Reducing dimensionality with PCA

Now it's time to take the math up a level! Principal component analysis (PCA) is the first somewhat advanced technique discussed in this book. While everything else thus far has been simple statistics, PCA will combine statistics and linear algebra to produce a preprocessing step that can help to reduce dimensionality, which can be the enemy of a simple model.

Getting ready

PCA is a member of the decomposition module of scikit-learn. There are several other decomposition methods available, which will be covered later in this recipe.

Let's use the iris dataset, but it's better if you use your own data:

>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> iris = datasets.load_iris()
>>> iris_X =

How to do it...

First, import the decomposition module:

>>> from sklearn import decomposition

Next, instantiate a default PCA object:

>>> pca = decomposition.PCA()
>>> pca
PCA(copy=True, n_components=None, whiten=False)

Compared to other objects in scikit-learn, PCA takes relatively few arguments. Now that the PCA object is created, simply transform the data by calling the fit_transform method, with iris_X as the argument:

>>> iris_pca = pca.fit_transform(iris_X)
>>> iris_pca[:5]
array([[ -2.684e+00,  -3.266e-01,   2.151e-02,   1.006e-03],
       [ -2.715e+00,   1.696e-01,   2.035e-01,   9.960e-02],
       [ -2.890e+00,   1.373e-01,  -2.471e-02,   1.930e-02],
       [ -2.746e+00,   3.111e-01,  -3.767e-02,  -7.596e-02],
       [ -2.729e+00,  -3.339e-01,  -9.623e-02,  -6.313e-02]])

Now that the PCA has been fit, we can see how well it has done at explaining the variance (explained in the following How it works... section):

>>> pca.explained_variance_ratio_
array([ 0.925, 0.053, 0.017, 0.005])

How it works...

PCA has a general mathematic definition and a specific use case in data analysis. PCA finds the set of orthogonal directions that represent the original data matrix.

Generally, PCA works by mapping the original dataset into a new space where the new column vectors of the matrix are each orthogonal. From a data analysis perspective, PCA transforms the covariance matrix of the data into column vectors that can "explain" certain percentages of the variance. For example, with the iris dataset, 92.5 percent of the variance of the overall dataset can be explained by the first component.

This is extremely useful because dimensionality is problematic in data analysis. Quite often, algorithms applied to high-dimensional datasets will overfit on the initial training, and thus loose generality to the test set. If most of the underlying structure of the data can be faithfully represented by fewer dimensions, then it's generally considered a worthwhile trade-off.

To demonstrate this, we'll apply the PCA transformation to the iris dataset and only include two dimensions. The iris dataset can normally be separated quite well using all the dimensions:

>>> pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=2)
>>> iris_X_prime = pca.fit_transform(iris_X)
>>> iris_X_prime.shape
(150, 2)

Our data matrix is now 150 x 2, instead of 150 x 4.

The usefulness of two dimensions is that it is now very easy to plot.

How it works...

The separability of the classes remain even after reducing the number of dimensionality by two.

We can see how much of the variance is represented by the two components that remain:

>>> pca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum()

There's more...

The PCA object can also be created with the amount of explained variance in mind from the start. For example, if we want to be able to explain at least 98 percent of the variance, the PCA object will be created as follows:

>>> pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=.98)
>>> iris_X_prime =
>>> pca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum()

Since we wanted to explain variance slightly more than the two component examples, a third was included.

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