Using KMeans to cluster data

Clustering is a very useful technique. Often, we need to divide and conquer when taking actions. Consider a list of potential customers for a business. A business might need to group customers into cohorts, and then departmentalize responsibilities for these cohorts. Clustering can help facilitate the clustering process.

KMeans is probably one of the most well-known clustering algorithms and, in a larger sense, one of the most well-known unsupervised learning techniques.

Getting ready

First, let's walk through some simple clustering, then we'll talk about how KMeans works:

>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs
>>> blobs, classes = make_blobs(500, centers=3)

Also, since we'll be doing some plotting, import matplotlib as shown:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

How to do it…

We are going to walk through a simple example that clusters blobs of fake data. Then we'll talk a little bit about how KMeans works to find the optimal number of blobs.

Looking at our blobs, we can see that there are three distinct clusters:

>>> f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5, 7.5))
>>> ax.scatter(blobs[:, 0], blobs[:, 1], color=rgb[classes])
>>> rgb = np.array(['r', 'g', 'b'])
>>> ax.set_title("Blobs")

The output is as follows:

How to do it…

Now we can use KMeans to find the centers of these clusters. In the first example, we'll pretend we know that there are three centers:

>>> from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
>>> kmean = KMeans(n_clusters=3)
KMeans(copy_x=True, init='k-means++', max_iter=300, n_clusters=3, 
       n_init=10, n_jobs=1, precompute_distances=True, 
       random_state=None, tol=0.0001, verbose=0)

>>> kmean.cluster_centers_
array([[ 0.47819567,  1.80819197],
[ 0.08627847,  8.24102715],
[ 5.2026125 ,  7.86881767]])

>>> f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5, 7.5))
>>> ax.scatter(blobs[:, 0], blobs[:, 1], color=rgb[classes])
>>> ax.scatter(kmean.cluster_centers_[:, 0], 
               kmean.cluster_centers_[:, 1], marker='*', s=250, 
               color='black', label='Centers')

>>> ax.set_title("Blobs")
>>> ax.legend(loc='best')

The following screenshot shows the output:

How to do it…

Other attributes are useful too. For instance, the labels_ attribute will produce the expected label for each point:

>>> kmean.labels_[:5]
array([1, 1, 2, 2, 1], dtype=int32)

We can check whether kmean.labels_ is the same as classes, but because KMeans has no knowledge of the classes going in, it cannot assign the sample index values to both classes:

>>> classes[:5]
array([0, 0, 2, 2, 0])

Feel free to swap 1 and 0 in classes to see if it matches up with labels_.

The transform function is quite useful in the sense that it will output the distance between each point and centroid:

>>> kmean.transform(blobs)[:5]
array([[ 6.47297373,  1.39043536,  6.4936008 ],
       [ 6.78947843,  1.51914705,  3.67659072],
       [ 7.24414567,  5.42840092,  0.76940367],
       [ 8.56306214,  5.78156881,  0.89062961],
       [ 7.32149254,  0.89737788,  5.12246797]])

How it works...

KMeans is actually a very simple algorithm that works to minimize the within-cluster sum of square distances from the mean. We'll be minimizing the sum of squares yet again!

It does this by first setting a pre-specified number of clusters, K, and then alternating between the following:

  • Assigning each observation to the nearest cluster
  • Updating each centroid by calculating the mean of each observation assigned to this cluster

This happens until some specified criterion is met.

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