The web/application layer

The web/application layer is composed of whatever happens between receiving the request from the client and sending back the response (or querying the DB layer to get the required data). Most of the web/application layer will be in a server-side language, such as C#, so when you try to optimize the web/application layer, you need to incorporate the best practices of ASP.NET MVC and C#.

No business logic in Views

A View is what is rendered to the browser, and it can contain presentation logic. Presentation logic represents where and how the data is to be displayed. ViewModels (actually, models specific to the View) are models that hold the data for a particular view.

Neither Views nor ViewModels should contain any business logic as this violates the separation of concerns principle.

Look at the following Razor View code. We are just looping through the list in the model and presenting the data in tabular format—nothing else:

<h4> List of employees:</h4> <br />
  <table class="table table-bordered">
    <th> ID </th>
    <th> Name </th>
    <th> Designation </th>
    <th> Salary </th>
  @foreach (var employee in Model.EmployeesList)

In some code, there might be a repository layer in ViewModel, which should never be the case. Please be extra cautious about what is there in the View/ViewModel code.

Using asynchronous logging

Try to use asynchronous logging, wherever possible, to improve the performance. Most logging frameworks, such as Log4Net, provide an option for logging asynchronously. With respect to the ASP.NET Core, you can implement the logging through a Dependency Injection.

The following is a typical example of the implementation of a logging framework in an MVC Controller:

public class EmployeeController : Controller
  private readonly IEmployeeRepository _employeeRepo;
  private readonly ILogger<EmployeeController> _logger;
  public EmployeeController(IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository,
  ILogger<EmployeeController> logger)
    _employeeRepo = employeeRepository;
    _logger = logger;
  public IEnumerable<Employee> GetAll()
    _logger.LogInformation(LoggingEvents.LIST_ITEMS, "Listing all employees");
    return _employeeRepo.GetAll();

The DB layer

Though the DB layer is not directly related to ASP.NET Core applications, it is the developer's responsibility to take complete ownership of the application's performance, and that includes taking care of the database's performance as well. We will now look at a few of the areas in the DB layer that we need to consider when improving the performance of an ASP.NET Core application.

Understanding the queries generated by the ORM

In most applications these days, we use Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), such as Entity Framework or NHibernate. As you might know, the primary objective of the ORM is to enable you to write the data access layer using domain-based classes and objects instead of writing queries directly. However, it does not mean that you never need to understand the basics of the SQL queries generated, or the optimization of these queries. Sometimes, the generated query from Entity Framework may not be optimized, so a better practice would be to run the profiler, analyze the generated queries, and tune them as per your needs. You can use the interceptors in Entity Framework to log the SQL queries.

Using classic ADO.NET if you really want to

ASP.NET Core is just a web development framework, and it is not tied to any data access framework or technology. If the ORM that you use in your application does not support the performance that you expect it to, you can use the classic ADO.NET and manually write the queries/stored procedures.

Return only the required data

Always return only the data that you need nothing more, nothing less. This approach reduces the data that we send across the wire (from the database server to the web/application server).

For example, we would not use the following:

Select * from employees

Instead, we would use this:

Select FirstName,LastName from employees

The latter query would get only the required fields from the table, and, thus, only the required data is passed across to the calling client.

Fine tuning the indices

Beginners tend to add indices whenever they face a problem with the database. Adding an index to every column in the table is bad practice, and will reduce performance. The right approach is to take the list of queries that are most frequently executed. Once you have this list, try to fine tune them—remove unnecessary joins, avoid correlated subqueries, and so on. Only when you have tried and exhausted all query tuning options at your end should you start adding the indices. The important thing to note here is that you should add indices only on the required number of columns.

Using the correct column type and size for your database columns

When you want to use int as a datatype for a column, use an integer. Don't use double. This will save a lot of space if you have lots of rows in your table.

Avoiding correlated subqueries

Correlated subqueries use values from their parent query, which in turn makes it run row by row. This would significantly affect the query performance.

The following is one such example of a correlated subquery:

SELECT e.Name, 
(SELECT DepartmentName FROM EmployeeDepartment WHERE ID = e.DepartmentId) 
AS DepartmentName 
FROM Employee e
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