Configuring front controller

To configure the front controller servlet, DispatcherServlet, in an XML-based configuration, we need to add the following XML code in the web.xml file:



In the preceding XML code, at first, we configured the DispatcherServlet. Then, we mentioned the context configuration location, /WEB-INF/spring-mvc-context.xml. We set the load-on-startup value as 1, so the servlet container will load this servlet upon startup. In the second part, we defined the servlet-mapping tag to map a URL / to DispatcherServlet. Now, we will define the Spring application context in the next step.

It is good to configure the load-on-startup element under the DispatcherServlet configuration to load it at the highest priority. This is because, in a cluster environment, you might face timeout issues if Spring is not up and you get a large number of calls hitting your web app once it's deployed.
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