Numbers and Symbols

&& operator (logical and), 48

short-circuit evaluation of, 129, 132, 133

& operator (address-of), 85

& symbol (reference parameter), 84–85, 137, 211, 213

* operator (dereference), 59–60, 82, 128–129, 138, 213–216

* symbol (pointer declaration), 59, 75, 82, 85, 99–100, 160, 177–178, 186, 192

pointer to function, 177–178

== operator (equality), 197–198

= operator (assignment), 137–138, 197–198

-> operator (structure deference), 102, 128

% operator (modulo), 33–34, 39–40, 50–52


abstract data type, 116, 175, 183, 188–189

access specifier, 112, 119, 125, 127

activation record, 86–87, 89–90

address-of operator (&), 85

algorithm, xv, 173–174, 176–177, 182–183, 188–193

analogy. See finding an analogy

and (Boolean logic), 48

short-circuit evaluation of, 129, 132, 133

application programming interface (API), 176

arrays, 56

ARRAY_SIZE constant, 58

aggregate statistics, 61–62

basic operations, 56–62

of bool, 209, 215

computing average, 61

const array declaration, 67

copying, 57

dynamically allocating, 93, 97, 98

element, 56

finding largest value in, 58–59, 66, 70–71, 73

of fixed data, 67–69

initialization, 57, 70, 71

median, 67

mode (statistic), 62–65

multidimensional, 71–74

treating as array of arrays, 72–74

when to use, 71–72

nonscalar, 69–71

recursive processing of, 153–155


criterion-based, 58–59

for specific value, 58

sorting, 59–61, 189–193

insertion sort, 60–61, 190–192, 193

qsort, 59–60, 192–193

of string, 123

of struct, 69–71

subscript, 56, 66

vs. vectors, 75–76

when to use, 74–78

assignment operator (=), 137–138, 197–198

avoiding frustration, 21–22, 95–96, 201, 220, 224

by dividing problems, 41


bad_alloc exception, 89

bad smells, 65, 97, 192

base case, 144, 162

Big Recursive Idea (BRI), 143, 152–155

binary tree

empty, testing for, 162

leaf, 163

recursive processing, 160–165, 166–167

root node, 161

subtree, 161



array declaration, 55

array initialization, 57

as choice for this book, xvii

cin standard stream, 26

class declaration, 112–113

cout standard stream, 26

delete operator, 83

exception, 130

file processing, 210–211

free function, 88

friend keyword, 184

get method, 34

header files for input/output, 26

list class, 182–183, 210–214, 216, 218

malloc function, 88

new operator, 75, 82, 97, 98

pointer declaration, 82

prerequisites, xv

reference parameters, 84

short-circuit evaluation, 129, 132, 133

Standard Template Library, 175

this keyword, 120

typedef keyword, 91, 101, 127, 160, 177

character codes, 34–35

checksum validation, 31–32

cin standard stream, 26


access specifier, 112, 119, 125, 127

basic framework, 119–122

composition, 126

constructor, 112–113, 119, 121–122, 126–127

data member, 112

declaration, 112–113

deep copy, 134–137

destructor, 133–134

dynamic data structures, 125–140

encapsulation, 114, 126, 180

expressiveness, 117–118, 121, 128

fake, 140–141

friend method, 184

get and set, 119–121

goals of use, 113–118

information hiding, 115, 180

interface, 115

method, 112

method names, choosing, 117, 119–120

operator overloading, 137

private member, 112

protected member, 112

public member, 112

shallow copy, 135

single-tasker, 141

subclass, 112

support method, 122

template, 141

validation, 121, 124

wrapper function, 163–165

classic puzzles

the Fox, the Goose, and the Corn, 3–7, 15, 17, 20

sliding number puzzle, 7–11, 18

sudoku, 11–13

Quarrasi Lock, 13–15, 20

code block, 173

code reuse, 53, 172–173

abstract data type, 175

algorithm, 173–174

as-needed learning, 180–188

class use, 114

code block, 173

component, 173

choosing, 188–193

finding, 182–183

exploratory learning, 176–180

library, 175–176

pattern, 174

properties, desired, 172

saving code for later use, 44, 67, 218

code validation. See testing

comparator function, 59

component, 173

types, 173–176

flexibility of, 188–189

composition, 126


arrays, 67–69, 71

numeric types, 58

parameters, 59, 211

constraints, 1–2, 6, 11–13, 19, 31, 33, 38, 40–41, 203

importance of, 26

constructor, 112–113, 119, 121–122, 126–127

copy constructor, 138

default constructor, 113, 122, 179

converting between ranges

character digit to integer, 35, 43–48

number to letter of alphabet, 49

copy-and-paste job, 173

copy constructor, 138

cout standard stream, 26

creeping featurism, 201

cross-linking, 100, 103, 134–135

cross-training, 220

c_str method, 211


dangling reference, 90, 100, 125, 212

caused by cross-linking, 136

data member, 112, 119–120

data redundancy, 123–124

deep copy, 134–137

default constructor, 113, 122, 179

dereferencing, 82

design pattern. See pattern

destructor, 133–134

diagrams, pointer, 92, 94, 96, 103

direct recursion, 144

DirectX, 176

dispatcher function, 153–154

dividing problems, 17–18, 31–41, 41–53

class use, 115

sliding tile puzzle, 8–11

division by zero, 108, 198

doubly linked list, 131

dummy record, 129, 179, 181, 186

dynamic data structures, 158–165


efficiency, 181–182, 193

encapsulation, 114, 126, 180


character code for, 37

finding in character stream, 38

equality operator (==), 197–198

exception, 130

experimenting with programs, 20–21, 28, 30, 37

expressiveness, 117–118


fake class, 140–141

fast learner, 200–201

fast coder, 200–201

fencepost error, 196

file processing, 210–211

finding an analogy, 2, 20, 62, 93, 182, 191

creating your own analogy, 38–39

loop problems, 29–30

Quarrasi Lock problem, 13–15

find method (string), 211–212

flexibility, 93, 154, 160, 188–189

the Fox, the Goose, and the Corn, 3–7, 15, 17, 20


activation record, 86

comparator, 59

dispatcher, 153–154

multiple exits, 132

names, choosing, 117, 119–120

pointer to, 177

recursive, 152–165

wrapper, 163–165

frustration, 21. See also avoiding frustration


get method (general), 119

get method (iostream), 34


hangman, 204–218

head pointer, 103, 123, 127, 137

head recursion, 144, 146–147, 151–152

heap, 87–88

overflow, 89

helper function, 98

histogram, 65–66


indirect recursion, 144


in space, 77

in time, 77, 181–182

information hiding, 115–117

input processing, 31–41

iteration, 25. See also looping

iterator class, 183, 210

begin method, 183

const_iterator, 211

end method, 183

erase method, 212

find method, 211–212

iterator pattern, 183–187

advancing to next node, 185

benefits, 183

initializing, 185

methods, 184


Java, xiv, 111, 176, 221

JDBC, 176


King of the Hill algorithm, 58, 66, 70–71, 73, 214–215

Kobayashi Maru, 2, 19, 26


learning new skills, 219–224

classwork, 223–224

for known languages, 222

libraries, 223

new languages, 219–222

left-hand side, 137

library, 175–176, 223

lifetime, 90

linked lists, 101–108, 175

adding node to, 104–106, 128

building, 101–103

diagram, 103

doubly linked list, 131

empty, testing for, 108

head pointer, 103, 123, 127, 137

iterator, 182–187

node, 101, 127

NULL terminator, 103

recursion, 168–169

recursive processing, 158–160

removing node, 130–133

reverse traversal, 168–169

sequential access, 103

traversal, 106–108, 129, 168–169, 179, 181

list class, 182–183, 210–214, 216, 218

lookup table, 67

looping, 26–41, 71, 94

loop postmortem, 217


master plan, 196–203

median, 67

member, 112

memory allocation

activation record, 86

array, 74, 97

bad_alloc exception, 89

in classes, 125–140

dangling reference, 90, 100

delete operator, 83

fragmentation, 87–88

free function, 88

heap, 87–88

heap overflow, 89

leak (see memory leak)

lifetime, 90

malloc function, 88

new operator, 75, 82, 97, 98

reasons to minimize, 88–90

stack, 86–87, 89–90

thrashing, 89

memory fragmentation, 87–88

memory leak, 75, 90

avoiding, 95

minimal data set, 160

mode (statistic), 62

modulo operator (%), 33–34, 37, 39–40, 50–52

most constrained variable, 12

multidimensional array, 71–74

treating as array of arrays, 72–74

when to use, 71–72


new operator, 75, 82, 97, 98


binary tree, 160–161, 163

linked list, 101, 127

payload, 102, 145

npos value, 211–212

NULL pointer, 90


OpenGL, 223


address-of (&), 85

assignment (=), 137–138, 197–198

derefererence (*), 59–60, 82, 128–129, 138, 213–216

equality (==), 197–198

logical and (&&), 48

short-circuit evaluation of, 129, 132, 133

modulo (%), 33–34, 39–40, 50–52

overloading, 137–138

overconfidence, 199


heap, 89

stack, 89–90

overloading, 137–138



recursive functions, use in, 155–156

reference, 84

pattern, 174

iterator, 183–187

policy, 176–180

singleton, 174

strategy, 176–180

wrapper function, 174


inefficiency in space, 77, 85

inefficiency in time, 77, 181–182, 193

tuning, 77

planning, 16–17, 33, 95–96, 173

individuality of, 40

master plan, 196–203


benefits of, 83–84

cross-linking, 100

declaration, 59, 75, 82, 85, 99–100, 160, 177–178, 186, 192

dereferencing, 59–60, 82, 128–129, 138, 213–216

diagrams, 92, 94, 96, 103

to function, 177

NULL pointer, 90

reference parameters, 84

when to use, 84

policy, 176–180

public member, 112

push_back method, 76

private member, 112

problem solving, xiii–xv, 2, 203–219

protected member, 112

prerequisites, xv

property (C#), 120

pseudocode, 63

conversion to documentation, 64

solving problems with, 63–64


qsort, 59–60, 65, 192–193

comparator function, 59, 192

Quarrasi Lock problem, 13–15, 20


random access, 56, 78

rapid prototyping, 201

readability, 117

recursion, 143

base case, 144

Big Recursive Idea, 143, 152–155

binary tree, 160–165

breadcrumb trail, 166–169

common mistakes, 155–158

direct, 144

dynamic data structures, applying to, 158–165

head, 144, 146–147, 151–152

indirect, 144

linked list, 158–160

vs. stack, 166–169

tail, 144, 145–146, 149–150

when to use, 165–169

wrapper function, 163–165

reducing problems, 19–20, 41–53, 63, 190

loop problems, 26–29

redundant data, 123–124

refactoring, 65–67, 180, 200

reference parameters, 84–85, 137, 211, 213

const, 211, 213

resizable data structure, 83

restating problems, 17, 33, 42, 182, 193

the Fox, the Goose, and the Corn, 5–7

loop problems, 31

restore point, 218

reuse. See code reuse

right-hand side, 137

robust programs, definition of, 96

root node, 161

runtime-sized data structure, 83


scalar variable, 55

sequential access, 103

sequential search, 58

set method, 119

shallow copy, 135

short-circuit evaluation, 129

single-tasker, 141

singleton, 174

sliding number puzzle, 7–11, 18

solving by sample case, 92–96

sorting, 59, 176–177, 189–193

insertion sort, 60–61, 190–192, 193

qsort, 59–60, 192–193

special cases, 96

checking for, 96–97, 100, 124, 128, 132, 198–199

stack, 86

linked list, 175

overflow, 89–90

runtime, 86–87

starting with what you know, 18–19, 62, 92

loop problems, 29–30

most constrained variable, 12

sudoku, 11–13

strategy, 176–180

string class, 119

array, 123

c_str method, 211

find method, 211–212

npos value, 211–212

strings, 91

array implementation, 91–100

copying, 98

C-style, 178

linked list implementation, 101–107

terminator, 93

struct, 69

structure deference (->), 102, 128

subclass, 122

subscript, 56

sudoku, 11–13

support method, 122–125


tail recursion, 144, 145–146, 149–150

template class, 141

test-driven development, 200

testing, 124, 190, 199–200, 215

memory leaks, 95

promoting ease of, 34, 57, 66, 70, 218

storing test programs, 44

test cases, coding, 93, 98–100, 130–134, 186–187

this keyword, 120

thrashing, 89

tracking state, 50-51

traversal, linked list, 106–108, 129, 168–169, 179, 181

typedef keyword, 91, 101–102, 127, 160, 177



checksum 31–32

code (see testing)

data, 61–62, 92, 96, 121, 124–125

vectors, 55

vs. arrays, 75–76

declaring, 76

push_back method, 76



coding weaknesses, 196, 197–199

design weaknesses, 196, 199–200

whitespace, 34

wrapper function, 163–165, 174

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