Extracting features from images

Computer vision is the study and design of computational artifacts that process and understand images. These artifacts sometimes employ machine learning. An overview of computer vision is far beyond the scope of this book, but in this section we will review some basic techniques used in computer vision to represent images in machine learning problems.

Extracting features from pixel intensities

A digital image is usually a raster, or pixmap, that maps colors to coordinates on a grid. An image can be viewed as a matrix in which each element represents a color. A basic feature representation for an image can be constructed by reshaping the matrix into a vector by concatenating its rows together. Optical character recognition (OCR) is a canonical machine learning problem. Let's use this technique to create basic feature representations that could be used in an OCR application for recognizing hand-written digits in character-delimited forms.

The digits dataset included with scikit-learn contains grayscale images of more than 1,700 hand-written digits between zero and nine. Each image has eight pixels on a side. Each pixel is represented by an intensity value between zero and 16; white is the most intense and is indicated by zero, and black is the least intense and is indicated by 16. The following figure is an image of a hand-written digit taken from the dataset:

Extracting features from pixel intensities

Let's create a feature vector for the image by reshaping its 8 x 8 matrix into a 64-dimensional vector:

>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> digits = datasets.load_digits()
>>> print 'Digit:', digits.target[0]
>>> print digits.images[0]
>>> print 'Feature vector:
', digits.images[0].reshape(-1, 64)
Digit: 0
[[  0.   0.   5.  13.   9.   1.   0.   0.]
 [  0.   0.  13.  15.  10.  15.   5.   0.]
 [  0.   3.  15.   2.   0.  11.   8.   0.]
 [  0.   4.  12.   0.   0.   8.   8.   0.]
 [  0.   5.   8.   0.   0.   9.   8.   0.]
 [  0.   4.  11.   0.   1.  12.   7.   0.]
 [  0.   2.  14.   5.  10.  12.   0.   0.]
 [  0.   0.   6.  13.  10.   0.   0.   0.]]
Feature vector:
[[  0.   0.   5.  13.   9.   1.   0.   0.   0.   0.  13.  15.  10.  15.
    5.   0.   0.   3.  15.   2.   0.  11.   8.   0.   0.   4.  12.   0.
    0.   8.   8.   0.   0.   5.   8.   0.   0.   9.   8.   0.   0.   4.
   11.   0.   1.  12.   7.   0.   0.   2.  14.   5.  10.  12.   0.   0.
    0.   0.   6.  13.  10.   0.   0.   0.]]

This representation can be effective for some basic tasks, like recognizing printed characters. However, recording the intensity of every pixel in the image produces prohibitively large feature vectors. A tiny 100 x 100 grayscale image would require a 10,000-dimensional vector, and a 1920 x 1080 grayscale image would require a 2,073,600-dimensional vector. Unlike the TF-IDF feature vectors we created, in most problems these vectors are not sparse. Space-complexity is not the only disadvantage of this representation; learning from the intensities of pixels at particular locations results in models that are sensitive to changes in the scale, rotation, and translation of images. A model trained on our basic feature representations might not be able to recognize the same zero if it were shifted a few pixels in any direction, enlarged, or rotated a few degrees. Furthermore, learning from pixel intensities is itself problematic, as the model can become sensitive to changes in illumination. For these reasons, this representation is ineffective for tasks that involve photographs or other natural images. Modern computer vision applications frequently use either hand-engineered feature extraction methods that are applicable to many different problems, or automatically learn features without supervision problem using techniques such as deep learning. We will focus on the former in the next section.

Extracting points of interest as features

The feature vector we created previously represents every pixel in the image; all of the informative attributes of the image are represented and all of the noisy attributes are represented too. After inspecting the training data, we can see that all of the images have a perimeter of white pixels; these pixels are not useful features. Humans can quickly recognize many objects without observing every attribute of the object. We can recognize a car from the contours of the hood without observing the rear-view mirrors, and we can recognize an image of a human face from a nose or mouth. This intuition is motivation to create representations of only the most informative attributes of an image. These informative attributes, or points of interest, are points that are surrounded by rich textures and can be reproduced despite perturbing the image. Edges and corners are two common types of points of interest. An edge is a boundary at which pixel intensity rapidly changes, and a corner is an intersection of two edges. Let's use scikit-image to extract points of interest from the following figure:

Extracting points of interest as features

The code to extract the points of interest is as follows:

>>> import numpy as nps
>>> from skimage.feature import corner_harris, corner_peaks
>>> from skimage.color import rgb2gray
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import skimage.io as io
>>> from skimage.exposure import equalize_hist

>>> def show_corners(corners, image):
>>>     fig = plt.figure()
>>>     plt.gray()
>>>     plt.imshow(image)
>>>     y_corner, x_corner = zip(*corners)
>>>     plt.plot(x_corner, y_corner, 'or')
>>>     plt.xlim(0, image.shape[1])
>>>     plt.ylim(image.shape[0], 0)
>>>     fig.set_size_inches(np.array(fig.get_size_inches()) * 1.5)
>>>     plt.show()

>>> mandrill = io.imread('/home/gavin/PycharmProjects/mastering-machine-learning/ch4/img/mandrill.png')
>>> mandrill = equalize_hist(rgb2gray(mandrill))
>>> corners = corner_peaks(corner_harris(mandrill), min_distance=2)
>>> show_corners(corners, mandrill)

The following figure plots the extracted points of interest. Of the image's 230400 pixels, 466 were extracted as points of interest. This representation is much more compact; ideally, there is enough variation proximal to the points of interest to reproduce them despite changes in the image's illumination.

Extracting points of interest as features


Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is a method for extracting features from an image that is less sensitive to the scale, rotation, and illumination of the image than the extraction methods we have previously discussed. Each SIFT feature, or descriptor, is a vector that describes edges and corners in a region of an image. Unlike the points of interest in our previous example, SIFT also captures information about the composition of each point of interest and its surroundings. Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) is another method of extracting interesting points of an image and creating descriptions that are invariant of the image's scale, orientation, and illumination. SURF can be computed more quickly than SIFT, and it is more effective at recognizing features across images that have been transformed in certain ways.

Explaining how SIFT and SURF extraction are implemented is beyond the scope of this book. However, with an intuition for how they work, we can still effectively use libraries that implement them.

In this example, we will extract SURF from the following image using the mahotas library.


Like the extracted points of interest, the extracted SURF are only the first step in creating a feature representation that could be used in a machine learning task. Different SURF will be extracted for each instance in the training set. In Chapter 6, Clustering with K-Means, we will cluster extracted SURF to learn features that can be used by an image classifier. In the following example we will use mahotas to extract SURF descriptors:

>>> import mahotas as mh
>>> from mahotas.features import surf

>>> image = mh.imread('zipper.jpg', as_grey=True)
>>> print 'The first SURF descriptor:
', surf.surf(image)[0]
>>> print 'Extracted %s SURF descriptors' % len(surf.surf(image))
The first SURF descriptor:
[  6.73839947e+02   2.24033945e+03   3.18074483e+00   2.76324459e+03
  -1.00000000e+00   1.61191475e+00   4.44035121e-05   3.28041690e-04
   2.44845817e-04   3.86297608e-04  -1.16723672e-03  -8.81290243e-04
   1.65414959e-03   1.28393061e-03  -7.45077384e-04   7.77655540e-04
   1.16078772e-03   1.81434398e-03   1.81736394e-04  -3.13096961e-04
    3.06559785e-04   3.43443699e-04   2.66200498e-04  -5.79522387e-04
   1.17893036e-03   1.99547411e-03  -2.25938217e-01  -1.85563853e-01
   2.27973631e-01   1.91510135e-01  -2.49315698e-01   1.95451021e-01
   2.59719480e-01   1.98613061e-01  -7.82458546e-04   1.40287015e-03
   2.86712113e-03   3.15971628e-03   4.98444730e-04  -6.93986983e-04
   1.87531652e-03   2.19041521e-03   1.80681053e-01  -2.70528820e-01
   2.32414943e-01   2.72932870e-01   2.65725332e-01   3.28050743e-01
   2.98609869e-01   3.41623138e-01   1.58078002e-03  -4.67968721e-04
   2.35704122e-03   2.26279888e-03   6.43115065e-06   1.22501486e-04
   1.20064616e-04   1.76564805e-04   2.14148537e-03   8.36243899e-05
   2.93382280e-03   3.10877776e-03   4.53469215e-03  -3.15254535e-04
   6.92437341e-03   3.56880279e-03  -1.95228401e-04   3.73674995e-05
   7.02700555e-04   5.45156362e-04]
Extracted 994 SURF descriptors
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