Pointcut expressions

We learned about pointcut in terms of AOP. Now let's see what we should take care of when using pointcut:

  • Spring with AspectJ processes the pointcuts during compilation and tries to match and optimize matching performance. However, examining code and matching (statically or dynamically) would be a costly process. So, for optimal performance, think twice about what we want to achieve and narrow down our search or matching criteria as much as possible.
  • All the designators we learned earlier in this chapter are divided into three categories:
    • Method signature pattern: execution, get, set, call, handler
    • Type signature pattern: within, withincode
    • Contextual signature pattern: this, target, @annotation
  • In order to achieve good performance, write pointcut that includes the method at least and type signature pattern. It is not like matching would not work if we use only the method or type pattern; however, it is always recommended to join the method and type signature together. The type signature is very fast as it narrows down the search space by quickly opting out join points that could not be further processed.
  • Declare pointcuts on empty methods and refer to those pointcuts by their empty method name (named pointcut), so in case of any change to an expression, we have to change only at one place.
  • It is also recommended to declare small-named pointcuts and combine them by name to build complex pointcuts. Referring to pointcuts by name would follow the default Java method visibility rules. The following is the code sample of defining small pointcuts and joining them:
@Pointcut("execution(public * *(..))")
private void anyPublicMethod() {}

private void transfer() {}

@Pointcut("anyPublicMethod() && transfer()")
private void transferOperation() {}

  • Try to create anonymous beans for pointcuts when they are not shared to avoid direct access by an application.
  • Try to use static pointcuts where arguments need not be matched. These are faster and cached by Spring when the method is invoked first. Dynamic pointcuts are costly because they are evaluated on every method invocation because caching cannot be done as the argument would differ.
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