
Logistic regression is the prototypical method for solving classification problems, just as linear regression was the prototypical example of a model to solve regression problems. In this chapter, we demonstrated why logistic regression offers a better way of approaching classification problems compared to linear regression with a threshold, by showing that the least squares criterion is not the most appropriate criterion to use when trying to separate two classes. We presented the notion of likelihood and its maximization as the basis for training a model. This is a very important concept that features time and again in various machine learning contexts. Logistic regression is an example of a generalized linear model. This is a model that relates the output variable to a linear combination of input features via a link function, which we saw was the logit function in this case. For the binary classification problem, we used R's glm() function to perform logistic regression on a real-world dataset and studied the model diagnostics to evaluate our model's performance. We discovered parallels with linear regression, in that the model produces deviance residuals that are analogous to least squared error residuals and that we can compute a pseudo R2 statistic that is analogous to the R2 statistic, which measures the goodness of fit in linear regression.

We also saw that we can apply regularization techniques to logistic regression models. Our tour of binary classification with the logistic regression model ended by studying precision-recall curves in order to choose appropriate model thresholds, an exercise that is very important when the cost of misclassifying an observation is not symmetric for the two classes involved. We then investigated two possible extensions of the binary logistic regression model to handle outputs with many class labels. These were the multinomial logistic regression model and the ordinal logistic regression model, which can be useful when the output classes are ordered. Lastly, we touched on the use of Poisson regression and, for models with greater variability, Negative Binomial regression.

It turns out that logistic regression is not a great choice for multiclass settings in general. In the next chapter, we'll introduce neural networks, which are a nonlinear model used to solve both regression and classification problems. We'll also see how neural networks are able to handle multiple class labels in a natural way.

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