
In this chapter we reviewed two important methods to improve our results when applying machine learning algorithms: feature selection and model selection. First, we used different techniques to preprocess data, extract features, and select the most promising features. Then we used techniques to automatically calculate the most promising hyperparameters of machine learning algorithms and used methods to parallelize these calculations.

The reader must be aware that this book covered only the main machine learning lines and some of their methods. Keep in mind that there is much more than supervised and unsupervised learning. For example:

  • Semi-supervised learning methods are the middle ground between supervised and unsupervised learning. They combine small amounts of annotated data with huge amounts of unlabeled data. Usually, unlabeled data can reveal the underlying distribution of elements and obtain better results in combination with a small, labeled dataset.
  • Active learning is a particular case within semi-supervised methods. Again, it is useful when labeled data is scarce or hard to obtain. In active learning, the algorithm actively queries a human expert to answer the label of certain unlabeled instances, and thus learn the concept over a reduced set of labeled instances.
  • Reinforcement learning proposes methods where an agent learns from feedback (rewards or reinforcements) after performing actions within an environment. The agent learns to perform a task by trying to maximize the cumulative reward. These methods have been very successful in robotics and video games.
  • Sequential classification (very commonly used in Natural Language Processing (NLP)) assigns a sequence of labels to a sequence of items; for example, the parts of speech of the words in a sentence.

Besides these, there are lots of supervised learning methods with radically different approaches to those we presented; for example, neural networks, maximum entropy models, memory-based models, and rule-based models. Machine learning is a very active research area with a growing literature; there are many books and courses that the reader can use to go deeper into the theory and details.

Scikit-learn has many of these algorithms implemented, and lacks others, but expect its active and enthusiastic contributors to build them soon. We encourage the reader to be part of the community!

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