1. Abuse:
    1. feedback and
    2. leadership style and
  2. Action(s):
    1. aspirations and
    2. beliefs and
    3. focused
    4. having skill in one’s
    5. problems and
    6. redemptive
  3. Adams, Scott
  4. Adversity
  5. “Advocate” style
  6. Affirmation(s):
    1. Alliance Feedback and
    2. authentic place and
    3. beliefs and
    4. benefits of
    5. brains and
    6. call to action and
    7. competencies and
    8. compliments and
    9. context and
    10. of core of person
    11. customary styles and
    12. guidelines/examples
    13. influence and
    14. most powerful
    15. not for all problems
    16. not really
    17. pats on the back and
    18. purpose and
    19. reasons for
    20. scientific research and
    21. self-
    22. style and
    23. tactical
    24. timeliness of
    25. transformational
    26. trust, feedback and
    27. types of
    28. unlimited supply of
    29. word origin
  7. Alignment:
    1. goals and
    2. him or me card and
  8. Alliance
  9. Alliance Feedback
    1. affirmations and
    2. Aspirational
    3. brain research and
    4. children and
    5. conditions for
    6. conversational tone and
    7. criticism and
    8. described
    9. Missional
    10. performance management systems and
    11. transformational moment
    12. trust and
    13. types of
  10. Amygdala. See also Brains/brain research
    1. Alliance Feedback and
    2. criticism and
    3. defensive side of
    4. trust and
  11. Application of principles. See Call to action
  12. Appraisals. See Performance appraisals
  13. Arrogance
  14. “Asch Conformity Experiment,”
  15. Aspirational Feedback
  16. Attitudinal posture
  17. Authenticity
    1. performance chat and
    2. Words of Life


  1. Balance:
    1. imbalance and
    2. parents and
    3. teams and
    4. three levers and
  2. Behavior feedback. See Feedback
  3. Beliefs:
    1. affirmations and
    2. collective
    3. core and
    4. criticism and
    5. false
    6. as governance factor
    7. positive/negative
    8. redemptive
    9. toxic
    10. Words of Life and
  4. Blue suitcase phenomenon, See also Mediocrity
    1. acceptance of mediocrity
    2. background story
    3. bringing out best and
    4. conundrum
    5. macho management and
    6. task-driven leadership and
  5. Bobo Doll Experiment
  6. Brains/brain research, See also Amygdala
    1. affirmations and
    2. Alliance Feedback and
    3. collaboration and
    4. “copy-cat cells,”
    5. criticism and
    6. HiPos and
    7. intrinsic motivation and
    8. motivation and
    9. negativity bias and
    10. stress response and
  7. Bringing out best in others, See also Affirmation(s); Alliance Feedback
    1. brain research and
    2. coach’s words and
    3. problem people and
    4. underperformers and


  1. Call to action
  2. Candor:
    1. performance chat and
    2. Words of Life
  3. Career progression
  4. “Challenger” style
  5. Change(s):
    1. affirmations and
    2. to less critical style
    3. most powerful motivator for
  6. Character:
    1. affirmations and
    2. core and
    3. Words of Life and
  7. Chesterton, G. K.
  8. Children:
    1. Alliance Feedback for
    2. Bobo Doll Experiment
    3. bullying and
    4. customary style and
    5. “We” experience and
    6. well-being of
    7. Words of Life and
  9. Civility
  10. Classical conditioning
  11. Clubs. See Team(s)
  12. Coaches/coaching. See also Team(s)
    1. college football experiment
    2. final counsel
    3. potential of athletes and
    4. special counsel to
    5. “We” experience and
    6. Words of Life
  13. Collaboration:
    1. cross-functional
    2. personal brand and
  14. Compassion
  15. Competence/competencies:
    1. appreciation for
    2. HiPos and
    3. human psyche and
    4. list of important
    5. praising others for
    6. success and
    7. tactical affirmation and
  16. Compliments, affirmations and
  17. Constructive criticism. See also Multi-rater feedback
    1. ban on phrase
    2. task-driven leadership and
  18. Conundrum:
    1. blue suitcase phenomenon and
    2. hardship and adversity
    3. High Potentials (HiPos) and
  19. Core of person:
    1. affirmation of
    2. beliefs and
    3. beliefs residing in
    4. boss lacking intact
    5. described
    6. HiPos and
    7. human psyche and
    8. language of (see Words of Life)
    9. leader and
    10. Words of Life and
  20. Corporate culture
    1. affirmation and
    2. criticism and
    3. developmental
    4. directional change and
    5. fragile nature of
    6. “gotcha,”
    7. leadership behavior and
    8. negative
    9. positive
    10. pronouncements and
    11. toxic
    12. work/life balance
  21. Courage:
    1. children’s wellbeing and
    2. HiPos and
    3. performance chat and
    4. Words of Life
  22. Creativity. See also Innovation
    1. core and
    2. criticism and
  23. Credibility
  24. Criticism. See also Constructive criticism; Words of Death
    1. abusive
    2. Alliance Feedback and
    3. as bad practice
    4. brains and
    5. call to action and
    6. changing style and
    7. character and
    8. habitual use of
    9. negativity bias and
    10. of person, not action
    11. scientific research and
    12. style change and
    13. sustainability test and
  25. Culture. See Corporate culture
  26. Customary style:
    1. advocate
    2. challenger
    3. defined
    4. doer
    5. idealist
    6. as “suit,”
    7. types/characteristics


  1. Derailment:
    1. arrogance and
    2. leaders and
    3. rationalization and
    4. risks of
    5. stage of
    6. warning signals, missed
  2. Discretionary effort
  3. Disease model, medicine and
  4. “Doer” style
  5. Ducker, Michael L.


  1. Ecommerce
  2. Emotional intelligence
  3. Employees. See also High Potentials (HiPos); People
    1. discretionary effort
    2. disruptive
    3. not belonging
  4. Encouragement
  5. Engagement, workers:
    1. Office Space scene
    2. surveys on
  6. Engagement surveys
  7. Ethical compromise
  8. Excellence:
    1. challenger style and
    2. difficulties and
    3. pursuit of


  1. Families. See also Children; Parents/parenting
    1. I, We, and It for
    2. It, of family
    3. We, of family
  2. Fear conditioning
  3. FedEx Freight
  4. Feedback. See also Alliance Feedback; Performance feedback
    1. abuse instead of
    2. authentic place and
    3. “betterment,”
    4. critical
    5. diminishing
    6. informal
    7. multi-rater (see Multi-rater feedback)
    8. negative (see Negative feedback)
    9. organizations and
    10. trust and
    11. weaponizing
  5. Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The (Lencioni)
  6. Football experiment, college
  7. Fortune 500 companies
  8. Fredrickson, Barbara


  1. Gifted. See High Potentials (HiPos)
  2. Goals:
    1. alignment and
    2. career
    3. external
    4. Missional Alliance and
    5. sales
    6. strategic
    7. style and
    8. team’s
  3. “Gotcha” mindset/culture
  4. Government Metrics, Inc.
  5. Greer, Jeff


  1. Hardship, adversity and
  2. Hard skills
  3. Heart. See Core of person
  4. High Potentials (HiPos)
    1. affirmations and
    2. core and
    3. courage, development of
    4. emotional resilience and
    5. HiPos and
    6. influence, leading from
    7. leader derailment and
    8. test for leaders
    9. transformational actions and
  5. Him or me card
  6. Human psyche, dimensions of
  7. Humility:
    1. adversity and
    2. performance chat and
    3. as safeguard
    4. Words of Life


  1. I, We, and It. See Three levers
  2. “Idealist” style
  3. Imbalance
  4. Impact, Great Leadership Changes Everything (Irwin)
  5. Imprinting phenomena
  6. Influence. See also Strategic influence
    1. affirmations and
    2. leading from
    3. performance chat and
    4. transformational
    5. Words of Life
  7. Innovation. See also Creativity
    1. affirmations and
    2. brains and
    3. challenger style and
  8. Integrity:
    1. performance chat and
    2. Words of Life
  9. Intentionality


  1. Jiro Dreams of Sushi (documentary)
  2. Journal keeping
  3. Judgment(s):
    1. failure of
    2. making
    3. performance chat and
    4. Words of Life


  1. Kozlowski, Dennis


  1. Leadership/leaders. See also High Potentials (HiPos)
    1. abusive style
    2. core and
    3. corporate culture and
    4. demanding, high-expectation
    5. derailment of
    6. great test for
    7. performance problems and
    8. perspectives of
    9. subordinates’ style and
    10. task-driven
    11. transformational
    12. visible
  2. Learned helplessness
  3. Lencioni, Patrick
  4. Lies, rational
  5. Life lessons
  6. “Little Albert” study
  7. “Longest line” study


  1. MacMillan, Pat
  2. Management:
    1. Macho
    2. “parental manager,”
    3. redesign project
    4. style of
  3. Meaningfulness
  4. Mediocrity, See also Blue suitcase phenomenon
  5. Metaphysical core. See Core of person
  6. Mind. See Core of person
  7. Mission:
    1. families and
    2. team and
  8. Missional Alliance
  9. Missional Feedback
  10. Moods, as contagious
  11. Morale:
    1. firm
    2. influence and
    3. team
  12. Motivation:
    1. conundrum
    2. high potentials and (see High Potentials (HiPos))
    3. intrinsic
    4. performance appraisals and
    5. potential and
    6. shame as
  13. Multi-rater feedback:
    1. critical feedback and
    2. deficits and
    3. person with a problem


  1. Narcissism
  2. Negative feedback, productivity and
  3. Negativity, as contagious
  4. Negativity bias:
    1. brain research and
    2. criticism and
    3. great leaders and
  5. Neurochemicals, affirmations and


  1. Organization:
    1. healing a broken
    2. mediocrity and
  2. Organizational culture. See Corporate culture
  3. Owens, Jesse


  1. “Parental manager,”
  2. Parents/parenting. See also Families
    1. courage and
    2. criticism of children and
    3. final counsel
    4. potential of children and
    5. special counsel to
    6. stress and
  3. People. See also Children; Coaches/coaching; Employees; Parents/parenting; Person with a problem; Underperformers
    1. bringing out best in
    2. foundational principles and
    3. problem (see Problem people)
    4. toxic
    5. value/price index for
  4. Performance appraisals, See also Multi-rater feedback
    1. check-the-box systems
    2. comments/opinions on
    3. Exceeds Expectations
    4. legacy systems and
    5. new system introduction
    6. rating categories/scales
    7. “recency effect” and
  5. `Performance chat,’ 150
  6. Performance Factor, The (MacMillan)
  7. Performance feedback:
    1. affirmation of core
    2. reinvention of system and
    3. timeliness
  8. “Performance improvement” process
  9. Performance management system:
    1. legacy systems and
    2. reengineered
  10. Performance problems, See also Underperformers
    1. roots of
    2. success and
  11. Personal affirmations. See Affirmations
  12. Personal transformation
  13. Person with a problem:
    1. remedies and
    2. true stories
  14. Pillmore, Eric
  15. Position power:
    1. conundrum and
    2. HiPos and
  16. Positivity
  17. Positivity (Fredrickson)
  18. Potential. See also High Potentials (HiPos)
    1. critical style and
    2. focused effort and
    3. leadership roles and
    4. motivation and
    5. purpose or mission and
    6. redemption and
    7. Space Shuttle metaphor
    8. Words of Death and
    9. Words of Life and
  19. Power. See Position power
  20. Problem people:
    1. compassion and
    2. credibility and
    3. him or me card
    4. remedies and
    5. resistance to dealing with
    6. “tar baby,”
    7. terminating
    8. true story
  21. Productivity:
    1. abusive leaders and
    2. criticism and
    3. negative feedback and
    4. team functioning and
  22. Psychological adjustment
  23. Purpose, drive and


  1. Quest:
    1. extraordinary influence on
    2. healing the “It,”
    3. “It” of families/teams


  1. Rationalization
  2. “Recency effect,”
  3. Receptivity:
    1. saying “No,”
    2. style and
  4. Redemption, value of
  5. Relationships:
    1. building
    2. repairing
  6. Resilience:
    1. adversity and
    2. HiPos and
    3. performance chat and
    4. Words of Life
  7. Resourcefulness, criticism and
  8. Resources:
    1. developmental, limited
    2. organizational
  9. Reviews. See Performance appraisals
  10. Risk mitigation
  11. Risk-taking
  12. Ritz Carlton Hotel Co.


  1. Schultz, Horst
  2. Scott, Ben
  3. Self, sense of
  4. Self-affirmation
  5. Self-awareness
  6. Self-concept
  7. Self-regulation:
    1. performance chat and
    2. Words of Life
  8. Self-talk
  9. Self-worth:
    1. brain region and
    2. criticism and
  10. September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks
  11. Shame, Words of Death and
  12. Shokunin (Japanese term)
  13. Significance, purpose and
  14. Slogans
  15. Smith, Fred
  16. Social workplace
  17. Soft skills
  18. Space Shuttle metaphor
  19. Strategic influence:
    1. core and
    2. tactical influence and
  20. Strategic initiatives
  21. Stress:
    1. affirmations and
    2. parenting and
  22. Stress response, brain and
  23. Style:
    1. about
    2. affirmation of
    3. customary (see Customary style)
    4. HiPos and
    5. human psyche and
    6. receptivity and
    7. subordinates,’ 44
    8. types/characteristics
    9. vocabulary of
  24. Success:
    1. competencies and
    2. foundational principles and
    3. groundedness and
    4. performance problems and
  25. Succession plan
  26. “Suit,” style as
  27. Supervision. See Leadership/leaders
  28. Surveys, engagement


  1. Tactical affirmation
    1. mission and
  2. Tactical influence:
    1. affirmations and
    2. strategic influence and
  3. “Tar baby,”
  4. Task-driven leadership
    1. phrases about
    2. soft skills and
  5. Teachers/teaching:
    1. affirmations and
    2. final counsel
    3. potential of students and
    4. special counsel to
    5. tutoring
    6. Words of Life and
  6. Team(s). See also Three levers
    1. balance in
    2. collective core of
    3. dysfunctional
    4. goals of
    5. healing a broken
    6. imbalance in
    7. “It” of
    8. self-concept of
    9. three levers and
    10. toxic
  7. Team training
  8. Tepper, Ben
  9. Three levers
    1. families and
    2. healing, broken team
    3. “I” (team members)
    4. “it,” mission/quest
    5. “me first” attitude
    6. overview of
    7. “we,”
    8. “we,” influence on
  10. 360 Feedback. See Multi-rater feedback
  11. Transformation, personal
  12. Transformational actions, HiPos and
  13. Trust:
    1. building
    2. core and
    3. feedback and
    4. rebuilding
  14. Tutoring. See Teachers/teaching
  15. Tyco


  1. Underperformers
    1. people with problems
    2. problem person
    3. questions regarding
    4. true stories and


  1. Vacuum speech
  2. Value/price index


  1. Warning signals, missed
  2. Website
  3. Wisdom:
    1. intervening, bullying and
    2. performance chat and
    3. Words of Life
  4. Woods, Tiger
  5. Words of Death, See also Constructive criticism
    1. described
    2. dirty dozen
    3. example
    4. shame and
    5. tragedy of
  6. Words of Life
  1. about
  2. accomplished children and
  3. beliefs and
  4. bringing out best and
  5. character and
  6. children and
  7. common thread in
  8. conditions for giving
  9. core of person and
  10. described
  11. frequency of speaking
  12. grace and
  13. how to give
  14. “It,” healing the
  15. performance management systems and
  16. resistance to expressing
  17. teams and
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