Client-side validation

There are scenarios where we don't need to go to the server to validate the input data. In the preceding example of the server-side validation, we do not need to go to the server to verify whether the user has entered the data for the Name field. We can validate at the client-side itself. This prevents round-trips to the server and reduces the server load.

We are going to use JavaScript to validate the data from the client-side. JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted language which is primarily used in client-side programming.


These days, JavaScript is also being used at the server-side as part of Node.js.

We are going to make a couple of changes in our View model (Index.cshtml file) to validate the form at the client-side:

  1. Changes in the form: add the id attribute to all the span tags so that we can access this HTML element to display the HTML error message. On submission of the form, call a JavaScript function to validate the input data.
  2. Add the script HTML element and create a JavaScript function to validate the input data.

In the following code, we are calling the validateForm JavaScript function on submission of the form. If the validateForm function returns true, the data will be sent to the server. Otherwise, the data will not be sent. We have added the id attribute for all the span tags so that we can identify the span tags and display the validation error messages over there:

<form asp-controller="Employee" asp-action="Index" onsubmit="return validateForm()"> 
                <td><label asp-for="Name"></label></td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Name" /></td> 
                <td><span id="validationName" asp-validation-for="Name" style="color:red"></span></td> 
                <td><label asp-for="Designation"></label> </td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Designation" /></td> 
                <td><span id="validationDesignation" asp-validation-for="Designation" style="color:red"></span> </td> 
                <td><label asp-for="Salary"></label></td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Salary"></td> 
                <td> <span id="validationSalary" asp-validation-for="Salary" style="color:red"></span> </td> 
                <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" id="submitbutton" value="Submit" /></td> 

We have added the JavaScript function to validate all three fields. We get the values of all the three fields and we store them in separate variables. Then we verify whether the value of each of the variables is null or empty. If the value is empty, we get the span element for the respective field and set the text context with the validation error message:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
        function validateForm() { 
            var isValidForm = true; 
            var nameValue = document.getElementById("Name").value; 
            var designationValue = document.getElementById("Designation").value; 
            var salaryValue = document.getElementById("Salary").value; 
            //Validate the name field 
            if (nameValue == null || nameValue == "") { 
                document.getElementById("validationName").textContent = "Employee Name is required - from client side"; 
                isValidForm = false; 
            //validate the designation field 
            if (designationValue == null || designationValue == "") { 
                document.getElementById("validationDesignation").textContent = "Employee Designation is required - from client side"; 
                isValidForm = false; 
            //validate the salary field - if it is empty 
            if (salaryValue == null || salaryValue == "") { 
                document.getElementById("validationSalary").textContent = "Employee Salary is required - from client side"; 
                isValidForm = false; 
            }else if (Number(salaryValue) == NaN || Number(salaryValue)<=0.0) { 
                document.getElementById("validationSalary").textContent = "Please enter valid number for salary field - from client side"; 
                isValidForm = false; 
            return isValidForm; 

When you run the application and submit the form without entering the data, you'll get the error message generated from the client-side itself without ever going to the server.

Client-side validation

In real-world applications, we would not be hand coding the validation code at the JavaScript. Instead, most applications use unobtrusive validation, where we do not write JavaScript code for validating each of the fields. Simply adding the respective JavaScript libraries will do.

You might wonder how the fields get validated without ever writing the code. The magic lies in the data- attributes added to the input HTML elements based on the Data Annotation attributes. This jQuery unobtrusive library gets a list of fields for which data- attributes are added and it gets validated.

Run the application and press Ctrl + U to see the source code. The source code will look something like the following:

Client-side validation

Different attributes will be added to different kinds of Data Annotation attributes. For the fields to be validated, the data-val attribute would be set to true. For the properties which are marked as required in the View model, the data-val-required attribute will have the value of the error message of the associated property.

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