Server-side validation

Let us continue with the application that we built in the previous chapter. To do server-side validation, we need to do the following:

  1. Add Data Annotation attributes to the ViewModels model class. The input data is validated against this metadata and the model state is updated automatically.
  2. Update the view method to display the validation message for each of the fields. The span tag helper with the asp-validation-for attribute will be used to display the validation error message.
  3. Update the controller action method to verify the model state. If the model state is valid, we insert the data into the database. Otherwise, the View model is updated and the view method is rendered again with the validation error message so that the user can update with valid input data and submit the form again.

Updating View models with the Data Annotation attribute

The Data Annotation attributes defines the validation rules for the properties of the Model/ViewModel. If the input data does not match with the attribute definition in the model, the validation will fail, which in turn makes the associated model state invalid.

There are several Data Annotation attributes available to validate the data. The following are the most commonly used Data Annotations attributes:

  • Required: This attribute indicates the property is required.
  • Range: This attribute defines the minimum and maximum constraints.
  • MinLength: This defines the minimum length a property must have in order for the validation to succeed.
  • MaxLength: As the name implies, this attribute defines the maximum length of the property. If the length of the property value exceeds the maximum length, the validation would fail.
  • RegularExpression: We can use a regular expression for data validation if we use this attribute.

As Data Annotation attributes are available in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace, we need to include this namespace. The following is the updated View model code:

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Threading.Tasks; 
using Validation.Models;

namespace Validation.ViewModels 
    public class EmployeeAddViewModel 
        public List<Employee> EmployeesList { get; set; } 
        [Required(ErrorMessage ="Employee Name is required")] 
        public string Name { get; set; } 

        [Required(ErrorMessage ="Employee Designation is required")] 
        [MinLength(5, ErrorMessage = "Minimum length of designation should be 5 characters")] 
        public string Designation { get; set; } 

        public decimal Salary { get; set; } 

We have added Data Annotation attributes for all the three properties—Name, Designation, and Salary.

The ErrorMessage attribute displays a message to be displayed when the validation fails. If there is a failure of validation and if there is no ErrorMessage mentioned, the default error message will be displayed.

Updating the View model to display the validation error message

For each of the fields, we have added a span tag where the error message is displayed in a red color when the validation fails. When the validation succeeds, there will be no error message displayed. The attribute value of asp-validation-for represents the field name for which the validation error message has to be displayed. For example, we have used the span tag with the asp-validation-for attribute and with the value Name, which tells ASP.NET MVC to display the validation error message for the Name field:

<form asp-controller="Employee" asp-action="Index"> 
                <td><label asp-for="Name"></label></td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Name" /></td> 
                <td><span asp-validation-for="Name" style="color:red"></span></td> 
                <td><label asp-for="Designation"></label> </td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Designation" /></td> 
                <td><span asp-validation-for="Designation" style="color:red"></span> </td> 
                <td><label asp-for="Salary"></label></td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Salary"></td> 
                <td> <span asp-validation-for="Salary" style="color:red"></span> </td> 
                <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" id="submitbutton" value="Submit" /></td> 

Updating the controller action method to verify the model state

The model state is automatically updated based on the Data Annotation attribute specified on our View model and the input data. We are verifying whether the model state is valid in the following Index method, which is a POST action method. If the model state is valid (when the validation succeeds), we save the entered data to the database. If the validation fails, then the ModelState is set to invalid automatically. Then, we would populate the ViewModel with the entered data and render the View method again so that the user can correct the input data and re-submit the data:

    public IActionResult Index(EmployeeAddViewModel employeeAddViewModel) 
        if (ModelState.IsValid) 
            using (var db = new EmployeeDbContext()) 
                Employee newEmployee = new Employee 
                    Name = employeeAddViewModel.Name, 
                    Designation = employeeAddViewModel.Designation, 
                    Salary = employeeAddViewModel.Salary 
                //Redirect to get Index GET method 
                return RedirectToAction("Index"); 
        using (var db = new EmployeeDbContext()) 
            employeeAddViewModel.EmployeesList = db.Employees.ToList(); 
        return View(employeeAddViewModel); 

When you run the application after making aforementioned changes and submit the form without entering the values, error messages will be displayed beside the fields as shown in the following screenshot. Please note that, even in the case of a validation error, we display the employees' data in the following table, which is achieved by using the code block in the previous code snippet.

Updating the controller action method to verify the model state

There are a few things to be noted in the previous validation and its error message:

  • If the validation fails, error messages are displayed as expected.
  • If there is more than one validation for a field, it will display one error message at a time. For example, we have a couple of validations for Designation field—the Required and MinLength attributes. If there is no data entered for the field, only the required field error message will be displayed. Only when the required field error is resolved (by entering some characters in the field), the second validation error message will be displayed.
  • If no error message is available and if the validation fails, the default error message is displayed. We have not given any error message for the Salary field. So, when the validation fails for that field, ASP.NET MVC displays the default error message based on the field name and the type of validation failure.

    Updating the controller action method to verify the model state

The preceding figure depicts the high-level sequence of events in server-side validation and is described as follows:

  1. The user enters the invalid data.
  2. Based on the Data Annotations attribute in the View model, the model state is updated automatically. This happens during the model binding process where the data in the view method is mapped to the data in the model or View model.
  3. In the controller's action method, we are verifying the model state.
  4. If the model state is valid, we are saving the entered data to the database.
  5. If the model state is not valid, we are rending the View model again with the validation error message so that the user can correct the input data and submit the form again with the valid input data.
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