
Information in this Section

  • Book Overview

  • How This Book Is Organized

Book Overview

With the number of security countermeasures against user-land exploitation greater than ever these days, kernel-level exploitation is becoming increasingly popular among attackers and, generically, exploit writers. Playing with the heart of a computer's operating system can be a dangerous game. This book covers the theoretical techniques and approaches needed to develop reliable and effective kernel-level exploits and applies them to different operating systems—namely, UNIX derivatives, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Kernel exploits require both art and science to achieve. Every OS has its quirks, so every exploit must be molded to take full advantage of its target. This book discusses the most popular OS families—UNIX derivatives, Mac OS X, and Windows—and how to gain complete control over them.

Concepts and tactics are presented categorically so that even when a specifically detailed vulnerability has been patched, the foundational information that you have read will help you to write a newer, better attack if you are a hacker; or a more concrete design and defensive structure if you are a pen tester, auditor, or the like.

How this Book is Organized

This book is divided into four parts and nine chapters., Part I, A Journey to Kernel Land , introduces our target, the kernel, and aims at setting down the theoretical basis on which we will build throughout the rest of the book. Here's what you'll find in this part of the book:

  • , Chapter 1, From User-Land to Kernel-Land Attacks , introduces the world of exploitation and analyzes what has caused security researchers and attackers to change their focus from targeting user-land applications to exploiting the core of a running system, the kernel.

  • , Chapter 2, A Taxonomy of Kernel Vulnerabilities , builds a classification of different types of vulnerabilities (bug classes), looking at common traits and exploitation approaches. The more we can model different bug classes, the better we can design and invent reliable and effective techniques. This classification is also handy when we look at the problem from the other side of the fence: defense. The more we understand about bug classes, the better we can invent protections and countermeasures against them.

  • , Chapter 3, Stairway to Successful Kernel Exploitation , dissects the building blocks of an exploit and describes techniques and best approaches for each bug class presented in Chapter 2. Although operating systems differ in the way they implement their subsystems, this chapter aims to provide approaches that are easily applicable to different kernels as well as different architectures.

, Part II, The UNIX Family, Mac OS X, and Windows , is where we start getting our hands dirty, delving deep into the details regarding different operating systems and writing exploits for them that target various bug classes. For each operating system, we also spend time covering debugging tools and approaches, which become extremely useful when writing exploits. Where possible, we present exploits for “real” vulnerabilities rather than crafted examples. Here's what you'll find in this part of the book:

  • , Chapter 4, The UNIX Family , analyzes UNIX derivative systems, focusing largely on Linux and somewhat on the (Open)Solaris operating systems. A part of the chapter is also dedicated to debugging techniques with the main tools these operating systems offer (dynamic tracing, in-kernel debugger, etc.).

  • , Chapter 5, Mac OS X , covers the Leopard version of the increasingly popular Mac OS X operating system. Along with an analysis of the main bug classes (e.g., stack and heap exploitation), we present an analysis of how the closed parts of the kernel can be reverse engineered when looking for vulnerabilities.

  • , Chapter 6, Windows , covers the most popular operating system in the world, Microsoft Windows. Unlike the preceding chapters, in this chapter we do not have the sources of the kernel; rather, our understanding of the internals (and vulnerabilities/exploitation approaches) comes from reverse engineering the various kernel parts. Even more so than in Chapters 4 and 5, learning about the debugging and reverse-engineering tools is important here, and we dedicate a part of the chapter to this topic.

, Part III, Remote Kernel Exploitation , moves our attention from the local scenario (the one that is common for kernel attacks) to the remote case. Indeed, we enter trickier territory, where many of the techniques we have learned to use in local attacks are simply no longer applicable. Although bug classes remain the same, we need to add a new set of weapons to our arsenal., Part III is divided into two chapters, harking back to the structure of the previous part of the book (Part I being more theoretical and, Part II being more practical). Here's what you'll find in this part of the book:

, Part IV, Final Words , concludes the book, wrapping up our analysis of kernel (in)security. It is composed of a single chapter:

  • , Chapter 9, Kernel Evolution: Future Forms of Attack and Defense , where we build on what we have learned about kernel exploitation and look at what the future may hold. To be able to put some order to the many aspects of attack and defense techniques, in this chapter we turn to the basics of computer security: information flow control. We then use it as our looking glass to inspect and understand some fundamental traits of bugs and exploits so that we can better understand where the future will take them.

The source code for all the exploits and tools presented in this book is available on the book's Web site,, which is also the main point of reference to report errors; to look for extra material; and, if you wish, to contact us.

Please be advised that the superscripted numbers in the text indicate corresponding numbered entries in the section entitled Endnotes at the end of chapters. Footnotes in this book use a superscripted, lettered format.


Writing a book is a fantastic yet terrifying experience. It is a chance for an author to document the many concepts that have been floating through his or her mind regarding his or her favorite topic. Writing this book was a challenge for us, on many levels. We strived to be clear and correct in the explanation, transfer the passion (and fun) that is involved in finding ways to break things (or prevent the breakage), and offer information that is valuable not only when the book is printed, but also for some time thereafter. We hope you'll like this effort as much as we have enjoyed putting it together for you.

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