Chapter 7. Dimensionality Reduction with PCA

In this chapter, we will discuss a technique for reducing the dimensions of data called Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Dimensionality reduction is motivated by several problems. First, it can be used to mitigate problems caused by the curse of dimensionality. Second, dimensionality reduction can be used to compress data while minimizing the amount of information that is lost. Third, understanding the structure of data with hundreds of dimensions can be difficult; data with only two or three dimensions can be visualized easily. We will use PCA to visualize a high-dimensional dataset in two dimensions, and build a face recognition system.

An overview of PCA

Recall from Chapter 3, Feature Extraction and Preprocessing, that problems involving high-dimensional data can be affected by the curse of dimensionality. As the dimensions of a data set increases, the number of samples required for an estimator to generalize increases exponentially. Acquiring such large data may be infeasible in some applications, and learning from large data sets requires more memory and processing power. Furthermore, the sparseness of data often increases with its dimensions. It can become more difficult to detect similar instances in high-dimensional space as all of the instances are similarly sparse.

Principal Component Analysis, also known as the Karhunen-Loeve Transform, is a technique used to search for patterns in high-dimensional data. PCA is commonly used to explore and visualize high-dimensional data sets. It can also be used to compress data, and process data before it is used by another estimator. PCA reduces a set of possibly-correlated, high-dimensional variables to a lower-dimensional set of linearly uncorrelated synthetic variables called principal components. The lower-dimensional data will preserve as much of the variance of the original data as possible.

PCA reduces the dimensions of a data set by projecting the data onto a lower-dimensional subspace. For example, a two dimensional data set could be reduced by projecting the points onto a line; each instance in the data set would then be represented by a single value rather than a pair of values. A three-dimensional dataset could be reduced to two dimensions by projecting the variables onto a plane. In general, an n-dimensional dataset can be reduced by projecting the dataset onto a k-dimensional subspace, where k is less than n. More formally, PCA can be used to find a set of vectors that span a subspace, which minimizes the sum of the squared errors of the projected data. This projection will retain the greatest proportion of the original data set's variance.

Imagine that you are a photographer for a gardening supply catalog, and that you are tasked with photographing a watering can. The watering can is three-dimensional, but the photograph is two-dimensional; you must create a two-dimensional representation that describes as much of the watering can as possible. The following are four possible pictures that you could use:

An overview of PCA

In the first photograph, the back of the watering can is visible, but the front cannot be seen. The second picture is angled to look directly down the spout of the watering can; this picture provides information about the front of the can that was not visible in the first photograph, but now the handle cannot be seen. The height of the watering can cannot be discerned from the bird's eye view of the third picture. The fourth picture is the obvious choice for the catalog; the watering can's height, top, spout, and handle are all discernible in this image.

The motivation of PCA is similar; it can project data in a high-dimensional space to a lower-dimensional space that retains as much of the variance as possible. PCA rotates the data set to align with its principal components to maximize the variance contained within the first several principal components. Assume that we have the data set that is plotted in the following figure:

An overview of PCA

The instances approximately form a long, thin ellipse stretching from the origin to the top right of the plot. To reduce the dimensions of this data set, we must project the points onto a line. The following are two lines that the data could be projected onto. Along which line do the instances vary the most?

An overview of PCA

The instances vary more along the dashed line than the dotted line. In fact, the dashed line is the first principal component. The second principal component must be orthogonal to the first principal component; that is, the second principal component must be statistically independent, and will appear to be perpendicular to the first principal component when it is plotted, as shown in the following figure:

An overview of PCA

Each subsequent principal component preserves the maximum amount of the remaining variance; the only constraint is that each must be orthogonal to the other principal components.

Now assume that the data set is three dimensional. The scatter plot of the points looks like a flat disc that has been rotated slightly about one of the axes.

An overview of PCA

The points can be rotated and translated such that the tilted disk lies almost exactly in two dimensions. The points now form an ellipse; the third dimension contains almost no variance and can be discarded.

PCA is most useful when the variance in a data set is distributed unevenly across the dimensions. Consider a three-dimensional data set with a spherical convex hull. PCA cannot be used effectively with this data set because there is equal variance in each dimension; none of the dimensions can be discarded without losing a significant amount of information.

It is easy to visually identify the principal components of data sets with only two or three dimensions. In the next section, we will discuss how to calculate the principal components of high-dimensional data.

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