Types of model

With a broad idea of the basic components of a model, we are ready to explore some of the common distinctions that modelers use to categorize different models.

Supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning models

We've already looked at the iris dataset, which consists of four features and one output variable, namely the species variable. Having the output variable available for all the observations in the training data is the defining characteristic of the supervised learning setting, which represents the most frequent scenario encountered. In a nutshell, the advantage of training a model under the supervised learning setting is that we have the correct answer that we should be predicting for the data points in our training data. As we saw in the previous section, kNN is a model that uses supervised learning, because the model makes its prediction for an input point by combining the values of the output variable for a small number of neighbors to that point. In this book, we will primarily focus on supervised learning.

Using the availability of the value of the output variable as a way to discriminate between different models, we can also envisage a second scenario in which the output variable is not specified. This is known as the unsupervised learning setting. An unsupervised version of the iris dataset would consist of only the four features. If we don't have the species output variable available to us, then we clearly have no idea as to which species each observation refers to. Indeed, we won't know how many species of flower are represented in the dataset, or how many observations belong to each species. At first glance, it would seem that without this information, no useful predictive task could be carried out. In fact, what we can do is examine the data and create groups of observations based on how similar they are to each other, using the four features available to us. This process is known as clustering. One benefit of clustering is that we can discover natural groups of data points in our data; for example, we might be able to discover that the flower samples in an unsupervised version of our iris set form three distinct groups that correspond to three different species.

Between unsupervised and supervised methods, which are two absolutes in terms of the availability of the output variable, reside the semi-supervised and reinforcement learning settings. Semi-supervised models are built using data for which a (typically quite small) fraction contains the values for the output variable, while the rest of the data is completely unlabeled. Many such models first use the labeled portion of the dataset in order to train the model coarsely, then incorporate the unlabeled data by projecting labels predicted by the model trained up this point.

In a reinforcement learning setting the output variable is not available, but other information that is directly linked with the output variable is provided. One example is predicting the next best move to win a chess game, based on data from complete chess games. Individual chess moves do not have output values in the training data, but for every game, the collective sequence of moves for each player resulted in either a win or a loss. Due to space constraints, semi-supervised and reinforcement settings aren't covered in this book.

Parametric and nonparametric models

In a previous section, we noted how most of the models we will encounter are parametric models, and we saw an example of a simple linear model. Parametric models have the characteristic that they tend to define a functional form. This means that they reduce the problem of selecting between all possible functions for the target function to a particular family of functions that form a parameter set. Selecting the specific function that will define the model essentially involves selecting precise values for the parameters. So, returning to our example of a three-feature linear model, we can see that we have the two following possible choices of parameters (the choices are infinite, of course; here we just demonstrate two specific ones):

Parametric and nonparametric models

Here, we have used a subscript on the output Y variable to denote the two different possible models. Which of these might be a better choice? The answer is that it depends on the data. If we apply each of our models on the observations in our dataset, we will get the predicted output for every observation. With supervised learning, every observation in our training data is labeled with the correct value of the output variable. To assess our model's goodness of fit, we can define an error function that measures the degree to which our predicted outputs differ from the correct outputs. We then use this to pick between our two candidate models in this case, but more generally to iteratively improve a model by moving through a sequence of progressively better candidate models.

Some parametric models are more flexible than linear models, meaning that they can be used to capture a greater variety of possible functions. Linear models, which require that the output be a linearly weighted combination of the input features, are considered strict. We can intuitively see that a more flexible model is more likely to allow us to approximate our input data with greater accuracy; however, when we look at overfitting, we'll see that this is not always a good thing. Models that are more flexible also tend to be more complex and, thus, training them often proves to be harder than training less flexible models.

Models are not necessarily parameterized, in fact, the class of models that have no parameters is known (unsurprisingly) as nonparametric models. Nonparametric models generally make no assumptions on the particular form of the output function. There are different ways of constructing a target function without parameters. Splines are a common example of a nonparametric model. The key idea behind splines is that we envisage the output function, whose form is unknown to us, as being defined exactly at the points that correspond to all the observations in our training data. Between the points, the function is locally interpolated using smooth polynomial functions. Essentially, the output function is built in a piecewise manner in the space between the points in our training data. Unlike most scenarios, splines will guarantee 100% accuracy on the training data, whereas it is perfectly normal to have some errors in our training data. Another good example of a nonparametric model is the k-nearest neighbor algorithm that we've already seen.

Regression and classification models

The distinction between regression and classification models has to do with the type of output we are trying to predict, and is generally relevant to supervised learning. Regression models try to predict a numerical or quantitative value, such as the stock market index, the amount of rainfall, or the cost of a project. Classification models try to predict a value from a finite (though still possibly large) set of classes or categories. Examples of this include predicting the topic of a website, the next word that will be typed by a user, a person's gender, or whether a patient has a particular disease given a series of symptoms. The majority of models that we will study in this book fall quite neatly into one of these two categories, although a few, such as neural networks, can be adapted to solve both types of problem. It is important to stress here that the distinction made is on the output only, and not on whether the feature values that are used to predict the output are quantitative or qualitative themselves. In general, features can be encoded in a way that allows both qualitative and quantitative features to be used in regression and classification models alike. Earlier, when we built a kNN model to predict the species of iris based on measurements of flower samples, we were solving a classification problem as our species output variable could take only one of three distinct labels.

The kNN approach can also be used in a regression setting; in this case, the model combines the numerical values of the output variable for the selected nearest neighbors by taking the mean or median in order to make its final prediction. Thus, kNN is also a model that can be used in both regression and classification settings.

Real-time and batch machine learning models

Predictive models can use real-time machine learning or they can involve batch learning. The term real-time machine learning can refer to two different scenarios, although it certainly does not refer to the idea that real-time machine learning involves making a prediction in real time, that is, within a predefined time limit that is typically small. For example, once trained, a neural network model can produce its prediction of the output using only a few computations (depending on the number of inputs and network layers). This is not, however, what we mean when we talk about real-time machine learning.

A good example of a model that uses real-time machine learning is a weather predictor that uses a stream of incoming readings from various meteorological instruments. Here, the real-time aspect of the model refers to the fact that we are taking only a recent window of readings in order to predict the weather. The further we go back in time, the less relevant the readings will be and we can, thus, choose to use only the latest information in order to make our prediction. Of course, models that are to be used in a real-time setting must also be able to compute their predictions quickly—it is not of much use if it takes hours for a system taking measurements in the morning to compute a prediction for the evening, as by the time the computation ends, the prediction won't be of much value.

When talking about models that take into account information obtained over a recent time frame to make a prediction, we generally refer to models that have been trained on data that is assumed to be representative of all the data for which the model will be asked to make a prediction in the future. A second interpretation of real-time machine learning arises when we describe models that detect that the properties of the process being modeled have shifted in some way. We will focus on examples of the first kind in this book when we look at time series models.

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