Feature selection

Until now, when training our decision tree, we used every available feature in our learning dataset. This seems perfectly reasonable, since we want to use as much information as there is available to build our model. There are, however, two main reasons why we would want to restrict the number of features used:

  • Firstly, for some methods, especially those (such as decision trees) that reduce the number of instances used to refine the model at each step, it is possible that irrelevant features could suggest correlations between features and target classes that arise just by chance and do not correctly model the problem. This aspect is also related to overfitting; having certain over-specific features may lead to poor generalization. Besides, some features may be highly correlated, and will simply add redundant information.
  • The second reason is a real-world one. A large number of features could greatly increase the computation time without a corresponding classifier improvement. This is of particular importance when working with Big Data, where the number of instances and features could easily grow to several thousand or more. Also, in relation to the curse of dimensionality, learning a generalizable model from a dataset with too many features relative to the number of instances can be difficult.

As a result, working with a smaller feature set may lead to better results. So we want to find some way to algorithmically find the best features. This task is called feature selection and is a crucial step when we aim to get decent results with machine learning algorithms. If we have poor features, our algorithm will return poor results no matter how sophisticated our machine learning algorithm is.

Consider, for example, our very simple Titanic example. We started with just 11 features, but after 1-of-K encoding they grew to 581.

>>> print titanic
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 1313 entries, 0 to 1312 Columns: 581 entries, row.names to ticket=L15 1s dtypes: float64(578), int64(2), object(1)

This does not pose an important computational problem, but consider what could happen if, as previously demonstrated, we represent each document in a dataset as the number of occurrences of each possible word. Another problem is that decision trees suffer from overfitting. If branching is based on a very small number of instances, the prediction power of the built model will decrease on future data. One solution to this is to adjust model parameters (such as the maximum tree depth or the minimum required number of instances at a leaf node). In this example, however, we will take a different approach: we will try to limit the features to the most relevant ones.

What do we mean by relevant? This is an important question. A general approach is to find the smallest set of features that correctly characterize the training data. If a feature always coincides with the target class (that is, it is a perfect predictor), it is enough to characterize the data. On the other hand, if a feature always has the same value, its prediction power will be very low.

The general approach in feature selection is to get some kind of evaluation function that, when given a potential feature, returns a score of how useful the feature is, and then keeps the features with the highest scores. These methods may have the disadvantage of not detecting correlations between features. Other methods may be more brute force: try all possible subsets of the original feature list, train the algorithm on each combination, and keep the combination that gets the best results.

As an evaluation method, we can, for instance, use a statistical test that measures how probable it is that two random variables (say, a given feature and the target class) are independent; that is, there is no correlation between them.

Scikit-learn provides several methods in the feature_selection module. We will use the SelectPercentile method that, when given a statistical test, selects a user-specified percentile of features with the highest scoring. The most popular statistical test is the χ² (chi-squared) statistic. Let's see how it works for our Titanic example; we will use it to select 20 percent of the most important features:

>>> from sklearn import feature_selection
>>> fs = feature_selection.SelectPercentile(
        feature_selection.chi2, percentile=20)
>>> X_train_fs = fs.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)

The X_train_fs array now has the statistically more important features. We can now train our decision tree on this data.

>>> dt.fit(X_train_fs, y_train)
>>> X_test_fs = fs.transform(X_test)
>>> y_pred_fs = dt.predict(X_test_fs)
>>> print "Accuracy:{0:.3f}".format(metrics.accuracy_score(y_test,

We can see that the accuracy on the training set improved half a point after feature selection on the training set.

Is it possible to find the optimal number of features? If by optimal we mean with the best performance on the training set, it is actually possible; we can simply use a brute-force approach and try with different numbers of features while measuring their performance on the training set using cross-validation.

>>> from sklearn import cross_validation
>>> percentiles = range(1, 100, 5)
>>> results = []
>>> for i in range(1,100,5):
>>>     fs = feature_selection.SelectPercentile(
            feature_selection.chi2, percentile=i
>>>     X_train_fs = fs.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)
>>>     scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(dt, X_train_fs,  
        y_train, cv=5)
>>>     results = np.append(results, scores.mean())
>>> optimal_percentil = np.where(results == results.max())[0]
>>> print "Optimal number of features:{0}".format(
        percentiles[optimal_percentil]), "
Optimal number of features:11
>>> # Plot number of features VS. cross-validation scores
>>> import pylab as pl
>>> pl.figure()
>>> pl.xlabel("Number of features selected")
>>> pl.ylabel("Cross-validation accuracy)")
>>> pl.plot(percentiles, results)

The following figure shows how cross-validation accuracy changes with the number of features:

Feature selection

We can see that accuracy quickly improves when we start adding features, remaining stable after the percentile of features turns about 10. In fact, the best accuracy is achieved when using 64 of the original 581 features (at the 11 percent percentile). Let's see if this actually improved performance on the testing set.

>>> fs = feature_selection.SelectPercentile(
>>> X_train_fs = fs.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)
>>> dt.fit(X_train_fs, y_train)
>>> X_test_fs = fs.transform(X_test)
>>> y_pred_fs = dt.predict(X_test_fs)
>>> print "Accuracy:{0:.3f}".format(metrics.accuracy_score(y_test,
    y_pred_fs)), "

The performance improved slightly, again. Compared with our initial performance, we have finally improved by almost one accuracy point using only 11 percent of the features.

The reader may have noted that while creating our classifier, we used the default parameters, except for the splitting criterion, where we have used entropy. Can we improve our model using different parameters? This task is called model selection, and we will address it in detail in the next section using a different learning example. For now, let's just test if the alternative method (gini) would result in better performance for our example. To do this, we will again use cross-validation.

>>> dt = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='entropy')
>>> scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(dt, X_train_fs, 
    y_train, cv=5)
>>> print "Entropy criterion accuracy on 
    cv: {0:.3f}".format(scores.mean())
Entropy criterion accuracy on cv: 0.889
>>> dt = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini')
>>> scores = cross_validation.cross_val_score(dt, X_train_fs, 
    y_train, cv=5)
>>> print "Gini criterion accuracy on 
    cv: {0:.3f}".format(scores.mean())
Gini criterion accuracy on cv: 0.897

The Gini criterion performs better on our training set. How about its performance on the test set?

>>> dt.fit(X_train_fs, y_train)
>>> X_test_fs = fs.transform(X_test)
>>> y_pred_fs = dt.predict(X_test_fs)
>>> print "Accuracy:  
Accuracy: 0.848

It seems that performance improvement on the training set did not hold for the evaluation set. This is always possible. In fact, performance could have decreased (recall overfitting). Our model is still the best. If we changed our model to use the one with the best performance in the testing set, we can never measure its performance, since the testing dataset could not be considered "unseen data" anymore.

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