

adult toys, 6

advertising, 50, 53, 93, 110, 123, 128

African-American Internet users, 211

Ali, Muhammad, 31

All in One SEO Pack, 106

All in the Family, 5253

Amazon, 26, 33, 56, 59, 7071, 215

America Online (AOL), 13, 102, 113

American Idol, 910, 53, 166

America’s Next Top Model, 10

Android devices, 211

AOL. See America Online (AOL)

apologies list, 75

Apple App store, 211

Apple brand product, 44

assess yourself, 8687

Asshat, Mr., 6870, 74, 7779

audience engagement, 10


age of your Kings, 121

cart size, 111

coffee drinker, 95

consumer, 28, 54

espresso drinker, 95

price of regular coffee, 95


Baauer (artist), 150

baker, favorite, 17

Banks, Azealia (artist), 150

bartering, 4

bee pollination, 4344

Bezos, Jeff, 67, 176

BizReport, 27


content, 35, 110

postings, 65, 93, 97, 108, 112

posts, 65, 93, 97, 10812, 118, 171

blogging, 60, 1023, 108

blogs, 63, 65, 87, 90, 93, 99, 10212

blog-type content, 65

Bluehost, 105

boyfriend, queenie, 16


awareness, 4849, 6163, 89, 102, 137, 161, 182, 196

loyalty, 52, 88, 93

management, 88

Buffer App, 13132

business objectives, list of, 89

business strategy, 48

buying decisions, 24

buying trends, 130


cable TV, 50

Catfish (MTV show), 36

celebrity blog, 110

celebrity gossip stories, 10910

chat board, 57, 87

CircleCount, 191

click-through rates, 87

Cloud, 102

coffee, 95, 57

Cohen, Andy (Bravo), 1011

Combs, Sean “Diddy,” 3

comment request card, 74

commerce, 8

commercials, 17, 50

competitor profiles, 87

competitors, research on, 94

complaint handling, 75

comScore, 26

consumer(s)(s’), 15

are unique, 2223

conversations, 24

into customers, 40

demographics, 28

jargon, 24

responses, 22

consumer-to-consumer socializing, 32

content, 16

context + contact = relationship, 1719


about products in old-fashioned forums, 57

being a part of the, 18

blog-type content vs., 65

in coffee store, 91

educate yourself about your consumers’, 24

engage in brief, 38

on Facebook, 118, 12728, 134

five old W’s of journalism and, 35

in groups and forums, 57

how do you find consumer’s, 35

idea of what King Consumers really want and, 18

intense and detailed, 120

join in and bring people to your website, 33

keyword searching to find, 96

to learn what King Consumers are saying about your products, 57

on line, 25

on LinkedIn, 19596

participate in the, 40

personal brand when you are not in the, 62

push marketing and, 33

on Twitter, 16163, 17172, 174, 177

your customers are having about an issue or need or desire, 18

Craigslist, 109

cross-selling, 5153, 88, 93, 122

crowdsourcing, 11

customer relationship management (CRM), 49, 5355, 63, 115, 128

customer(s)(s’), 15

acquisition, 88

ask questions of, 4243

comments, 56, 66

hearts and loyalties, 48

is always right, 16

organic experiences, 21

relations, 89

relationship issues, 168

relationships, 55

service issues, 88

cyberbully mode, 69

cyberspace friends, 40


Daily Deal Media website, 27

Dancing with the Stars, 9, 64

developing countries, 3

discounts on products sold, 122

doo rags, 2829

door-to-door vacuum salesman, 3839


eBay, 33, 56, 7273, 79, 86, 201, 218


about, 17, 5354

conference calendar, 203

merchants, 86, 133

model, 33

website, 65

Ecommerce and Online Marketing Experts, 201

80/20 Rule, 86

on Facebook, 122, 136

on LinkedIn, 196

on Twitter, 169, 95

electronic opinion, 70

e-mail list, 89

e-mails, 27

eMarketing Association Network, 201


Fabergé Organics shampoo, 164

Facebook, 11336

about, 4, 1011, 51, 5657

account, 87

advertising, 123

announcement on, 36

Buffer App, 13132

Business Page on, 87

Business section, 131

business vs. personal, 12324

content, ever changing, 11819

content strategy, 12122

conversation(s) on, 118, 12728, 134

CRM and, 128

daily use of, 118

ecosystem, 121

80/20 Rule, 122, 136

“friend” you, 35

friend your customers on, 37

Groups, 12830, 136

Insights (analytics), 121, 131

King Consumers and, 11718, 12628

“Likes” on, 8, 12, 36, 115

many faces you can have on, 11921

micro-niche Facebook page, 11920

multidimensional approach to, 136

page, 42, 5657, 85, 97, 115, 11920, 122, 12428, 13036, 176

Pagemodo, 132

Pages Guideline page, 124

platform, 114

policy, 124

power to share and be connected, 117

public dispute on, 124

ranking, consumer vs. business, 116

robust image of your life, create, 160

ShortStack, 132

Simple Facebook Connect, 131

smaller-community pages, 120

social commerce plan and, 11416

strategy, 118

tool kit, 13032

version of WordPress plug-in, 131

face-to-face meeting, 37


about, 87, 89, 92, 111, 124, 12728, 13435, 166

base, 174

discounts, 130

made videos, 151

page, 125

FAQs. See frequently asked questions (FAQs)


negative, 70, 80

positive, 7273, 7980

rating, 7273, 79, 89

reviews and, 7071

Fifth Finger (brand awareness), 49, 6163, 102, 161, 178, 196

Final Cut Pro (Apple), 149, 155

First Finger (sales funnel), 4953, 103

Five C’s of Branding, 6263

Five Fingers, 6364, 66, 91, 100, 115, 135, 137, 157, 182

Five Old W’s of journalism, 35

Five P’s of Marketing, 34

Five P’s of Social Commerce, 3435, 40, 45

The 5 Fingers of Death, 47

Five-Finger Discount, 48, 6364

Five-Finger strategies, 49

brand awareness, 4849, 6163, 89, 102, 137, 161, 182, 196

customer relationship management (CRM), 49, 5355, 63, 115, 128

sales funnel, 4953, 62, 66, 88, 93, 97, 100, 102, 109, 115

search engine optimization (SEO), 49, 5860, 184

user-generated content (UGC), 49, 5557, 6263, 74, 78, 8889, 115, 137, 182

Flo (Progressive insurance), 4041

focus group, 56

folding chairs, 41

“followers,” 12

4-H Club, 156

Fourth Finger (search engine optimization), 49, 5861, 63, 106, 182, 184, 199, 211

free shipping vs. paid shipping, 23

freelance help, 98

freelance writer, 110

frequently asked questions (FAQs), 108, 143, 171

friendship, 40, 113


gaming systems, 51

gender, 2628, 184

GlobalWeb-Index (Internet analytics firm), 179

The Godfather, 122

goods and services, 9


AdWords, 96

Alerts, 58, 66, 96, 99, 107

Analytics, 106, 139

Author Link, 1067

bots, 44

Play store, 211

ranking, 63, 6566, 137, 18485, 187

search, 9596, 13840, 153, 181, 18486

SEO Starter Guide, 58


about, 11, 17993

ask your audience questions, 190

for Business, 18081, 184, 187

circle of contacts, 186

CircleCount, 191

Circles and, 180, 18284, 186, 18992

content, need to refresh frequently, 189

content, what to include, 18789

content into context, put, 187

first page status, 185

Fourth finger and SEO with Google, 18485, 193

Google is listening, 18182

Google’s social networking and identity service, 180

Hangouts, 190

hyperlinks, 188

Introduction/About Page, 188

keywords, 188

photos, uploading, 188

+1 button on your Google+page, 186

power of, underestimating the, 192

profile, 107, 184

Ripples, 19091

“Search plus Your World” feature, 186

social networking for jobs and careers, 192

Social Statistics, 191

Third and Fourth fingers, 182

Third finger and UGC, 186, 193

Timing+, 191

tool kit, 19091, 193

website, link to your, 189

what to expect, 182

Google+ Hangouts, 190

Google+ Ripples, 19091

Google+ Social Statistics, 191

G-string, 135

guitar case, 20

Gutman, Brandon (author), 53

guy carrying sign, 1920


hair ointment, 56

Harlem Shake meme, 149151

Help pages, 85

Hill, Napoleon, 179

hip-hop, 29

HootSuite, 167, 17576

host sites, 105

HostGator, 105

Hulu, 9


“I am sorry,” 75, 80

IBM Institute for Business Value, 115

ideal business scenario, 27

IMovie for iPad, 155

iMovie for Mac, 155

impulse shopping, 26, 28

Infographics, 213, 216

Instagram, 207, 21014

five ways to use, 212

image naming, 211

mobile devices and, 211

online merchants and, 208

picture-sharing site for mobile devices, 210

Internet shopping, 2021

Internet TV, 50

IPad camera, 149

iPads, 51, 211

iPhones, 51, 211

iPods, 51

Isermate, David, 6769, 78

Isermate, Elle, 6769, 78


John’s video, 13841


Kabbage Inc., 167

ka-ching, 8, 12, 122, 162

keyword searches, 27

keywords, 44, 5859, 64, 107, 109, 146, 163, 171, 18789, 204

Kick Ass Social Commerce Group, 201

kids’ toys, 6

King Consumers

about, 1617

are finding, not searching, 2425

different categories of, 29

empowerment of, 1920

Facebook and, 11718, 12628

how does he shop?, 2022

mobile devices and, 2527

nature and behavior of, 27

shop based on opinion, 55

targeted and specific copy to each, 41

tastes and opinions of, 30

Twitter and, 168

what they are saying about your products, 57

what they really want, 18

who are your?, 27

your very own, 28

King of the Hill, 13

Kick Ass Social Commerce for E-preneurs

book cover, 11, 166


larceny, 48

Latino-American internet users, 211

Lawson, John, 83, 195

Leary, Brent, 215

Levi jeans, 33

“Likes,” 8, 12, 36, 115

LinkedIn, 195205

brand awareness, personal, 196

business opportunities and professional expertise, share or gain, 196

conversation(s) on, 19596

80/20 Rule, 196

Groups, 200203, 205

groups, participate in, 200201

John-approved LinkedIn Groups, 201

language expressions on, 34

LinkedIn Today, 202

network, a powerful, 195

photo, your, 198

profile, tips for a great, 199200

profile, your, 19698

recommendations, 204

RSS news feed, 202

things to do on, 200203

vendors, find and vet new, 202

Locklear, Heather, 16465

lovesick sucker, 3637


market positioning, 89

marketing channels, 33

Maybe, Melanie, 12526, 130

me Commerce, 3133, 38

e-commerce vs., 3133, 45

making your case in, 3941

vanity and, 3637, 40, 45

media does not equal marketing, 8

Melanie (Tragic Beautiful), 13334

Meme Generator, 214

meta tag, 59

mighty fist, 63

millennial commerce, 3132

mirroring, 22

mobile commerce, 2627

Modern Family, 53

Morning Jolt (coffee shop), 9091, 93

movie matinées, 47

MTV show, 36

Muhammad, Elijah, 101

MySpace, 13



comment, 20, 56, 58, 7275, 77, 7980, 161, 168

feedback, 70, 80

review or comment, 74

Netflix, 9, 215

network TV, 9

networking, 90

New Year’s Eve tradition, 86

Nielsen’s 2012 Social Media report, 209


Official eBay Group, 201


commerce, 15, 21, 73

customers, 95

influence, 25

lover, 36

marketing, 16

personas, 35, 41

presence, 84

reputation, 7273, 78

sellers, 23, 133

shopping, 25, 32, 36

shopping transaction, 36

social sphere, 31

spamming, 40

opinion leader’s role, 23

opinion vs. fact, 23

opportunities missed, 97

Original Kings of Technology, 12, 217


Pagemodo, 132

Pareto Principle, 86. See also 80/20 Rule

partial truths, 40

PayPal, 79

pay-per-click (PPC) ads, 123

peer judgment, 77

people share opinions, 23

people watching, 26

Perez Hilton’s gossipy website, 109

personal service, 17

personas online, 41, 45

Pew Research Center, 211

reports, 209

Phelps, Michael, 103

phone selection, 25

phone shoppers, 26

Photo Meme-Jacking, 21314

pictures posted online, 37

Pinnacle Studio, 155


about, 114, 207, 20910

Nielsen’s 2012 Social Media report, 209

online merchants and, 208

Pew Research Center reports, 209

ways to use, 20910

positive feedback, 7273, 7980

potential customers, 30, 41, 52, 77, 180

Powell, Colin, 47

PowerDirector Deluxe, 155

private message, 162

product forums, 88

product marketing, 54

Professional eCommerce and eBay Sellers (PeSA) Internet Conference, 133

Progressive insurance lady, 4041

promotion, 90

purchasing decisions, 20, 32

push marketing, 33


Quickmeme, 214


radio advertising, 50

ranking, consumer vs. business, 116

rap, 29

recommendations, 24, 125, 128, 182, 196, 204

Reddit, 60

refund policy, seven-day, 76


is easily broken, 67

online, 7273, 78

in the online community, 72

in social commerce, 77

researching features, 24

retail sites, 26

right content at the right time, 30


sales, 90

cycle, 52

funnel, 4953, 62, 66, 88, 93, 97, 100, 102, 109, 115

and marketing techniques, 38

search engine optimization (SEO)

about, 49, 5860, 184

rankings, 137

Second Finger (customer relationship management), 5355, 63, 128, 161, 168

SEO. See search engine optimization (SEO)

Shakur, Tupac, 61

Shareaholic, 107

shoplifting, 48

shopping cart, 53

shopping online, 25

ShortStack, 132

Simmons, Russell, 159

Simple Facebook Connect, 131

SKU. See stock-keeping unit (SKU)

SMART (acronym), 78

smartphones, 51

snoring spray, 65

soccer games, child’s, 41

social bond, 55

social bookmarking, 60, 107

social cohorts, 22

social commerce, 7, 67

campaign, 55

dialogue between vendor and consumer, 34

empowers the seller and consumer, 30

objectives, 85, 88, 93

as old as humanity, 4

party, 6

plan, 84, 100, 102

reputation in, 77

strategies, 137, 208

tools of, 89

Social Commerce: Selling with Social Media Group, 201

social marketing, 8, 87

social media

about, 7, 15, 17, 27

to build presence on social networks, 8

business objectives for using, 88

channels, 87, 9193

circles, 55

competitor profile on, 9293

consumer and shopping experience, changed the, 24

to gather opinions, 23

how consumers feel about a product or solution and, 18

for lasting relationships, 54

marketing expert, 12

measures used on, 91

power of, 911

programs, 83

provides the experience of shopping, 21

ranks well in Google and Bing searches, 59

sites, 9, 61, 84, 87, 117, 209

social commerce plan and, 84

on social media, 34

strategic plan for using, 83

time spent weekly on, 91

tools, 12

Social Media Examiner (online magazine), 83

Social Media Lounge, 10

Social Mention, 176

social networking, 7, 192

sites, 83, 176, 189, 215

social networks, 7

adapt to online shopping, 25

for advice and recommendations, 15

measure progress on, 92

social spam, 33, 92

South by Southwest (SXSW) conference (Austin), 12

spambot, 164

spamming, 33, 40, 45, 62, 66

Spool, Jared (Amazon), 71

sports fan blog, 111, 92

Starbucks, 90, 9293, 166, 188

Stelzner, Michael A., 83

stock-keeping unit (SKU), 64

stop snoring, 171

strategic planning, 84

StumbleUpon, 60

Super Bowl of 2012, 112

super-fantastic-hyper-killing-it methods, 85

T, 2627

tattoos, 22

Third Finger (user-generated content), 5558, 63, 161, 182, 186, 193

third-party sellers, 33, 70

Timing+, 191

Topsy, 176


about, 18, 33, 50, 52, 138

advertising, 53, 150, 214

contestants, 167

networks, 9, 52

Twitonomy, 176

Twitter, 15978

about, 4, 8, 1011, 176

content, make it count, 17172

content into context, put, 16970

conversation(s) on, 16163, 17172, 174, 177

detail, limited amount of, 160

80/20 Rule, 169

follow customers on, 37

following, 170

handle, 35

hashtag (#) keywords, 163

have a friend, be a friend, 163

HootSuite, 17576

King Consumers and, 168

language expressions on, 34

Law of Twitter Reciprocity, 17273

letters PlzRT to end tweet, 170

messages for each group, 41

negative comments, 168

quotation marks around key phrase, 172

ratio of friends and followers, 16364

search box, 171

Second, Third, and Fifth Fingers, 161, 178

snippets, 57

Social Mention, 176

tool kit, 17576

Topsy, 176

tweet before you retweet, 170

tweet your VIPS right, 17375

tweets, listen to, 16162

tweets limited to 140

characters, 160

Twitonomy, 176

Twitter Counter, 176

watercooler, virtual, 16268

your choir and sing together, 16465

Twitter (@ColdICE), 164

Twitter account, 92, 16667, 174, 212


UGC. See user-generated content (UGC)

United Airlines, 20

“United Breaks Guitars” video, 20

up-selling, 5153, 93, 122

USA Today, 213

user feedback, 56

user-generated content (UGC), 49, 5557, 6263, 74, 78, 8889, 115, 137, 182


Vaynerchuk, Gary, 15

vendor-consumer relationship, 20

vendors, 15

video meme-jacking, 14951

viewer votes, 9, 92

The Voice, 10, 166

voting platform, 10


wage earners, 32

Walker, Madame C.J. (née Sarah Breedlove), 38, 13

Watch What Happens Live (Bravo TV), 10

Web 2.0, 7

web’s content, static, 17

website ranking, 63

women shoppers, 26

Wordpress (blogging tool), 10312

ad space, 110

at the centre of everything, 104, 112

help with writing, 10910

how often should you to write?, 108

plug-in, Facebook version of, 131

plug-ins, 104, 1067, 112

traffic and sales from, 112

what should you write?, 1078, 105, 111, 105, 111

Wordtracker, 64, 96

World Wide Web, 61, 59


young people, 32

YouTube, 13757

about, 9, 5051, 6061

analytics, 15154, 157

content, indexed, 153

Content ID database, 150

content of videos, 14244

educational videos, 143

FAQ pages, 143

Final Cut Pro (Apple), 149, 155

fully qualified URL in your description, 145

Google analytics, 139

“How-to,” 61

iMovie for iPad, 155

iMovie for Mac, 155

iPad camera, 149

John’s video, 13841

mobile viewers, 15253

Pinnacle Studio, 155

PowerDirector Deluxe, 155

product information on, 141

tool kit, 15455

video for business, 14142

video meme-jacking, 14951

videos, editing your, 14849

videos, equipment to make, 14748

videos, how to easily find your, 14445

videos, how to make great, 14651

videos, length of, 148

viewing hours for videos, 138

views, 89

“you’ve got mail,” 17


Zappos (online merchant), 76

Ziglar, Zig, 137

Zynga, 114

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