Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.


AC (actual cost)

to-complete performance index, 380

cost performance index, 378

cost variance, 377

earned value management, 377

estimate at completion, 379–380

measuring project performance, 393

acceptance criteria, product, 243

acceptance, risk

defined, 588

exam facts, 757

overview of, 589

self test, 611

accommodation, in conflict resolution, 486, 488

accuracy level, schedule management plan, 284

acknowledgement, of communication, 525, 545

acquisition, of project resources, 475–479

active listening

communicating project information, 105, 135, 142–143

communication exam facts, 756

project manager communication skills, 518

in successful communications, 525


building project team by creating, 481

project management communication about, 517–518

tying constraints to individual project, 312

activity attributes

documenting, 289–290

estimating activity durations, 299

estimating activity resources, 474

project documents and files, 170

project schedule development, 313

sequencing activities, 292, 298

activity definition

activity attributes documentation, 289–290

activity dependencies, 294–295

activity list compilation, 288–289

activity list creation, 286–287

decomposing project work packages, 287

finalizing, 290–291

planning components, 288

in project schedule management, 285–286

rolling wave planning, 287–288

using templates, 287

activity duration estimates

activity list update for, 303

analogous estimating, 304

bottom-up estimates, 306

calculating float in PND, 315

calendar considerations, 302–303

cost estimates using project schedule, 361

creating project schedule with, 311

creating resource breakdown structure for, 302

Delphi technique, 306–307

evaluating result of, 308–309

expert judgment for, 303–304

factoring in reserve time for, 307–308

fist-to-five approach, 307

inputs for, 298–300

inside PMP exam, 309

overview of, 298

parametric estimates, 304–305

project schedule management, 298

project work considerations, 300–301

resource availability, 301–302

self test, 347, 349

three-point estimate, 305–306

activity list

creating, 286–291

estimating activity durations using, 299, 303

in project management plan, 170

sequencing activities using, 292, 298

activity resources, 299, 473–475

activity sequencing

activity dependencies, 294–295

creating network diagrams, 292

inputs, 292

leads and lags, 295–296

network templates used in, 296

outputs, 296

precedence programming method of, 292–294

project network diagram used in, 297

project schedule management, 291

updating project documents, 297–298

actual cost. See AC (actual cost)

adaptive life cycle

in hybrid life cycle, 29

overview of, 28–29

product scope, 226–227

project scheduling, 281–282

tailoring project scope, 227–228

adjourning, project team development phase, 482

advancement, project, 33–35

advertising, procuring goods and services via, 642

affinity diagrams, 236, 424

agile environments

adaptive life cycles in, 28–29

communicating in, 519

cost management approach in, 356

estimating project work in, 301

integration management in, 152

planning schedule in, 324

procurement practices in, 626

product scope in, 226–228

project integration management in, 152

project scheduling in, 281–282

quality in, 413–414

stakeholder management in, 677


controlling resources, 489

cost budgeting, 372

documenting in project charter, 156

monitoring/controlling, 184–185

resource planning, 464

schedule development, 310

stakeholder identification, 679

stakeholder management plan, 685

alternatives analysis

cost estimating, 368

deciding on project changes, 193

managing project quality, 423

monitoring/controlling project work, 186

alternatives identification, 243, 271, 276

ambiguity risks, 557

analogous estimating

estimating activity durations, 304

estimating activity resources, 474

estimating project cost, 365

exam facts, 754

self test, 346, 400

anomalies, estimate to complete, 381

answers. See self test answers

appraisal costs, 420

assignable cause, control charts, 432, 457

assumption consequence, testing assumptions, 567

assumption log

controlling resources, 490

creating project charter, 155

estimating activity durations, 299

estimating activity resources, 474

project management plan, 170

project scope statement, 244

qualitative risk analysis, 577

quantitative risk analysis, 579

sequencing project work, 298


benefits management plan, 40

communication planning, 520–521

cost estimates, 370

creating project schedule, 313

identify risks by testing, 567

qualitative risk analysis, 573

testing, 573

attribute sampling, quality management, 412

audioconferencing, and team locale, 481


contract administration, 650

procurement, 651

quality, 424–425

risk response, 595


project management team, 463

resource planning assignments, 466

self test, 505, 734

authorization, collaborative PMIS packages forwork, 176

autocratic decisions, project requirements, 238

automation, integration management trends, 150


as approach to conflict resolution, 486

of power, 117, 124

avoidance of risk, 586, 587, 757


balanced matrix organizational structure

exam facts, 751

overview of, 76

pros and cons of, 80

bar chart, presenting project schedule as, 323


performance measurement. See performance measurement baseline

project. See project baseline

project cost. See cost baseline

project schedule. See schedule baseline

project scope. See scope baseline

basis of estimates, 170, 579

benchmarking, 240, 418

benefit/cost analysis, quality managementplanning, 419

benefit/cost ratio (BCR), benefit measurement method, 159–160

benefit measurement method

benefit/cost ratio models, 159–160

calculating net present value, 161–162

discounted cash flow, 160–161

payback period estimation, 160

project scope exam facts, 752

project selection criteria in project charter, 157

scoring models, 159

benefits management plan, 40, 372

benefits management, project integration, 152

bidder conferences, 642


examining results of contracting, 642–643

procurement documents, 640

procurement practices for projects, 625

blended approach, sequencing activities, 291

body language and tone, communicating via, 516, 526

bottom-up estimates

activity durations, 306

activity resources, 474

exam facts, 754

project cost, 367

self test, 401, 403

brain writing, 680


data for project charter, 155

group decisions on project requirements, 236

quality management planning, 419

risk identification, 567–568

stakeholder identification, 680

bubble charts, rating risk, 577


creating project, 371–374

estimates, 370

project charter defining, 154

risk management plan, 563

self test, 219

budget at completion (BAC)

budget variances, 377

to-complete performance index, 380

estimate at completion, 379–380

estimate to complete, 382

self test, 406

variance at completion, 382

budget constraints, 217, 272–273, 579

budget variance (VAR), 377

burndown charts, 188, 327

burnup charts, 188

business analyst, project scope, 227

business case

cost budgeting, 372

developing project charter, 153, 156

eliciting project requirements, 232

reviewing, 39

self test, 61

business documents, 628, 679

business risks, 557, 587, 756

business value, 13, 25, 54


creating procurement documents, 640–641

other names used for, 627

source selection criteria, 638



project. See project calendar

resource. See resource calendar

cardinal scales, ranking risks, 575–577


risk. See risk categories

risk score, 576–577

causal analysis, monitoring/controlling project work, 186

cause-and-effect diagrams. See Ishikawa diagrams

centralized structure. See functional (centralized) organizational structure


in adaptive life cycle, 28–29

driven by projects, 12

in project life cycle, 30

updating project documents after, 179

change control board (CCB)

within CCS, 192

reviewing change requests, 188

self test, 276

change control system (CCS). See also integrated change control

relying on, 190–192

reviewing change requests, 188

self test, 274, 736

change log

communications management, 528

defined, 201

integrated change control, 194

project management plan, 170

stakeholder engagement, 688

stakeholder management plan, 679

change management

cost changes, 375

in project integration management, 152

in project management plan, 167

scope change control, 254

change requests

activity definition and, 291

contract terminations handled as, 648

contracts and, 648

cost estimating and, 369–370, 384

integrated change control for, 188–194

performance reporting and, 533–534

project plan execution and, 178–179

project work and, 174–175, 187

quality control and, 427

risk monitoring and, 597

risk responses and, 594

schedule control, 325

scope control and, 254–256

self test, 216–217, 231, 275, 552–553, 665

stakeholder engagement and, 690, 695

stakeholder identification and, 683

updating project documents after, 179

charismatic leadership

defined, 119

in interactional leadership, 119

of project manager, 117, 128


bar, 323

bubble, 577

burndown. See burndown charts

burnup. See burnup charts

control. See control charts

Gantt. See Gantt charts

hierarchical, 577

milestone, 323, 325

of project resources, 465

why-why. See Ishikawa diagrams

chats, dealing with team locales, 481

checklists, 456, 568

choice of words, in communications, 516

claims administration, contracts, 650

classification models, of stakeholder influence, 681–682

closing project or phase

experience needed to pass PMP exam, 9

project integration management, 194–197

project management process, 16

Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. See PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

coding structure, project schedule, 322

coercive power

defined, 492

as punitive, 117

self test, 512

cognitive-level project integration, 122

collaboration, in conflict resolution, 486

collaborative PMIS packages, work authorization, 176

collocated teams, 481

commercial databases, 66

commercial duration estimating databases, 300, 348

commercial risk, 564

communication channels

formula for identifying number of, 522–523

formula to know for exam, 750, 756

self test, 547, 552

communication planning

communication requirements, 522–523

communication skills, 524–525

communications management plan, 526–527

enterprise environmental factors, 521

overview of, 519–520

self test, 546

successful, 525–526

technology for, 523–524

using project management plan/charter, 520–521


avenues of, 106

communicating project information, 105–106

developing project team, 482

five Cs of, 517–518

influencing organization, 136

influencing project, 110

project management plan development, 164, 171

self test, 60, 142, 717

stakeholder engagement and, 687–689

and team locales, 481

communications management

communicating in projects, 516–519

exam information on, 534, 749, 756

as knowledge area, 17

managing, 527–530

monitoring, 530–532

overview of, 515–516

planning. See communications management plan

reporting project performance, 532–534

review drill, 538–539

review key terms, 536–537

review summary, 535

self test, 539–544

self test answers, 545–554

three processes of, 516

communications management plan

aligning stakeholder engagement, 678

creating, 526–527

developing. See communication planning

dispersing/archiving information, 527–530

project management plan development, 168–169

self test, 718

updating throughout project, 527

communities of practice, project knowledge, 181

compensation, inappropriate, 723, 740


assignments in resource planning, 466

project management team, 463

project manager, 113–116, 136, 144

completion of project, 154, 187–188


of procurement, 626

of stakeholder relationships, 678

compromise, in conflict resolution, 486, 513


activity sequencing driven by, 291

cost estimating software, 369

performance measurement via, 384

confidence, in cost estimate, 371


communication technology planning, 524

of PMP, 722

configuration management

integrated change control, 192–193

plan, 167, 253

self test, 221, 223

conflict of interest

PMP avoids, 723

PMP must disclose, 721

self test, 738, 741, 742

conflict resolution

managing in project team, 485–487

project manager communication skills for, 518

self test, 715

confronting problems, 483, 498, 509

constrained optimization method

examining, 162–163

project scope exam facts, 752

project selection criteria, 157


budget, 217, 272–273, 579

cost, 37, 200

milestone, 312

project. See project constraints

scope, 37, 200

theory of, 462, 508

time, 37, 199, 312

context diagram, 238–239

context-level project integration, 123

contingency reserve

activity duration estimates, 308

allotted to risk events, 589–590

calculating project risk, 590–591

cost estimating using risk register, 362

risk management exam facts, 757

risk monitoring and, 597

self test, 349, 618–620

Continuing Certification Requirements handbook, PMI, 113

continuous improvement, project quality, 413

contractor schedule, procurement, 626


administration of, 647–648, 650

building foundation for procurement, 624–626

conducting procurement with, 645–646

documenting in project charter, 156

exam facts to know, 757–758

inspecting/auditing procurement and, 651

monitoring/controlling project work with, 184–185

project charters vs., 154

in resource planning, 464

self test, 664–672, 736, 737

seller selection and, 645

termination of, 648, 652

contracts, types of

cost-reimbursable, 634–635

determining source selection criteria, 638–639

examining results of, 642–643

fixed-price contracts, 633–634

overview of, 636–637

procurement documents, 640–641

rules for, 632–633

statement of work (SOW), 636–637

time and materials (T&M) contracts, 635


cost. See cost control

procurement. See procurements, controlling

project schedule, 325–328

project scope, 252–254

project work. See project work, monitoring/controlling

quality. See QC (quality control)

resources, 488–491

control charts

creating for quality control, 430–432

exam facts, 754

self test, 449, 457

control thresholds, 284, 359

controlling PMO, 79

“coopetition,” procurement planning, 629

corrective actions

performance measurement, 385

performance reporting, 533–534

project work, 174, 187

schedule control, 328

scope control, 254–256, 275

cost. See also cost management

benefit/cost analysis, 419

change requests in project plan execution, 178–179

project baseline document, 170

project life cycle, 29

self test, 351

cost aggregation, project budget, 372

cost baseline

cost control, 375

preparing for quality, 416

project budget, 373

quantitative risk analysis, 579

updating as result of controlling resources, 490

updating for approved changes, 189

cost-benefit analysis, 186, 193

cost budgeting, 371–374, 404

cost constraints, 37, 200

cost control

implementing, 374–375

lessons learned, 385

measuring project performance, 393

monitoring cost variances, 384

cost estimates, 370

cost estimating

analogous estimating, 365

analyzing data, 368

analyzing results, 369–370

bottom-up estimating, 367

computer software for, 369

decomposing project deliverables, 248

exam facts, 754

inputs, 360–364

making decisions, 369

overview of, 359

parametric estimating, 365–366

project management plan, 170

for projects, 364–365

quantitative risk analysis and, 579

refining, 370

self test, 402, 732, 735

supporting detail for, 370–371

three-point estimates, 367–368

updating as project progresses, 384–385

cost forecasts

monitoring/controlling project work, 183, 188

project management plan, 171

quantitative risk analysis, 579

cost management. See also cost estimating

creating project budget, 371–374

exam facts to know, 754

exam information for processes in, 749

implementing cost control, 374–375

inside PMP exam, 390

as knowledge area, 17

measuring project performance. See performance measurement

overview of, 355–356

planning project costs, 357–359

review drill, 391–393

review key terms, 387–389

review summary, 386

self test, 394–399

self test answers, 400–408

tailoring approach to, 356–357

cost management plan

cost control input, 375

creating, 358–359

inputs, 358

overview of, 358

project management plan development, 168

self test, 402

cost performance index. See CPI (cost performance index)

cost plus award fee (CPAF) contracts, 635, 637

cost plus fixed fee (CPFF) contracts, 634–635, 637

cost plus incentive fee (CPIF) contracts, 635, 637

cost plus percentage of costs (CPPC) contracts, 635, 637

cost-reimbursable contracts, 634–635

cost variance (CV), finding, 377

costs of quality, 368, 419, 455

CPAF (cost plus award fee) contracts, 635, 637

CPFF (cost plus fixed fee) contracts, 634–635, 637

CPI (cost performance index)

calculating, 378

estimate at completion, 379–380

estimate to complete, 382

measuring project performance, 393

self test, 407

trend analysis monitoring, 435

CPIF (cost plus incentive fee) contracts, 635, 637

CPM (critical path method)

calculating float in PND, 315

calculating minimum project duration, 314

examining schedule variance, 327

project scheduling using, 281–282

resource leveling using, 319–320

self test, 345, 351–352

CPPC (cost plus percentage of costs) contracts, 635, 637

crashing project

as duration compression, 320–321

self test, 346, 350, 351

creativity management techniques, managing knowledge, 181

critical path method. See CPM (critical path method)

cultural norm, 72

culture influences/issues

as external enterprise environmental factors, 66

PMP responsibility to learn, 722

project manager and, 112, 518

self test, 732–733, 738–740

culture of quality, 413

culture shock, 722, 739


control chart and, 430

as most important stakeholder in project, 61

PMP responsibility to, 722–724

project management plan development, 166

projects created for, 24

quality management and, 412

self test, 54, 510, 739

CV (cost variance), finding, 377



gathering project charter, 155

presenting project schedule as, 323

project management information and, 38–40

work performance. See work performance data

data analysis

controlling resources with, 489

cost estimating with, 368

eliciting project requirements with, 235

estimating activity resources using, 474

measuring project schedule performance with, 327

monitoring project work, 185–186

procuring goods and services with, 642

project simulation using, 321

qualitative risk analysis, 573–574

schedule management plan using, 284

scope management plan using, 231

data representation tools

monitoring communications, 529

monitoring stakeholder engagement, 694

quality control, 428–429

quality management planning, 421


cost estimating with, 369

eliciting project requirements using group, 235–238

for making vs. buying product, 630–631

for project changes, 193

in project life cycle, 30

decision tree analysis, 582–583, 621

decoder, communication, 525


affinity diagram allows for, 236

managing schedule with project work packages, 287

parametric estimating of activity durations, 304–305

of project deliverables in WBS, 248–249, 262

defect repairs, 174, 188

definition, project scope, 241–245

definitive estimates, cost estimates, 370


decomposing in WBS, 248–249

in knowledge management, 180

may/may not be temporary, 12

product vs. project scope, 229–230

project phase, 33–36

project scope statement, 243

quality control, 427

reliance of operations/projects for, 24

scope management plan, 231

scope validation by formally accepting, 251

self test, 448

subproject, 22–23

Delphi technique

consensus on project risks, 568

estimating activity durations, 306–307

group decisions on project requirements, 236–237

self test, 616

demands, activity duration estimates and, 307

dependencies between activities, 294–295, 753

description, high-level project, 154

Design for X approach, quality management, 425

development life cycle, 151

diagramming techniques, risk identification, 569–570

dictionary. See WBS dictionary

direct costs, 361, 754

directing, in conflict resolution, 486

direction of influence, stakeholders, 682

directive PMO, 79, 99

disagreements, team, 485–486

discounted cash flow, benefit measurement, 160–161

discretionary dependencies, 294–295, 753

discussion forums, project knowledge, 181

dispute resolution, procurement, 652, 666

diversity, stakeholder management and, 677

document analysis, quality management, 423


activity attributes, 289–290

activity duration estimates, 308

honesty of PMPs about their, 721

project plan, 164

project scope, 240

scope change control, 254


procurement, 196, 640–641

project charter, 156

project management, 37–38, 170–172

updating project changes in, 179

domains, passing PMP exam, 7–9


compression, for project schedule, 320–321

critical path calculates minimum project, 314

effort vs., 300, 305

project schedule exam facts, 753

resource leveling likely extends project, 319

self test, 550

duration estimates. See also activity duration estimates

project management plan, 171

quantitative risk analysis input, 580

duty of loyalty, project manager, 723


e-mail, dealing with team locales, 481

EAC (estimate at completion)

to-complete performance index, 380

measuring project performance, 393

measuring variance at completion, 382

preparing for, 378–380

early finish (EF), calculating float, 315–316

early start (ES), calculating float, 315–316

earned value. See EV (earned value)

earned value management. See EVM (earned value management)

ease of use, communication technologies, 523

economic conditions, project manager influencing, 112


PMI Talent Triangle and, 114–116

PMP exam requirements, 7

project manager continuing, 112

EF (early finish), calculating float, 315–316

effective listening, communications and, 525, 756

effort, duration vs., 300, 305

electronic communications, 526

employees, as internal enterprise environmentalfactors, 65

encoder communication model, 524, 547

end dates, of projects, 23–24, 53

end users, project manager influencing, 109

engineering review board (ERB), 192

enhancement of risk, 588–589, 757

enterprise environmental factors

acquiring project resources, 476

in communication planning, 521

communications management, 527

cost budgeting input, 372

as cost estimating input, 363

cost planning input, 358

creating activity list, 286

developing project team, 480

estimating activity durations, 300

estimating activity resources, 474

identifying in project charter, 156–157

as input for schedule management plan, 283

as input to activity sequencing, 292

as input to scope definition, 242

managing project team, 485

monitoring communications, 531

preparing for quality control, 427

procurement planning, 628

in project management, 64–66

project management plan development, 164

quality management planning input, 417

quantitative risk analysis input, 580

resource planning input, 464

reviewing final inputs for monitoring/controlling, 185

risk response planning input, 585

self test, 93–94, 96

enterprise environmental factors input

conducting procurements, 641

managing stakeholder engagement, 688

monitoring stakeholder engagement, 692

preparing for stakeholder identification, 679

schedule development, 310

scope management plan, 230

stakeholder management plan, 685


agile. See agile environments

project manager influence on, 112

projects changing things and, 12

ERB (engineering review board), 192

ES (early start), calculating float, 315–316

escalate risk response

overview of, 585

for positive/negative risks, 588–589

risk management exam facts, 757

self test, 616

estimate at completion. See EAC (estimate at completion)

estimating project costs. See cost estimating

ETC (estimate to complete), 380–382, 393

ethics. See PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

ethics violations

reporting, 721

self test, 733–734, 737, 741

ethnocentrism, 722

EV (earned value)

to-complete performance index, 380

cost performance index, 378

cost variance, 376

estimate to complete, 382

management. See EVM (earned value management)

measuring project performance, 393

monitoring/controlling project work, 186

risk monitoring, 596

schedule performance index, 378

schedule variance, 377

self test, 403, 407

evaluation criteria, source selection, 643–644

evaluation documents, 172, 427

event-based risks, 557

EVM (earned value management)

formulas, 356, 382–383, 750–751

measuring project performance, 376–377

monitoring/controlling project work, 185, 208

scope change control, 253

self test, 224

exam. See PMP exam

execution of project

directing/managing. See project work, directing/managing

passing PMP exam on, 9

project management processes for, 15

work performance data from, 184

exit criteria

closing project or phase, 195, 197

project charter, 154

Expectancy Theory. See Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

expected monetary value (Ex$V)

contingency reserve for project risk, 590–591

quantitative risk analysis, 581

self test, 618–619

experience, PMP exam requirements, 7–9

expert judgment

analogous estimating and. See analogous estimating

defining project scope, 242

developing project budget, 372

developing schedule management plan, 284

estimating activity durations, 303–304

estimating activity resources, 474

hosting meetings, 187

implementing risk responses, 593

managing project knowledge, 181

monitoring communications, 532

monitoring/controlling project work, 185

monitoring stakeholder engagement, 694

procurement planning relying on, 632

procuring goods and services, 642

project execution, 175

resource planning, 464

scope management plan, 231

seller selection process, 645

expert power, project manager and, 117

explicit knowledge, 180

exploitation of risk, 588–589, 757

external dependencies

activity sequencing, 295

project schedule exam facts, 753

self test, 344

external enterprise environmental factors

change requests due to, 275

common, 65–66

self test, 94, 100

external risks, 564


facilitated workshop, 238


flow of communication, 106

project management plan development, 165–166

facilities, as internal enterprise environmental factors, 65

failure costs, 420, 450–451, 454–455

fair agreement, in negotiation, 107, 135

fairness, of PMP, 722

fast tracking, 320–321, 350–351

feasibility. See project feasibility study

feedback, 483–484, 525

FF (finish-to-finish), 293

FFP (firm fixed-price) contracts, 634, 637

files, project management plan, 170–172

final build, project life cycle, 32

finalizing, activity definition, 290–291

financial, as external enterprise environmentalfactor, 66

financing, project budget and, 373

finish, calculating project, 314

first build, project life cycle, 32

fishbone diagrams. See Ishikawa diagrams

fist-to-five voting, estimating activity durations, 307

fixed costs

cost estimating, 361

project cost exam facts, 754

self test, 406

fixed-price (FP) contracts, 633, 637, 667

fixed-price incentive fee (FPIF) contracts, 634, 637

fixed-price with economic price adjustment (FP-EPA) contracts, 634, 637, 669

flawed estimates, finding estimate to complete, 381


calculating in project network diagram, 315–317

critical path calculating activities with least, 314

examining schedule variance, 327

project schedule exam facts, 753

types of, 315


identifying risk, 569

implementing quality control, 429, 434

managing project quality, 424

quality management exam facts, 754

FNET (finish no earlier than), schedule timeconstraint, 312

FNLT (finish no later than), schedule time constraint, 312

focus groups

eliciting project requirements via, 233

project charter, 155

project knowledge management, 181

project management plan, 166

force-field analysis, quality management planning, 420


conflict resolution method, 486

self test, 509, 513


cost, 171, 183

cost management plan for cash-flow, 168

future project performance/outcomes, 185

performance reporting results, 533–534

schedule, 172, 184

formal acceptance

defined, 273

scope management plan, 231

as scope validation result, 262

formal communications, 516

formats, project schedule, 323

forming, in naturally developed project teams, 482

formulas, PMP exam

EVM, 750–751

practicing test processes, 746

summary of, 750

four sigma values, control charts, 430–432

FP-EPA (fixed-price with economic price adjustment) contracts, 634, 637, 669

FP (fixed-price) contracts, 633, 637, 667

FPIF (fixed-price incentive fee) contracts, 634, 637

frameworks, understanding, 69

free float, 315, 753

FS (finish-to-start), 293, 344

functional (centralized) organizational structure

exam facts, 750

managing projects in, 74–75

pros and cons of, 80

self test, 101

functional managers

project manager vs., 79

self test, 100, 505, 734

functional requirements, project scope, 233

funding limit reconciliation, project budget, 372–373

FV (future value)

cost estimating using project schedule, 361

in discounted cash flow, 160–161

formula for predicting, 188

formula to know for exam, 750


Gantt charts, 325, 350–351

general management skills, project management, 482–483

gifts, PMP cannot ethically accept, 723

gold plating, project quality management and, 414


controlling PMO defines project, 79

integration management, 152

as internal enterprise environmental factor, 86

organizational governance frameworks, 69

organizational systems provide, 69

project, 70, 85

project manager influence on, 109

scope management, 228

self test, 97

government standards, 66

grade vs. quality, 411

group decisions, on project requirements, 235–238

guilt-based power, project manager and, 117


halo effect, 464, 508–509

hammock (summary) activities, project network diagrams, 297

hard logic

defined, 329

duration compression and, 320

evaluating, 311

mandatory dependencies as, 294

Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation, 468–469, 755

hidden time, activity duration estimates and, 307

hierarchical chart, risk rating, 577

Hierarchy of Needs, Maslow, 468, 754

histograms, for quality control, 424, 432–433

historical information

analogous estimating of activity duration, 304

developing project budget, 372

in organizational process assets. See organizational process assets

in process charter, 157–158

self test, 408


PMP responsibility for, 720–721, 723

self test, 732–733, 735–737

human resources. See resource management

human resources, acquiring, 478

hybrid approaches, project management, 151

hybrid life cycle, 29

hybrid organizational structure, 78, 100, 752

hygiene agents, 468–469, 755


ideas management techniques, 181

IFB (invitation for bid)

inside PMP exam, 649

procurement documents, 640

self test, 671

illegal activities, contracts cannot include, 664


in qualitative risk analysis, 574

in quantitative risk analysis, 581

ranking risks on, 575


cost plus incentive fee contracts, 635, 637

fixed-price contracts with, 633, 637

fixed-price incentive fee contracts, 634, 637

self test, 666

incremental life cycle, 28

independent estimates, seller selection process, 644

indirect costs, 361, 754

individual project risk, 557


project manager influence on, 112

standards, 66

influence diagrams, identifying risk, 570

influence, project manager

levels of, 108–110

skills in, 483

success/failure of project and, 110

influence, visualizing stakeholder, 681–682

informal communications, 516

information. See also communications management

distributing, 529

exchanging. See communications

managing communication, 105–106

managing project knowledge, 182

project management data and, 38–40

work performance. See work performance information

informational power, of project manager, 116

infrastructure, as internal enterprise environmental factor, 65

ingratiating power, 117

initiation of project

context of, 13

experience needed to pass PMP exam, 8

project management processes for, 14


activity definition, 288

activity list creation, 286–287

activity sequencing, 292

communication monitoring, 531

communications management, 527

cost budgeting, 371–372

cost control, 374

cost estimating, 360–364

cost planning, 358

estimating activity durations, 298–299

estimating activity resources, 474

final monitoring and controlling, 184–185

knowledge management, 180

procurement planning, 628

procurements, 641

project team management, 485

quality control, 427

quality management planning, 417–418

quantitative risk analysis input, 579–580

resources, acquiring project, 476

resources, controlling, 489

resources, planning, 464

risk monitoring, 595

risk response, 584–585, 593

schedule control, 326

schedule development, 310

schedule management plan, 283

scope change control, 253–254

scope definition, 242

scope management plan, 230

scope validation, 251

stakeholder engagement, 688

stakeholder management plan. See work performance data


procurement process, 651

quality control, 427–428

quality management, 413, 421

inspiration, leading project team, 105, 7

integrated change control

approving changes to project scope, 673

configuration management for, 192–193

contract administration and, 650

deciding on project changes, 193

evaluating outputs of, 194

overview of, 188–189

review summary, 198, 200

revisiting planning processes, 193

self test, 216, 220, 222

tools and techniques, 190–192

integration management

activity resource estimates, 473–475

in agile environments, 152

benefit measurement methods, 158–162

closing project or phase, 194–197

cognitive-level integration, 122

context-level integration, 123

directing/managing project work, 173–179

emerging trends, 150–151

exam information for processes, 748

exploring, 149–150

integrated change control, 188–194

as knowledge area, 17

managing project knowledge, 179–183

monitoring/controlling project work, 183–188

overview of, 147–149

performing project integration, 121–123

project charter. See project charter; project management plan

project manager leading, 149

review drill, 207–209

review key terms, 200–207

review summary, 198–200

of risk, 558

self test, 55, 59, 140, 209–214

self test answers, 215–224

tailoring, 151–152

interactional leadership, 119, 124

interactive communications, 525, 689, 716

interest in project, stakeholder analysis, 680

internal dependencies, activity sequencing, 295

internal enterprise environmental factors, 64–65, 93

internal rate of return (IRR), benefit measurement method, 162

international influences, project manager, 112

interpersonal and team skills

communications management, 529

procuring goods and services, 642

risk responses, 593

successful communications, 526

interpersonal skills, stakeholder engagement, 688


eliciting project requirements, 234

gathering data for project charter, 155

managing project knowledge, 181

quality management planning, 419

quantitative risk analysis, 580–581

risk identification via, 568

stakeholder. See scope management, requirements

invitation for bid (IFB)

inside PMP exam, 649

procurement documents, 640

self test, 671

invoice payment, contract administration, 648

Iron Triangle

preparing for quality, 416

project management, 37

self test, 55

IRR (internal rate of return), benefit measurement method, 162

Ishikawa diagrams

identifying risks, 569

quality control implementation, 428–429

quality management, 424, 754

self test, 453, 456

ISO 9000 standards, 412, 415, 452

issue log

project management plan, 171

project plan execution, 177–178

qualitative risk analysis results in, 577

self test, 716

updating as result of controlling resources, 490

IT software, as internal enterprise environmental factor, 65


estimating work in agile project, 301

planning schedule in agile project, 324

schedule management plan for length of, 284

iterative life cycles, 28

iterative, process groups as, 16–17

iterative scheduling, 281–282


JAD (joint application design) workshop, 238

just-in-time (JIT) ordering

exam facts, 755

self test, 451, 504

trends in managing resources, 462


Kaizen technologies

quality management, 412, 755

self test, 452–453

trends in managing resources, 462

Kanban, on-demand scheduling, 281–282


fairs and cafes, 182

managing project, 179–183

in stakeholder analysis, 681

tailoring project scope management, 227–228

knowledge areas, PMP exam

project communications management. See communications management

project cost. See cost management

project integration. See integration management

project procurement management. See procurement management

project quality. See quality management

project resources. See resource management

project risk management. See risk management

project schedule. See schedule management

project scope. See scope management

project stakeholder management. See stakeholder management

types of, 17–18

knowledge management

communications management, 518

integration management, 152


labor costs, project cost management, 356


documenting activity attributes, 290

project schedule exam facts, 753

self test, 344, 351

sequencing activities in project schedule, 295–296

laissez-faire leadership, 119

languages, tailoring communications for different, 518

late finish (LF), calculating float, 316–317

late start (LS), calculating float, 316–317

laws, as external enterprise environmental factors, 66

LCLs (lower control limits), control charts, 430–432


aligning/motivating to achieve goals in, 118

charismatic, 119

exploring styles of, 118–119

interactional, 119

interrelated with management, 105

laissez-faire, 119

personality traits of, 119–120

in project manager, 115–116

project manager skills in, 482

of project team, 105

self test, 137, 139

servant, 115–116, 119

transactional, 119

transformational, 119

leading, stakeholder engagement matrix, 686


documenting activity attributes, 290

exam facts, 753

project schedule, 309

sequencing activities in project schedule, 295–296

Lean Six Sigma, 412, 415

learning curve

as parametric estimating, 366

self test, 401, 408

legal requirements, contracts, 633

lessons learned register

closing project, 197

cost control, 375, 385

cost estimating, 364

estimating activity durations, 299

estimating activity resources, 474

integration management, 152

knowledge management, 179, 180, 182–183

monitoring/controlling project work, 184, 188

project management plan, 171

project team development, 480

quality control, 427

quality management, 423

resources control, 490

schedule control, 328

self test, 215, 222–223, 546, 551

letter of intent, 645, 671

level of precision, cost management plan, 358

LF (late finish), calculating float, 316–317

life-cycle costs, 402


dealing with team, 481, 514

tailoring communications for physical, 518

logistics, procurement, 625

lose-lose situation, conflict resolution, 513, 514

low-priority risk watch list, qualitative riskanalysis, 578

lower control limits (LCLs), control charts, 430–432

loyalty, project manager, 723

LS (late start), calculating float, 316–317

lump sum contracts, 633–634, 668


MACD (move, add, change, delete), mapping projects to, 12

maintenance, resource, 462

majority decision, project requirements, 237


Ouchi’s Theory Z on worker involvement in, 510–511

project communications, 527–530

reserves, 308, 362

risks, 564

tailoring integration, 151

team process, 484–488

management skills. See also project work, directing/managing

about getting things done, 118

leadership interrelated with, 105

project management plan, 166

scope requirements, 240–241

self test, 139, 142, 714

stakeholder engagement, 689

mandatory dependencies, 294, 753

manual activity sequencing, 291

marketplace conditions

create temporary projects for window in, 12

evaluating in procurement planning, 628

as external enterprise environmental factors, 66

self test, 100, 670

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 468, 755

mass communication, 526

matrix diagrams, managing project quality, 424

matrix structures

management in, 76–77

schedule management for, 281

self test, 94

McClelland’s Theory of Needs, 470, 755

McGregor’s Theory of X and Y, 469, 507

McGregor’s Theory of X and Y, 755

media communications, 516

media selection, flow of communication, 106

mediation, 107, 143

medium communication model, 524

meeting management

communication, 106, 518, 529

defined, 125

facilitating, 243

project charter, 155

project knowledge, 181

project plan, 166


in agile environments, 519

estimating activity resources, 474

executing project work, 176

monitoring/controlling project work, 186–187

monitoring stakeholder engagement, 694

profile analysis, 680

risk management, 561

schedule management plan, 284

scope management plan, 231

self test, 549


communications management, 529

risk management plan, 562


benefits management plan, 40

identifying quality, 422

project performance measurement baseline, 184

quality control, 427

quality input, 423

micromanagement, Theory of X and Y, 469, 507

milestone chart, project schedule as, 323, 325

milestone constraints, project schedule, 312

milestone list

activity sequencing, 292, 298

estimating activity durations, 299

finalizing activity definition, 290

project management plan, 171

quantitative risk analysis, 580

milestone schedule, project charter defining, 154

mind mapping, project requirements, 236–237

mitigation of risk

exam facts, 757

response to negative risk, 586–587

using contract for, 632


communication, 524–525

schedule development, 284


communications, 530–532

risk, 594–598

stakeholder engagement, 690–695

work. See project work, monitoring/controlling

Monte Carlo analysis, 321, 621

most likely cost estimate, PERT formula, 367–368

motivating agents, 755

motivation, leading project team, 105

multicriteria decision analysis

group decisions on project requirements, 236

project changes, 193

project quality, 424

quality management planning, 420

multidivisional organizational structure

exam facts, 750

managing projects in, 75

pros and cons of, 80

self test, 98, 100


NASA program management, 20

naturally developing project teams, 482

NDAs (nondisclosure agreements), procurement documents, 640

near-term risks, qualitative risk analysis, 578

negative risks

avoiding, 586

five responses to, 587–588

mitigating, 586

as threats, 556

transferring, 586

negative stakeholders

building stakeholder management plan, 686–687

overview of, 676

results of stakeholder identification, 683

self test, 706, 710

negative total float, 315


acquiring project resources, 477

procuring goods and services, 642

project manager skills in, 107, 483

self test, 135, 551

seller selection process, 645

net present value (NPV), benefit measurement, 161–162

network communication, 526

network diagrams, 292

network templates, sequencing activities, 296

networking, managing project knowledge, 181

neutral stakeholders

overview of, 676

stakeholder engagement matrix, 686

stakeholder identification, 683

nodes, precedence programming method (PDM), 292–294

noise, 525, 545, 549

nominal group technique, 236, 269

non-event based risks, 557

nondirect communication modalities, 526

nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), procurement documents, 640

nonfunctional requirements, scope requirements, 233

nonverbal communications, 525, 550–551, 756

normal distribution values

formula to know for exam, 750

four sigma values for, 430

practicing test processes for, 746

norming, naturally developed project teams, 482

NPV (net present value), benefit measurement, 161–162


observation, in requirements elicitation, 239

on-demand scheduling, 281–282

on schedule, activity duration estimates, 308

100-percent rule, WBS, 249


portfolios containing, 20–22

project life cycle transfers, 32

project reliance on, 23–24

projects vs., 23–24, 54

self test, 59

OPM (organizational project management), 22

opportunities, positive risks as, 445, 556

opportunity costs, 386–387, 405

optimistic cost, PERT formula, 367–368

ordinal scales, ranking risks, 575–577

organic (simple) organizational structure

exam facts, 750

overview of, 74

pros and cons, 80

self test, 99

organization, project manager influences, 111

organizational breakdown structure, charting project resources, 465

organizational charts, resources, 465

organizational culture, 65, 72

organizational governance frameworks, 65, 69

organizational knowledge repository, 96, 102

organizational managers, 108

organizational planning, 465

organizational procedure links, cost managementplan, 359

organizational procedures links, schedule management plan, 284

organizational process assets

acquiring resources, 476

activity duration estimates, 300

activity list, 286

activity resources estimates, 474

activity sequencing, 292

communications management, 527, 530

communications monitoring, 531

controlling resources, 489

cost planning, 286, 358, 372, 375

knowledge management, 183

leveraging, 66–67

procurement planning, 628

procurements, 641

project charter identifying, 157–158

project management plan development, 164

project team development, 481

project team management, 485

project work monitoring, 185

quality control, 427

quality management, 417, 423

quantitative risk analysis, 580

recognizing common, 67

risk monitoring, 597

risk response implementation, 593

risk response plan, 585

schedule development, 310

schedule management, 283

scope definition, 242

scope management plan, 230–232

self test, 95, 101, 269

stakeholder engagement, 688, 692

stakeholder identification, 679

stakeholder management plan, 685

organizational project management (OPM), 22

organizational structures

completing projects. See project completion in different organizational structures

exam facts to know, 750–752

internal enterprise environmental factors, 65

project completion and. See project completion in different organizational structures

project schedule management and, 281

self test, 99–100

organizational systems

general management skills, 70–71

organizational culture, 72

organizational governance frameworks, 69

portfolio, program, and project governance, 70

self test, 96, 137

working with, 68–69

organizational theories

Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation, 468–469

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 468

McClelland’s Theory of Needs, 470

McGregor’s Theory of X and Y, 469

Ouchi’s Theory Z, 470

using in resource planning, 467–470

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, 470

organizations, teaming agreements with other, 629

Ouchi’s Theory Z

resource exam facts, 755

resource planning, 470

self test, 510–511

overall project risk

creating risk report, 571

creating risk responses, 585

defined, 557

exposure, quantitative risk analysis, 583


benefits management plan, 40

in stakeholder analysis, 680

transferring risk, 586


paralingual, 525, 548

parametric estimating

of activity durations, 304–305

estimating project cost, 365–366, 754

self test, 400

Pareto diagrams

quality control, 432

quality management exam facts, 754

self test, 457

Parkinson’s Law, 307–308, 348–349

part-time project team, managing in matrix structure, 76

passing score, PMP exam, 7

payback period, benefit measurement method, 160

payment system, contract administration, 650

PDM (precedence diagramming method), 292–294

PDUs (professional development units), 112–116


appraisals of project team, 483–484

assessments, 485

creating information on work, 184

managing work, 38–39

PMP honesty about their, 721

reporting project, 532–534

risk monitoring by measuring technical, 596

work performance reports, 187

performance measurement

additional planning, 383–384

to-complete performance index (TCPI), 380

cost control results, 384

cost management plan, 359

cost performance index (CPI), 378

creating change requests, 384–385

earned value management (EVM), 376–377

earned value management (EVM) rules, 382–383

estimate at completion (EAC), 378–380

estimate to complete (ETC), 380–382

project schedule control, 327

schedule management plan, 284

schedule performance index (SPI), 378

updating lessons learned, 385

using computers, 384

variance at completion (VAC), 382

variances, 377

performance measurement baseline

cost control input, 375

creating work performance information, 184

scope change control, 253

performance reporting

contract administration, 648, 650

examining work results, 177

self test, 552–553

performance reviews

contract administration, 650

controlling resources, 489

performing, in naturally developed project teams, 482

periodic risk reviews, risk monitoring, 596

personal or charismatic power, 117

personality traits, leadership, 119–120

persuasive power, 117

PERT (program evaluation and review technique),

averaging project costs, 367

formula to know for exam, 750

as three-point estimate, 305

pessimistic cost estimate, PERT formula, 367–368

PESTLE, risk analysis, 570


project deliverables in, 33

project life cycle, 29–33

physical enterprise environmental factors, 66, 96

physical location

dealing with team locales, 481

managing resources, 462

of resources/facilities, 65

stakeholder identification, 679

tailoring procurement, 626

physical resource assignments

controlling resources, 491

project management plan, 171

schedule management, 281

plan-do-check-act, project quality management, 412

planned value. See PV (planned value)


communication. See communication planning

experience needed to pass PMP exam, 8–9

integrated change control in, 193

project costs, 357–359

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