Advanced logging infrastructure with ElasticSearch, Kibana, and Firehose

In the world of telemetry, one of the favorite sets of tools that engineers like to use to store their logs is called the ELK stack. The ELK stack consists of ElasticSearch, Logstash, and Kibana, and logs that are captured and filtered by Logstash, converted into JSON documents, and sent to ElasticSearch—a distributed search and analytics engine. ElasticSearch is then queried via Kibana, which lets you visualize your data. You can look at this stack on

AWS has a very similar system that you can use that also involves ElasticSearch and Kibana, but instead of Logstash, we will use Kinesis Firehose. That variation on the classic ELK stack is a very compelling option, as you have even fewer services to manage, and, potentially, the fact that Kinesis will retain information for up to five days makes it a better candidate than Logstash to transit your logs.

In addition, Kinesis will let us write our logs to both ElasticSearch and S3 such that if a log fails to be written to ElasticSearch, it will be saved to S3:

To create our stack, we will once again rely on CloudFormation templates and the troposphere. We will first create an ElasticSearch stack. AWS provides ElasticSearch as a service, and it comes with Kibana preinstalled and configured for your cluster.

Following this, we will create a Kinesis. The reasoning for this is that you may want to use multiple Firehose streams for your different services, but also centralize all your logs into a single ElasticSearch cluster.

Once the new stack is in place, we will change our application a bit to deliver our logs to the Kinesis stream.

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