle centered at the point (X, Y):

    // Draw the circle centered at (X, Y).
    public void Draw(Graphics gr)
        gr.FillEllipse(Background, X - Radius, Y - Radius,
            2 * Radius, 2 * Radius);
        gr.DrawEllipse(Foreground, X - Radius, Y - Radius,
            2 * Radius, 2 * Radius);

    Use code similar to the following to draw the rectangle with upper-left corner (X, Y):

    // Draw the rectangle.
    public void Draw(Graphics gr)
        gr.FillRectangle(Background, X, Y, Width, Height);
        gr.DrawRectangle(Foreground, X, Y, Width, Height);

    (For bonus points, make a DrawableStar class that has a NumberOfPoints property and draws a star with that number of points.)

  2. [Hard] An array's Sort method can take as a parameter an object that implements the generic IComparer interface. Because this interface is generic, you can tell it what kinds of objects the class can compare. For example, IComparer<Car> means the class can compare Car objects.

    Build a Car class with the properties Name, MaxSpeed, Horsepower, and Price. Override the ToString method to display the object's properties formatted with fixed column widths so the values for different Cars in a ListBox will line up nicely, as shown in Figure 27.5. (The ListBox uses the fixed-width font Courier New so all of the letters have the same width.)

    Fast Cars dialog box presenting a list of cars and their maximum speed, horsepower, and price on the content panel and a set of radio buttons for list categories on the right. Displayed is a descending list based on horsepower.

    Figure 27.5

    Build a CarComparer class that implements IComparer<Car>. Give it the following SortType enumeration:

    // Different kinds of sorts.
    public enum SortType

    Next give CarComparer a Sort property that has type SortType.

    Finally, give the CarComparer a Compare method to satisfy the IComparer<Car> interface. Use a switch statement to make the method return a value that depends on the Sort value. For example, if Sort is ByPrice, then compare the two Cars' prices. Make the method sort the MaxSpeed, Horsepower, and Price values in decreasing order.

    Now create and initialize a class-level list of Car objects. When the user clicks a RadioButton, follow these steps:

    • Set the ListBox control's DataSource property to null.
    • Create a CarComparer with the appropriate SortType.
    • Call the Car list's Sort method, passing it the comparer.
    • Set the ListBox control's DataSource property to the Car list.
  3. [Hard] If you set a ListView control's ListViewItemSorter property equal to an object that implements the System.Collections.IComparer interface, then the ListView uses that object to sort its rows. To sort the rows, the control calls the object's Compare method, passing it two ListViewItem objects. (Unfortunately the ListView control's ListViewItemSorter property is a non-generic IComparer, so it works with non-specific objects instead of something more concrete like ListViewItems.)

    For this exercise, make a program with a ListView control similar to the one shown in Figure 27.6. At design time, edit the ListView's Columns collection to define the columns. Edit its Items collection to define the data and set the control's View property to Details.

    Car List View dialog box presenting four columns listing names of cars, maximum speed, horsepower, and price. Displayed is a descending list based on horsepower.

    Figure 27.6

    Next, make a ListViewComparer class that implements System.Collections.IComparer. Give it a ColumnNumber property that indicates the number of the column in the ListView that the object should use when sorting.

    Finally, give the ListView a ColumnClick event handler. The event handler should create a new ListViewComparer object to sort on the clicked column and then set the ListView control's ListViewItemSorter property to that object.

  4. The IEquatable interface requires a class to provide an Equals method that returns true if two objects should be regarded as equal. Some classes, such as List, can use that interface. For example, if you fill a List with objects that implement IEquatable, then the list's Contains method can tell if the list contains an object that is equivalent to another object.

    Make a Person class that has the properties FirstName and LastName and that implements IEquatable<Person>. Then build a program similar to the one shown in Figure 27.7 to let the user add and remove Person objects in a list. If the user tries to add a duplicate Person or tries to remove a Person that isn't in the list, display an error message.

    Person List dialog box presenting Molly and Hooper on the text boxes for First Name and Last Name, respectively, with Add and Remove buttons. Below is a box listing three character names in Sherlock Holmes series.

    Figure 27.7


    • Store the Person objects in a List<Person> named People. (Unfortunately, the ListBox control's Items collection doesn't assume its contents implement IEquatable so you can't just store the Person objects there.)
    • After modifying the list, make the ListBox display the list of people by setting the ListBox's DataSource property to null and then setting it equal to People.
  5. It's always better to prevent the user from making a mistake than it is to display an error message. Copy the program you wrote for Exercise 27.4 and make the following changes:
    • Remove the previous error messages.
    • Enable the Add button only if both TextBoxes have non-blank text and the list doesn't already contain a person with those first and last names.
    • Enable the Remove button only if both TextBoxes have non-blank text and the list contains a person with those first and last names.
  6. Make a program that defines the following classes and interfaces:
    • An IWolf interface with PackName and Rank properties, and a WolfInfo method that returns a string. (In classes that implement IWolf, make this method return the person's name and pack name.)
    • A Person class with FirstName and LastName properties and an overridden ToString method.
    • An Employee class that inherits from Person, adds a new EmployeeId property, and makes ToString include EmployeeId.
    • A Werewolf class derived from Person and IWolf.
    • A WereEmployee class derived from Employee and IWolf.

    Create instances of the Person, Employee, Werewolf, and WereEmployee classes. Place them all in a List<Person> and place those that you can in a List<IWolf>. Loop through the lists and display the objects' information in two ListBoxes.

  7. Copy the program you built for Exercise 27.6 and modify it so WereEmployee inherits from Werewolf. What are the advantages and disadvantages to this approach? Which approach seems better? (Look at the comments in the WereEmployee class in the download to see my thoughts.)
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