
A lot of material has been covered up to this point in the book including an overview of an iOS device, the file system used, the types of data storage, device and application security, and an in-depth review of the various forensic acquisition methods. All this information has been important in leading up to this chapter, which covers the analysis of the data recovered from the device.

Analysis techniques

This section provides an overview of the analysis techniques that can be used on an image in order to recover the greatest amount of data possible.

Mount disk image

As discussed throughout this book, the directories and files in the device's file system are the primary focus of a forensic investigation. The final section of this chapter, iPhone Application Analysis and Reference, provides a detailed analysis of both default and downloaded iPhone apps. Combining this information with the techniques demonstrated in Chapter 3 , File System and Data Storage, will provide the most significant results for an investigation.
After performing a physical acquisition on an iOS device using one of the available methods, the resulting file will be in a disk image (.dmg) format. On a Mac, this file can be marked as read-only (see Chapter 5 , section on “Postacquisition Steps”) and mounted by double-clicking the file. By default, this should launch the DiskImageMounter on a Mac.
Oftentimes, an iPhone image may be corrupt or, for one reason or another, will not mount successfully on a Mac. In this case, Linux can also be used to mount a dmg file. The following command will mount an HFS Plus disk image on a Linux workstation or virtual machine (VM):
kstrzempka@linux-wks:~$ sudo mount -t hfsplus -o ro,loop ~/Desktop/iPhone.dmg ~/Desktop/mount-
To mount the dmg, a folder needs to be created first in the location where the image should be mounted. Above, the “mount” folder was created on the user's desktop. Now, let us walk through the previous command to make sure we understand all of the options listed:
• sudo: Provides extended security privileges to the user.
• -t hfsplus: Specifies the file system type of HFS Plus.
• -o ro,loop: Specifies the option to open the device as read-only (ro) and as a loopback device, which makes the file accessible as a block device.
• ~/Desktop/iPhone.dmg: Source path where the dmg file is stored.
• ~/Desktop/mount: Destination path to the folder where the image is to be mounted.
Once the image is mounted on either a Mac or a Linux workstation, the examiner will see the entire file system of the device (see Appendix C to view the full iPhone file system). The analysis of folders and files within these directories is discussed in the “iPhone Data Storage Locations” section later in this chapter.

File carving

File carving is a process in which specified file types are searched and extracted across binary data, often a forensic image of an entire disk or partition. File carving works by examining the binary data and identifying files based on their known file headers. If the file format has a known footer, it will scan from the header until it finds the footer (or hits a maximum file length set by the configuration file), and then it saves the carved file to disk for further examination.
Traditional file carving techniques require that the data is sequential in the image and therefore they cannot produce the full file if it is fragmented. There are many reasons why files are fragmented, as the process for saving the file to nonvolatile storage varies by file system type as well as by the strong influence of the memory type such as NAND Flash. This also means that files that are very large (such as videos) will be more difficult to recover.
Newer file carving techniques are being researched and developed to address the limitations experienced with file fragmentation. One such technique has been developed by Digital Assembly, a digital forensics solutions company based in New York. Their technique, called SmartCarving, profiles the fragmentation characteristics of several popular file systems and uses this information to carve even fragmented photos. Their product, Adroit Photo Forensics, can also carve images from unknown file systems ( Digital Assembly, n.d. ).
The process of data carving typically involves a data carving tool, a configuration file for that tool, and a disk image containing the desired data. The configuration file contains details related to the file types that are to be carved out of the image. The tool will then search the raw data for file signatures of the file types referenced in the configuration file.
Once the data carving process is complete, the output is typically grouped by file type. The following is an example of the resulting file types after file carving was performed on an iPhone disk image file. If there are more than 1000 files, a new folder is created. For example, thousands of jpg images were contained on the device, and therefore a large number of jpg folders were created (jpg-2-0 through jpg-3-2). The “amr” file type stands for Adaptive Multi-Rate and this is where media files are commonly stored.
kstrzempka@linux-001:~# tree -L 1 scalpel-output/
├── amr-16-0
├── audit.txt
├── bplist-8-0
├── bplist-8-1
├── bplist-8-2
├── bplist-8-3
├── bplist-8-4
├── bplist-8-5
├── bplist-8-6
├── bplist-8-7
├── bplist-8-8
├── bplist-8-9
├── dat-6-0
├── email-10-0
├── email-10-1
├── gif-0-0
├── gif-1-0
├── htm-13-0
├── jpg-2-0
├── jpg-2-1
├── jpg-2-2
├── jpg-2-3
├── jpg-2-4
├── jpg-2-5
├── jpg-2-6
├── jpg-2-7
├── jpg-2-8
├── jpg-2-9
├── jpg-3-0
├── jpg-3-1
├── jpg-3-2
├── mov-11-0
├── pdf-15-0
├── plist-7-0
├── plist-7-1
├── plist-7-2
├── plist-7-3
├── plist-7-4
├── png-5-0
├── png-5-1
├── png-5-2
├── process
├── sqlitedb-9-0
└── sqlitedb-9-1
One popular tool used for carving data files is known as scalpel. Scalpel is an open source high-performance file carving utility written by Golden G. Richard III. It reads a database of header and footer definitions in order to extract files from a raw image. This utility is filesystem-independent and will work on FATx, NTFS, ext2/3, HFS, or raw partitions. Scalpel was rewritten based on foremost 0.69, which is another popular open source file carving utility. It is written in C and runs on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and other operating systems that can compile the C code ( Richard, 2006 ).

Installing scalpel

The source code for scalpel can be downloaded from or installed via command line. The latter will automatically install the latest version. The following command must be run on the Linux workstation to install scalpel.
sudo apt-get install scalpel
Alternatively, one can compile from source, which will allow the installation of the latest version on Linux or other platforms without waiting for the specific platform maintainer to update the prepackaged version. In this method, the package must be compiled and built from the source code using the specific commands. First, the archive must be extracted using the tar command (-x will extract the files, -z unzips the files, -v signifies verbose output, and -f specifies the archived file). The following commands should be run to extract the files and compile the program. In this example, Scalpel version 1.60 was used. The most up-to-date software available at the time should be used.
$ cd ~
$ wget
$ tar xzvf scalpel-1.60.tar.gz
$ cd scalpel-1.60/
$ make
The scalpel executable is now in ~/scalpel-1.60 and is simply called scalpel. In addition, there is a sample scalpel.conf in the same directory, which is needed for scalpel to run and to extend the supported file definitions. Here is a starter scalpel.conf for an iPhone device:
#ext case size header footer
gif y 5000000 x47x49x46x38x37x61 x00x3b
gif y 5000000 x47x49x46x38x39x61 x00x3b
jpg y 200000000 xffxd8xffxe0x00x10 xffxd9
jpg y 5000000 xffxd8xffxe1 x7fxffxd9
png y 102400 x50x4ex47? xffxfcxfdxfe
png y 102400 x89PNG
tif y 20000000 x49x49x2ax00
db y 409600 SQLitex20format
dat y 8192 DynamicDictionary-
plist y 4096 <plist </plist
bplist y 4096 x62x70x6cx69x73x74x30x30
sqlitedb y 819200 SQLitex20format
email y 10240 From:
mov y 8192000 x00x00x00x14x66x74x79x70x71x74x20x20x00x00x00x00
doc y 10000000 xd0xcfx11xe0xa1xb1x1axe1x00x00 xd0xcfx11xe0xa1xb1x1axe1x00x00 NEXT
doc y 10000000 xd0xcfx11xe0xa1xb1
htm n 50000 <html </html>
pdf y 5000000 %PDF %EOFx0d REVERSE
pdf y 5000000 %PDF %EOFx0a REVERSE
wav y 200000 RIFF????WAVE
amr y 200000 #!AMR
zip y 10000000 PKx03x04 x3cxac
java y 1000000 xcaxfexbaxbe
As one can tell, the headers for this configuration file define the extension or file type, whether it is case sensitive, the maximum size to carve, the header definition (in ASCII, hex, and other supported notations), and the footer (if it exists). A targeted file type for carving does not need to define each setting. For additional information, see the sample configuration file in the downloaded source files, as there are many additional options that are quite powerful. Your workstation now has the software needed for file carving.
It is worth pointing out that a large number of file signatures have already been assembled. Gary Kessler, an independent consultant and practitioner of digital forensics, actively maintains a table of file signatures on his website. He references the “magic file,” which is found on most Unix systems and is located at /usr/share/file/magic on the Ubuntu workstation. On the workstation, one can run the “file” command, which takes a file as an argument and attempts to determine the file type based on the signatures in the magic file ( Kessler, 2011 ).
A simple example would include looking at an unknown file that cannot be easily identified by the file name (of course, some people might try to hide file types by changing the extension, but this is easily discovered by examining the file signature):
root@linux-wks:~/Desktop/iPhone-mount/run# file ASCII text
Looking at the “” file found in the “run” directory at the root of the device, the file command shows that this file contains ASCII characters.


To use scalpel, you will first need to have the program installed and compiled and also have access to a dmg (or other image file) and the scalpel configuration file. By default, scalpel will create a “scalpel-output” directory in the current folder, so make sure you are cd'd into the directory where you would like the output to go. Run the following command:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:~/Desktop$ time scalpel -c /home/kstrzempka/Documents/scalpel-iphone.conf iPhone.dmg
Scalpel version 1.60
Written by Golden G. Richard III, based on Foremost 0.69.
Opening target “iPhone.dmg”
Image file pass 1/2.
iPhone.dmg: 100.0% |*******************************************************************| 14.6 GB 00:00 ETAAllocating work queues…
Work queues allocation complete. Building carve lists…
Carve lists built. Workload:
gif with header “x47x49x46x38x37x61” and footer “x00x3b” - -> 0 files
gif with header “x47x49x46x38x39x61” and footer “x00x3b” - -> 31 files
jpg with header “xffxd8xffxe0x00x10” and footer “xffxd9” - -> 45 files
jpg with header “xffxd8xffxe1” and footer “x7fxffxd9” - -> 13 files
png with header “x50x4ex47x3f” and footer “xffxfcxfdxfe” - -> 0 files
png with header “x89x50x4ex47” and footer “” - -> 955 files
dat with header “x44x79x6ex61x6dx69x63x44x69x63x74x69x6fx6ex61x72x79x2d” and footer “” - -> 1 files
plist with header “x3cx70x6cx69x73x74” and footer “x3cx2fx70x6cx69x73x74” - -> 802 files
bplist with header “x62x70x6cx69x73x74x30x30” and footer “” - -> 1273 files
sqlitedb with header “x53x51x4cx69x74x65x20x66x6fx72x6dx61x74” and footer “” - -> 56 files
email with header “x46x72x6fx6dx3a” and footer “” - -> 13 files
mov with header “x00x00x00x14x66x74x79x70x71x74x20x20x00x00x00x00” and footer “” - -> 0 files
doc with header “xd0xcfx11xe0xa1xb1” and footer “” - -> 0 files
htm with header “x3cx68x74x6dx6c” and footer “x3cx2fx68x74x6dx6cx3e” - -> 8 files
pdf with header “x25x50x44x46” and footer “x25x45x4fx46x0d” - -> 0 files
pdf with header “x25x50x44x46” and footer “x25x45x4fx46x0a” - -> 0 files
amr with header “x23x21x41x4dx52” and footer “” - -> 0 files
Carving files from image.
Image file pass 2/2.
iPhone.dmg: 100.0% |******************************************************************| 14.6 GB 00:00 ETAProcessing of image file complete. Cleaning up…
Scalpel is done, files carved = 3197, elapsed = 409 seconds.
real 6m48.487s
user 4m28.320s
sys 0m25.050s
The command is broken down as follows:
• time: This is optional and will simply document how long the process took (see the previous output for the real, user, and sys times).
• scalpel: Runs the scalpel program.
• -c /home/kstrzempka/Documents/scalpel-iPhone.conf: Points the scalpel program to the appropriate configuration file: in this case, “scalpel-iPhone.conf.”
• iPhone.dmg: Tells scalpel to run against the specified dmg file. If the dmg is not in the current directory, a path can also be specified, such as “/home/kstrzempka/Desktop/iPhone.dmg.”
When scalpel has finished, a “scalpel-output” folder is created in the current directory, which contains all the recovered files, sorted by file type. Table 6.1 contains a breakdown of the standard file types recovered from an iPhone using scalpel and the type of information that may be found within these files.
Table 6.1 Files Recovered through Scalpel
File Type Description
amr Voicemails will typically be stored here. AMR stands for “Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec” File which is a compressed audio format.
bplist/plist Binary plist and XML plist files recovered from the device.
dat This is a “Data” file; the dynamic dictionary file is a common file found in this category (containing a list of key words unique to the user).
email Recovered email files are stored here. Because there is a set file size that is extracted from the dmg, there are usually multiple emails within each “.email” file.
gif/jpg/png Various images, photos, and icons recovered from the device are stored in these folders.
htm Cached web history files.
mov Videos taken from the device or synced to the device can be found in the “mov” directory.
doc/pdf Documents or PDF files.
sqlitedb SQLite database files are stored here and can be queried to recover data.


The strings command on a Linux workstation will extract, by default, ASCII printable strings at least four characters long from any file, text, or binary. While this technique is not terribly elegant or sophisticated, it is quite effective at quickly examining binary data to determine whether information of interest might be contained in the file.
There are several options that have a great impact on what the strings command will output. First, let us take a look at the synopsis section of the command's man page (manual):
STRINGS(1) GNU Development Tools STRINGS(1)
strings - print the strings of printable characters in files.
strings [-afovV] [-min-len]
[-n min-len] [- -bytes=min-len]
[-t radix] [- -radix=radix]
[-e encoding] [- -encoding=encoding]
[-] [- -all] [- -print-file-name]
[-T bfdname] [- -target=bfdname]
[- -help] [--version] file…
There are a few options you should always consider using when executing strings. First, the “- -all” option tells strings to examine the entire file (on certain files, it only examines certain portions of the file. Second, the “- -radix=” option tells strings to print the offset within the file where the string was found. This is extremely helpful when you combine strings and a hex editor to examine possible evidence found in the file. The radix option can print the offset in octal (- -radix=o), hex (- -radix=x), or decimal (- -radix=d). For most hex editors, you should consider hex, or perhaps decimal, offsets.
Another extremely important option controls the character encoding of the strings that provide support for Unicode characters in both big endian and little endian formats:
- -encoding=encoding
Select the character encoding of the strings that are to be found.
Possible values for encoding are: s = single-7-bit-byte characters
(ASCII, ISO 8859, etc., default), S = single-8-bit-byte characters,
b = 16-bit bigendian, l = 16-bit littleendian, B = 32-bit
bigendian, L = 32-bit littleendian. Useful for finding wide
character strings. (l and b apply to, for example, Unicode
UTF-16/UCS-2 encodings).
An example of utilization of the strings command on an iPhone.dmg file is given as follows:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:~$ strings - -all - -radix=x iPhone-book.dmg | less
8bd586a Message-ID: <[email protected]>
8bd58a7 From: <[email protected]>
8bd58cd thread-topic: Test
8bd58e0 thread-index: Acs00TXUVxQEEp2BTLq8uC10r43JSA==
8bd590f To: <[email protected]>
8bd5931 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=“us-ascii”
8bd596d Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
8bd598d MIME-Version: 1.0 (iPhone Mail 7D11)
8bd59b2 Subject: Test
8bd59c0 Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 14:05:42 -0500
8bd59e5 Return-Path: [email protected]
8bd5a05 X-OriginalArrivalTime: 05 Aug 2010 19:05:46.0948 (UTC)
8bd5a3c FILETIME=[3607C840:01CB34D1]
8bd5a5b This is a test message that will be deleted from the gmail account
8bd5a9f Sent from my iPhone
In this example, the first lines of the results were omitted; however, a known deleted e-mail was located on the dmg. The message content says “This is a test message that will be deleted from the Gmail account” and it is at offset 0x8bd5a5b. By jumping to this section in a hex editor, further information can be revealed (as discussed in the “Advanced Forensic Analysis” section).
Now, let us change the encoding parameter and look for the following:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:~$ strings - -all - -radix=x --encoding=b iPhone-book.dmg | less
5e8ad0 bakin-eggs-chicago.plist
5e8c70 &southport-lanes-seven-ten-lounge.plist
5e8cce ]
5e8d9c gap-inc-chicago.plist
In this example, we are looking for 16-bit big endian characters. In this case, an example was pulled from the results related to the Groupon mobile application (which allows users to purchase coupons for local businesses from their mobile device). The string results revealed three groupons that were potentially purchased. In a hex editor, an examiner could jump to 0x5e8a1e and view further details, perhaps the date and time of the purchase.
Strings is a very powerful command that, when combined with searching and filters, can quickly determine whether phone numbers, names, locations, GPS coordinates, dates, and many more pieces of information are easily extractable in a data file. It is strongly encouraged to explore other encoding options in order to locate the greatest amount of data.

Timeline development and analysis

Many files and directories have times associated with them. For this reason, timeline analysis should be a key component of any investigation, as the timing of events is nearly always relevant. There are many ways to build a forensic timeline; however, most are manual and quite tedious. The creation of a timeline provides a high-level look at system activity, such as when files were compiled and when archives were opened.
For supported file systems, a number of tools are available that can create the timeline. The primary source of timeline information is the file system metadata including the date modified (file metadata), accessed, changed (file contents), and created. This metadata is often referred to as MAC times or sometime MACB, where the “B” represents when a file was created (birthed). File systems track different timestamps and have nuances that must be taken into account when performing forensic analysis.
One tool used in this book for timeline analysis is The Sleuth Kit (TSK), which supports several file systems, including hfs/hfs+. TSK contains various forensic tools, including the ability to create a timeline. This process involves two steps, which require the use of the tools within TSK ( Carrier, 2009 ):
• First, the “fls” tool is used to list file and directory names in a disk image. The fls command gathers data from sources such as file systems, registries, logs, etc. and saves them into a “body file” format.
• The “mactime” script is then used to sort and merge this data into a timeline.
Details on how to install, create, and analyze a timeline are covered in the following sections.

Download, compile, and install TSK

In this example, TSK is going to be installed on a Linux machine. To install and compile on a Mac, Apple's Developer Tools are first required (specifically, XCode 3 must be installed from Details on compiling TSK on a Mac can be found on , a site developed by Ryan Kubasiak, which contains a wide range of free tools and information dedicated to Apple device forensics.
The source code for TSK can be downloaded from . Once downloaded, the examiner can extract, compile, and install the software. The following command will extract the contents of the tar file (-x) in verbose mode (-v) to a file (-f), with much of the output removed for simplicity. In this example, TSK version 3.2.0 was downloaded, as this was the most recent version available.
Katie-Strzempkas-MacBook:Downloads kstrzemp$ tar xvf sleuthkit-3.2.0.tar
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/aclocal.m4
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/ChangeLog.txt
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/config/
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/configure/
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/docs/
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/INSTALL.txt
x sleuthkit-3.2.0/licenses/
Next, the software must be compiled. The following commands will complete this process; however, it must be kept in mind that one will first need to “cd” into the sleuthkit directory that was created in the previous step. Once again, most of the output for this command was removed.
Katie-Strzempkas-MacBook:Downloads kstrzemp$ cd sleuthkit-3.2.0/
Katie-Strzempkas-MacBook:sleuthkit-3.2.0 kstrzemp$ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install… /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane… yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p… config/install-sh -c -d
checking for gawk… no
checking for mawk… no
checking for nawk… no
checking for awk… awk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)… yes
Katie-Strzempkas-MacBook:sleuthkit-3.2.0 kstrzemp$ make
Making all in tsk3
make all-recursive
Making all in base
/bin/sh …/…/libtool - -tag=CC - -mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I…/…/tsk3
-I…/… -Wall -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include -MT md5c.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/md5c.Tpo -c -o md5c.lo md5c.c
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I…/…/tsk3 -I…/… -Wall -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include
-MT md5c.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/md5c.Tpo -c md5c.c -fno-common -DPIC -o .libs/md5c.o
libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I…/…/tsk3 -I…/… -Wall -g -O2 -I/usr/local/include -MT
md5c.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/md5c.Tpo -c md5c.c -o md5c.o >/dev/null 2>&1
Finally, the program can be installed:
Katie-Strzempkas-MacBook:sleuthkit-3.2.0 kstrzemp$ sudo make install
Making install in tsk3
Making install in base
make[3]: Nothing to be done for ‘install-exec-am’.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for ‘install-data-am’.
The two specific tools used to create a timeline, fls and mactime, should be installed in /usr/local/bin/ (if installed on a Mac). If installed on Linux, scalpel will be installed in /usr/bin/scalpel. This means that the commands can be run from any directory, rather than having to “cd” into the folder in which the tools were downloaded or installed.


Once the install is successfully completed, the first step in timeline creation is to run the “fls” tool. “fls” goes through the entire directory structure on an image and lists each file contained on the file system, both allocated and unallocated. This command accepts several different arguments, and the general command contains the following parameters:
fls -z EST5EDT -s 0 -m ‘/’ -f hfs -r ~/Desktop/iPhone_3GS.dmg > ~/Desktop/iPhone3GS.body
A description of the options can be found in Table 6.2 ( Kubasiak, n.d .).
Table 6.2 fls Options
Argument Description
-z EST5EDT Specifies the time zone of the data on the device; in this example, the phone was in the Eastern time zone (or Greenwich mean time minus 5 hours (GMT − 5)).
-s 0 This option sets the time skew, or the minutes that are to be added or subtracted to/from the times. The skew is used in the event that the time on the clock was incorrect.
-m ‘/’ Sets the character(s) that all file paths should begin with: for example, if the timeline was performed on a Windows local drive, “C:/” could be specified.
-f hfs Specifies the file system running on the image: whether the file system is HFS or HFS+, “-f hfs” should be utilized.
-r This option allows fls to recursively follow directories.
~/Desktop/iPhone_3GS.dmg Path to the source of the image file.
> ~/Desktop/iPhone3GS.body Directs the data output to a file named “iPhone3GS.body” on the desktop of the current user (destination path).
The body file is simply a listing of all the files, file paths, and metadata that were gathered using the fls command. This file is not organized in a manner that allows an examiner to easily read its contents. A small section of the body file is shown below. While the directory path and file can easily be read, the remaining data are difficult to determine. Many of the numbers shown are various timestamps, but let us hold off on analyzing this data until it is organized a little better.
0|/mobile/Library/Caches/|1394|r/rrw-r- -r- -|501|501|1531|1282758918|1282758918|1282758918|1282758918
0|/mobile/Library/Caches/|721|r/rrwx- - - - - -
0|/mobile/Library/Caches/|751|r/rrw-r- -r- -|501|501|924|1282757563|1282757563|1282757563|1282757563
0|/mobile/Library/Caches/|11378|r/rrw-r- -r- -|501|501|294|1282927983|1282927983|1282927983|1282927983
0|/mobile/Library/Caches/|11058|r/rrw-r- -r- -|501|501|781|1282927293|1282927293|1282927293|1282927293
0|/mobile/Library/Calendar|143|d/drwx- - - - - -|501|501|0|1282755309|1282927980|1282927980|1282755309
0|/mobile/Library/Calendar/Calendar.sqlitedb|185|r/rrw-r- -r- -|501|501|110592|1282755315|1282927980|1282927980|1282755315
0|/mobile/Library/CallHistory|170|d/drwx- - - - - -|501|501|0|1282755314|1282926559|1282926559|1282755314
0|/mobile/Library/CallHistory/call_history.db|171|r/rrw-r- -r- -|501|501|28672|1282755314|1282926559|1282927981|1282755314
Next, the mactime command must be run in order to sort, merge, and otherwise organize the data into a readable format so that an examiner can more easily analyze the data. Similar to the fls command, mactime accepts a few different arguments with the following general format:
mactime -b ~/Desktop/iPhone3GS.body -z EST5EDT -d > ~/Desktop/iPhone3GS-Timeline.csv
A description of these parameters is shown in Table 6.3 ( Kubasiak, n.d .).
Table 6.3 Mactime Options
Argument Description
-b ~/Desktop/iPhone3GS.body Specifies the path to the previously created body file.
-z EST5EDT Specifies the time zone (GMT − 5).
-d Creates a delimited file, which can be opened in Microsoft Excel (or a similar product).
> ~/Desktop/iPhone3GS-Timeline.csv Directs the output of the modified body file to a.csv file named “iPhone3GS-Timeline.csv” on the desktop of the current user (destination path).

Timeline analysis

Once the timeline.csv file is opened, the examiner can see all actions taken on the device including the file, file path, whether it was created, modified, or deleted, as well as the date and time on which this action occurred. A timeline is especially helpful in an investigation when an examiner can jump to a specific date and time to determine what actions took place. As you can see in Figure 6.1 , there are many different fields within an fls timeline including Date, Size, Type, Mode, UID, GID, Meta, and File Name. While some of those columns are fairly straightforward, let us discuss the contents within each column and what they represent.
B9781597496599000067/f06-01-9781597496599.jpg is missing
Figure 6.1
fls Timeline.
The Date column is pretty clear. It contains the date and time (time zone specified when running the command) that the event occurred. The next field contains the size of the file in bytes. Following that is the “Type” column which plays an important role in the timeline analysis. These are the MACB times which tell whether the specified file was modified, accessed, created, or birthed. Let us describe these a bit further as they are very important in analyzing the data in this timeline. The MACB time can be defined as follows (Kubasiak, 2009):
• m: modified (metadata modified about the file)
• a: accessed (file itself has been accessed)
• c: changed (content of the file has been changed)
• b: birth (file created)
The fourth column, Mode, contains file permissions in Unix format. Every file on the file system has a set of permissions that determine read, write, and execute permissions for a user, group, or other. The “user” is the owner of the file, a “group” may contain multiple users that have elevated privileges on the file, and “other” refers to everyone else with an account on that system. In Table 6.4 , file permission values are explained ( Dartmouth, n.d. ). So, looking back at the fourth column in Figure 6.1 , the file permissions show “r/rrw-r- -r- -.” The user has “rw” or read and write access, while the group and others have “r” or read access.
Table 6.4 File Permissions
- flag is not set
r user, group, or other has read access
w user, group, or other has write access
x user, group, or other has execute permissions (only applicable for programs and scripts, not data files)
The UID and GID columns are the user and group IDs, and the Meta column, or metadata address, is the inode number of the file, which contains information about the object. Finally, the File Name column represents the path and file name on which the action occurred.
As an example, let us take a look at the timeline of events for August 25, 2010, around noon. A portion of this time frame has been extracted from a timeline.csv file created using the fls and mactime commands. For simplicity and readability, the following columns have been removed: Size, Mode, UID, GID, and Meta.
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:02:02 .a.b /mobile/Media/DCIM/.MISC
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:02:02 .a.b /mobile/Media/DCIM/.MISC/Info.plist
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:02:02 .a.b /mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:02:02 ma.b /mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0001.JPG
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:02:03 .a.b /mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/.MISC
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:02:04 …c. /mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/IMG_0001.JPG
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:02:04 macb /mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/.MISC/IMG_0001.THM
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:02:04 macb /mobile/Media/DCIM/100APPLE/.MISC/IMG_0001.BTH
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:04:27 .a.b /root/Library/Caches/locationd/cells.plist
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:04:27 .a.b /root/Library/Caches/locationd/cells-local.plist
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:04:27 .a.b /root/Library/Caches/locationd/cache.plist
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:04:27 .a.b /root/Library/Caches/locationd/stats.plist
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:11:01 .a.b /mobile/Library/DataAccess
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:11:01 .a.b /mobile/Library/Caches/Snapshots
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:16:02 macb /mobile/Library/Preferences/
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:16:10 m.c. /mobile/Library/Keyboard
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:16:10 .a.b /mobile/Library/Keyboard/dynamic-text.dat
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:16:57 macb /mobile/Library/Mail/Mailboxes
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:16:57 macb /mobile/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/.mboxCache.plist
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:23:30 .a.b /mobile/Library/Mail/[email protected]
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:23:30 .a.b /mobile/Library/Mail/[email protected]
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:23:31 macb /mobile/Library/Mail/AutoFetchEnabled
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:23:40 .a.b /mobile/Library/Mail/MFData
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:30:20 .a.b /mobile/Library/Notes
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:30:20 .a.b /mobile/Library/Notes/notes.db
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:30:34 macb /mobile/Library/Caches/
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:30:34 .a.b /mobile/Library/Notes/notes.idx
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:31:55 m.c. /mobile/Library/Notes
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:31:55 m.c. /mobile/Library/Notes/notes.db
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:31:55 m.c. /mobile/Library/Notes/notes.idx
Wed Aug 25 2010 12:32:04 macb /mobile/Library/Caches/Snapshots/
As you can see, the date and time is shown in the first column, followed by the MACB times, and finally the path/file name in the third. Analyzing the files within a timeline can be very time consuming, as it requires a lot of research to understand what the files signify. For the first example, we will start with an easy one. Starting at the top, we see a list of files within the /mobile/Media/DCIM folder. On the iPhone, this folder contains photos either taken on the device or synced to the device. Let us jump straight to the first jpeg file: IMG_0001.JPG. The timeline shows that this file was created, accessed, and metadata modified at 12:02:04. It is known that photos within the “100APPLE” folder were those taken from the on-board camera, so it would be safe to assume that this particular photo was taken at that time. To see which picture this was, an examiner could navigate to that file on the file system.
Moving down further in the timeline, the Mail app appears to have been used in some way. It shows that the viaforensicstest Gmail account was accessed and birthed (created) around 12:23 p.m. The next line shows “AutoFetchEnabled” which is updated when the e-mail is synced between the device and the mail server. It is likely that the Gmail account was originally synced with the device at this time.
As a final example, let us look at the final three lines. The timeline shows that the notes database was changed and the metadata modified, which implies that a note was viewed, created, or deleted from that particular database. The last line shows that a snapshot was taken of the notes application. Snapshots of applications on the device are taken at random points in time (this is discussed in more detail later in this chapter). This particular snapshot was most likely taken of the Notes application while it was open. Assuming the examiner is able to get a physical image of the device, this snapshot could very possibly be recovered through file carving.
This portion of the timeline contained merely 31 records out of the several thousand that were available in the timeline.csv file. To truly benefit from timeline analysis, it is important to have a specific time frame in mind and jump straight to that section.

Forensic analysis

In many forensic investigations, a logical acquisition or a logical file system analysis from a physical acquisition will provide more than enough data for the case. However, certain cases require a deeper analysis to find deleted data or unknown file structures. This is also necessary when the file system has little or no support in standard forensic tools.
Understandably, many forensic analysts would prefer not to perform a deeper analysis because it requires a significant amount of time, is extremely tedious, and requires a fairly deep understanding and curiosity of data structures. But the results from this type of analysis are often quite amazing, and important information learned from individual cases might generally be applicable to many cases in the future.
For these reasons, every forensic analyst should be comfortable using a hex editor, if the need arises. This allows the analysts to see exactly what data is being stored, to look for patterns and, perhaps, to identify deleted or previously understood data structures.
This can be explained better with an example. First, it is essential to install the following package on a Linux workstation:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:~$ sudo apt-get install hexedit
This is a very fast, terminal-based hex editor. Of course, one can use any hex editor one is comfortable with. Next, the strings command is used to look at the sms.db file, which is located in the /mobile/Library/SMS directory, to see whether some deleted text messages are found. In this sample case, it is known that text messages to 3128781100 were deleted from the device. First, let us use strings to see whether we find that phone number in the SQLite file:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:~$ strings - -all - -radix=x sms.db | grep -A 1 3128781100 | wc -l
In this command, we use the pipe (“|”) operator, which takes the output from one command and sends it to the next command. In this way, we can chain many commands together, which can be a very powerful analysis technique. So the above command does the following:
1. Runs the strings command on the SQLite database.
2. Takes the output of the strings command and runs it through the grep program, which filters the output-based patterns provided. In this case, we provide the phone number in question; however, you can create very powerful search strings for grep including regular expressions.
3. Takes the output from the grep command and sees how many lines are returned, but pipes the output to the word count program (“wc”). It then instructs it to count by line instead of by word.
The result is that 28 entries for that phone number are found, obviously indicating that the phone number was indeed communicated with on the device. Next, we want to take a close look at the messages, so instead of piping the output to the wc program, we look at the results directly and include one line of text after the phone number by adding the option “-A 1” to grep (also, we pipe the output to the “less” command in order to display it one page at a time):
kstrzempka@linux-wks:~$ strings - -all - -radix=x sms.db | grep -A 1 3128781100 | less
2462 +13128781100Lv
2471 Great. I may need to head out around 830
- -
24e0 +13128781100Lv
24f0 Sure ill meet you at the Italian place on the corner
- -
2542 +13128781100Lv
2552 Dinner at 7?
- -
257c +13128781100Lv
258c Working until 6.
So, we know we have a SQLite database with the targeted number and messages. Let us use SQLite 3 to better understand the database. Here we will use a command line, but you can use a SQLite viewer with a graphical front end if you prefer (such as SQLite Database Browser).
kstrzempka@linux-wks-001:~/Desktop$ sqlite3 mms-example.db
SQLite version 3.6.22
Enter “.help” for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a “;”
sqlite> .tables
_SqliteDatabaseProperties msg_group
group_member msg_pieces
sqlite> .schema message
CREATE TABLE message (ROWID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, address TEXT, date INTEGER, text TEXT, flags INTEGER, replace INTEGER, svc_center TEXT, group_id INTEGER, association_id INTEGER, height INTEGER, UIFlags INTEGER, version INTEGER, subject TEXT, country TEXT, headers BLOB, recipients BLOB, read INTEGER);
CREATE INDEX message_flags_index ON message(flags);
CREATE INDEX message_group_index ON message(group_id, ROWID);
CREATE TRIGGER delete_message AFTER DELETE ON message WHEN NOT read(old.flags) BEGIN UPDATE msg_group SET unread_count = (SELECT unread_count FROM msg_group WHERE ROWID = old.group_id) - 1 WHERE ROWID = old.group_id; END;
CREATE TRIGGER delete_newest_message AFTER DELETE ON message WHEN old.ROWID = (SELECT newest_message FROM msg_group WHERE ROWID = old.group_id) BEGIN UPDATE msg_group SET newest_message = (SELECT ROWID FROM message WHERE group_id = old.group_id AND ROWID = (SELECT max(ROWID) FROM message WHERE group_id = old.group_id)) WHERE ROWID = old.group_id; END;
CREATE TRIGGER delete_pieces AFTER DELETE ON message BEGIN DELETE from msg_pieces where old.ROWID == msg_pieces.message_id; END;
CREATE TRIGGER insert_newest_message AFTER INSERT ON message WHEN new.ROWID >= IFNULL((SELECT MAX(ROWID) FROM message WHERE message.group_id = new.group_id), 0) BEGIN UPDATE msg_group SET newest_message = new.ROWID WHERE ROWID = new.group_id; END;
CREATE TRIGGER insert_unread_message AFTER INSERT ON message WHEN NOT read(new.flags) BEGIN UPDATE msg_group SET unread_count = (SELECT unread_count FROM msg_group WHERE ROWID = new.group_id) + 1 WHERE ROWID = new.group_id; END;
CREATE TRIGGER mark_message_read AFTER UPDATE ON message WHEN NOT read(old.flags) AND read(new.flags) BEGIN UPDATE msg_group SET unread_count = (SELECT unread_count FROM msg_group WHERE ROWID = new.group_id) - 1 WHERE ROWID = new.group_id; END;
CREATE TRIGGER mark_message_unread AFTER UPDATE ON message WHEN read(old.flags) AND NOT read(new.flags) BEGIN UPDATE msg_group SET unread_count = (SELECT unread_count FROM msg_group WHERE ROWID = new.group_id) + 1 WHERE ROWID = new.group_id; END;
sqlite> .mode line
sqlite> select * from message limit 1;
address = (312) 878-1100
date = 1282844546
text = Sure is a nice day out
flags = 3
replace = 0
svc_center =
group_id = 3
association_id = 1282844546
height = 0
UIFlags = 4
version = 0
subject =
country = us
headers =
recipients =
read = 1
sqlite> .quit
In the previous sqlite3 sessions, the following was done to better understand the data:
1. sqlite3 sms.db: Opened database for querying.
2. .tables: Listed off the tables in the database.
3. .schema sms: Focused on the sms table and asked database for the structure (schema) of the table. The schema was quite long and truncated.
4. .mode line: Set the display mode to line for easier viewing.
5. select * from sms limit 1: Instructed sqlite3 to display one record to the screen (limit 1) from the sms table showing all columns.
6. .quit: Exited the program.
So, we can now see that there are a number of fields in the sms table, but that after the phone number (address), there is a timestamp, followed by the text content. Using a hex editor, let us see whether we can determine the date/time stamp from the message regarding the meeting at the Italian place on the corner. First, let us open the sms.db in the hex editor we have just installed:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:~$ hexedit sms.db
which will then show the beginning of the file in hex as well as the printable ASCII strings in the right column:
00000000 53 51 4C 69 74 65 20 66 6F 72 6D 61 74 20 33 00 SQLite format 3.
00000010 08 00 01 01 00 40 20 20 00 00 00 FA 00 00 00 00 ……@ ………
00000020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 01 …………….
00000030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 …………….
00000040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
00000050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
00000060 00 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 01 07 FB 00 00 00 00 0E …………….
00000070 07 FB 05 72 04 C6 04 2D 03 0E 02 A9 02 4F 01 3E …r…-……O.>
00000080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
00000090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
000000A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
000000B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
000000C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
000000D0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
000000E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
000000F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
00000100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
00000110 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
00000120 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………….
00000130 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 0E …………….
00000140 0A 07 1B 37 1B 01 83 53 74 72 69 67 67 65 72 69 …7…Striggeri
00000150 6E 73 65 72 74 5F 75 6E 72 65 61 64 5F 6D 65 73 nsert_unread_mes
00000160 73 61 67 65 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 00 43 52 45 41 sagemessage.CREA
We can press “Enter” to specify an offset in the file. In this case, the previous strings command included the - -radix=x, so we have the offset in hex (0x24F0) to be searched:
000000A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………………
000000B4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………………
000000C8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………………
000000DC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 …………………
New position ? 0x24F0
0000012C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 0E …………………
00000140 0A 07 1B 37 1B 01 83 53 74 72 69 67 67 65 72 69 6E 73 65 72 …7…Striggerinser
00000154 74 5F 75 6E 72 65 61 64 5F 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 6D 65 73 73 t_unread_messagemess
00000168 61 67 65 00 43 52 45 41 54 45 20 54 52 49 47 47 45 52 20 69 age.CREATE TRIGGER i
The hex editor is extremely responsive and jumps to the offset:
000024B8 79 20 6F 66 20 74 69 6D 65 20 03 00 04 00 00 00 00 75 73 01 y of time …….us.
000024CC 60 08 12 00 25 04 75 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 00 11 00 00 01 ‘…%.u………….
000024E0 2B 31 39 32 30 32 37 37 31 38 36 39 4C 76 AC 01 53 75 72 65 +19202771869Lv…Sure
000024F4 20 69 6C 6C 20 6D 65 65 74 20 79 6F 75 20 61 74 20 74 68 65 ill meet you at the
00002508 20 49 74 61 6C 69 61 6E 20 70 6C 61 63 65 20 6F 6E 20 74 68 Italian place on th
0000251C 65 20 63 6F 72 6E 65 72 02 00 04 00 00 00 00 75 73 01 38 07 e corner…….us.8.
00002530 12 00 25 04 25 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 00 11 00 00 01 2B 31 …%.%………….+1
00002544 39 32 30 32 37 37 31 38 36 39 4C 76 AB DC 44 69 6E 6E 65 72 9202771869Lv…Dinner
00002558 20 61 74 20 37 3F 03 00 04 00 00 00 00 75 73 01 3C 06 12 00 at 7?…….us.<…
0000256C 25 04 2D 01 01 00 01 01 01 01 01 00 11 00 00 01 2B 31 39 32 %.-………….+192
00002580 30 32 37 37 31 38 36 39 4C 76 AB BE 57 6F 72 6B 69 6E 67 20 02771869Lv…Working
00002594 75 6E 74 69 6C 20 36 2E 02 00 04 00 00 00 00 75 73 01 49 05 until 6………us.I.
Looking at the hex data above, we can see the phone number and it ends at 0x24EB. After that, we should see a timestamp field, which takes up the next 4 bytes. In hex, this is 0x4C76AC01. When translated to decimal, the resulting number is 1282845697. Finally, we can use a couple of techniques to convert this time to a date/time more easily read by examiners. One technique is to use the built-in date command on a Mac:
Katie-Strzempkas-MacBook:~ kstrzemp$ date -r @ 1282845697
Thu Aug 26 12:01:37 CDT 2010
The date command automatically displays the date in the current system timezone. Another quick way to convert the time is to use a website designed to convert Unix Epoch time at . This site handles both Unix epoch in seconds and milliseconds. To convert, copy the timestamp into the website text box and click “Timestamp to Human date”:
A third timestamp conversion technique that can be used is the CFAbsoluteTimeConverter utility. On an Apple device, Core Foundation (CF) measures time in seconds, similar to Unix Epoch time (which is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970). The CFAbsoluteTime data type represents the number of seconds since January 1, 2001. The CFAbsoluteTimeConverter software will convert only the OS X Epoch time into a human-readable time (Apple Inc., 2007 ). If a Unix Epoch timestamp is converted using this utility, the date and time will be accurate, but the year will be 31 years off. The timestamps recovered from the sms.db are in Unix Epoch time; however, many of the timestamps within files on the iPhone and other iOS devices are in the unique OS X Epoch format. Be sure to pay attention to the differences when attempting to convert those numbers.
For the example shown in Figure 6.2 , a different timestamp is used than in the previous examples as it requires an OS X Epoch timestamp for an accurate conversion. The timestamp selected is from the Safari History plist file.
B9781597496599000067/f06-02-9781597496599.jpg is missing
Figure 6.2

iPhone data storage locations

When an iPhone dmg is first mounted, the following directory structure is displayed at the root of the device:
├── CommCenter
├── db
├── ea
├── empty
├── folders
├── Keychains
├── log
├── logs
├── Managed Preferences
├── mobile
├── MobileDevice
├── msgs
├── preferences
├── root
├── run
├── tmp
└── vm
While evidence is scattered throughout these directories, a great majority of the data is going to be found in the /mobile folder, which consists of three subdirectories: Applications, Library, and Media. In the sections that follow, each of these subdirectories will be broken down and its contents described in detail.

Default applications

Most of the data stored within the default applications that arrive with the device are going to be found in the /mobile/Library folder. Let us take a look at the breakdown of the directories within:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:/home/kstrzempka/Desktop/iPhoneapp-mount/mobile# tree -L 2 Library/
├── AddressBook
├── AddressBookImages.sqlitedb
└── AddressBook.sqlitedb
├── Caches
├── AccessToMigrationLock
├── AccountMigrationInProgress
├── Maps
├── MapTiles
├── Safari
├── SBShutdownCookie
├── Snapshots
├── SpringBoardIconCache
└── SpringBoardIconCache-small
├── Calendar
└── Calendar.sqlitedb
├── CallHistory
└── call_history.db
├── Carrier Bundle.bundle -> /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/310410
└── LocalStorage
├── itunesstored2.sqlitedb
└── itunesstored_private.sqlitedb
├── ConfigurationProfiles
├── EASPolicies.plist
├── PasswordHistory.plist
└── PayloadManifest.plist
├── Cookies
└── Cookies.plist
├── DataAccess
├── AccountInformation.plist
├── ASFolders-492BF7DC-7739-47B8-9B5D-01111DF482C9
└── ASFolders-D9D2E90A-5A76-4C92-B598-012C2BA348F6
├── Keyboard
└── dynamic-text.dat
├── Logs
├── ADDataStore.sqlitedb
├── ADDataStore.sqlitedb-journal
├── AppleSupport
├── CrashReporter
└── MobileInstallation
├── Mail
├── AutoFetchEnabled
├── Envelope Index
├── [email protected]
├── Mailboxes
├── metadata.plist
└── MFData
├── Maps
├── Directions.plist
└── History.plist
├── MobileInstallation
└── ApplicationAttributes.plist
├── Notes
├── notes.db
└── notes.idx
├── Operator Bundle.bundle -> /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/310410
├── Preferences
├── -> /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/310410/carrier.plist
├── -> /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/310410/carrier.plist
└── dataaccessd.plist
├── RemoteNotification
└── Clients.plist
├── Safari
├── Bookmarks.plist
├── History.plist
└── SuspendState.plist
├── SMS
├── Drafts
├── Parts
├── sms.db
└── sms-legacy.db
├── Voicemail
├── 1.amr
├── 4.amr
├── _subscribed
└── voicemail.db
├── Weather
├── WebClips
├── WebKit
├── Databases
└── LocalStorage
└── YouTube
45 directories, 85 files
As seen from this listing, many of the file names are fairly straightforward. The AddressBook, Calendar, Call History, Notes, SMS, and Voicemail data are all stored in a database. These files can be opened within SQLite Database Browser (as demonstrated in Chapter 3 ) to view the data contents within the tables. As an example, let us take a look at the calendar.sqlitedb file. When opened in a SQLite browser, the database structure is shown, including the table names and schema (see Figure 6.3 ).
B9781597496599000067/f06-03-9781597496599.jpg is missing
Figure 6.3
Calendar.sqlitedb – Database Structure.
Next, click on “Browse Data” to select a specific table. As can be seen from the database structure, this particular database contains a large number of tables. Sometimes it is necessary to go through each table one by one in order to see what kind of data can be recovered from each. The calendar events are going to be found in the “Event” table. Here, a summary of the event is shown as well as a start date, end date, time zone, and other optional information that the user may or may not have entered (such as location and description). In Figure 6.4 , the Event table is displayed with a few items populated. The timestamp used in this particular file is the OS X Epoch time described in the previous section; therefore, the CFAbsoluteTimeConverter utility is required.
B9781597496599000067/f06-04-9781597496599.jpg is missing
Figure 6.4
Calendar.sqlitedb – Event Table.
Also contained in the “Library” directory are default app files in the form of plists. These applications include Google Maps directions and history, Safari web browser bookmarks and history, and numerous preference files containing items such as speed dial numbers, YouTube data, and a list of installed applications. By selecting a plist and hitting the space bar, the examiner can quickly get a preview of the file. This is the quickest way to view the data contents. However, it is just a preview, so if the examiner wishes to search the text within the plist, it will have to be opened in TextEdit, Text Wrangler, or another text editor. As an example of viewing and interpreting data within a plist, the Safari History.plist file will be looked at.
First, since it is a binary plist, it will need to be converted to XML (as described in Chapter 3 ). Since the dmg is mounted as read-only, this file will first need to be copied elsewhere, in this case to the desktop, prior to converting to an ASCII plist.
Katie-Strzempkas-MacBook:Desktop kstrzemp$ plutil -convert xml1 History.plist
Now, it is in XML format and can be easily read. The beginning section of this file is shown in the following text:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”
<plist version=“1.0”>
Within History.plist, each visited website is organized within its own section, noted by the <dict> and </dict> tags. Within these tags, the website URL and last visited date are both shown as a string. The date is in OS X Epoch time, so it will need to be converted using CFAbsoluteTimeConverter. From the information shown here, it can be said that the user visited on Thursday, August 26, 2010, at 6:21:50 PM (CST).
The Library directory contains a significant amount of valuable data in plist, SQLite, and other formats. Many of the default applications that are found in this folder have been analyzed and described in great detail. These results are included in the “iPhone Application Analysis and Reference” section later in this chapter.
Moving on to the “Media” folder, this is where any type of photo, video, or music files are stored. Here, the subdirectories are broken down further:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:/home/kstrzempka/Desktop/iPhoneapp-mount/mobile# tree -L 3 Media/
├── DCIM
└── 100APPLE
├── IMG_0001.JPG
├── IMG_0002.JPG
├── IMG_0003.JPG
└── IMG_0004.JPG
├── Downloads
└── manifest.plist
├── iTunes_Control
├── iTunes
├── IC-Info.sidb
├── IC-Info.sidv
├── iTunesCDB
├── iTunesControl
├── iTunesDB
├── iTunes Library.itlp
├── iTunesPrefs
├── iTunesPrefs.plist
├── PhotosFolderAlbums
├── PhotosFolderName
├── PhotosFolderPrefs
├── Rentals.plist
├── Ringtones.plist
└── VoiceMemos.plist
└── Music
├── F00
├── F01
├── F02
├── F03
├── F04
├── F05
├── F06
├── Photos
├── Photo Database
└── Thumbs
├── F3004_1.ithmb
├── F3008_1.ithmb
├── F3009_1.ithmb
└── F3011_1.ithmb
├── Podcasts
├── Purchases
├── Recordings
└── Safari
└── goog-phish-shavar.dat
Pictures taken from the device itself, using the on-board camera, are stored in one central location: Media/DCIM/100Apple. When a photo is taken, the file is stored as a jpeg in that location, with a filename of “IMG_000X.JPG.” The number in the file name increments by 1 with each new picture taken. When a file is deleted and a new picture is taken, the number of the deleted file will not be reused, but the next number in sequence will be assigned. For example, looking at the previous output, images IMG_0001 through IMG_0004 are listed. If IMG_003 is deleted, this number will not be reused. Instead, IMG_0005 will be the file name assigned to the next photo. Since the device uses this technique to save files, it is easy to identify whether any photos were deleted by simply noting if there are any numbers missing.
While this is not shown in the “tree” output, there is also a special location for screen shots that have been taken from the device. On the iPhone, if the user holds down the “Home” button and presses “Power,” a screen shot of the phone is taken and stored. These images are saved in Media/DCIM/999Apple.
A third storage format for photos involves those pictures that were synced to the device through iTunes. These are stored in a Photo Database on the iPhone (as shown in the “tree” output under Photos > Photo Database). On a Mac, this database can be opened within the iPhoto application in order to view the photos within.
Prior to the iPhone 3GS, videos could not be taken from the device without first downloading an app that would record video. A standard camera came on the device, but recording videos was not an option. The previous “tree” output was from an iPhone 3G device, therefore videos were not included. For iPhone 3GS and later, an on-board video camera exists. When a video is taken on the device, it is stored in the /DCIM/100APPLE folder along with the photos.
Music that was synced through iTunes is located in Media/iTunes_Control/Music, and the actual audio files are stored within the F00, F01, F02, etc. subfolders.

Downloaded apps

The final subdirectory within the “mobile” folder is Applications. Here, a unique directory is created for each application downloaded to the device. Let us take a look at the hierarchical structure of this folder before discussing further.
kstrzempka@linux-wks:/home/kstrzempka/Desktop/iPhoneapp-mount/mobile# tree -L 2 Applications/
├── 04DA17CB-0D8E-469F-83CD-B928DF15A64E
├── Documents
├── iTunesArtwork
├── iTunesMetadata.plist
├── Library
└── tmp
├── 2FDA6380-1869-4797-B999-0B59359C4288
├── Documents
├── iTunesArtwork
├── iTunesMetadata.plist
├── Library
└── tmp
├── 59FA89C0-FC51-45F6-8270-93B624473CD9
├── Documents
├── iTunesArtwork
├── iTunesMetadata.plist
├── Library
└── tmp
├── 65E4725B-3E7F-4AB1-B539-5F46FCCF3D27
├── Documents
├── iTunesArtwork
├── iTunesMetadata.plist
├── Library
└── tmp
├── 974F6DC6-BD41-445C-838E-4DA64C4FB158
├── Documents
├── iTunesArtwork
├── iTunesMetadata.plist
├── Library
└── tmp
└── CEBBA659-F8BC-4C71-9DBD-2CCDB74D4B4F
├── Documents
├── iTunesArtwork
├── iTunesMetadata.plist
├── Library
└── tmp
When an app is downloaded, a directory is created in the Applications folder, which contains the application executable, documents, and other files needed for the app to run. On the phone from which the sample output was extracted, there were six third-party applications downloaded on the device: Foursquare, Groupon, AroundMe, Taxi Magic, Golf Putt Pro, and Facebook.
A general hierarchy of folders (and some files) is consistent across all applications. In this section, the standard folders and files are discussed; however, the “iPhone Application Analysis and Reference” section will contain a detailed analysis of many of the popular apps available for download.
First, the application itself is installed in the root of its unique application folder. This file is a bundle that contains several files needed for the application to run. The following text is a listing of the files contained within the “AroundMe” app. While many of the files are unique to that application, some common files are found across most third-party applications including Info.plist, ResourceRules.plist, and others (however, the content within these files will always be unique to each app).
mount/mobile/Applications/59FA89C0-FC51-45F6-8270-93B624473CD9/ ls
100000.png 120001.png 122200.png 320102.png 330011.png 333000.pngdist.plist Italian.lproj ruby
110000.png 120002.png 122201.png 320200.png 330012.png 333001.png email.png ja.lproj SC_Info
110001.png 120010.png 122202.png 320201.png 330020.png 333002.png emptylocation.png loginbackground.png searchit.png
110002.png 120011.png 123000.png 320202.png 330021.png 333300.png English.lproj MainWindow.nib SearchLocationView.nib
110010.png 120012.png 123001.png 320300.png 330022.png 333301.png FacebookView.nib [email protected] SearchView.nib
110011.png 120020.png 123002.png 320301.png 330030.png 333302.png fancy mapcompassarrow.png setting.png
110012.png 120021.png 23300.png 320302.png 330031.png applestores.db FavoriteView.nib [email protected] [email protected]
110030.png 120022.png 123301.png 321000.png 330032.png arcompassglass.png FBConnect.bundle mapcompassdial.png settings.png
110031.png 120030.png 123302.png 321001.png 330100.png arfunnel.png [email protected] [email protected] SettingsView.nib
110032.png 120031.png 300002.png 321002.png 330101.png ARItemBackground.png forward.png mapcompassglass.png simulator.plist
110100.png 120032.png 300003.png 321100.png 330102.png ARItem.nib frameimage.png mark1.png Spanish.lproj
110101.png 120100.png 300004.png 321101.png 330200.png AroundMe French.lproj mark2.png symbol-backgroundbw.png
110102.png 120101.png 300005.png 321102.png 330201.png AroundMe_114.png German.lproj mark3.png symbol-background.png
110300.png 120102.png 300006.png 322000.png 330202.png AroundMe_72.png [email protected] mark4.png touchlocallogo.png
110301.png 120200.png 300204.png 322001.png 330300.png AroundMeBeta_114.png globeIcon.png ModalWaitView.nib transportuk.db
110302.png 120201.png 320000.png 322002.png 330301.png AroundMeBeta_72.png googleads-bw-de.png [email protected] turnlandscape.png
111000.png 120202.png 320001.png 322200.png 330302.png AroundMeBeta.png googleads-bw-en.png [email protected] warburgbg.png
111001.png 120300.png 320002.png 322201.png 331000.png AroundMe.png googleads-bw-es.png moreArrow.png WarburgDetail.nib
111002.png 120301.png 320010.png 322202.png 331001.png black googleads-bw-fr.png more.png warburgicon.png
111100.png 120302.png 320011.png 323000.png 331002.png CategoryView.nib googleads-bw-it.png NewTweetViewController.nib Warburg.nib
111101.png 121000.png 320012.png 323001.png 331100.png classic googleads-de.png [email protected] warburg.png
111102.png 121001.png 320020.png 323002.png 331101.png CodeResources googleads-en.png phone.png weatherbackgroundbw.png
113000.png 121002.png 320021.png 323300.png 331102.png _CodeSignature googleads-es.png PhotoDetailView.nib weatherbackground.png
113001.png 121100.png 320022.png 323301.png 332000.png coffeebreak.png googleads-fr.png PhotoView.nib WeatherView.nib
113002.png 121101.png 320030.png 323302.png 332001.png [email protected] googleads-it.png PkgInfo WikipediaView.nib
113300.png 121102.png 320031.png 330000.png 332002.png Default.png google.png PrivacyView.nib WikipediaWebview.nib
113301.png 122000.png 320032.png 330001.png 332200.png DetailTextView.nib imageplaceholder.png ResourceRules.plist
113302.png 122001.png 320100.png 330002.png 332201.png DetailView.nib Info.plist RetailStoresView.nib
120000.png 122002.png 320101.png 330010.png 332202.png directionarrow.png Info.png RootViewController.nib
Each application also contains a Documents, Library, and tmp folder. The files within those folders will vary depending on the application. As an example, Foursquare is an application that allows users to “check-in” to various businesses in order to notify their friends (possibly through Facebook) about where they are. As a Foursquare user, an individual can search for nearby businesses and check into that location. Foursquare's Documents folder contains an archive file containing the locations where the user had previously checked in. On the other hand, the Facebook application's Documents folder contains a “Friends” database, which contains a listing of the user's Facebook friends.
The Library folder contains many other subdirectories as well, including Caches, Cookies, and Preferences (though additional folders/files may be included depending on the application). The Preferences folder typically contains a plist file, such as com.ApplicatoinName.plist. This plist often times will have the username (and sometimes password) which is used to login to that application. Other general application data can also be recovered from this file such as version, application description, and even GPS info.
Finally, the tmp folder is typically empty since the device is not imaged while an application is running. If an iPhone was jailbroken and physically imaged while an application transaction was in progress, it is possible that temporary files would be stored in this folder.


Besides the default applications that arrive on the iPhone as well as those downloaded through the iTunes store, other relevant data can also be recovered from the device, which can be very important in an investigation.

Geographical location data

Various applications will either ask the user if they wish to cache their current location, or the apps will store GPS data behind the scenes depending on the functionality of the app. For example, both the iPhone's camera and video camera will store latitude and longitude coordinates which describe where the device was at the time the photo or video was taken. The Google Maps application that arrives on the device by default also stores the user's current location as well as any other location that was searched within the application.
On top of these standard applications, there are countless apps available for download that will track GPS coordinates.
The consolidated.db file is new in iOS 4, and there is not a significant amount of documented information on the topic. This file stores GPS and Wi-Fi data in one central location, presumably to improve device efficiency since it now only has to access one file in order to send or retrieve location data. The database contains the following tables. The two that have been found to be the most beneficial are the WifiLocation and CellLocation tables.
Katie-Strzempkas-MacBook:~ kstrzemp$ sqlite3 ~/Desktop/consolidated.db
SQLite version 3.6.12
Enter “.help” for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a “;”
sqlite> .tables
Cell Fences
CellLocation Location
CellLocationBoxes LocationHarvest
CellLocationBoxes_node LocationHarvestCounts
CellLocationBoxes_parent Wifi
CellLocationBoxes_rowid WifiLocation
CellLocationCounts WifiLocationCounts
CellLocationHarvest WifiLocationHarvest
CellLocationHarvestCounts WifiLocationHarvestCounts
The WifiLocation table contains the MAC address, timestamp, latitude and longitude coordinates, and other fields that can determine which wireless locations the device was connected to at a certain point in time. As an example, let us analyze the first row of the table shown in Figure 6.5 .
B9781597496599000067/f06-05-9781597496599.jpg is missing
Figure 6.5
Consolidated.db – WifiLocation Table.
First, we will need to translate the timestamp displayed in the first column (306439818.409918). Using the CFAbsoluteTimeConvert (as these times are in OS X Epoch format), the time converts to Friday, September 17, 2010, at 01:10:18 p.m.
Next, we will need to look up the latitude and longitude coordinates provided in order to determine the actual location. There are various websites available that will translate these coordinates into an address; however, an easy way is to simply go to Google Maps ( ). Here, you will need to enter in the coordinates in the following format: +latitude, −longitude (see Figure 6.6 ).
B9781597496599000067/f06-06-9781597496599.jpg is missing
Figure 6.6
Googls Maps – Latitude and Longitude Conversion.
A similar conversion can be done using the CellLocation table. Instead of Wi-Fi locations, this table contains cell tower logs, timestamps, and GPS coordinates (see Figure 6.7 ). The cell tower logs are displayed as MCC, MNC, LAC, and CI:
B9781597496599000067/f06-07-9781597496599.jpg is missing
Figure 6.7
Consolidated.db – CellLocation Table.
• MCC: Mobile Country Code
• MNC: Mobile Network Code
• LAC: Location Area Code
• CI: Cell ID
Using the timestamp and GPS coordinates within this table, a similar conversion can be done to determine which cellular tower the device was connected to at a certain point in time.
Using these resources, we can determine that the device was possibly in Oak Park, IL, on Friday, September 17, 2010, at 01:10:18 p.m. You might be wondering why this is not definitive. With this file, it is understood that several different coordinates are populated into the database at one time. So, according to the timestamps and location, the device could be in several different areas at the same time (however, these areas are typically within a few miles of one another). This could be because the database is not constantly being updated as a new location is populated therefore, there might be 3, 4, or even 20 locations updated into the table at one time. For this reason, it is important not to rely solely on the timestamps until the consolidated.db file is researched further and better understood.
Do not rely solely on the timestamps within the consolidated.db file. Several different records can be populated into the database at the same time. If the timestamps within all records were converted, this would show that the device was in multiple locations at one time. The information in this database should be used as a general guideline.
In the WiFiLocation table, there were 404 records on a lightly used iPhone 3GS. Imagine having to manually convert the timestamp and GPS coordinates for each record in order to find the right one. It has been mentioned that a script was developed that would parse the data into Google Earth, but there is no word on its release ( iPhone GPS Data…, 2011 ). Until this file is better understood and tools developed to extract and convert the data, the information in this database should be used cautiously.
Within the file system, another area that contains geographical information on the device and its apps is the “locationd” folder. This folder is located in /private/var/root/Library/Caches/locationd. The locationd folder contains many different files:
kstrzempka@linux-wks:/home/kstrzempka/Desktop/iPhoneapp-mount/root/Library/Caches# tree locationd/
├── cache.plist
├── cells-local.plist
├── cells.plist
├── clients-b.plist
├── ephemeris
├── h-cells.plist
├── lto2.dat
├── stats.plist
└── wifi
├── B894C7D_1281764032.dat
├── B894CA7_1281764031.dat
├── B894CB0_1281764031.dat
├── B894CB1_1281764031.dat
├── B894CB4_1281764030.dat
├── B894CB5_1281764030.dat
├── B894D8F_1281764025.dat
├── B894D9D_1281764021.dat
├── B894DC3_1281764019.dat
└── B894DC7_1281764019.dat
2 directories, 17 files
One file worth mentioning is “cache.plist.” This file contains the Core Location's last GPS fix, or where the device was last located on the basis of identified wireless signals. This portion of the file is shown in the beginning and looks similar to what is shown in the following code:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”
<plist version=“1.0”>
Latitude and longitude coordinates are provided, which will translate to an approximate geographical location. While timestamps within the cache.plist file are not provided, an examiner can look at the day and time on which this particular file was last modified in order to get an approximate time the device was at this particular location.
Another file in the locationd folder that may be of use is cells.plist. This file contains numerous records of cell tower locations, similar to the CellLocations table found in consolidated.db. A snapshot of this file is shown in the following code:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN”“”>
<plist version=“1.0”>
The numbers shown in the “key” correspond with the same numbers displayed in the consolidated.db CellLocations table: MCC, MNC, and LAC. So, in the example above, 310 is the MCC, 410 is the MNC, and 0x1e7a (in decimal this is 7802) is the LAC. The “string” listed directly below these numbers contains latitude and longitude coordinates as well as a timestamp shown in OS X Epoch (304.557710.149). This is very similar to the data we saw in the CellLocations table of the consolidated.db file. This is because all of the cell tower and GPS data was consolidated into one database with the release of iOS 4. Nevertheless, it is important for an examiner to understand that this data can be found in both locations. This way, regardless of whether the device is running iOS 4 or earlier, geographical location data can be recovered.

User names and passwords

Many applications, both default and downloaded, leverage Apple's Keychain database for user name and password management. The keychain-2.db file is stored on the root of the device in /private/var/Keychains. This database consists of six tables: genp, sqlite_sequence, inet, cert, keys, and tversion. The two main tables that are known to contain the most evidentiary data are genp and inet (however, it is never a bad idea to analyze all the tables in the database to ensure that important data are not missed).
The “genp” table contains a list of accounts that the device has been logged into at one point. Included in this table are wireless access points the device was connected to, voicemail login, device login (passcode), and any downloaded applications that elected to use the keychain database to store login credentials. The account name (username) and a description of that account are provided along with a “data” field, which contains an encrypted password for each account. This data is shown in Figure 6.8 .
B9781597496599000067/f06-08-9781597496599.jpg is missing
Figure 6.8
keychain-2.db: genp.
The “inet” table contains any e-mail accounts the device has been synced to through the default Mail application. The following information can be found about each account:
• Account (e-mail address or domain/username)
• E-mail server that the device was connected to
• Protocol used to connect to the server (imap, smtp, https, etc.)
• Port number (143, 25, 443, etc.)
• Data (encrypted password)
While the passwords in both tables are in an encrypted format, there are ways to decrypt this data. As pointed out in Chapter 5 , with the release of iOS 4, encryption is now done at the device level. When an unencrypted backed-up device is initiated, the keychain file is encrypted using hardware keys stored on the device. When the database is opened, much of the information can be seen, but the passwords remain encrypted (as shown previously in this section). If an encrypted backup is generated, the keychain file is now encrypted using software keys generated from the backup password. Using Elcomsoft's iPhone Password Breaker, the passwords within the keychain file can be unencrypted and viewed in clear text. This technique is successful only on devices running firmware version 4.0 or higher. For detailed procedures on the use of Elcomsoft's software to crack the keychain file, see the section in Chapter 5 that discusses encrypted backups.
Another technique was able to reveal the keychain passwords without the use of purchased software. This attack requires possession of the phone as well as knowledge on jailbreaking the device. Once the device is jailbroken, an SSH server is installed on the device in order to allow software to run on the iPhone. Next, a keychain access script is copied to the device which is able to communicate with the keychain database and extract data, including passwords. This works because, with iOS 4, a key can be generated from within the device, without having to know the device passcode.


When the user selects the “Home” button to exit an application and go back to the main screen on the device, a screen shot is sometimes taken of the app prior to exiting, depending on the options selected by that particular application's developer. If enabled, these snapshots are stored on the device, and can later be recovered.
The images taken of the default apps can be found in /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/Snapshots, and the filename will be something like,, or Since these screen shots are taken at random points throughout the use of an application, they will often contain useful data. For example, if a user selected the “Home” button after reading an e-mail, it is possible that a snapshot of the e-mail content would be taken and stored on the device. The same goes for third-party applications that have been downloaded by the user. If the developer enabled this option, snapshots for a downloaded application would be stored in that particular Application folder.
For the recovery of these snapshots, data carving techniques are typically required. While a few snapshots may be stored in the /Caches/Snapshots folder, the remaining images are unallocated. Most of these images, however, can be recovered by running Scalpel (or another file carving utility) on the disk image, and they will be stored in one of the “jpg” folders.

Paired devices

Often times, it is necessary to prove that a device belonged to a certain individual. While this can be a difficult task, using the pairing records is one way to achieve this. Whenever an iPhone is synced with a computer, a key is stored on both the phone and the workstation in order to allow the two devices to share data. If the certificate on the phone matches the certificate on the computer, then it can be concluded that those two devices were paired at one point.
This information on the iPhone is stored within a plist file, which is named after the desktop's unique identifier. There will be one file per device, and they can be found at /var/root/Library/Lockdown/pair_records/ (refer to Table 6.5 ). Below, you can see that this particular iPhone was paired with five unique devices (not necessarily all computers).
Table 6.5 Pairing Record File Locations
Operating System Location
Mac OS X /Users/username/Library/Lockdown/
Windows XP C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsApplication DataApple ComputerLockdown
Windows Vista C:UsersusernameAppDataRoamingApple ComputerLockdown
iPhone /var/root/Library/Lockdown/pair_records/
Insert Tree Pair_records
Several files are listed, and the examiner will need to look at the modification date and time to determine which device to look at. Once the plist is open, the information is displayed in XML format. The “DeviceCertificate” is the key we are looking for. As it is, this key is base64 encoded. Once decoded, the certificate can be found within a file on the workstation. To decode the base64 certificate, any websites and tools are available on the Internet. Go to one of these websites, copy and paste the certificate in the field, click decode (or whatever the program specifies), and the resulting output will be the certificate you need.
Next, the examiner must look at the certificate contained on the workstation. The location of these files will depend on the operating system running on this machine. Refer to Table 6.5 for locations in both Windows and Mac environments as well as on the iPhone itself ( Zdziarski, 2008 ).
In this example, a Mac workstation was used. So after navigating to the Lockdown directory, a series of plist files were found. In this case, the file names referred to the Unique Identifier of the device was synced to the computer, not necessarily all iPhones. The certificates in the plist files on the iPhone must be compared with the certificates in the plist files on the computer. Manually, this could be a time-consuming process. It is suggested that comparison tools be utilized, such as “diff.” This utility will compare two files, and the output will show only the differences between the two files. When using “diff” to compare the certificates, if there are two keys that do not result in any differences, it can be determined that those two devices were paired.
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