Chapter 6. Validation

We can never rely on the data entered by users. Sometimes they might be ignorant about the application and thus they may be entering incorrect data unknowingly. At other times, some malign users may want to corrupt the application by entering inappropriate data into it. In either case, we need to validate the input data before storing the data for further processing.

In this chapter, you'll be learning about the following topics:

  • Different types of validation
  • Server-side validation with an example
  • Client-side validation with an example
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript validation using jQuery unobtrusive libraries, where we don't have to write separate code for validation

In an ideal case, users will enter valid data in a proper format in your application. But, as you might realize, the real world is not so ideal. Users will enter incorrect data in your application. As a developer, it is the responsibility of us to validate the user input in our application. If the entered input is not valid, you need to inform the user, saying what has gone wrong, so that the user can correct the input data and submit the form again.

Validation can be done on the client-side or the server-side or at both ends. If the validation is done before sending the data to the server, it is called client-side validation. For example, if the user does not enter any data in a mandatory field, we can validate (by finding the data that is not entered) the form, at the client-side itself. There is no need to send the form data to the server. JavaScript is the most commonly used language being used for client-side validation.


If the validation is done at the server-side (sending the form data to the server), it is called server-side validation. For instance, you might want to validate data entered by the user against the data in the database. In this case, it is preferable to do server-side validation as we cannot have all the data in the database at the client-side.


Client-side and server-side validation

In the real world, it's not a case of either server-side or client-side validation. We can have both types of validation at the same time. In fact, it is recommended to validate the data at both ends to avoid unnecessary processing.

Client-side and server-side validation

The preceding figure shows the validation is being performed at both the client-side and the server-side. If the data is not entered into the required field, we can catch that issue at the client-side itself. There is no need to send the data to the server to finally find out that there is no data entered. Once all the required data is entered, the data is sent back to the server to validate the entered data based on some business logic. If the validation fails, the form data is sent again to the browser with the error message so that the user can send the data again.

We have covered enough theory about the need for validation and the types of validations typically used in the application. Let us get our hands dirty by adding validation to the application that we built in the previous chapter.

The following screenshot is the form that we have built in the previous chapter. There is nothing fancy in this form—just three fields. When a user enters the data in the form, the data is stored in the database and the entire employee information is fetched back and shown in a tabular format.

Client-side and server-side validation

In the existing application that we have built, we do not show any message to the user even when the user does not enter any information in any of the fields and submits it. Instead, we silently store the default values for the fields (empty values for string types and 0.00 for decimal types) as shown in the following screenshot:

Client-side and server-side validation

But this should not be the case. We should inform the user saying that the data entered is not valid and ask the user to correct the input data.

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