
There will be a layout file (_Layout.cshtml) to define the layout structure of your web application. As JavaScript libraries are going to be used in all the pages, this is the right place to add common functionalities such as unobtrusive validation. Just add the JavaScript libraries (highlighted in bold) to the layout file (_Layout.cshtml) so that they will be available for all the View files:

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> 
    <script src=""></script> 
    <script src=""></script> 
    <script src=""></script> 

There is no change to the View model except for the removal of the JavaScript function we wrote earlier for validating the fields. The complete code for the view is as following:

@model Validation.ViewModels.EmployeeAddViewModel 
    <form asp-controller="Employee" asp-action="Index" method="post" role="form"> 
                <td><label asp-for="Name"></label></td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Name" /></td> 
                <td><span id="validationName" asp-validation-for="Name" style="color:red"></span></td> 
                <td><label asp-for="Designation"></label> </td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Designation" /></td> 
                <td><span id="validationDesignation" asp-validation-for="Designation" style="color:red"></span> </td> 
                <td><label asp-for="Salary"></label></td> 
                <td><input asp-for="Salary"></td> 
                <td> <span id="validationSalary" asp-validation-for="Salary" style="color:red"></span> </td> 
                <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" id="submitbutton" value="Submit" /></td> 
<br /><br /> <br /> 
<b> List of employees:</b> <br /> 
    <table border="1"> 
            <th> ID </th> 
            <th> Name </th> 
            <th> Designation </th> 
            <th> Salary </th> 
        @foreach (var employee in Model.EmployeesList) 


The preceding diagram depicts the unobtrusive client validation process:

  1. Data Annotations are added to Model/ViewModels.
  2. The view takes Model/ViewModels and generates the HTML.
  3. The generated HTML from the View model contains data-* attributes:
    • For the fields for which the Required attribute is set, the data-val-required attribute is created with the error message as its value.
    • For the fields with the MinLength Data Annotation attribute, the data-val-minlength attribute is set with the error message as its value.
    • For the range Data Annotation, the data-val-range attribute is set with the error message as its value. The data-val-range-max represents the maximum value in the range and the data-val-range-min attribute represents the minimum value in the range.
  4. The jQuery unobtrusive validation library reads these elements with data-* attributes and does the client-side validation. This allows the developer to not write the separation validation code using JavaScript as everything is resolved by the configuration itself.
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