
In this chapter, we introduced the main general concepts in machine learning and presented scikit-learn, the Python library we will use in the rest of this book. We included a very simple example of classification, trying to show the main steps for learning, and including the most important evaluation measures we will use. In the rest of this book, we plan to show you different machine learning methods and techniques using different real-world examples for each one. In almost every computational task, the presence of historical data could allow us to improve performance in the sense introduced at the beginning of this chapter.

The next chapter introduces supervised learning methods: we have annotated data (that is, instances where the target class/value is known) and we want to predict the same class/value for future data from the same population. In the case of classification tasks, that is, a discrete-valued target class, several different models exist, ranging from statistical methods, such as the simple Naïve Bayes to advanced linear classifiers, such as Support Vector Machines (SVM). Some methods, such as decision trees, will allow us to visualize how important a feature is to discriminate between different target classes and have a human interpretation of the decision process. We will also address another type of supervised learning task: regression, that is, methods that try to predict real-valued data.

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