active listening, 215–216

age groups, motivation for different, 101–105

assessing employees, questions for, 27–32

attitudes, right, 47–66

brainstorming, 63–64

choosing, 57

developing, 57–62

identifying, 51–57

autonomy, employee, 126–127

Baby Boomers, 102–103

business culture, 14, 159–160

changing role of potential star, 141–143

clarifying expectations for potential star, 140–141

clarity, importance of, 229–231

Coach and Connect, 198–201, 209–224

benefits of, 198–201

conducting a session, 212–221

coaching, 191–208

criteria, 194–198

employee weaknesses, 96–98

leaders, 201–202

potential stars, 140

productive-but-difficults, 171–172

roadblocks to, 232–235

stubborn employees, 98

confronting employees, 70–71, 74–76, 169–170

consistency in leadership, 184

culture, business, 14, 159–160

developing right attitude lists, 57–62

acronyms in, 60

alliteration in, 60–61

common sayings in, 61

company legends in, 61–62

Rule of Three in, 59

drive, 37

employee behaviors and traits

blooming where planted, 40–42

displays asinine behavior, 168–169

do not care about their work, 149

drive, 37

earned colleagues’ respect, 43–44

good track record, 42–43

has no concept of time, 152

has wrong trajectory, 150–151

hoards information, 136–137

integrity, 37–38

little interest in improving, 135

little passion for work, 135

maturity, 34–35

measures hours, 137

needs support for basic duties, 136

negativity, 149–150

passion, 36–37

positivity, 39–38

receives bad reports, 150

reliability, 39

running with a star crowd, 40

stirs up drama, 166–167

thinks only of themselves, 167–168

good track record, 42–43

undermines leader’s initiatives, 165–166

violates company values, 148–149

works hard only for incentives, 138

employee qualification, 105–106

employee weaknesses, coaching, 96–98

employee’s personal life, 106–107

firing employees, 173–174

flatterers, 205

Generation Xers, 102–103

Generation Zers, 102, 104–105

great vs. not-as-great employees, 32–33

HR conversations, 225–237

conducting, 226–229

importance of clarity in, 229–231

importance of people in business, 19–20

increased responsibility given to stars, 129

incremental change, 100–101

insider access, 127

integrity, 37–38


coaching 201–202

priorities of, 21–22

productive-but-difficult, 174–175

leadership lessons, 178–188

consistency, 184

patience, 186–187

praising and rebuking, 186

power vs. authority, 180–182

rules vs. relationship, 179–180

setting the tone, 187–188

standards, sticking to, 183

strictness vs. leniency, 184–186

leadership skills, 177–190

leading a team well, 22–24

managing people, 23

Millennials, 102, 104

money as a reward, 121–122

not-as-great vs. great employees, 32–33

parenting informing leadership skills, 177–190

patience in leadership, 186–187

People Action Steps, 24, 44, 65, 76, 91, 107, 116–117, 129–130, 143, 160, 175, 189, 206, 223, 236

people in business, importance of, 19–20

people myths that affect companies, 93–107

performance evaluations, 193–194

perks, 128–129

personal attention given to stars, 128

personal growth opportunities, 124–125

personalized gifts, 122–123

political operators, 204

potential stars, 133–144

coaching, 140

changing role of, 141–143

clarifying expectations for, 140–141

signs of, 134–138

support for, 138–143

power vs. authority, 180–182

praising and rebuking, 186

priorities of a leader, 21–22


(employees), 163–176

coaching, 171–172

confronting, 169–170

firing, 173–174

leader, 174–175

reprimanding, 171

signs of, 165–169

steps toward replacing, 172–173

questions for assessing employees, 27–32

reality advice, 202–203

reality advisor, 154–156, 171, 174, 199–201

recognition, 124

roadblocks to coaching, 232–235

rules vs. relationship, 179–180

setting the tone in leadership, 187–188

signs of

potential stars, 133–144

productive-but-difficults, 165–169

stars, 34–44

wrong fits, 148–153

spin doctors, 204

standards, sticking to, 183

Star Chart, 80–90

disagreements about, 222–223

explaining the boxes of, 84–85

plotting the, 81–83

promotability and, 85

purpose of, 80–81

reactions to, 86–87

using the, 87–89

stars (employees)

development of, 119–131

feeling bored and under-challenged, 113–115

in key positions, 89–90

money as a reward for, 121–122

personalized gifts for, 122–123

reasons they leave, 110–115

reporting to a non-star, 112–113

rewards for, 119–130

signs of, 34–44

working with non-stars, 111–112

status, 125

strictness vs. leniency, 184–186

stubborn employees, coaching, 98

support for potential star, 138–143

time spent on stars vs non-stars, 115–116

tough conversations with employees, 99–100

Traditionalists, 102

trajectory, employee, 150–151, 193, 233–234

ulterior motives, 203–205

underperformers, 67–77

confronting, 70–71, 74–76

excuses given for, 68–70

assumptions that prop up, 70–74

ignoring performance of, 71–72

limited alternatives of, 72–74

wrong fits (employees), 145–161

cost of, 157–158

signs of, 148–153

strategizing your options with, 156–157

taking action with, 153–156

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