Introducing PHP

Welcome to yet another book on the great programming language of PHP. This book is unique in that it focuses on higher-end materials and more advanced, cutting-edge topics. We have kept it as modern as possible with the fast-paced world of the Internet. We take the reader from an intermediate level to a more advanced level of this great programming language.

Origins of PHP

PHP began as a project led and designed by Mr. Rasmus Lerdorf. In June 1995, he released version 1.0 of Personal Home Page Tools (its original product name). It was a small collection of functions that helped to automate the creation and maintenance of simple home pages on the then-burgeoning Internet. Since then, PHP has grown by leaps and bounds to where it is today at version 5.3.4 (at the time of writing). PHP was one of the first web development programming languages to be open source from the outset. Lerdorf was visionary enough to see the need and the potential for a tool and language that could grow with this vein of the Internet community and expand far beyond it as well.

What Is PHP?

So then, what exactly is PHP? What does it look like and ̴feel” like in its current version? Well, in its simplest terms, PHP is merely an HTML markup generator. If you look at the source code of a PHP-generated web page, you will see only HTML tags; maybe some JavaScript as well, but no raw PHP code. Of course, that is an overly simplistic view of the language that has captured between 35 and 59 percent (depending on the source) of the languages in use for web development. Whatever number you settle on, PHP is the single most popular web development language on the market today.

When I use the term “on the market,” you also have to appreciate that PHP is free. Yes, free! It is an open source product, so in reality there isn't an actual market for it. So it has done very well in terms of popularity and range of use for a product that is led and steered by no one entity or personality.

images Note For more information on open source, be sure to read “The Cathedral and the Bazaar” by Eric S. Raymond for comparisons of open source products (Bazaar) and closed source products (Cathedral). You can find it here:

Actually, Zend Corporation ( is probably the leader of the PHP world in that it has built many additional products to support and enhance PHP, and it is a key player in its guidance, since the two founding members of the company – Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans – have really taken up the gauntlet since version 3 of the product.

PHP is also very open and forgiving in its language structure, in that it is loosely typed (among other things). This means that variables don't have to be defined in the type of data that they will hold prior to their use in the way that some other programming languages do. Rather, it interrogates the data and tries to determine its data type based on the content the variable is holding at the time. This means, for example, that a variable called $information can have many different values during the execution of a code file. This can also be a drawback in some ways, because the data could change during the running of the code and therefore negate some code segments that may be expecting an integer but receiving a string.

PHP can also be written with an object-oriented programming (OOP) design in mind. Classes, properties, and methods; inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation are all part of the language. This adds a lot of robustness and re-use to code and allows for more ease of use overall. Of course, the OOP approach to programming has been around for a long time in technology-years, and PHP has been adopting and expanding on its integration for a few good years now as well.

Another valuable feature that PHP possesses is that it can be run from the command prompt (Linux or Windows), and can therefore be used in scheduled un-attended (CRON) scripts. This added level of flexibility is wonderful because you (the programmer) do not have to learn another language to accomplish different tasks while working on the server environment. You can generate web pages with the same language that you use to manage the file system (if you so choose).

PHP also has many integration points; it is a very open language, to say the least. PHP can be used for many things other than straight web development. Combine it with a database source through an appropriate connecting library, and you can have a very dynamic web presence even a web application. Combine it with an additional library (tcpdf, for example), and you can generate Adobe PDF documents on the fly. These are just two examples and we will be covering a lot of these add-on libraries throughout this book, so stay tuned!

High- Level Overview of This Book

So what do we hope to accomplish with this book for you, the reading programmer? We have made every effort to make this diatribe of current, cutting-edge value so that you will be aware of and able to use some of the most recent features and integrations of PHP. We are not spending time on the more simplistic topics of the language, such as what is a variable or how to write for / next loops.

It is our desire that you become a more advanced PHP programmer overall, and that this material may even assist you in becoming ready to take and pass the Zend Certified Engineer's exam. Following is a brief summary of what will be covered in each chapter.

Chapter 1: Object Orientation

This initial chapter is designed to get you ready for many of the concepts and code examples that will be coming in the remainder of the book. We introduce some basic concepts of OOP and how it is implemented in PHP, and then get into some of the more advanced issues right away. Be sure you really understand this chapter before going too far into the following chapters.

Chapter 2: Exceptions and References

Here we follow up on some of the OOP concepts and get into exception coding with try / catch blocks. This is a more elegant way of handling potential errors in your PHP code, and it is quite a powerful approach once it is mastered. This is followed by a discussion on reference coding and what it means in relation to the classes and functions that you may be using.

Chapter 3: PHP on the Run (Mobile PHP)

This world is getting more mobile-dependant; we see smaller and more powerful devices being released all the time. Apple, RIM, HTC, and many others are trying to capture the mindshare of this lucrative market. But there need to be applications available for these devices, and in this chapter we show you some ways that PHP is growing and adapting to also embrace this shift in mobility.

Chapter 4: Social Media and PHP

In a similar vein of technological growth, the rapid expansion of social media use is also being greatly assisted by PHP. Most of the forward-facing aspects of Facebook, for example, are written in PHP. Many other sites like Flickr, portions of Yahoo!, and even many blog applications are heavily dependent on PHP. In this chapter, we look at some of the interfaces that exist for integration with these social media sites.

Chapter 5: Cutting-Edge PHP

In its current release at the time of writing, version 5.3.4, PHP has many new features added to its actual language. Many of these features were slated for the long-awaited version 6.0, but because some of the features were ready before others, this initial collection was released as 5.3. In this chapter, we will be looking at some of the “best” of these new features and how they can be employed in your web projects.

Chapter 6: Form Design and Management

Here we take a little more time going over the features and techniques that can be implemented in designing and managing data entry forms. Controlling the data that is entered into them, responding to bad data (invalid date formats for example), and how to gracefully get that data into a web system.

Chapters 7 and 8: Database Interaction

Of course, one of the major aspects to web development these days is the ability to store and display data that is coming from a data source. In these two chapters, we look at the many different ways that data can be manipulated. From smaller footprint databases like those of the NoSQL variety to the big iron database engines like MySQLi and the techniques we can gather from using additional tools like PDO and Sphinx.

Chapter 9: Oracle

PHP and Oracle have a special connection when it comes to extra-large data sets. In this chapter, we are looking at matters that are specific to this relationship and how to make the most of their “union.”

Chapter 10: PHP Libraries

As was mentioned already, PHP is very open to working with other libraries. In Chapter 10, we take a look at some of the more popular and advanced of these libraries. Being able to generate PDF forms on the fly, consume RSS feeds, generate professional e-mail, and integrate with Google maps are just a few of the library integrations that will be covered in this chapter.

Chapter 11: Basic PHP Security

Naturally it would not be a complete book if we did not cover the latest techniques in web security. Chapter 11 covers this large topic. We look at the most secure (currently) encryption algorithm called SHA-1. Other topics covered are protecting data that is being input to the web system as well as data that is going out from the web system.

Chapter 12: Team Development with Zend Studio

This chapter goes on a little tangent in that it is not purely a PHP topic. Here we look at how to use one of the more popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for PHP development, Zend Studio for Eclipse. With Zend Studio, we look at how a team of developers can work together in an agile way (have you heard of Extreme Programming?) We will look at the use of SVN, Bugzilla, and MyLyn all working in concert to make the job of a team more productive on many fronts.

Chapter 13: Refactoring Unit Testing

This is actually an extension of what is covered in the previous chapter. There is more coverage here on what can be done to make PHP development more agile in how to program it. Refactoring and unit testing are the focus here, and you will learn how to make good use of them both in your day-to-day coding projects.

Chapter 14: XML and PHP

XML use has certainly become more mainstream over the years since it first became a buzzword. In this chapter, we look at how to use SimpleXML to consume XML from an outside source. We also cover the ability to generate XML data from within our own systems for use by others.

Chapter 14: JSON / Ajax

Again, we take a little step away from pure PHP with the look into the JSON library and how we can use it along with Ajax to make our web applications more responsive.

Chapter 15: Conclusion

In this last chapter, we look at additional resources for PHP that we could not fit into this book. Here we look at the many web resources available and some of the magazines and conferences that can deepen your knowledge and understanding of this great language and community.

The Future of PHP

This is a topic that I find hard to write about. With PHP being a true open source product, it is hard to really predict what direction the community will take in the near and distant future. I have implicit faith in this community however; in the years that I have been a PHP programmer, I have yet to really see a misstep taken by this collective. I know that the mobile aspect of our lives will continue to grow and expand, and PHP is already taking steps to fully embrace this truth. What else will happen in the near future? Maybe some more integration with telephony in the aspect of smart-phones and data interoperability. Possibly more expansion into voice recognition technology and web applications—who knows? I do know from my experiences so far that PHP and its supporting community will continue to have its finger on the pulse of the world of technology and they will not let us down.

Looking to the future of PHP is a comforting thing to do; it's like looking at a beautiful sunrise knowing that the coming day can only get better as it goes along.

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