This book is dedicated to my family, who have encouraged me in this project and in so many other ways! Thanks for always being there.
—Barbara Mitchell

This book is dedicated to my parents, Vincent and Cornelia Gibaldi, who taught me the value of hard work and integrity. I wish they were here to share this milestone with me.
—Cornelia Gamlem


In memory of R. Gregory Green, SPHR, GPHR. Your leadership helped the HR profession soar to great heights.


During our journey in writing this book, we had many friends who helped us to bring it to completion.

We can never express enough gratitude to some special contributors: Susan Devereaux, who edited and formatted the manuscript for us. Susan’s insights and great questions helped us write what we hope is a highly readable book. Our valued colleague and friend Mary Jane Sinclair, who shared her vast expertise and experience by writing a critical chapter about developing a salary structure for us. Another valued colleague and friend, Jennifer Whitcomb, who wrote the coaching chapter for us. A good friend and legal advisor, Robin McCune, who brought her years of experience practicing employment law to review and edit the legal landscape portions of this book.

Others who lent a hand along the way include Sharon Armstrong, Mary Walter Arthur, Leslie Borta, Angela Galyean, Becky Hadeed, Linda Keller, Gary Cluff, Gary Kushner, Suzanne Logan, Tom Murphy, Lance Richards, John White, and Melanie Young.

Thanks to our literary agent, Marilyn Allen, for her help and advice, and to everyone at Career Press for their support and their confidence in us!

Finally, a special thanks from Cornelia to Carl Gamlem and Erik Gamlem, who supported this effort in ways I cannot describe. And from Barbara, special thanks to the Mitchell family, Reebel family, Lohr family, Waites family, Parnaby family, Donegan family, and McGuire family for unconditional love and support always.

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