
Intended Audience

When writing a technical book, one of the first questions the authors must answer is “Who is your audience?” The authors must then keep this question in mind at all times when writing. While it is hoped that this book is useful to everyone that reads it, the intended audience is primarily two groups.

The first group is new forensic practitioners. This could range from students who are brand new to the world of digital forensics, to active practitioners that are still early in their careers, to seasoned system administrators looking to make a career change. While this book is not a singular, complete compendium of all the forensic knowledge you will need to be successful, it is, hopefully, enough to get you started.

The second audience is experienced digital forensics practitioners new to open source tools. This is a fairly large audience, as commercial, proprietary tools have had a nearly exhaustive hold on working forensic examiners. Many examiners operating today are reliant upon a single commercial vendor to supply the bulk of their examination capabilities. They rely on one vendor for their core forensic platform and may have a handful of other commercial tools used for specific tasks that their main tool does not perform (or does not perform well). These experienced examiners who have little or no experience with open source tools will also hopefully benefit greatly from the content of this book.

Layout of the Book

Beyond the introductory chapter that follows, the rest of this book is divided up into eight chapters and one Appendix.

Chapter 2 discusses the Open Source Examination Platform. We walk through all the prerequisites required to start compiling source code into executable code, install interpreters, and ensure we have a proper environment to build software on Ubuntu and Windows. We also install a Linux emulation environment on Windows along with some additional packages to bring Windows closer to “feature parity” with Linux for our purposes.

Chapter 3 details Disk and File System Analysis using the Sleuth Kit. The Sleuth Kit is the premier open source file system forensic analysis framework. We explain use of the Sleuth Kit and the fundamentals of media analysis, disk and partition structures, and file system concepts. We also review additional core digital forensics topics such as hashing and the creation of forensic images.

Chapter 4 begins our operating system-specific examination chapters with Windows Systems and Artifacts. We cover analysis of FAT and NTFS file systems, including internal structures of the NTFS Master File Table, extraction and analysis of Registry hives, event logs, and other Windows-specific artifacts. Finally, because malware-related intrusion cases are becoming more and more prevalent, we discuss some of the artifacts that can be retrieved from Windows executable files.

We continue on to Chapter 5, Linux Systems and Artifacts, where we discuss analysis of the most common Linux file systems (Ext2 and 3) and identification, extraction, and analysis of artifacts found on Linux servers and desktops. System level artifacts include items involved in the Linux boot process, service control scripts, and user account management. User-generated artifacts include Linux graphical user environment traces indicating recently opened files, mounted volumes, and more.

Chapter 6 is the final operating system-specific chapter, in which we examine Mac OS X Systems and Artifacts. We examine the HFS+ file system using the Sleuth Kit as well as an HFS-specific tool, HFSXplorer. We also analyze the Property List files that make up the bulk of OS X configuration information and user artifacts.

Chapter 7 reviews Internet Artifacts. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome artifacts are processed and analyzed, along with Outlook, Maildir, and mbox formatted local mail.

Chapter 8 is all about File Analysis. This chapter covers the analysis of files that aren’t necessarily bound to a single system or operating system—documents, graphics files, videos, and more. Analysis of these types of files can be a big part of any investigation, and as these files move frequently between systems, many have the chance to carry traces of their source system with them. In addition, many of these file formats contain embedded information that can persist beyond the destruction of the file system or any other malicious tampering this side of wiping.

Chapter 9 covers a range of topics under the themes of Automating Analysis and Extending Capabilities. We discuss the PyFLAG and DFF graphical investigation environments. We also review the fiwalk library designed to take the pain out of automated forensic data extraction. Additionally, we discuss the generation and analysis of timelines, along with some alternative ways to think about temporal analysis during an examination.

The Appendix discusses some non-open source tools that fill some niches not yet covered by open source tools. These tools are all available free of charge, but are not provided as open source software, and as such did not fit directly into the main content of the book. That said, the authors find these tools incredibly valuable and would be remiss in not including some discussion of them.

What is not Covered

While it is our goal to provide a book suitable for novice-to-intermediate examiners, if you do not have any experience with Linux at the command line, you may find it difficult to follow along with the tool use examples. While very few of the tools covered are Linux specific, most of the tool installation and subsequent usage examples are performed from a Linux console.

We focus exclusively on dead drive forensic analysis—media and images of systems that are offline. Collection and analysis of volatile data from running systems are not covered. Outside of the Linux platform, current tools for performing these tasks are largely closed source. That said, much of the analysis we go through is equally applicable to artifacts and items recovered from live systems.

Low-level detail of file system internals is intentionally omitted as this material is covered quite well in existing works. Likewise the development of open source tools is not discussed at length here. This is a book that first and foremost is concerned with the operational use of existing tools by forensic practitioners.

Outside of the Appendix, no commercial, proprietary, closed source, or otherwise restricted software is used.

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