Other approaches to recommendation systems

In this chapter, we concentrated our efforts on building recommendation systems by following the collaborative filtering paradigm. This is a very popular approach due to its many advantages. By essentially mimicking word-of-mouth recommendations, it requires virtually no knowledge about the items being recommended nor any background about the users in question.

Moreover, collaborative filtering systems incorporate new ratings as they arise, either through a memory approach, or via the regular retraining of a model-based approach. Thus, they naturally become better for their users over time as they learn more information and adapt to changing preferences. On the other hand, they are not without their disadvantages, not the least of which is the fact that they will not take into account any information about the items and their content even when it is available.

Content-based recommendation systems try to suggest items to users that are similar to those that users like on the basis of content. The key premise behind this idea is that, if it is known that a user happens to like novels by George R. R. Martin, a fantasy and science fiction author, it makes sense that a recommendation service for books might suggest a similar author, such as Robert Jordan, for example.

Collaborative filtering systems, by their nature, require some sort of feedback system in order for the recommender to record a particular rating. In particular, they are ideal for leveraging explicit feedback, whereby the user logs an actual rating or score. Implicit feedback is indirect feedback, such as believing that a user likes a particular movie solely on the basis that they chose to rent that movie. Content-based recommendation systems are better suited to implicit feedback as they will use information about the content of the items to improve their knowledge about the user's preferences.

In addition, content-based recommendation systems often make use of a user profile in which the user may record what he or she likes in the form of a list of keywords, for example. Moreover, preference keywords can be learned from queries made by the user in the item database, if searching is supported.

Certain types of content are more amenable to the content-based approach. The classic scenario for a content-based recommender is when the content is in the form of text. Examples include book and news article recommendation systems. With text-based content, we can use techniques from the field of information retrieval in order to build up an understanding of how different items are similar to each other. For example, we have seen ways to analyze text using the bag of words feature when we looked at sentiment analysis in Chapter 8, Probabilistic Graphical Models, and topic modeling in Chapter 10, Topic Modeling.

Of course, content such as images and video is much less amenable to this method. For general products, the content-based approach requires textual descriptions of all the items in the database, which is one of its drawbacks. Furthermore, with content-based recommendations, we are often likely to consistently suggest items that are too similar; that is to say that our recommendations might not be sufficiently varied. For instance, we might consistently recommend books by the same author or news articles with the same topic precisely because their content is so similar.

By contrast, the collaborative filtering paradigm uses empirically found relationships between users and items on the basis of preferences alone. Consequently, it can be far less predictable (though, in some contexts, this is not necessarily good).

One of the classic difficulties faced by collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation systems alike is the cold start problem. If we are basing the recommendations we supply using ratings made by users or on the content that they somehow indicated they like, how do we deal with new users and new items for which we have no ratings at all? One way to handle this is to use heuristics or rules of thumb, for example, by suggesting items that most users will like, just as the POPULAR algorithm does.

Knowledge-based recommendation systems avoid this issue entirely by basing their recommendations on rules and other sources of information about users and items. These systems usually behave quite predictably, have reliable quality, and can enforce a particular business practice, such as a sales-driven policy, with regard to making recommendations. Such recommenders often ask users specific questions in an interactive attempt to learn their preferences and use rules or constraints to identify items that should be recommended.

Often, this results in a system that, although predictable, can explain its output. This means that it can justify its recommendations to a user, which is a property that most examples of recommenders that follow the other paradigms lack. One important drawback of the knowledge-based paradigm, besides the initial effort necessary to design it, is that it is static and cannot adapt to changes or trends in user behavior.

Finally, it is well worth mentioning that we can design hybrid recommendation systems that incorporate more than one approach. An example of this is a recommender that uses collaborative filtering for most users but has a knowledge-based component for making recommendations to users that are new to the system. Another possibility for a hybrid recommendation system is to build a number of recommenders and integrate them into an ensemble using a voting scheme for the final recommendation.


A good all-round book that covers a wide variety of different recommender system paradigms and examples is Recommender Systems: An Introduction by Dietmar Jannach and others. This is published by Cambridge University Press.

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