New key bindings

Let's open the user default key bindings by going to Preferences | Key Bindings-User. This will open a new file (should be an empty JSON array) named Default (OS).sublime-keymap, where OS is replaced with our operating system.

Let's add the following line to the array:

{ "keys": ["super+alt+;"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/User/semicolon.sublime-macro"} }

This line will run the macro that is located in Packages/User and is named semicolon.sublime-macro when pressing Super + Alt + ;, Super is WinKey in Windows or Linux and Command on OS X. Our file should look like the following screenshot:

New key bindings

Once you save this file, you can run the macro using the specified shortcut.


All commands used by shortcuts are the same commands that are used by the macros.

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