Java implementation for weather prediction

In order to implement this case in Java, we had to make some adjustments in the already written code. The NeuralNet class is updated with a new method called getNetOutputValues(), to give some output values given a training input dataset. This method performs almost the same operation as the forward method in the backpropagation phase, except for the fact that it returns a matrix containing the output dataset.

In addition, we had to add two components to the project (package edu.packt.neuralnet.util): data and chart.

Plotting charts

Charts can be drawn in Java by using the freely available package JFreeChart ( This package is attached with this chapter's source code. So, we designed a class called Chart. It implements methods basically for plotting data series by making calls to natively implemented methods of the JFreeChart classes. The following table shows a list of methods contained in this class:

Class name: Chart


public enum ChartPlotTypeENUM {

Enum to store chart types may be plotted


public void plotXYData(Object[] vector, String chartTitle, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel)

Method to plot XY chart based on a data vector

Parameters: Vector with data to plot, chart title, x-axis label, and y-axis label

Returns: -

public void plotXYData(double[][] matrix, String chartTitle, String xAxisLabel, String yAxisLabel, ChartPlotTypeENUM chartPlotType)

Method to plot XY chart based on a data matrix

Parameters: Matrix with data to plot, chart title, x-axis label, y-axis label, and plot type

Returns: -

private String selectComparisonSeriesName(int index)

Method to select comparison series name

Parameters: Index

Returns: Series name

private String selectTemperatureSeriesName(int index)

Method to select temperature series name

Parameters: Index

Returns: Series name

Class Implementation with Java: file

Handling data files

To work with data files, we have to implement a class called Data. It currently performs reads from the so-called CSV format, which is suitable for data import and export. This class also performs preprocessing on the data by means of normalization.

Class name: Data


private String path;

Variable to store the CSV file folder path

private String fileName;

Attribute to store the CSV file name (with extension)

public enum NormalizationTypesENUM {

Enum to store normalization types may be used


public Data(String path, String fileName)

Constructor to set path and filename attributes

public Data( )

Empty constructor to create an empty object


Note: The getters and setters methods of this attribute were created too.

public double[][] rawData2Matrix(Data r) throws IOException

Method to read raw data (CSV file) and convert to a double Java matrix

Parameters: Data object

Returns: Double matrix with raw data

private String defineAbsoluteFilePath(Data r) throws IOException

Method to define the absolute CSV file path

Parameters: Data object

Returns: String with the absolute CSV file path

public double[][] normalize(double[][] rawMatrix, NormalizationTypesENUM normType)

Method to normalize a raw data matrix

Parameters: Double raw data matrix, normalization type

Returns: Double matrix normalized

public double[][] denormalize(double[][] rawMatrix, double[][] matrixNorm, NormalizationTypesENUM normType)

Method to denormalize a raw data matrix

Parameters: Double raw data matrix, double normalized matrix, normalization type

Returns: Double matrix denormalized

public double[][] joinArrays(ArrayList<double[][]> listOfArraysToJoin)

Method to join arrays (vectors) into a matrix

Parameters: List of arrays

Returns: Double matrix

Class implementation with Java: file

Building a neural network for weather prediction

To forecast weather, we collected daily data from the Brazilian Institute of Meteorology (INMET). The data was measured from a Brazilian city located in the Amazon region.

From the eight variables available at the INMET website, five were selected for use in this project, where the average of the maximum and the minimum temperature became the mean temperature variable. The neural network was trained to forecast the average temperature. So, the structure of the neural network is as shown in the following figure:

Building a neural network for weather prediction

We designed a class called Weather exclusively for the weather case. It only has a static main method and is solely aimed at reading the weather data files, creating and training a neural network with this data, and plotting the error for validation. Let's take a glance at how the data files are read inside this class:

   Data weatherDataInput  = new Data( "data", "inmet_13_14_input.csv" );
  Data weatherDataOutput = new Data( "data", "inmet_13_14_output.csv" );
  //sets the normalisation type  
  NormalizationTypesENUM NORMALIZATION_TYPE = Data.NormalizationTypesENUM.MAX_MIN_EQUALIZED;
  try {
    double[][] matrixInput = weatherDataInput.rawData2Matrix( weatherDataInput );
    double[][] matrixOutput = weatherDataOutput.rawData2Matrix( weatherDataOutput );
    //normalise the data      
    double[][] matrixInputNorm  = weatherDataInput.normalize( matrixInput, NORMALIZATION_TYPE );
    double[][] matrixOutputNorm = weatherDataOutput.normalize( matrixOutput, NORMALIZATION_TYPE );

Then, the main method builds a neural network with four hidden neurons and sets the training dataset, as shown in the following code:

  NeuralNet n1 = new NeuralNet();
  n1 = n1.initNet(4, 1, 4, 1);
  n1.setTrainSet( matrixInputNorm );
  n1.setRealMatrixOutputSet( matrixOutputNorm );
  n1.setMaxEpochs( 1000 );
  n1.setTargetError( 0.00001 );
  n1.setLearningRate( 0.5 );
  n1.setTrainType( TrainingTypesENUM.BACKPROPAGATION );
  n1.setActivationFnc( ActivationFncENUM.SIGLOG );
  NeuralNet n1Trained = new NeuralNet();
  n1Trained = n1.trainNet( n1 );

Here, the network is trained, and then, the charts of the error are plotted. The following lines show how the chart class is used:

  Chart c1 = new Chart();
  c1.plotXYData( n1.getListOfMSE().toArray(), "MSE Error", "Epochs", "MSE Value" );
  double[][] matrixOutputRNA = n1Trained.getNetOutputValues( n1Trained );
  double[][] matrixOutputRNADenorm  = new Data().denormalize( matrixOutput, matrixOutputRNA, NORMALIZATION_TYPE);
  ArrayList<double[][]> listOfArraysToJoin = new ArrayList<double[][]>();
  listOfArraysToJoin.add( matrixOutput );
  listOfArraysToJoin.add( matrixOutputRNADenorm );
  double[][] matrixOutputsJoined = new Data().joinArrays( listOfArraysToJoin );
  Chart c2 = new Chart();
  c2.plotXYData( matrixOutputsJoined, "Real x Estimated - Training Data", "Weather Data", "Temperature (Celsius)", Chart.ChartPlotTypeENUM.COMPARISON );

In the following graph, it is possible to see the MSE training error plotted. The x-axis represents 1000 points (epochs of training), and the y-axis shows the variation of the MSE values. It is noticed that before the 100th epoch, the MSE value establishes.

Building a neural network for weather prediction

Another graph is displayed next. It shows a comparison between the real (red line) and the estimated (blue line) average temperature. Dotted black lines symbolize the margins of error (-1.0 °C and +1.0 °C).

Building a neural network for weather prediction
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