Debugging JavaScript with Web Inspector

There are tons of web developers among us, and we all find our own ways of debugging our JavaScript code. Sublime has a wonderful plugin to make it easy for us. It is called Sublime Web Inspector (SWI). It lets us set breakpoints, examine the console, evaluate selections, debug step-by-step, and more! This plugin requires Google Chrome to be installed.

Installing Sublime Web Inspector

At the time this was written, the Package Control didn't include a Sublime Text 3 version of SWI. So, we'll need to install it manually by cloning the ST3 branch on the SWI repository on GitHub. Let's start by opening our packages directory from the Sublime Text menu by navigating to Preferences | Browse Packages…. This will open up the packages directory. We'll need to navigate to this directory from the console; in Windows, we can do it simply by Shift + right-click | Open command window here, while on Linux and OS X, we'll need to use cd to navigate manually from the terminal. After we are in the packages directory, we need to clone the right branch by executing the following:

git clone -b ST3 "git://"

To test out the installation, we'll open the command palette and go to Web Inspector | Start Google Chrome with remote debug port 9222; this should open up Chrome. If we get an error message saying The system cannot find the file specified, we'll need to change the path for our chrome installation. We'll do it by going to the cloned directory and edit swi.sublime-settings to fit our needs:

// Path to google chrome
   "chrome_path": {
      "osx": "/Applications/Google Chrome",
      "windows": "C:\Users\Danpe\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe",
      "windows_x64": "C:\Users\Danpe\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe",
      "linux": "/usr/bin/google-chrome"

Make sure that all Chrome windows are closed before opening with the debug port and the path settings are correct. Chrome won't open in the debug mode if another Chrome window is already open.

Using Sublime Web Inspector (SWI)

After opening Chrome in the debug mode, we will call the Web Inspector again by pressing Ctrl + Shift + R on Windows or Linux, and Command + Shift + R on OS X. We should see the Start debugging and Add/Remove Breakpoint commands, as shown in the following screenshot:

Using Sublime Web Inspector (SWI)

Clicking on Start debugging will give us a list of all currently open tabs in Chrome. We'll choose the one that we wish to debug. We will see a screen similar to the following screenshot:

Using Sublime Web Inspector (SWI)

We can see all our debug prints as well as warnings and errors inside the console. While making a change and saving, the page will get auto refreshed. Let's try it by changing a to b where b isn't a real variable, and see what happens:

Using Sublime Web Inspector (SWI)

Oops! We got an error. We can see where the breakpoint stopped (Resume, Step Over, Step Into, and Step Out). We can also add our own breakpoint by calling the Web Inspector and clicking on Add/Remove Breakpoint. SWI exposes its commands so we can bind any keys to those commands. The following is a list of all the exposed commands:



Start debugger


Stop debugger


Start Google Chrome


Show mapping of a local file to a URL


Add/remove breakpoints


Resume from pause


Step Into debugger


Step Out debugger


Step Over debugger


Evaluate selection


Reload debugged page


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