Locators in italics refer to figures and those in bold to tables. The acronym NLP is used to refer to neuro‐linguistic programming.

7 + or – 2 messages 149151

age, demographic change 2324, 30

agency 67; see also free will

airplane mode 71

Alvesson, M.: cultural change 3738; experience 115116, 124125; meaning‐making 7; meaning reconstruction 54; psychological safety 88

anchoring 4748, 9798

Anderson, Dean and Linda: conscious leaders 45, 12, 24; ego 4243, 44; mindset 94

anthropology 46

applied sociology 1921

Argyris, Chris 51

Aristotle Research Project (Google) 2526, 2729, 86

attitudes: emotional states 5556; free will 6768; mindset 101102; see also COACH state; CRASH state

audit: COACH state 132133; meta‐programmes 107, 108112

authority 117119

Bandler, Richard: meta‐model 6, 152; modelling behaviour 45; neuro‐linguistic programming movement 1517, 157; psychological safety 126127

behavioural competencies 911

behavioural flexibility 121

belief systems 48, 53, 6566, 9899

Bell, C. H. 155156

Black Box of social interaction 87

Bodenhamer, D. 103

body language 70, 92, 95, 127, 137, 140, 143

brain, neuro‐linguistic programming 1315

business schools 2122, 156157

butterfly effect 4050

calibrated loops 139140

calibration, rapport 138140

caretaking 88, 126134

Carnegie, Dale 11, 137

Castaneda, Carlos 33

change, case for 7584

change challenges 2326

change leadership 12, 39; birth of reflective practitioners 1011; business schools 2122; communication models 145; confessional 78; conscious leaders 46; context of this volume 1112; definition 34; ethnocentric map making 3639; language 1415; ‘map is not the territory’ 910, 3133, 6465; meta‐reflection 67; mindset 97, 100101, 103; modalities 35; origins 89; psychological safety building 8687; rapport building 135; reframing 3435, 122123; reprogramming 35; social construction 36; sub‐modalities 3536; territory 910; world views 3334

change mantras 48, 9899

chunking down, meta‐programmes 106, 112113

chunking up, meta‐programmes 106, 112113

client centred therapy 126127, 156

COACH state: audit 132133; building 130133; energy management 129130; Law of Requisite Variety 6162; reframing 122, 123; stacking emotional states 131

coaching containers 129

cognitive flexibility 121

communication: models of 145154; responses to 70

confessional change leadership 78

conscious leadership: confessional 78; definition 46; ego 43; meta‐reflection 67, 43, 44; mindsets 24; responsibility for actions 67; success factors 2728; see also change leadership

content reframing 34

context reframing 34

controversy, neuro‐linguistic programming 1718

CRASH state: Law of Requisite Variety 6162; psychological safety 127; reframing 122; stacking emotional states 131

cross‐over mirroring 140

culture: butterfly effect 41; ethnocentric map making 3639; non‐judgemental principle 5960; paradigm of NLP 64; programming 15

curious type 106

DeLozier, Judith: calibration 138140; conscious leaders 27; matching 140; neuro‐linguistic programming movement 16, 157; pacing experience 141; rapport 135136

demographic change 2324, 30

Derks (2005) 14

dialogue, and rapport 138, 144

diffusion model: change leaders 4; ethnocentric map making 37

Dilts, Robert: airplane mode 71; calibration 138140; COACH state 130; Law of Requisite Variety 5152; matching 140; meta‐programmes 107; neuro‐linguistic programming movement 16, 157; pacing experience 141; psychogeography 133; rapport 135136; SOAR model 7683

disengagement epidemic 86

Dixon, Nancy 133, 144

DNA 137

downtime, Law of Requisite Variety 6061

Dweck, Carol 95

dynamic, meta‐programmes 105

Edmondson, Amy 27

education, business schools 2122, 156157

ego 4244

elicitation 141142

emotional contagion 127

emotional flexibility 121

emotional states: internal rapport 143; Law of Requisite Variety 5556; management 5556, 88; somatic anchors 9799; stacking 130131

energy management 129130

Erickson, Milton H. 16, 5657, 157

ethnocentric map making 3639, 5960

experience: framing of 115125; rapport building 141

experiential frames 122; see also framing

failure, understanding 6566, 105

feedback 6566, 9092, 105

filters, communication 147153

‘fish and stretch’ 9092

flexibility, perceptual positions 121

framing: experience 115125; psychological safety 8990

Frankl, E. V. 6768

free will: attitudes 6768; emotional states 5556

French, W. L. 155156

future self 5758

Gallwey, Timothy 7

Generation X 2324

generative dialogue 138

genetic predispositions 137

Gestalt Therapy 15

Gilligan, Stephen 157

global reach, neuro‐linguistic programming 160

Google study of success factors 2526, 2729, 86

Grinder, John: meta‐model 6, 152; micro interactive strategies 19; modelling behaviour 45; neuro‐linguistic programming movement 1517, 157; psychological safety 126127

group context, butterfly effect 4142

guiding 126134

Haddock, G. 101

Hall, M. 103

hierarchy of needs 42

Holon, perception as 42, 44

identity: change leaders 34; conscious leaders 46; ethnocentric map making 3639; future self 5758; Law of Requisite Variety 55

individual context, butterfly effect 4142

integrity 4041, 100, 117, 121

intentions, understanding 69

internal rapport 143

in‐time meta‐programmes 106

judgemental type 106

jungle gym tool 82

language: elicitation 142; ethnocentric map making 3738; feedback 9293; meta‐model 151153; neuro‐linguistic programming 1415, 20; psychogeography 133; somatic anchors 9799

Law of Requisite Variety 5152, 62; COACH versus CRASH 6162; emotional states 5556; future self 5758; modelling excellence 5657; non‐judgemental principle 5960; rapport building 60; reconstruction 54; reframing 123124; regression in meaning systems 5859; resources to manage problems 59; social construction 5254; social identities 55; uptime and downtime 6061

lead sensory system 10, 54, 141, 149

leadership see change leadership; conscious leaders; modelling behaviour

leadership styles 3739

leading, rapport building 142143

linguistic, meaning of 1415; see also neuro‐linguistic programming

Logical Levels Model 7982, 80

Lorenz, Edward 40

Maio, R. G. 101

management: change challenges 2526; conscious leadership matters 2728; context 1112; demographic change 2324, 30; emotional states 5556, 88; Google success factors 2526, 2729; new practices 23, 2930; psychological safety 2627, 29

mantras 48, 9899

‘map is not the territory’: change leadership 910, 3133, 6465; communication models 145147

Maslow, A. H. 42

matching 4647, 140

MBA programmes 2122

McGregor, Douglas 99100, 156

meaning‐making 7, 115116

meanings: psychological safety 8990; reconstruction 54; regression in meaning systems 5859; shift in perceptual position 70; social construction 5254; social identity 55

meetings, models of the world 33

memories, regression in meaning systems 58

meta‐messages 128129

meta‐model 6, 151153, 152

meta‐programmes 910, 53, 102; audit checklist 107, 108112; choice of 107113; kinds of 104107, 105106; mindset 102103, 104, 114

meta‐reflection: conscious leaders 67, 43, 44; mindset 9495, 99

micro interactive strategies 19

Millennials 24

Mindfulness Movement 61

mindset: attitudes 101; beliefs 99; conscious leaders 24; defining 9596; elicitation 141142; meta‐programmes 103, 104, 113114; meta‐reflection 9495, 99; Modality Frame Directive 9697; psychological safety 88; somatic anchors 9799; values 100101

mindset mix analysis 9596, 96

mirror neurons 46

mirroring 140

modalities: change leadership 3536; Law of Requisite Variety 53; mindset 9697; regression in meaning systems 5859

Modality Frame Directive 9697

modelling behaviour: butterfly effect 4041; Law of Requisite Variety 5657; meaning of 4550; resources to manage problems 6869

Morgan, G. 145

National Training Laboratories (NTLs) 156

needs hierarchy 42

neuro, meaning of 1314; see also neuro‐linguistic programming

neuro‐linguistic programming: applied sociology 1921; business schools’ evolution 2122; butterfly effect 41; case for change 7584; context 89; controversy 1718; definition 1315; ego 43; as emancipatory project 159; future self 5758; genesis of movement 157159; global reach 160; history of 1517; language 1415, 20; Law of Requisite Variety 5161; meta‐reflection 67; non‐judgemental principle 5960; and organizational development movement 155161; as paradigm 6471; rapport building 16, 29, 60; resources to manage problems 59; social construction 31; success of 1719; user‐friendliness 18

neurological levels model 76, 78, 80, 82

non‐judgemental principle 5960

O’Connor, J. 13, 34, 60

OD (organizational development) movement 126127, 155161

ontological flexibility 121

ontology 31

organizational development (OD) movement 126127, 155161

Organizational Learning 51, 66

organizational performance 12

pacing experience 141

paradigms, world of work 2324

people management 810; see also rapport building

perceptions see meanings

perceptual filters 3133

perceptual positions: experience 121; leading 142143; meta‐programmes 107113, 112; rapport building 70; SOAR model 79, 82

performance indicators, rapport 136137

Perls, Fritz 15, 16, 157

Personal Mastery 51

personal relationships: modelling behaviour 4550; rapport as indicator 136137; significant others 46; see also rapport building

philosophy, experience 115

positive intentions 69

positivism 115

practitioners of NLP 18

predicates 10, 54, 57, 149, 150151

programming, meaning of 15; see also neuro‐linguistic programming

‘providing fish and stretch’ 9092

psychogeography 133

psychological safety: building 8693; caretaking 126128; management 2627, 29

Pucelik, Frank 15, 157

pulse checks 2829

rapport building: author understanding 9, 10; definition 135136; demographic change 24; Law of Requisite Variety 60; model of 135144; neuro‐linguistic programming 16, 29; psychogeography 133; psychological safety 89, 89; resistance 7071

reflexivity: birth of reflective practitioners 1011; meta‐reflection 67

reframing 3435, 122123, 146

relationship management 810; see also rapport building

repetitive behaviour 101102, 101

representation, selective 147148

Requisite Variety see Law of Requisite Variety

resistance, rapport building 7071

resources to manage problems 59, 6869

respect for others 69

responsibility for actions 6667

ripple see butterfly effect

risk, meta‐programmes 105

Rogers, Carl 126, 156

safety see psychological safety

Satir, Virginia 15, 16, 157

S.C.O.R.E. model 8384, 85

selective representation 147148

self: butterfly effect 4041; ego 4244; in future 5758

Senge, Peter 51, 52

sensemaking 7, 115116

sensory system 10, 14, 53, 145, 148149; see also lead sensory system

7 + or – 2 messages 149151

Seymour, J. 13, 34, 60

significant others 46

Smircich, L. 145

S.O.A.R. model 7683, 78

social construction: change leadership 3134, 36; experience 115, 119; future self 5758; Law of Requisite Variety 5254; neuro‐linguistic programming 1819

social context, butterfly effect 4142

social identity see identity

social skills, rapport as 137

sociology 1921

somatic anchors 9799

soul 4244

stacking emotional states 130131

state management 5556, 88

state of being 6

static, meta‐programmes 105

strategies: experience 116, 117118; Law of Requisite Variety 52; neuro‐linguistic programming 1819; SOAR model 81

styles: feedback 9293; leadership 3739

sub‐modalities 3536, 53

success: Google study 2526, 2729, 86; neuro‐linguistic programming 1719

Sveningsson, S.: cultural change 3738; experience 115116, 124125; meaning‐making 7; meanings 54; psychological safety 88

systems theory: butterfly effect 40; Law of Requisite Variety 51

Taylorism 1112

theory X 100

theory Y 100

therapy: neuro‐linguistic programming 1516; organizational development (OD) movement 156; psychological safety 126127

through‐time meta‐programmes 106

timeline, SOAR model 78, 8283

toxic meta‐messages 128129

trainers of NLP 18

transmission model: change leaders 4; ethnocentric map making 3637, 38; experience 117118

Trist, Robert 156

unconscious bias 147148

unconscious mind 143

unconscious modelling 4849

uptime, Law of Requisite Variety 6061

user‐friendliness 18

validators, meta‐programmes 105

value systems 53, 64, 100101, 116, 147

visual anchors 98

voice tone 70, 92, 137, 143

ways of being 56

Wikipedia statements 158159

will, emotional states 5556

world views: change leadership 3334; respecting others 69

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