Chapter 5. Unravelling Vintage Mode

This chapter is for the vi fans among us. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding Vintage Mode
  • Setting up Vintage Mode
  • Experiencing Vintage Mode
  • Knowing about Vintageous

Understanding Vintage Mode

Vintage Mode is a package that gives Sublime the editing features of vi. It allows us to use vi's commands while also having the advantage of Sublime's features, such as multiple selections that we learned before. Vintage Mode is an open source project and can be found at

Discovering vi

vi is a an old but still very popular text editor. vi was originally created for Unix operating systems. The original vi was written in 1976 as an open source project. Surprisingly, it's still being used today because of its speed, small size, and portability. It is a popular command line editor (for example, in server environments) because it does not require a mouse.

Many different vi ports have been developed since its original release. One of the most popular of them is vim (vi improved), which supports customization like Sublime does, with macros, plugins, and key mappings.

The following is a screenshot of a spilt-windowed vi screen, which is not as great as our customized Sublime:

Discovering vi
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