
Abel, A.B. 58

Acemoglu, D. 253, 356

Aghion, P. 11, 276, 315, 397, 400, 420

Aghion-Howitt model 397

Agricultural economy 138

Agricultural sector 224

AK model 286, 416

AK-OSG model 283

AK-Ramsey model 286

Altruism 160

Amano, M. 228

Amenity 253

unemployed person 253

Ando, A. 81, 83

Araujo, A. 86

Arbitrage 144

Arrow, K.J. 9, 282; see also learning by doing

Arrow-Debreu equilibrium model 421

Arthur, W.B. 429

Ashenfelter, O. 195

Atkinson, A.B. 157

Average propensity to consume 29, 94

Average propensity to save 29, 86, 212

Ayong Le Kama, A.D. 132

Azariadis, C. 10, 19, 143, 213, 356, 425

Bajo-Rubio, O. 119

Balance condition 145

Banerjee, A.V. 339

Barkai, H. 210

Barro, R.J. 1, 11, 118, 286, 354, 393, 396, 401, 408

Barten, A.P. 97

Baumol, W. 345

Becker, G S. 108, 128, 160, 195-6, 198, 356

Becker, R.A. 10, 158

Benabou, R. 165

Benassy, J.P. 260

Benhabib, J. 86, 109, 128, 137, 143

Bernanke, B.S. 60

Bernoulli equation 42

Bertinelli, L. 244

Bertrand price competition 403

Bifurcation theory 10, 429

Big push model 354, 416

Bignami, F. 250

Black, D. 244

Blanchard, O. 252

Blankenau, W.F. 288

Blume, L. 193

Bohm, V. 97, 161

Boldrin, M. 425

Booth, A.L. 270

Bordered Hessian 55, 69, 151

Boucekkine, R. 137

Bourguignon, F. 157

Bovenberg, A.L. 131

Boyer, M. 422

Brems, H. 210

Bresnahan, T.F. 343

Bretschger, L. 10, 50, 286

Brezis, E.S. 299

Brock, W.A. 86

Browning, M. 198

Brumberg, R. 81

Burmeister, E. 9, 10, 11, 19, 100, 104, 212

Cain, G.G. 196

Campbell, J.Y. 110

Capital 17; see also home capital accumulation 17, 188

Capital-intensive 76

Capital transmutation 104

Capitalism 8

three different processes 8

Caplin, A.S. 275

Caravale, G.A. 210, 228

Casarosa, C. 210, 228

Cass, D. 9, 86

Casson, M. 181

Catastrophe theory 10

Champ, B. 149

Chang, W.Y. 110

Chaos theory 10, 425

Characteristic equation 89, 148

Characteristic root 88

Chari, V.V. 299

Chatterjee, S. 167

Checking force 138

Chiang, A.C. 73

Chiappori, P.A. 195, 198

Chiarella, C. 250

Chinese culture 354

Chinese economies 1; see also Confucianism

Clarke, H.R. 134

Clower, R.W. 250

Cobb-Douglas see production function, utility function

Cochrane, J. 210

Cohn, E. 294

Collard, D. 160

Collective utility function 198

Colombo, L. 250

Commodity bundle 98

Commodity space 98

Comparative advantage 281

Comparative static analysis 173

Competitive 4

equilibrium 4, 145

process 9

Complexity theory 10, 429

Concave 19, 264

quasi-concave 19, 54

Conditional co-operation 161

Confucianism xvii

education 306

frugality 306

hard work 306

Constant elasticity of substitution (CES) 46

Consumption goods 17

Coordination failure 356

Corden, W.M. 213

Corruption 121, 357

Crafts, N.B. 377

Creative destruction 9, 397

Credit market 356

Cropper, M.L. 132

Current income 22, 145

Das, M. 422

Davis, S.J. 276

Day, R.H. 10, 425

De la Croix, D. 137

Debreu, G. 99

Demand function 55, 393

Walrasian 55

ordinary 55

market 55

Demark 125

Democratic 182

Demographic 52

Dessing, M. 110

Development indicator 3

Devereux, M.B. 119, 295

Diamond, P.A. 213

Diminishing returns 209, 282, 352

Discount rate of utility 84, 87

Discrimination 162, 196

Disequilibrium economics 250

Disposable income 23, 145

Distribution policy 168

Disutility 134

Division of labor 4, 128, 209, 379

Dixit, A. 381, 388

Dixit-Stiglitz preference 388

Dobell, A.R. 9, 11, 19, 100, 104, 212

Dollar, D. 282

Dolmas, J. 86

Domar, E.V. 9, 72

Drandakis, E. 213

Drazen, A. 356

Dreze, J. 250

Dual economy 228

Duranton, G. 158

Durkheim, E. 294

East Asian economies xvii, 1, 294, 353, 419

Economic development 1, 209

Economic growth theory see growth theory

Economic miracles 1, 353; see also East

Asian economies

Economic structure, see structure

Education 10, 181, 288, 301

Education sector 299

Efficiency wage theory 263

Effort curve 265

Effort function 264

Egoism 160

Eicher, T.S. 356

Elasticity of intertemporal substitution 93

Elasticity of substitution 47, 205, 388

Engel's law 239

Entrepreneur 9

Entry 385, 390

Entry-exit process 380

Environment 131

Environmental policy 136

Environmental sector 132

Epstein, L.G. 422

Equality and efficiency 157

Equilibrium 34

Equilibrium theory 250

Ethier, W.J. 381, 388

Euler theorem 21

Evenson, R.E. 416

Expectations 231, 354, 397

irrational 231

rational 231

Externality 282

Fei, J.C.H. 196

Fertility 182, 356

Final goods 381

First order conditions 54, 69, 88

First-order linear differential equation 44

Fisher, A.C. 133

Fisher equation 398

Flaschel, P. 250

Folbre, N. 195

Fonseca, E.G.D. 181

Forster, B.A. 132

Freeman, S. 149

Friedman, M. 81, 83

Froyen, R. T. 31, 91, 295

Fujita, M. 420

Functional income distribution 209

Galbraith, J.K. 300

Gale, D. 147

Galor, O. 137, 143, 158, 165, 167, 213, 352

García-Peñalosa, C. 356

Gender 195

Generalized Solow model with poverty traps 95

Ghiglino, C. 159, 356

Gini coefficient 183

Glachant, J. 167

Glomm, G. 165, 182

GNP 28

Gomme, P. 129

Gong, G. 288

Gordon, R.J. 257

Government 118

expenditure 118

size 118

Grandmont, J.M. 143

Greece 294

Green, J.R. 54, 193, 250

Greenwood, J. 110, 128, 164

Greiner, A. 288

Gross disposable income 23

Gross national product (GNP) 28

Grossman, G.M. 11, 282, 387, 393, 401

Grossmann, V. 182

Groups 161

multiple 191

three 193

two 161, 186

Growth rate 230, 301

Growth theory 3

neoclassical 17, 66, 74, 263,

284, 416

traditional 4

Gruver, G.W., 132

Guo, J.T. 119

Haavelmo, T. 9, 137, 429

Hadjimichalakis, M. 143

Hahn, F.H. 250, 289

Haltiwanger, J. 276

Hamilton, B.W. 195

Harmonics 421

Harris, J.R. 244

Harrod, R.F. 9, 72

Harrod-Domar growth model 9, 74

Harrod neutral 105; see also technological change

Head, A.C. 119

Heavy industrial sector 241

Heckman, J.J. 162, 196, 198

Helpman, E. 11, 282, 343, 387, 393, 401

Henderson, J.V. 244

Hercowitz, Z. 110, 128

Hicks, J. 104

Hicks neutral 105; see also technological change

Home capital 196

Home production 128, 109, 196

Home service 109; see also home production

Hommes, C.H. 10, 425

Homogeneity of degree n 20

Hong Kong 113, 295

Hopenhayn, H. 299

Housing 129

Howitt, P. 11, 276, 315, 397, 400, 420

Human capital 128, 187, 197, 250 accumulation 164, 282, 295, 379

Hump-shaped path 94

Husband 197

Hysteresis 355

Imperfect capital market 182

Implicit function theorem 55

Implicit wage contract model 273

Inada condition 87, 418

Income distribution 5, 40, 157, 183

Income taxation 118

Income transfer 160

Indifferent 99

Indifference curve 24

Indirect utility 389

Industrial sector 119, 224

Industrialization 244, 353

Infrastructure 118

Innovation 9, 104, 167, 282, 380, 396

process 387

product 387

Input-output system 210

Insider and outsider model 275

Instantaneous utility 84, 87

Intergenerational equity 79

Intermediate goods 381

International trade 250

Jacobian 148

Japanese culture 354

Jellah, M. 266

Jha, R. 119

Johnes, G. 294

Jones, C.I. 420

Jones, L.E. 109, 418

Jovanovic, B. 164, 299

Judd, K.L. 381, 387

Kaas, L. 161

Kaiyama, M. 228

Kaldor, N. 3, 160-1

Kaldor-Pasinetti two-group model 421

Karp, L. 299

Keynes, J.M. 6, 24, 28, 304

Keynesian consumption function 27, 81

generalized 19, 83

Keynesian economics 249

Kennedy, C. 282

Kennedy, P.W. 132

King, R.G. 93, 118

King-Rebelo model 94

Knowledge 312, 379

accumulation 204

creation 164

utilization 281

Knowledge-based economy 296

Kolm, S.C. 160

Koopmans, T.C. 9, 86

Korea 295

Kraus, R. 294

Kremer, M. 375

Kingman, P. 282, 299, 420

Krusell, P. 299

Kuznets, S. 3, 182; see also Kuznets curve

Kuznets curve 182

Kuo, S.W.Y. 196

Kydland, F.E. 129

Labor distribution 156, 413

Labor-intensive 76

Labor supply 109

elastic 109

endogenous 109, 149

Labor union 276

Ladrón-de-Guevara, A. 109, 327

Laffont, J.J. 250

Lagrangian 55, 69, 151

Light industrial sector 241

Lam, D. 196

Lancaster, K.J. 128, 196

Land 224

distribution 236

ownership 226

Land-intensive 76

Land rent 209

Lapham, B.J. 119

Layard, R. 195

Lazear, E.P. 196

Learning 204

by doing 10, 204, 266, 281, 283, 299, 410

by education 10, 204, 281, 299

by leisure 10, 204, 281, 299

Lee, H. 299

Leibenstein, H. 94, 263

Leijonhufvud, A. 250

Leisure 108; see also time

Leontief, W.W. 50, 223; see also production function, input-output system

Leontief input-output system, 223

Li, T.Y. 196, 431

Life cycle hypothesis 28, 81

Life style

Lifetime budget constraint 87

Lifetime utility 84

Linearized knowledge growth 381, 416

Liquidity constraint 83

Lisandro, O. 137

Liu, W.F. 110

Ljungquist, L. 356

Logistic growth model 6, 137

Londono, L. 356

Lorenz, H.W. 429

Loren curve 182

Love, D.F. 297

Lucas, R.E. 2, 10, 288, 294, 357

Lucas growth model 288

Ludvigson, S. 110

Lyapunov function 58

Lyapunov's theorem 58

Macurdy, T.E. 196, 198

Magill, M.J.P. 86

Maital, S. 78, 90

Maital, S.L. 78, 90

Maler, K.G. 132

Malinvaud, E. 250

Malthus, 5, 379; see also population growth

Malthusian growth model 6, 137

Malthusian process 355

Manuelli, R.E. 109, 418

Marginal condition 62, 69

Marginal productivity 282

Marginal propensity to consume, 29

Marginal propensity to save, 212

Marginal rate of substitution 24

Marginal utility 85

Marglin, S.A. 161

Marino, A.M. 228

Markup 412

Market power 381

Marshall, A. 181, 294, 311, 379

Marx, K. 5

Marxian 182, 249

Mas-Colell, A. 54, 193

Matsuyama, K. 158, 357, 425

Mazumdar, D. 263

McElroy, M.R. 198

Menu cost theory 275

Middle class 194

Miller, D. 161

Mills, E.S. 195

Mincer, J. 196

Miyao, T. 143

Moav, O. 165

Mobility 354

Modeling group differences 204

Modigliani, F. 81, 83, 161; see also permanent income hypothesis

Money 143

Money equilibrium 147

inside 147

outside 147

Monetary policy 109

Monopolistic competition 379, 381

Monopolistic power 158

Monopolistic pricing 402

Monopoly profit 393

Monopoly rent 387

Monotonic transformation 24

Monotonicity 54

Mookheijee, D. 355

Morishima, M. xvii, 5, 210

Murata, Y. 244

Murphy, K. 137, 323, 356

Myrdal, G. 357

Nardini, F. 282

Natural laws 4

Natural price of labor 209

Negishi, T.210, 250

Nelson, R. 94, 282, 352

Network externality 355

Neugart, M. 276

New economic geography 420

New growth theory 379, 417

Newman, A.F. 339

Niehans, J. 137

Nishimura, K. 86, 159, 213, 425

Nonlinear theory 10, 429

Nonsubsistence income 94

Nurkse, R. 352

Nyarko, Y. 299

Okun, A. 157, 257

One-sector growth model see OSG model

Operating profit 390

Orphanides, A. 149

Ortigueira, S. 109, 214, 327

OSG model 17, 33, 66, 73, 97, 149 in discrete time 62, 68

Over-save 45

Panico, C.

Parente, S. 299

Pasinetti, L.L. 161, 210, 228

Path-dependence 355

Pemberton, J. 266

Pentecost, E. 274

Perfect substitution 204

Perli, R. 109

Permanent income 84

Permanent income hypothesis 28, 83

Persson, T. 165

Peterson, F.A. 133

Phelps, E.S. 100

Phelps' golden rule 100

Piketty, T. 158

Pissarides, C.A. 276

Pitchford, J.D. 137

Pitchfork bifurcation process 431

Playfulness 294

Plouder, G.C. 132

Poisson process 398

Political and social instabilities 95

Population growth 5, 137

Population dynamics 32

Poverty 158, 294

Poverty Trap 93, 355

Preference 22, 95, 97

dynamics 59, 92, 421

Preference order 99

Preference relation 98

completeness 99

continuity 99

reflexibility 98

transitivity 98

Present value 87

Present-value Hamiltonian 87, 291

Price elasticity 389

Price index 389

Price of money 144

Pricing strategy 384, 390, 403

Production function 19, 69, 104

CES 46, 419

Cobb-Douglas 41, 205, 284, 382

homogeneous 20, 418

household 128; see also home production

intensive form 20

Leontief 46, 50

neoclassical 19, 69, 71, 144,

149, 211, 422

Progressive taxation 158

Propensity 24

to consume agricultural goods 227

to consume goods 24, 44, 110, 227

to consume housing 227

to consume services 227

to own wealth 24, 44, 95, 110, 227

to save 94

to use leisure time 110

Protestant ethic 311

Public goods 118

Public sector 119

Purification 135

Puu, T. 429

Quah, J.S.T. 2

Qualified labor force 187

Quality ladder 401

Rader, T. 99

R&D 282

Ralf, K. 213

Ramsey, F. 9, 86, 158; see also Ramsey growth model

Ramsey growth theory xvi, 86, 92, 108, 421

Ranis, G. 196

Rauch, J.E. 282

Ravikumar, B. 165, 182

Ray, D. 355

Razor-edge growth path 76

Rebelo, S.T. 93, 118

Redistribution 356

Reed, W.J. 134

Reilly, M. 300

Research 381, 185

Return to R&D 387

Returns to scale 20, 118, 128, 309

constant 20, 122, 244, 391

decreasing 20, 122, 310

increasing 10, 20, 122, 313, 355, 379

Ricardo, D. 5, 209

On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation 5

Ricardian classification 183

Ricardian growth model 222

generalization 222

Rich class 194

Riddell, W.C. 323

Rios-Rull, J.V. 299

Risk neutrality 398

Rogerson, R. 110, 128

Rome 294

Romer, D. 11, 84

Romer, P.M., 10, 90, 282, 284, 323, 381

Romer model, 381, 409

Ros, J. 94

Rosen, S. 196

Rosenstein-Rodan, P.N. 354

Rosenzweig, M.R. 128

Rosser, J.B.Jr. 10, 429

Rupert, P. 110, 129

Rural 182

Ryder, H.E. 143, 352

Sachs, J.D. 356

Saddle point 89

Sahota, G.S. 157

Sala-i-Martin, X. 1, 11, 286, 354, 393, 396, 401, 408

Salvadori, N. 161

Samuelson, P.A. 161, 210, 228, 282

Santos, M.S. 109, 214, 327

Sato, K. 161

Sato, R. 282

Sattinger, M. 162

Saving rate 30

Scheinkman, J.A. 86

Schultz, T.W. 108, 282

Schumpeter, J.A. 8, 382, 396

The Theory of Economic Development 8

Science 281, 300

Scientific strategy 4

Search and matching theory 275

Second-order condition 55, 69

Sedlacek, G. 162

Semmler, W. 288

Sener, F. 276

Service 17

Service sector 224, 241

Sexual discrimination 196

Sexual division of labor 195

Shell, K. 86, 381

Shi, S.Y. 422

Shigoka, T. 425

Shimer, R. 253

Shimomura, K. 159

Shleifer, A. 356

Shone, R. 425

Simon, C.P. 193

Simpson, N.B. 288

Simulation 116

Singapore 1, 295

Skézely, M. 356

Smith, A. 4, 160, 379

The Wealth of Nations 4

Smith, J. 196

Smith, V.K. 134

Smulders, S.A. 131

Social planner 91

Social welfare 120

Sociopolitical instability approach 182

Solow, R.M. 9, 76, 77, 79, 90, 93, 95, 149, 265, 288, 294, 397, 416

Solow growth model xvi, 59, 73, 90, 100, 108, 143, 211, 421

Solow neutral 105; see also technological change

Solow-Swan growth model 9, see Solow model

Song, X.C. 214

Sorger, G. 159, 356

Spence, M. 393

Spilimbergo, A. 356

Spill-over effects 119

Spulber, D.F. 275

Stable equilibrium 310

Stage of economic development 305

Stark, O. 128, 160

Stephens, J.K. 133

Steady state see equilibrium

Sticky price 250

Stiglitz, J.E. 213, 357, 381, 388

Stokey, N.L. 282, 299

Structural frictions 276

Structure 209, 244

change 209

final-goods sector 381

intermediate-goods sector 381

multi-sector 210, 244

one-sector 17, 109

three-sector 224, 241

transformation 17

two-sector 109, 118, 210, 214

Stutzer, M. 429

Stylized facts of economic growth 3

Subjective discount rate 388

Subsistence 93

level of consumption 94

wage rate 209

Sugden, R. 160-1

Survivorship function 77

Swan, T.W. 9, 76

Sweden 125

Synergetics 10

Tabellini, G. 165

Taiwan 1, 113, 295

Takayama, A. 9, 90, 213

Tamura, R. 137, 196, 356

Tassel, E.V. 195

Taste change 118; see also preference

Tax policy 161

Taylor, J.B. 10

Technological change 7, 204, 284

disembodied 105

embodied 105

endogeneous 9, 105, 281

Variety 281

exogeneous 7, 103, 105

labor saving 105

neutral 105

Teulings, C.N. 162

Thadden, L. von. 143

Theoretical integration xv

Thomas, D. 195

Threshold effect 356

Time 108

distribution 108, 114

endogenous 108, 186, 198

leisure 108, 198, 288

value 108, 114

work 108, 197, 288

Tirole, J. 143

Tobin, J. 143, 149

Tobin effect 149

Todaro, M.P. 228, 244

Tosato, D.A. 210, 228

Total factor productivity 41

Tradeoffs 132, 157

Trajtenberg, M. 343

Transitional dynamics 93

Transitory income 85

transversality condition 88, 292

Tsai, H.F. 110

Tsiddon, D. 299

Tsutsui, S. 282

Turnovsky, S.J. 109

Two-capital growth model 240

Two-group growth model 160

Unemployment 249

benefit 251

duration 251

policy 259

structural 275

United States 1

Unstable equilibrium 310

Urbanization 3, 182, 244

U.S. economy 1, 60, 78, 295

Utility function 23, 69, 97, 99

Cobb-Douglas 23, 145

Uzawa, H. 9, 211, 282, 422

Uzawa two-sector model 211, 223, 421

life styles 281

product 281, 387

taste for 388

Vellutini, C. 167

Vishny, R. 356

Wage rigidity 266

Walrasian labor market 263

Walrasian system 210, 249

Wan, H.Y. Jr. 108, 422

Warner, A.M. 356

Weber, M. xvii, 354

Weil, D.N. 137

Weinrich, G. 250

Weiss, Y. 196

Weizsacker, C.C. 282

Welfare 161, 249

Welfare economy 251

Welfare state 161

Westphal, L.E. 416

Wetzell, D.L. 110

Whinston, M.D. 54, 193

Wife 197

Wilcox, J.A. 257

Willis, R.J. 196

Winter, S.G. 282

Wirl, F. 132

Woodford, M. 10

Wright, R. 110, 128

Yano, M. 213, 425

Yorke, Y. 431

Young, A. 336, 351, 376, 415, 420

Zamagni, S. 160

Zeira, J. 158

Zenou, Y. 266

Zhang, J. 196

Zhang, J.S. 196

Zhang, J.X. 119

Zhang, W.B. xvi, 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 19, 24, 58, 86, 109, 114, 121, 128, 130-2, 138, 143, 158, 160, 162, 188, 196, 244, 250, 276, 294, 307-8, 311, 315, 336-7, 351, 354, 374, 408, 420, 425, 429; see also OSG model

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