Leveraging Engagement by Applying Positive Strategies

At various times in everyone’s life there are experiences that captivate; moments in which you are so intensely immersed seemingly everything around you is shut out and you lack awareness of your surroundings. During these experiences, the exceptional focus devoted to the activities you are involved in is the only thing that matters. This is when you are truly engaged.

Typically, when a person reflects on these moments in their life, they may recall when they attended a thrilling sporting event, watched a scary movie late at night, or walked down the aisle on the day of their wedding. However, one could also conjure up memories involving a riveting project at work, great lecture provided by a professor, or interesting volunteer activity at a local charity. During these experiences, it is unnecessary to discover a way to bring out the best in those involved, identify an approach to improve productivity, or determine how to help those participating become more interested in what they are doing.

Unfortunately, while we all have had moments of exceptional engagement, we have also experienced stretches that make it seem as though time is standing still; monotonous days at work that lack any significant activity, trivial tasks that fail to provide value, and alienating interactions that make you contemplate packing up your belongings and walking out. When these moments occur, your internal fortitude is tested while you question your own desire to remain with the organization you currently belong.

In this broad spectrum, most of the time people fall between these two extremes. However, regardless of the activities a person becomes involved in, there is one universal truth. Whether it involves work or school, comprises a community of friends or a group of strangers, or includes a lifelong passion or simply an activity to pass the time, people want to be engaged in the activities they are involved in.

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