
aerospace industry, R&D

investment/sales percentage 9

aircraft industry, US 15

APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 13

Australia, corporate R&D investors 10

automotive industry

R&D investment/sales percentage 9

US 15


corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

benefits realization, knowledge transfer 958

'Big Pharma' 25

broadband access 18

budget costs, consultants 10810


corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

R&D spend, as percentage of GDP 8

CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics) 13

CEST (Centre for Exploitation of Science and Technology), survey 1345

chemical industry, R&D investment/sales percentage 9

China, R&D spend 17

Chrysler company 59

Cisco systems 25, 59

competitive tender, for and against 6972

consultants 99117

budget costs 10810

caution in using 1014, 146

costs of using 102

deliverables 1056

delivery 11516

disengagement 11617

and EDM 100

knowledge-base assessment 85

lessons learned 117

need for 101

purpose 99

requirement definition 1045

tendering 11115

contract pricing

cost plus fixed fee 75

cost plus percentage 75

firm price 74

fixed price 74

fixed stage payments 1478

negotiated-open book 75

part fixed price 75

time and materials 74, 1467

contract research 57, 12021

royalties 13941

universities 13441

US 15

Cooper Report (1989), UK 135, 13940


international 3031

meaning 30

protection 30

software 30, 31

corporations see organizations

CROs (Contract Research Organizations)

advantages 12021

and due diligence 121

examples 11819

and innovation 1245

success factors 12831

supplier assessment 129

work specification 12930

deliverables, consultants 1056

Dell company 24


corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

knowledge investment 19

R&D investment 13

design rights

registered 34

unregistered 34

disengagement, consultants 11617

due diligence

concept 64, 66

and CROs 121

knowledge acquisition 64

Dyson vacuum cleaner 25

economic growth, and human capital 1718

EDM (effective decision-maker), and consultants 100

electronics industry

patenting 47

R&D investment/sales percentage 9

energy industry, R&D investment/sales percentage 9

ESRF (European Synchroton Radiation Facility) 13

EU (European Union)

contract research 10

Framework Programme 14

GDP 13

harmonized patent 5051

R&D investment 1314, 20

R&D spend, as percentage of GDP 8, 13

science policy 13

university science degrees 17

Euro currency 14

European Commission, model R&D

contract 367


knowledge investment 19

R&D investment 13

Ford company 59

Framework Programme, EU 14


contract research 10

corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

National Centre for Scientific Research 14

R&D investment 13

R&D spend, as percentage of GDP 8

GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

EU 13

Japan 13

South Korea 13

US 13

GE (General Electric), overseas research 2021

General Motors company 59


contract research 10

corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

Max Planck institutes 14

R&D investment 13

R&D spend, as percentage of GDP 8

Gillette company 24

GlaxoSmithKline company, and IRS 489

globalization 16, 18, 58

of knowledge 45

and new product development 119

Granstrand study 53, 54, 57, 122

Greece, knowledge investment 19

high technology goods, trade 18

high-tech, mul-tech products 1223

human capital

components 60

and economic growth 1718

IC (intellectual capital) 5963

components 59, 60, 61

tree analogy 60

value 59

see also human capital; structural capital

Iceland, knowledge investment 19

ICT (information and communications technology)

investment in 17

spread 18


knowledge workers 21

R&D spend 17


search 124

sources 53

supply 1245


changes required 245

andCROs 1245

disruptive 25

increasing 26

invention, difference 24


knowledge acquisition 55, 567, 58, 119

levels 556

Intel company 59

intellectual capital see IC

intellectual property see IP


online purchasing 18

spread 18


innovation, difference 24

ownership issues 323

secrecy 29

inventors, rights 323

IP (intellectual property)

dispute resolution 46

knowledge acquisition 278, 356


enforceability 46

suggestions 457

licence revenue 41

meaning 27

organizations 28

protection 28

public domain 46

and tax havens 4850

universities 135

see also copyright; patenting; utility models

IPRs (intellectual property rights)

background rights 378

foreground and background

meaning 367

ownership issues 356

protection 29

Ireland, knowledge investment 19

IRS (Inland Revenue Service)

and GlaxoSmithKline 489

and Westreco 49


contract research 10

corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

R&D investment 13

R&D spend, as percentage of GDP 8

ITT (invitation to tender) 64, 109

preparation 11112

purpose 111

see also tender evaluation


corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

GDP 13

overseas manufacturing 223

R&D investment 8, 1213, 20

R&D spend, as percentage of GDP 8, 13

Science and Technology Basic Plan 12

joint ventures

knowledge acquisition 56

knowledge exploitation 54

key staff, technology acquisition 1267

KM (knowledge management) 3, 4, 16, 28, 52, 64

know-how 34


advancement, organizations 34

brokers, universities 1324

categories 12

competencies 83

and competitive advantage 4, 5

creation 17

definition 1

embedding 915

environment 28

exploitation 55

joint ventures 54

flow, restrictions 412

globalization of 45

growth 4

industries 41

integration 556

internally generated, drawbacks 127


global 20


life cycle 45, 845

monitoring 1516

new 62

philosophy of 23

proximity 5

scanning 54, 55, 57

services, buying 4, 16

time-honoured 62

types 62, 84

workers, India 21

knowledge acquisition 545, 567, 58

due diligence 64

external 8, 57

integration 55, 567, 58, 119

and internal R&D 54

internal research 56

IP issues 278, 356

joint ventures 56

licensing 57

pressures for 34

strategies 445, 54, 569

targeting 63

see also knowledge procurement; outsourcing; technology acquisition

knowledge management see KM

knowledge procurement 16

competitive tendering 6972

contract pricing 745

process 65

project management 759

security issues 68

service providers 1067

supplier assessment 669

timescales 73

universities 1347

work specification 724

work standard 74

knowledge purchasing see knowledge acquisition

knowledge transfer 8098

aspiration level 125

benefits realization 958

embedding 915

individual impact 935

meaning 81

military pilots 912

models 868

organizational impact 93

problems 80

ROI 956

staff shadowing 889

see also skills transfer

knowledge-base assessment 815

consultants 85

knowledge competencies 83, 90

purpose 81

size 62

stages 82

lessons learned, consultants 117

licence revenue, IP 41

licensing, knowledge acquisition 57

life cycle, knowledge 45, 845

managers, role 52

Max Planck institutes, Germany 14

mechanical engineering optics industry, R&D investment/sales percentage 9

Mexico, knowledge investment 19

MFP (multifactor productivity) growth 1819

Microsoft company 41, 59

researchers 127

MTCs (multitechnology corporations), technology issues 534

mul-tech, high-tech, products 1223

National Centre for Scientific Research, France 14


contract research 10

corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

R&D investment 13

Norway, corporate R&D investors 10


knowledge investment 19

patenting 17

R&D investment 17, 19

R&D spend, as percentage of GDP 8

online purchasing 18


IP issues 28


proximity 5

sources 52

knowledge advancement 34

knowledge transfer, impact 93

R&D investment 10

science policy 12

strategic choices 589


non-core business 123

R&D services 119, 1214

R&D toolkit 38, 64, 119, 1423


electronics industry 47

limitations 423


pharmaceutical industry 47


background 36

foreground 36

harmonized, EU 5051

multilateral 47

purpose 312

US 17, 3941

Patents Act (1977) 32

pharmaceutical industry

innovation 25

patenting 47

R&D investment/sales percentage 9

Portugal, knowledge investment 19

project appraisal 1289

project management 759

contract close-out 789

milestone reports 767

monthly reports 76

periodic reviews 78

Project Memo 778

example 144

public domain, IP 46


internal, and knowledge acquisition 54

model contract 367

publications 7, 8

toolkit, outsourcing 1423

R&D investment

corporations, national rankings 10

EU 1314, 20

OECD 17, 19

sales percentage, industry sector 9

universities 1334

see also under individual countries

R&D services

buying in 11831

outsourcing 119

reasons 12021

strategy issues 1214

R&D spend

EU 8

government/industry share 8, 9

national corporate 67

P/E ratio 6

R&D/Sales ratio 6

as percentage of GDP 8

see also under individual countries

research fellowships 139

researchers, Microsoft company 127

RFI (requests for information) 109

RFP (requests for proposals) 109

ROI (return on investment), knowledge transfer 956

royalties, contract research 13941

science policy

EU 13

organizations 12

South Korea 13

SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) 59


inventions 29

trade 334

US patents 39

service bills

components 148

control of 146, 149

fixed stage payments-type work 147

invoice details 1467

legal bills, challenging 1478

overcharging, reasons 145

service experts, use of 1489

time and materials-type work 1467

service providers, knowledge procurement 1067

Skandia company 60

skills transfer 81, 8990

software, copyright 30, 38

South Korea

corporate R&D investors 10

GDP 13

R&D investment 13

science policy 13

Spain, corporate R&D investors 10

staff shadowing, knowledge transfer 889

structural capital, components 60, 61

supplier assessment

CROs 129

knowledge procurement 669


evaluation 1078

shortlisting 110


corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

knowledge investment 19

R&D investment 13


corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

tax havens, and IP 4850

team philosophy, development 13031

technology acquisition 534

factors 126

key staff 1267

successful 126

technology licensing 1278

technology licensing 1278


award 114

evaluation 11213

letters of intent 114

see also ITT

Texas Instruments company 41


high technology goods 18

secrecy 334

transfer pricing 48

Twenty-First Century Patent Coalition 40


contract research 10

corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

R&D investment 13

R&D spend, as percentage of GDP 8


contract research 1347

cost control 1367

pitfalls 1379

research fellowships 139

royalties 13941

IP issues 135

knowledge brokers 1324

R&D investment 1334

science degrees

EU 17

US 17

teaching/research balance 135


aircraft industry 15

automotive industry 15

contract research 15

corporate R&D investors 10

corporate R&D spend 6

P/E ratio 6

corporate R&D/Sales ratio 6

GDP 13

knowledge investment 19

patents 17, 3941

reform 3940

secrecy 39

R&D investment 1415, 42

R&D spend 8

as percentage of GDP 8

science degrees, universities 17

utility models 345

VHS/Betamax technologies 122

Westreco, and IRS 49

work specification

CROs 12930

knowledge procurement 724

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