Application of ANSYS to thermo-mechanics


This chapter deals with solved examples pertaining to heat transfer and flow in engineering structures. First, a basic introduction to characteristic features of heat transfer problems is given. Next, five problems are solved spanning a wide area of thermo-mechanics. The first solved example concerns heat transfer through two adjacent walls. Temperature distribution within the walls together with the heat fluxes for each wall is determined. The second solved problem illustrates steady-state thermal analysis at the location of an intersection between two pipes. The objective is to find out the temperature distribution at the junction. The third example deals with heat dissipation through a developed surface and is typical for engineering problems concerning coolers and heat exchangers. The fourth problem is the illustration of heat conduction through an infinitely long block of a material. It is solved using both GUI and command modes. The fifth and final problem is about thermal stresses induced in a simple structure. It is a good illustration of the coupled thermal/structural analysis quite often encountered in engineering practice.


Heat conduction; Temperature distribution; Heat flux; Thermal stresses; Coupled thermal/structural

6.1 General characteristic of heat transfer problems

The transfer of heat is normally from a high temperature object to a lower temperature object. Heat transfer changes the internal energy of both systems involved according to the first law of thermodynamics.

Heat may be defined as energy in transit. An object does not possess ‘heat’; the appropriate term for the microscopic energy in an object is internal energy. This internal energy may be increased by transferring energy to the object from a higher temperature (hotter) object—this is properly called heating.

A convenient definition of temperature is that it is a measure of the average translation kinetic energy associated with the disordered microscopic motion of atoms and molecules. The flow of heat is from a high temperature region towards a lower temperature region. The details of the relationship to molecular motion are dealt with by the kinetic theory. The temperature defined from kinetic theory is called the kinetic temperature. Temperature is not directly proportional to internal energy since temperature measures only the kinetic energy part of the internal energy, so two objects with the same temperature do not, in general, have the same internal energy.

Internal energy is defined as the energy associated with the random, disordered motion of molecules. It is separated in scale from the macroscopic ordered energy associated with moving objects. It also refers to the invisible microscopic energy on the atomic and molecular scale. For an ideal monoatomic gas, this is just the translational kinetic energy of the linear motion of the ‘hard sphere’ type atoms, and the behaviour of the system is well described by the kinetic theory. However, for polyatomic gases there is rotational and vibrational kinetic energy as well. Then in liquids and solids there is potential energy associated with the intermolecular attractive forces.

Heat transfer by means of molecular agitation within a material without any motion of the material as a whole is called conduction. If one end of a metal rod is at a higher temperature, then energy will be transferred down the rod towards the colder end, because the higher speed particles will collide with the slower ones with a net transfer of energy to the slower ones. For heat transfer between two plane surfaces, such as heat loss through the wall of a house, the rate of conduction could be estimated from.



where the left-hand side concerns rate of conduction heat transfer; κ is thermal conductivity of the barrier; A is area through which heat transfer takes place; T is temperature; and d is the thickness of barrier.

Another mechanism for heat transfer is convection. Heat transfer by mass motion of a fluid such as air or water when the heated fluid is caused to move away from the source of heat, carrying energy with it, is called convection. Convection above a hot surface occurs because hot air expands, becomes less dense and thus rises. Convection can also lead to circulation in a liquid, as in the heating of a pot of water over a flame. Heated water expands and becomes more buoyant. Cooler, denser water near the surface descends, and patterns of circulation can be formed.

Radiation is heat transfer by the emission of electromagnetic waves, which carry energy away from the emitting object. For ordinary temperatures (less than red-hot), the radiation is in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The relationship governing radiation from hot objects is called the Stefan–Boltzmann law:



where P is net radiated power; A is radiating area; σ is Stefan's constant; e is emissivity coefficient; T is temperature of radiator; and Tc is temperature of surroundings.

6.2 Heat transfer through two adjacent walls

6.2.1 Problem description

A furnace with dimensions of its cross-section specified in Fig. 6.1 is constructed from two materials. The inner wall is made of concrete with a thermal conductivity, kc = 0.01 W/m K. The outer wall is constructed from bricks with a thermal conductivity, kb = 0.0057 W/m K. The temperature within the furnace is 673 K and the convection heat transfer coefficient k1 = 0.208 W/m2 K. The outside wall of the furnace is exposed to the surrounding air, which is at 253 K and the corresponding convection heat transfer coefficient, k2 = 0.068 W/m2 K.

Fig. 6.1
Fig. 6.1 Cross-section of the furnace.

Determine the temperature distribution within the concrete and brick walls under steady-state conditions. Also determine the heat fluxes through each wall.

This is a 2D problem and will be modelled using GUI facilities.

6.2.2 Construction of the model

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preferences. This frame is shown in Fig. 6.2.

Fig. 6.2
Fig. 6.2 Preferences: thermal.

Depending on the nature of analysis to be attempted, an appropriate analysis type should be selected. In the problem considered here, [A] Thermal was selected, as shown in Fig. 6.2.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete. The frame shown in Fig. 6.3 appears.

Fig. 6.3
Fig. 6.3 Element types selection.

Clicking the [A] Add button activates a new set of options, which are shown in Fig. 6.4.

Fig. 6.4
Fig. 6.4 Library of element types.

Fig. 6.4 shows that for the problem considered, the following were selected: [A] Thermal Mass → Solid and [B] 4node 55. This element is referred to as Type 1 PLANE55.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models. Fig. 6.5 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.5
Fig. 6.5 Define material model behaviour.

From the right-hand column, select [A] Thermal → Conductivity → Isotropic. As a result, the frame shown in Fig. 6.6 appears. Thermal conductivity [A] KXX = 0.01 W/m K was selected, as shown in Fig. 6.6.

Fig. 6.6
Fig. 6.6 Conductivity for Material Number 1.

Clicking the [B] OK button ends input into Material Number 1. In the frame shown in Fig. 6.7, select from the top menu [A] Material → New Model. A database for Material Number 2 is created.

Fig. 6.7
Fig. 6.7 Define material model behaviour.

As in the case of Material Number 1, select [B] ThermalConductivity → Isotropic. The frame shown in Fig. 6.8 appears. Enter [A] KXX = 0.0057 W/m K and click the [B] OK button as shown in Fig. 6.8.

Fig. 6.8
Fig. 6.8 Conductivity for Material Number 2.

In order to create numbered primitives from the ANSYS Utility Menu, select PlotCtrls → Numbering and check the box area numbers.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorModelling → Create → Areas → Rectangle → By Dimensions. Fig. 6.9 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.9
Fig. 6.9 Create rectangle by dimensions.

Input [A] X1 = − 15; [B] X2 = 15; [C] Y1 = − 15 and [D] Y2 = 15 to create an outer wall perimeter area as shown in Fig. 6.9. Next, the perimeter of the inner wall is created in the same way. Fig. 6.10 shows a frame with appropriate entries.

Fig. 6.10
Fig. 6.10 Create rectangle by dimensions.

In order to generate the brick wall area of the chimney, subtract the two areas that have been created. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans → Subtract → Areas. Fig. 6.11 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.11
Fig. 6.11 Subtract areas.

First, select the larger area (outer brick wall) and click the [A] OK button in the frame of Fig. 6.11. Next, select the smaller area (inner concrete wall) and click the [A] OK button. The smaller area is subtracted from the larger one, and the outer brick wall is produced. This is shown in Fig. 6.12.

Fig. 6.12
Fig. 6.12 Brick wall outline.

Using a similar approach, the inner concrete wall is constructed. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorModellingCreate → Areas → Rectangle → By Dimensions. Fig. 6.13 shows the resulting frame with inputs: [A] X1 = − 6; [B] X2 = 6; [C] Y1 = − 6 and [D] Y2 = 6. Pressing the [E] OK button creates rectangular area A1.

Fig. 6.13
Fig. 6.13 Create rectangle by dimensions.

Again, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Areas → Rectangle → By Dimensions. A frame with inputs: [A] X1 = − 5; [B] X2 = 5; [C] Y1 = − 5 and [D] Y2 = 5 is shown in Fig. 6.14.

Fig. 6.14
Fig. 6.14 Create rectangle by dimensions.

Clicking the [E] OK button creates rectangular area A2. As before, to create the concrete area of the furnace, subtract area A2 from area A1. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans → Subtract → Areas. The frame shown in Fig. 6.11 appears. Select area A1 first and click the [A] OK button. Next, select area A2 and click the [A] OK button. As a result, the inner concrete wall is created. This is shown in Fig. 6.15.

Fig. 6.15
Fig. 6.15 Outline of brick and concrete walls.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Meshing → Size Cntrls → ManualSize → Global → Size. As a result of this selection, the frame shown in Fig. 6.16 appears.

Fig. 6.16
Fig. 6.16 Global element sizes.

Set the input for the element edge length as [A] SIZE = 0.5 and click the [B] OK button.

Because the outer brick wall and inner concrete wall were created as separate entities, it is necessary to ‘glue’ them together so they share lines along their common boundaries. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Boolean → Glue → Areas. The frame shown in Fig. 6.17 appears.

Fig. 6.17
Fig. 6.17 Glue areas.

Select the [A] Pick All option in the frame of Fig. 6.17 to glue the outer and inner wall areas. Before meshing occurs, it is necessary to specify material numbers for the concrete and the brick walls.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh Attributes → Picked Areas. The frame shown in Fig. 6.18 is created.

Fig. 6.18
Fig. 6.18 Area attributes.

Select the first concrete wall area and click the [A] OK button in the frame of Fig. 6.18. A new frame is produced, as shown in Fig. 6.19.

Fig. 6.19
Fig. 6.19 Area attributes (concrete wall).

Material Number 1 is assigned to the concrete inner wall, as shown in Fig. 6.19.

Next, assign Material Number 2 to the brick outer wall following the procedure outlined above and select the brick outer wall. Fig. 6.20 shows a frame with an appropriate entry.

Fig. 6.20
Fig. 6.20 Area attributes.

Now meshing of both areas can be carried out. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Areas → Free. The frame shown in Fig. 6.21 appears.

Fig. 6.21
Fig. 6.21 Mesh areas.

Select [A] Pick All option shown in Fig. 6.21 to mesh both areas.

In order to see both areas meshed, from the Utility Menu, select PlotCtrls → Numbering. In the resulting frame, shown in Fig. 6.22, select [A] Material Numbers and click the [B] OK button.

Fig. 6.22
Fig. 6.22 Plot numbering controls.

As a result, both walls with mesh are displayed (see Fig. 6.23).

Fig. 6.23
Fig. 6.23 Outer and inner wall of the furnace meshed.

6.2.3 Solution

Before a solution can be run, boundary conditions have to be applied. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal → Convection → On Lines. This selection produces a frame shown in Fig. 6.24.

Fig. 6.24
Fig. 6.24 Apply CONV on lines.

First, pick the convective lines (facing inside the furnace) of the concrete wall and press the [A] OK button. The frame shown in Fig. 6.25 is created.

Fig. 6.25
Fig. 6.25 Apply CONV on lines (the inner wall).

As seen in Fig. 6.25, the following selections were made: [A] Film coefficient = 0.208 W/m2 K and [B] Bulk temperature = 673 K, as specified for the concrete wall in the problem formulation.

Again from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal → Convection → On Lines. The frame shown in Fig. 6.24 appears. This time, pick the exterior lines of the brick wall and press the [A] OK button. The frame shown in Fig. 6.26 appears.

Fig. 6.26
Fig. 6.26 Apply COVN on lines (the outer wall).

For the outer brick wall, the following selections were made (see the frame in Fig. 6.26): [A] Film coefficient = 0.068 W/m2 K and [B] Bulk temperature = 253 K as specified for the brick wall in the problem formulation.

Finally, to see the applied convective boundary conditions from the Utility Menu, select PlotCtrls → Symbols. The frame shown in Fig. 6.27 appears.

Fig. 6.27
Fig. 6.27 Symbols.

In the frame shown in Fig. 6.27, select [A] Show pres and convect as = Arrows and click the [B] OK button.

From the Utility Menu, select Plot → Lines to produce an image shown in Fig. 6.28.

Fig. 6.28
Fig. 6.28 Applied convective boundary conditions.

To solve the problem, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Solve → Current LS. Two frames appear. One gives a summary of solution options. After checking the correctness of the options, close this using the menu at the top of the frame. The other frame is shown in Fig. 6.29. Clicking the [A] OK button initiates the solution process.

Fig. 6.29
Fig. 6.29 Solve current load step.

6.2.4 Postprocessing

The end of the successful solution process is denoted by the message ‘Solution is done’. The postprocessing phase can be started. It is first necessary to obtain information about temperatures and heat fluxes across the furnace's walls.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal Solu. The frame shown in Fig. 6.30 appears.

Fig. 6.30
Fig. 6.30 Contour nodal solution data.

Selections made are shown in Fig. 6.30. Clicking the [A] OK button results in the graph shown in Fig. 6.31.

Fig. 6.31
Fig. 6.31 Temperature distribution in the furnace as a contour plot.

In order to observe the heat flow across the walls the following command should be issued: General Postproc → Plot Results → Vector Plot → Predefined. This produces the frame shown in Fig. 6.32.

Fig. 6.32
Fig. 6.32 Vector plot of predefined vectors.

Clicking the [A] OK button produces a graph as shown in Fig. 6.33.

Fig. 6.33
Fig. 6.33 Heat flow across the wall plotted as vectors.

In order to observe temperature variations across the walls, it is necessary to define the path along which the variations are going to be determined. From the Utility Menu, select Plot: Areas. Next, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Path Operations → Define Path → On Working Plane. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.34.

Fig. 6.34
Fig. 6.34 On working plane (definition of the path).

By activating the [A] Arbitrary path button and clicking [B] OK, another frame is produced and is shown in Fig. 6.35.

Fig. 6.35
Fig. 6.35 On working plane (selection of two points defining the path).

Two points should be selected by clicking on the inner line of the concrete wall and moving in Y-direction at the right angle, clicking on the outer liner of the brick wall. As a result of clicking the [A] OK button, the frame shown in Fig. 6.36 appears.

Fig. 6.36
Fig. 6.36 On working plane (path name: AB).

In the box [A] Define Path Name, write AB and click the [B] OK button.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Path Operations → Map onto Path. The frame shown in Fig. 6.37 appears.

Fig. 6.37
Fig. 6.37 Map results items onto path (AB path).

In Fig. 6.37, the following selections are made: [A] Flux & gradient, [B] Thermal grad TGX; then click the [C] OK button. Repeating the steps described above, recall the frame shown in Fig. 6.37. This time, select the following: [A] Flux & gradient, [B] Thermal grad TGY, and click the [C] OK button. Finally, recall the frame shown in Fig. 6.37 and select [A] Flux & gradient and [B] Thermal grad TGSUM as shown in Fig. 6.38, then click the [C] OK button.

Fig. 6.38
Fig. 6.38 Map results items onto path (AB path).

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Path Operations → Plot Path Item → On Graph. The frame shown in Fig. 6.39 appears.

Fig. 6.39
Fig. 6.39 Plot of path items on graph.

The selections made [A] are highlighted in Fig. 6.39. Pressing the [B] OK button results in a graph as shown in Fig. 6.40.

Fig. 6.40
Fig. 6.40 Variations of temperature gradients along path AB.

6.3 Steady-state thermal analysis of a pipe intersection

6.3.1 Description of the problem

A cylindrical tank is penetrated radially by a small pipe at a point on its axis remote from the ends of the tank, as shown in Fig. 6.41.

Fig. 6.41
Fig. 6.41 Pipe intersection.

The inside of the tank is exposed to fluid with a temperature of 232°C. The pipe experiences a steady flow of fluid with a temperature of 38°C, and the two flow regimes are isolated from each other by means of a thin tube. The convection (film) coefficient in the pipe varies with the metal temperature and is thus expressed as a material property. The objective is to determine the temperature distribution at the pipe-tank junction.

The following data describing the problem are given:

  •  inside diameter of the pipe = 8 mm;
  •  outside diameter of the pipe = 10 mm;
  •  inside diameter of the tank = 26 mm;
  •  outside diameter of the tank = 30 mm;
  •  inside bulk fluid temperature, tank = 232°C;
  •  inside convection coefficient, tank = 4.92 W/m2 °C;
  •  inside bulk fluid temperature, pipe = 38°C; and
  •  inside convection (film) coefficient, pipe = − 2.

Table 6.1 provides information about variation of the thermal parameters with temperature.

Table 6.1

Variation of the thermal parameters with temperature
Temperature (°C)
Convection coefficient (W/m2 °C)41.91839.85234.63727.0621.746
Density (kg/m3)78897889788978897889
Conductivity (J/s m °C)0.25050.2670.28050.2940.3069
Specific heat (J/kg °C)6.8987.1437.2657.4487.631

Table 6.1

The assumption is made that the quarter symmetry is applicable and that, at the terminus of the model (longitudinal and circumferential cuts in the tank), there is sufficient attenuation of the pipe effects such that these edges can be held at 232°C.

The solid model is constructed by intersecting the tank with the pipe and then removing the internal part of the pipe using a Boolean operation.

Boundary temperatures along with the convection coefficients and bulk fluid temperatures are dealt with in the solution phase, after which a static solution is executed.

Temperature contours and thermal flux displays are obtained in postprocessing.

Details of steps taken to create the model of the pipe intersecting with the tank are outlined below.

6.3.2 Preparation for model building

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preferences. This frame is shown in Fig. 6.42.

Fig. 6.42
Fig. 6.42 Preferences: thermal.

Depending on the nature of analysis to be attempted, an appropriate analysis type should be selected. In the problem considered here, [A] Thermal was selected, as shown in Fig. 6.42.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor and then Element Type and Add/Edit/Delete. The frame shown in Fig. 6.43 appears.

Fig. 6.43
Fig. 6.43 Element types selection.

Clicking the [A] Add button activates a new set of options, which are shown in Fig. 6.44.

Fig. 6.44
Fig. 6.44 Library of element types.

Fig. 6.44 indicates that for the problem considered here, the following was selected: [A] Thermal Mass → Solid and [B] 20node 90.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Material Props and then Material Models. Fig. 6.45 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.45
Fig. 6.45 Define material model behaviour.

From the options listed on the right-hand side, select [A] Thermal as shown in Fig. 6.45.

Next select [B] Conductivity, Isotropic. The frame shown in Fig. 6.46 is built up by pressing the Add Temperature button. When all five temperatures and corresponding KXX are entered in accordance with Table 6.1, the OK button should be pressed.

Fig. 6.46
Fig. 6.46 Conductivity for Material Number 1.

By selecting the [C] Specific Heat option in the right-hand column (see Fig. 6.45), the frame shown in Fig. 6.47 is produced.

Fig. 6.47
Fig. 6.47 Specific heat for Material Number 1.

Using a similar approach to that described above for conductivity, appropriate values of specific heat versus temperature, taken from Table 6.1, are typed as shown in Fig. 6.47.

The next material property to be defined is density. According to Table 6.1, density is constant for all temperatures used. Therefore, selecting [D] Density from the right-hand column (see Fig. 6.45) results in the frame shown in Fig. 6.48.

Fig. 6.48
Fig. 6.48 Density for Material Number 1.

A density of 7888.8 kg/m3 is typed in the boxes for various temperatures shown in Fig. 6.48.

All the above properties were used to characterise Material Number 1. The convection of the film coefficient is another important parameter characterising the system being analysed. However, this is a property belonging not to Material Number 1 (material of the tank and pipe) but to a thin film formed by the liquid on solid surfaces. It is a different entity, and is therefore called Material Number 2. Therefore, from the top menu Material (shown in Fig. 6.45), select New Model number 2. Next, [E] Convection or Film Coef. (see Fig. 6.45) should be selected and the frame shown in Fig. 6.49 created. Appropriate values of the film coefficient for various temperatures, taken from Table 6.1, are introduced as shown in Fig. 6.49. The consecutive temperatures T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 and corresponding specific heat values are obtained by pressing the Add Temperature button.

Fig. 6.49
Fig. 6.49 Convection or film coefficient for Material Number 2.

6.3.3 Construction of the model

The entire model of the pipe intersecting with the tank is constructed using one of the three-dimensional primitive shapes, that is, a cylinder. Only one quarter of the tank-pipe assembly will be sufficient to use in the analysis. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Volumes → Cylinder → By Dimensions. Fig. 6.50 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.50
Fig. 6.50 Create cylinder by dimensions.

In Fig. 6.50, as shown, the following inputs are made: [A] RAD1 = 1.5 cm; [B] RAD2 = 1.3 cm; [C] Z1 = 0; [D] Z2 = 2 cm; [E] THETA1 = 0; [F] THETA2 = 90.

As the pipe axis is at right angles to the cylinder axis, it is necessary to rotate the working plane to the pipe axis by 90 degrees. This is achieved by selecting from the Utility Menu WorkPlane → Offset WP by Increments. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.51.

Fig. 6.51
Fig. 6.51 Offset WP by increments.

In Fig. 6.51, the input is shown as [A] XY = 0; YZ = − 90 and the ZX is left unchanged from default value. Next, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Volumes → Cylinder → By Dimensions. Fig. 6.52 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.52
Fig. 6.52 Create cylinder by dimensions.

In Fig. 6.52, as shown, the following inputs are made: [A] RAD1 = 0.5 cm; [B] RAD2 = 0.4 cm; [C] Z1 = 0; [D] Z2 = 2 cm; [E] THETA1 = 0; [F] THETA2 = − 90.

After that the working plane should be set to the default setting by inputting in Fig. 6.51 YZ = 90 this time. As the cylinder and the pipe are separate entities, it is necessary to overlap them in order to make one component. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Operate → Booleans → Overlap → Volumes. The frame shown in Fig. 6.53 is created.

Fig. 6.53
Fig. 6.53 Overlap volumes (Boolean operation).

Pick both elements (cylinder and pipe) and press the [A] OK button to execute the selection. Next, activate volume numbering, which will be of use when carrying out further operations on volumes. This is done by selecting from the Utility Menu PlotCtrls → Numbering and checking the VOLU option in the resulting frame.

Finally, a three-dimensional view of the model should be set by selecting the following from the Utility Menu: PlotCtrls → View Settings → Viewing Direction. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.54.

Fig. 6.54
Fig. 6.54 View settings.

The following inputs should be made (see Fig. 6.54): [A] XV = − 3; [B] YV = − 1; [C] ZV = 1 to plot the model, as shown in Fig. 6.55. However, this is not the only possible view of the model, and any other preference may be chosen.

Fig. 6.55
Fig. 6.55 Quarter symmetry model of the tank-pipe intersection.

Certain volumes of the models, shown in Fig. 6.55, are redundant and should be deleted. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Delete → Volumes and Below. Fig. 6.56 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.56
Fig. 6.56 Delete volumes and below.

Volumes V4 and V3 (a corner of the cylinder) should be picked and the [A] OK button pressed to implement the selection. After the delete operation, the model should look like that shown in Fig. 6.57.

Fig. 6.57
Fig. 6.57 Quarter symmetry model of the tank-pipe intersection after VDELE command.

Finally, volumes V5, V6 and V7 should be added to create a single volume required for further analysis. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor: Modelling: Operate: Booleans: Add: Volumes. The resulting frame asks for picking volumes to be added. Pick all three volumes—V5, V6, and V7—and click the OK button to implement the operation. Fig. 6.58 shows the model of the pipe intersecting the cylinder as one volume V1.

Fig. 6.58
Fig. 6.58 Quarter symmetry model of the tank-pipe intersection represented by a single volume V1.

Meshing of the model usually begins with setting the size of elements to be used. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Meshing → Size Cntrls → SmartSize → Basic. A frame, shown in Fig. 6.59, appears.

Fig. 6.59
Fig. 6.59 Basic smartsize settings.

For the case considered, [A] Size Level—1(fine) was selected, as shown in Fig. 6.59. Clicking the [B] OK button implements the selection. Next, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Mesh → Volumes → Free. The frame shown in Fig. 6.60 appears. Select the volume to be meshed and click the [A] OK button.

Fig. 6.60
Fig. 6.60 Mesh volumes frame.

The resulting network of elements is shown in Fig. 6.61.

Fig. 6.61
Fig. 6.61 Meshed quarter symmetry model of the tank-pipe intersection.

6.3.4 Solution

The meshing operation ends the model construction and the Preprocessor stage. The solution stage can now be started. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis. Fig. 6.62 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.62
Fig. 6.62 New analysis window.

Activate the [A] Steady-State button. Next, select Solution → Analysis Type → Analysis Options. In the resulting frame, shown in Fig. 6.63, select the [A] Program chosen option.

Fig. 6.63
Fig. 6.63 Analysis options.

To set the starting temperature of 232°C at all nodes, select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal → Temperature → Uniform Temp. Fig. 6.64 shows the resulting frame. Input [A] Uniform temperature = 232°C, as shown in Fig. 6.64.

Fig. 6.64
Fig. 6.64 Temperature selection.

From the Utility Menu, select WorkPlane: Change Active CS to → Specified Coord Sys. As a result, the frame shown in Fig. 6.65 appears.

Fig. 6.65
Fig. 6.65 Change coordinate system.

To re-establish the cylindrical coordinate system with Z as the axis of rotation, select [A] Coordinate system number = 1 and press the [B] OK button to implement the selection.

Nodes on the inner surface of the tank should be selected to apply surface loads to them. The surface load relevant in this case is convection load acting on all at all nodes located on the inner surface of the tank. From the Utility Menu, choose Select → Entities. The frame shown in Fig. 6.66 appears.

Fig. 6.66
Fig. 6.66 Select entities.

From the first pull-down menu, select [A] Nodes; from the second pull-down menu, select [B] By location. Also, activate [C] X coordinates button and enter [D] Min,Max = 1.3 (inside radius of the tank). All four required steps are shown in Fig. 6.66. When the subset of nodes on the inner surface of the tank is selected, then the convection load at all nodes has to be applied. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Load → Apply → Thermal → Convection → On nodes. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.67.

Fig. 6.67
Fig. 6.67 Apply thermal convection on nodes.

Press [A] Pick All to call up another frame as shown in Fig. 6.68.

Fig. 6.68
Fig. 6.68 Select all nodes.

Inputs into the frame of Fig. 6.68 are shown as: [A] Film coefficient = 4.92 and [B] Bulk temperature = 232. Both quantities are taken from the problem description.

From the Utility Menu, choose Select → Entities in order to select a subset of nodes located at the far edge of the tank. The frame shown in Fig. 6.69 appears.

Fig. 6.69
Fig. 6.69 Select entities.

From the first pull-down menu, select [A] Nodes; from the second pull-down menu, select [B] By location. Also, activate [C] Z coordinates button and [D] enter Min,Max = 2 (the length of the tank in Z-direction). All four required steps are shown in Fig. 6.69. Next, constraints at nodes located at the far edge of the tank (additional subset of nodes just selected) have to be applied. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal → Temperature → On Nodes. The frame shown in Fig. 6.70 appears.

Fig. 6.70
Fig. 6.70 Select all nodes.

Click the [A] Pick All button as shown in Fig. 6.70. This action brings up another frame, as shown in Fig. 6.71.

Fig. 6.71
Fig. 6.71 Apply temperature to all nodes.

Activate both [A] All DOF and TEMP and input [B] TEMP value = 232°C, as shown in Fig. 6.71. Finally, click [C] OK to apply temperature constraints on nodes at the far edge of the tank. The steps outlined above should be followed to apply constraints at nodes located at the bottom of the tank. From the Utility Menu, choose Select: Entities. The frame shown in Fig. 6.72 appears.

Fig. 6.72
Fig. 6.72 Select entities.

From the first pull-down menu, select [A] Nodes; from the second pull-down menu, select [B] By location. Also, activate the [C] Y coordinates button and [D] enter Min,Max = 0 (location of the bottom of the tank in Y-direction). All four required steps are shown in Fig. 6.72. Next, constraints at the nodes located at the bottom of the tank (additional subset of nodes selected above) must be applied. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal → Temperature → On Nodes. The frame shown in Fig. 6.70 appears. As shown in Fig. 6.70, click [A] Pick All to bring up the frame shown in Fig. 6.71. As before, activate both [A] All DOF and TEMP and input [B] TEMP value = 232°C. Clicking [C] OK applies the temperature constraints on the nodes at the bottom of the tank.

Now, it is necessary to rotate the working plane (WP) to the pipe axis. From the Utility Menu, select WorkPlane → Offset WP by Increments. Fig. 6.73 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.73
Fig. 6.73 Offset WP by increments.

In the degrees box, input [A] XY = 0 and YZ = − 90 as shown. Having WP rotated to the pipe axis, a local cylindrical coordinate system must be defined at the origin of the working plane. From the Utility Menu, select WorkPlane → Local Coordinate Systems → Create local CS → At WP Origin. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.74.

Fig. 6.74
Fig. 6.74 Create local CS.

From the pull-down menu, select [A] Cylindrical 1 and click the [B] OK button to implement the selection. The analysis involves nodes located on the inner surface of the pipe. To include this subset of nodes, from the Utility Menu, choose Select → Entities. Fig. 6.75 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.75
Fig. 6.75 Select entities.

From the first pull-down menu, select [A] Nodes; from the second pull-down menu, select [B] By location. Also, activate the [C] X coordinates button and [D] enter Min,Max = 0.4 (inside radius of the pipe). All four required steps are shown in Fig. 6.75. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Load → Apply → Thermal → Convection → On nodes. In the resulting frame (shown in Fig. 6.67), press [A] Pick All and the next frame, shown in Fig. 6.76, appears.

Fig. 6.76
Fig. 6.76 Apply convection on nodes.

Input [A] Film coefficient = − 2 and [B] Bulk temperature = 38, as shown in Fig. 6.76. Pressing the [C] OK button implements the selections. The final action is to select all entities involved with a single command. Therefore, from the Utility Menu, choose Select → Everything. For the loads to be applied to tank and pipe surfaces in the form of arrows from the Utility Menu, select PlotCtrls → Symbols. The frame in Fig. 6.77 shows the required selection: [A] Arrows.

Fig. 6.77
Fig. 6.77 Select symbols.

From the Utility Menu, selecting Plot: Nodes results in Fig. 6.78, where surface loads at nodes are shown as arrows.

Fig. 6.78
Fig. 6.78 Convection surface loads displayed as arrows.

From the Utility Menu, select WorkPlane → Change Active CS to → Specified Coord Sys in order to activate the previously defined coordinate system. The frame shown in Fig. 6.79 appears.

Fig. 6.79
Fig. 6.79 Change active CS to specified CS.

Input [A] KCN (coordinate system number) = 0 to return to Cartesian system. Additionally, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Analysis Type → Sol’n Controls. As a result, the frame shown in Fig. 6.80 appears.

Fig. 6.80
Fig. 6.80 Solution controls.

Input the following: [A] Automation time stepping = On and [B] Number of substeps = 50, as shown in Fig. 6.80. Finally, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solve → Current LS and in the dialog box that appears, click the OK button to start the solution process.

6.3.5 Postprocessing stage

Once the solution is complete, the next stage is to display results in a form required to answer questions posed by the formulation of the problem.

From the Utility Menu, select PlotCtrls → Style → Edge Options. Fig. 6.81 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.81
Fig. 6.81 Edge option.

Select [A] All/Edge only and press the [B] OK button to implement the selection; this will result in the display of the ‘edge’ of the object only. Next, graphic controls should be returned to default setting. This is done by selecting from the Utility Menu PlotCtrls → Symbols. The resulting frame, shown in Fig. 6.82, contains all default settings.

Fig. 6.82
Fig. 6.82 Select symbols.

The first plot is to show temperature distribution as continuous contours. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal Solu. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.83.

Fig. 6.83
Fig. 6.83 Nodal solution.

Select [A] Temperature and press the [B] OK button as shown in Fig. 6.83. The resulting temperature map is shown in Fig. 6.84.

Fig. 6.84
Fig. 6.84 Temperature map on inner surfaces of the tank and the pipe.

The next display of results concerns thermal flux at the intersection between the tank and the pipe. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Plot Results → Vector Plot → Predefined. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.85.

Fig. 6.85
Fig. 6.85 Vector plot selection.

In Fig. 6.85, select [A] Thermal flux TF and [B] Raster Mode. Pressing the [C] OK button implements selections and produces thermal flux as vectors. This is shown in Fig. 6.86.

Fig. 6.86
Fig. 6.86 Distribution of thermal flux vectors at the intersection between the tank and the pipe.

6.4 Heat dissipation through a developed surface

6.4.1 Problem description

Ribbed or developed surfaces, also called fins, are frequently used to dissipate heat. There are many examples of their use in practical engineering applications, such as computers, electronic systems, and radiators, to mention a few.

Fig. 6.87 shows a typical configuration and geometry of a fin made of aluminium with thermal conductivity coefficient k = 170 W/m K.

Fig. 6.87
Fig. 6.87 Cross-section of the fin.

The bottom surface of the fin is exposed to a constant heat flux of q = 1000 W/m. Air flows over the developed surface, keeping the surrounding temperature at 293 K. The heat transfer coefficient between the fin and the surrounding atmosphere is h = 40 W/m2 K.

The task is to determine the temperature distribution within the developed surface.

6.4.2 Construction of the model

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preferences to call up a frame shown in Fig. 6.88.

Fig. 6.88
Fig. 6.88 Preferences: thermal.

Because the problem to be solved is asking for temperature distribution, [A] Thermal is selected, as indicated in the figure. Next, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete. The frame shown in Fig. 6.89 appears.

Fig. 6.89
Fig. 6.89 Define element type.

Click the [A] Add button to call up another frame as shown in Fig. 6.90.

Fig. 6.90
Fig. 6.90 Library of element types.

In Fig. 6.90, the following selections are made: [A] Thermal Mass → Solid and [B] Tet 10 node 87. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models. Fig. 6.91 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.91
Fig. 6.91 Define material model behaviour.

From the right-hand column, select [A] Thermal → Conductivity → Isotropic. In response to this selection, another frame, shown in Fig. 6.92, appears.

Fig. 6.92
Fig. 6.92 Conductivity coefficient.

Thermal conductivity [A] KXX = 170 W/m K is entered and the [B] OK button is clicked to implement the entry, as shown in the figure.

The model of the developed area will be constructed using primitives, and it is useful to have them numbered. Thus, from the ANSYS Utility Menu, select PlotCtrls → Numbering and check the [A] box area numbers, as shown in Fig. 6.93.

Fig. 6.93
Fig. 6.93 Numbering controls.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Areas → Rectangle → By Dimensions. Fig. 6.94 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.94
Fig. 6.94 Create rectangle by dimensions.

Input [A] X1 = − 165; [B] X2 = 165; [C] Y1 = 0; [D] Y2 = 100 to create a rectangular area (A1) within which the fin will be comprised. Next, create two rectangles at the left and right upper corners, to be cut off from the main rectangle. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Areas → Rectangle → By Dimensions. Fig. 6.95 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.95
Fig. 6.95 Rectangle with specified dimensions.

Fig. 6.95 shows the inputs to create a rectangle (A2) at the left-hand upper corner of the main rectangle (A1). They are: [A] X1 = − 165; [B] X2 = − 105; [C] Y1 = 85; [D] Y2 = 100. To create right-hand upper corner rectangles (A3), repeat the above procedure, inputting the following: [A] X1 = 105; [B] X2 = 165; [C] Y1 = 85; [D] Y2 = 100. Now, areas A2 and A3 have to be subtracted from area A1. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorModellingOperateBooleans → Subtract → Areas. Fig. 6.96 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.96
Fig. 6.96 Subtract areas.

First, select area A1 (large rectangle) to be subtracted from and click the [A] OK button. Next, select two smaller rectangles A2 and A3, and click the [A] OK button. A new area A4 is created with two upper corners cut off. Proceeding in the same way, areas should be cut off from the main rectangle to create the fin shown in Fig. 6.87.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Areas → Rectangle → By Dimensions. Fig. 6.97 shows the frame in which appropriate inputs should be made.

Fig. 6.97
Fig. 6.97 Create rectangle by four coordinates.

To create area A1, input the following: [A] X1 = − 145; [B] X2 = − 125; [C] Y1 = 40; [D] Y2 = 85. In order to create area A2, input the following: [A] X1 = 125; [B] X2 = 145; [C] Y1 = 40; [D] Y2 = 85. In order to create area A3, input the following: [A] X1 = − 105; [B] X2 = − 95; [C] Y1 = 25; [D] Y2 = 100. In order to create area A5, input the following: [A] X1 = 95; [B] X2 = 105; [C] Y1 = 25; [D] Y2 = 100.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorModellingOperate → Booleans → Subtract → Areas. The frame shown in Fig. 6.96 appears. Select the first area A4 (large rectangle) and click the [A] OK button. Next, select areas A1, A2, A3 and A5, and click the [A] OK button. Area A6 with appropriate cut-outs is created, and is shown in Fig. 6.98.

Fig. 6.98
Fig. 6.98 Image of the fin after some areas were subtracted.

To finish construction of the fin's model, use the frame shown in Fig. 6.97 and make the following inputs: [A] X1 = − 85; [B] X2 = − 75; [C] Y1 = 25; [D] Y2 = 100. Area A1 is created. Next, input [A] X1 = − 65; [B] X2 = − 55; [C] Y1 = 25; [D] Y2 = 100 to create area A2. Then input [A] X1 = − 45; [B] X2 = − 35; [C] Y1 = 25; [D] Y2 = 100 to create area A3. Appropriate inputs should be made to create areas, to be cut out later, on the right-hand side of the fin. Thus input [A] X1 = 85; [B] X2 = 75; [C] Y1 = 25; [D] Y2 = 100 to create area A4. Input [A] X1 = 65; [B] X2 = 55; [C] Y1 = 25; [D] Y2 = 100 to create area A5. Input [A] X1 = 45; [B] X2 = 35; [C] Y1 = 25; [D] Y2 = 100 to create area A7. Next, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans → Subtract → Areas. The frame shown in Fig. 6.96 appears. First select area A6 and click the [A] OK button. Then select areas A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, and A7. Clicking the [A] OK button implements the command and a new area A8 with appropriate cut-outs is created. To finalise the construction of the model, make the following inputs to the frame shown in Fig. 6.97 to create area A1: [A] X1 = − 25; [B] X2 = − 15; [C] Y1 = 50; [D] Y2 = 100. Input [A] X1 = − 5; [B] X2 = 5; [C] Y1 = 50; [D] Y2 = 100 to create area A2. Finally, input [A] X1 = 15; [B] X2 = 25; [C] Y1 = 50; [D] Y2 = 100 to create area A3. Again, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorModellingOperate → Booleans → Subtract → Areas. The frame shown in Fig. 6.96 appears. Select first area A8 and click the [A] OK button. Next, select areas A1, A2 and A3. Clicking the [A] OK button produces area A4, as shown in Fig. 6.99.

Fig. 6.99
Fig. 6.99 Two-dimensional image of the fin.

Fig. 6.99 shows the final shape of the fin with dimensions as specified in Fig. 6.87. It is, however, a two-dimensional model. The width of the fin is 100 mm and this dimension can be used to create a three-dimensional model.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorModellingOperate → Extrude → Areas → Along Normal. Select Area 4 (to be extruded in the direction normal to the screen, i.e. Z-axis) and click the OK button. In response, a frame shown in Fig. 6.100 appears.

Fig. 6.100
Fig. 6.100 Extrude area.

Input [A] Length of extrusion = 100 mm and click the [B] OK button. A three-dimensional model of the fin is created, as shown in Fig. 6.101.

Fig. 6.101
Fig. 6.101 Three-dimensional (isometric) view of the fin.

The fin is shown in isometric view without area numbers. To deselect numbering of areas, refer to Fig. 6.93, in which box Area numbers should be unchecked.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh Attributes → Picked Volumes. The frame shown in Fig. 6.102 is created.

Fig. 6.102
Fig. 6.102 Volume attributes.

Select [A] Pick All and the next frame, shown in Fig. 6.103, appears.

Fig. 6.103
Fig. 6.103 Volume attributes with specified material and element type.

Material Number 1 and element type SOLID87 are as specified at the beginning of the analysis; to accept that, click the [A] OK button.

Now the meshing of the fin can be carried out. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Volumes → Free. The frame shown in Fig. 6.104 appears.

Fig. 6.104
Fig. 6.104 Mesh volume.

Select the [A] Pick All option, as shown in Fig. 6.104, to mesh the fin. Fig. 6.105 shows a meshed fin.

Fig. 6.105
Fig. 6.105 View of the fin with mesh network.

6.4.3 Solution

Prior to running the solution stage, boundary conditions must be applied properly. In the case considered here, the boundary conditions are expressed by the heat transfer coefficient, which is a quantitative measure of how efficiently heat is transferred from the fin surface to the surrounding air.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define LoadsApplyThermal → Convection → On Areas. Fig. 6.106 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.106
Fig. 6.106 Apply boundary conditions to the fin areas.

Select all areas of the fin except the bottom area and click the [A] OK button. The frame created as a result of that action is shown in Fig. 6.107.

Fig. 6.107
Fig. 6.107 Apply heat transfer coefficient and surrounding temperature.

Input [A] Film coefficient = 40 W/m2 K and [B] Bulk temperature = 293 K, and click the [C] OK button. Next, the heat flux of intensity 1000 W/m must be applied to the base of the fin. Therefore, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal → Heat Flux → On Areas. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.108.

Fig. 6.108
Fig. 6.108 Apply heat flux on the fin base.

Select the bottom surface (base) of the fin and click the [A] OK button. A new frame appears (see Fig. 6.109) and the input made is as follows: [A] Load HFLUX value = 1000 W/m. Clicking the [B] OK button implements the input.

Fig. 6.109
Fig. 6.109 Apply heat flux value on the fin base.

All required preparations have been made and the model is ready for its solution. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Solve → Current LS. Two frames appear. One gives a summary of solution options. After checking the correctness of the options, this frame should be closed using the menu at the top of the frame. The other frame is shown in Fig. 6.110.

Fig. 6.110
Fig. 6.110 Solve the problem.

Clicking the [A] OK button starts the solution process.

6.4.4 Postprocessing

A successful solution is signalled by the message ‘Solution is done’. The postprocessing phase can now be initiated to view the results. The problem asks for temperature distribution within the developed area.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Plot ResultsContour PlotNodal Solution. The frame shown in Fig. 6.111 appears.

Fig. 6.111
Fig. 6.111 Contour nodal solution.

Select [A] Thermal Flux and [B] thermal flux vector sum, and click [C] OK to produce the graph shown in Fig. 6.112.

Fig. 6.112
Fig. 6.112 Heat flux distribution.

In order to observe how the temperature changes from the base surface to the top surface of the fin, a path along which the variations take place has to be determined. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Path Operations → Define Path → On Working Plane. The resulting frame is shown in Fig. 6.113.

Fig. 6.113
Fig. 6.113 Arbitrary path selection.

By activating the [A] Arbitrary path button and clicking the [B] OK button, another frame, shown in Fig. 6.114, is produced.

Fig. 6.114
Fig. 6.114 Arbitrary path on working plane.

Two points should be picked: one that is on the bottom line at the middle of the fin and one, moving vertically upwards, on the top line of the fin. After that the [A] OK button should be clicked. A new frame appears and is shown in Fig. 6.115.

Fig. 6.115
Fig. 6.115 Path name definition.

In the [A] Define Path Name box, write AB and click the [B] OK button.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Path Operations → Map onto Path. The frame shown in Fig. 6.116 appears.

Fig. 6.116
Fig. 6.116 Map results on the path.

Select [A] Flux & gradient and [B] TGSUM, and click the [C] OK button. Next, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Path Operations → Plot Path Item → On Graph. Fig. 6.117 shows the resulting frame.

Fig. 6.117
Fig. 6.117 Selection of items to be plotted.

Select [A] TGSUM and click the [B] OK button to obtain a graph as shown in Fig. 6.118.

Fig. 6.118
Fig. 6.118 Temperature gradient plot as a function of distance from the fin base.

The graph shows temperature gradient variation as a function of distance from the base of the fin.

6.5 Heat conduction

6.5.1 Problem description

A block of material with thermal conductivity k = 10 W/m°C is assumed to be infinitely long. On three sides of it, the surrounding temperature is 100°C and at its top end, it is 500°C. Determine the temperature distribution in the block.

The block is schematically shown in Fig. 6.119. A steady-state (transient thermal) analysis is adopted. The problem will be solved using the main approach of GUI (graphic user interface). However, the command approach will also be given at the end of the solution procedure to illustrate the features of this methodology.

Fig. 6.119
Fig. 6.119 Illustration of the problem to be solved.

6.5.2 Preprocessing stage Model construction

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preferences → Thermal, as shown in Fig. 6.120.

Fig. 6.120
Fig. 6.120 Selection of the analysis type.

In order to create geometry of the block from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Modelling → Create → Areas → Rectangle → By 2 Corners. The frame shown in Fig. 6.121 is created.

Fig. 6.121
Fig. 6.121 Create rectangle by two corners.

Inputs into the frame are shown in Fig. 6.121: [A] WP X = 0, [B] WP Y = 0, [C] Width = 1, [D] Height = 1.

Next, the type of the element to be used in the analysis must be defined. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete. The frame shown in Fig. 6.122 is generated.

Fig. 6.122
Fig. 6.122 Selection of element type.

Click [A] Add and select Thermal Mass Solid → Quad 4Node 55.

For this example, the PLANE55 (Thermal Solid, Quad 4node 55) element is used. This element has four nodes and a single degree of freedom (DOF) temperature-wise at each node. Please note that PLANE55 can only be used for 2D steady-state or transient thermal analysis.

The material of the block now has to be characterised in terms of its main thermal property required for the analysis, which is thermal conductivity, k.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Material Props → Material Models → Thermal → Conductivity → Isotropic → KXX. The frame shown in Fig. 6.123 is created. Input [A] KXX = 10 as shown in Fig. 6.123 and click [B] OK. It is important to close the material selection window.

Fig. 6.123
Fig. 6.123 Selection of material model.

Having selected the element type, the user now needs to embark on meshing. First, the mesh size is determined. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Meshing → Size Cntrls → ManualSize → Areas → All Areas. Fig. 6.124 shows the frame generated. Input [A] SIZE = 0.05 and click [B] OK, as shown in Fig. 6.124.

Fig. 6.124
Fig. 6.124 Element size choice.

The model is now ready for meshing. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Mesh → Areas → Free. The frame in Fig. 6.125 is created and [A] Pick All should be selected to have the block meshed.

Fig. 6.125
Fig. 6.125 Selection of all areas involved for meshing.

6.5.3 Solution stage

First, the analysis type must be defined. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Steady-State. The frame shown in Fig. 6.126 is created.

Fig. 6.126
Fig. 6.126 Analysis type choice.

As always, the model must be constrained. For thermal problems, constraints can be in the form of temperature, heat flow, convection, heat flux, heat generation and radiation. In this particular example, all four sides of the block have fixed temperatures. Thus, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Thermal → Temperature → On Nodes. The frame shown in Fig. 6.127 appears.

Fig. 6.127
Fig. 6.127 Temperature constraint on nodes.

In the frame shown in Fig. 6.127, highlight the [A] Box button and draw a box around the nodes on the top line of the block (the surrounding temperature is 500°C). As a result of that action, the frame shown in Fig. 6.128 is generated.

Fig. 6.128
Fig. 6.128 Specific temperature constraint on selected nodes.

Please note that the DOF to be constrained is [A] temperature (highlighted in Fig. 6.128), and [B] VALUE Load TEMP = 500°C should be entered (also shown in Fig. 6.128).

Using the same approach, constraints (temperature) to the remaining three sides should be applied, ensuring that VALUE Load TEMP = 100°C in all three cases.

The last step in the solution stage is to solve the problem. Therefore, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Solve → Current LS.

6.5.4 Postprocessing stage Temperature plot

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Plot Results → Contour Plot → Nodal Solution → DOF Solution → Nodal Temperature. The resulting plot is shown in Fig. 6.129.

Fig. 6.129
Fig. 6.129 Temperature map within the block.

6.6 Solution in command mode

All the command shown below should be entered in the ANSYS command area (top of the main screen) and each should be finished by pressing the Enter key.

Input into the command areaExplanatory remarks
/title, Heat conduction
! define geometryThis is not a command but an explanatory remark
length = 1.0
height = 1.0
blc4, 0, 0, length, height
! mesh 2D areasThis is not a command but an explanatory remark
ET, 1, PLANE55Selection of element type
MP, KXX, 1, 10Input of thermal conductivity
ESIZE, length/20Selection of element size
AMESH, ALLMeshing all areas involved
ANTYPE, 0Steady-state thermal analysis
! fixed temp BC’s
NSEL, S, LOC, Y, heightSelect nodes on the top line with y = height
D, ALL, TEMP, 500Boundary condition—temp fixed at 500°C
NSEL, S, LOC, X, 0Select nodes on three sides of the block
NSEL, A, LOC, X, length
NSEL, A, LOC, Y, 0
D, ALL, TEMP, 100Boundary condition—temp fixed at 100°C
PLNSOL, TEMP, , 0,Produces contour plot of temperature

6.7 Thermal stresses analysis

6.7.1 Problem formulation

This solved example will outline a simple analysis of coupled thermal/structural problem.

A steel link, with no internal stresses, is pinned between two solid columns at a reference temperature of 0°C (273 K), as shown in Fig. 6.130. One of the columns is heated to a temperature of 75°C (348 K). As heat is transferred from the column into the link, the link will attempt to expand. However, since it is pinned, this cannot occur and stress is therefore created in the link. A steady-state solution of the resulting stress will be arrived at to simplify the analysis.

Fig. 6.130
Fig. 6.130 Schematic presentation of the problem.

Loads will not be applied to the link, only a temperature change from 0°C to 75°C. The link is made of steel with a modulus of elasticity of 210 GPa, a thermal conductivity of 60.5 W/m°K and a thermal expansion coefficient of 12 × 10− 6/K.

6.7.2 Thermal settings Geometry and thermal properties

The first thing to do is to allocate a name for the project. Therefore, after loading ANSYS software, from the Utility Menu, select File and next Change jobname. In the frame created, enter an appropriate name for the project and click OK to implement it. Next, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preferences and activate the [A] Thermal button as shown in Fig. 6.131.

Fig. 6.131
Fig. 6.131 Selecting analysis preference.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorModellingCreateKeypointsIn Active CS. In the response frame shown in Fig. 6.132, coordinates for keypoint 1 are given [B]. By clicking the Apply button, the same frame will reappear and then coordinates for keypoint 2, X = 1, Y = 0, should be entered. After that, press the [C] OK button to close the frame.

Fig. 6.132
Fig. 6.132 Create keypoints.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → ModellingCreateLinesLinesIn Active CS. The frame shown in Fig. 6.133 appears.

Fig. 6.133
Fig. 6.133 Create lines.

Pick keypoints 1 and 2, and click the [A] OK button to create a line representing the link 1 m long.

Next, the element type has to be defined. Therefore, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete. The frame shown in Fig. 6.134 is generated.

Fig. 6.134
Fig. 6.134 Define element type.

Click the [A] Add button to generate the frame showing element types (see Fig. 6.135). From the list of elements, select [B] Thermal mass link 3D conduction 33 and click the [C] OK button. This element is a uniaxial element with the ability to conduct heat between its nodes.

Fig. 6.135
Fig. 6.135 Selecting element type for analysis.

Next, real constants for the chosen element type must be defined. Thus, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Real Constants → Add/Edit/Delete. In the frame that appears, press the Add button to activate the next frame listing the element type LINK33. Press the OK button and then the frame shown in Fig. 6.136 appears. In the real constants frame for LINK33, [A] cross-sectional AREA = 4 × 10− 4 should be entered. This defines the link with a cross-section of 2 cm × 2 cm.

Fig. 6.136
Fig. 6.136 Specify real constant.

The next step in the analysis is to determine properties of a material from which the link is made. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorMaterial PropsMaterial ModelsThermalConductivityIsotropic. In the frame that appears (see Fig. 6.137), enter the following: [A] KXX = 60.5.

Fig. 6.137
Fig. 6.137 Define thermal material.

Definition of the mesh size is the next step. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessing → Meshing → Size Cntrls → ManualSize → Lines → All Lines. Fig. 6.138 shows the frame that is generated.

Fig. 6.138
Fig. 6.138 Set element size.

An element with [A] edge length = 0.1 will be used, as shown in Fig. 6.138.

After deciding on the mesh size, meshing of the link can be attempted. Thus, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines. In the frame that appears (see Fig. 6.139), click the [A] Pick All button to mesh the link.

Fig. 6.139
Fig. 6.139 Mesh lines. Thermal settings

The thermal settings (geometry of the link and thermal properties of its material) are now completely described and should be written to memory as they will be used later on. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorPhysicsEnvironmentWrite. In the frame that appears (see Fig. 6.140), enter [A] Title: Thermal and click the [B] OK button.

Fig. 6.140
Fig. 6.140 Define thermal settings.

The next practical step in the analysis is to clear the environment. This action clears all the information such as the element type, material properties, etc. However, this does not clear the geometry of the link, so it can be used in the next stage when dealing with the structural settings. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Environment → Clear. The frame shown in Fig. 6.141 is generated. Click the [A] OK button to implement the function.

Fig. 6.141
Fig. 6.141 Clear thermal settings.

6.7.3 Structural settings Mechanical properties

In the previous steps, geometry of the link has been established, so now only its mechanical properties should be defined.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Element Type → Switch Elem Type. Fig. 6.142 shows the frame generated.

Fig. 6.142
Fig. 6.142 Switch element type.

Choose [A] Thermal to Struc as shown in Fig. 6.142. This will automatically switch to the equivalent structural element. A warning saying that the new element has to be modified as necessary might appear. In this case, only the material properties of the link should be modified, as the geometry is unchanged.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorMaterial PropsMaterial ModelsStructuralLinearElasticIsotropic. In the frame generated (see Fig. 6.143), the following mechanical properties of the steel (link's material) should be entered: [A] Young's Modulus EX = 210 × 109 and [B] Poisson's Ratio PRXY = 0.3.

Fig. 6.143
Fig. 6.143 Define structural material.

Furthermore, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Material Models → Structural → Thermal Expansion → Secant Coefficient → Isotropic. In the generated frame (see Fig. 6.144), enter [A] ALPX = 12 × 10− 6.

Fig. 6.144
Fig. 6.144 Define thermal expansion coefficient.

Finally, the structural settings should be written. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Preprocessor → Physics → Environment → Write. In the frame that appears (Fig. 6.145), enter [A] TITLE Structural and click the [B] OK button.

Fig. 6.145
Fig. 6.145 Define structural settings.

6.7.4 Solution stage

Firstly, the analysis type needs to be defined. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis. In the generated frame, shown in Fig. 6.146, activate the [A] Static button.

Fig. 6.146
Fig. 6.146 Select analysis type.

After this, the thermal settings have to be recalled into the analysis. From the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Physics → Environment → Read. In the generated frame shown in Fig. 6.147, select [A] Thermal and then click the [B] OK button.

Fig. 6.147
Fig. 6.147 Read thermal settings.

As usual, constraints to the model must be applied. Therefore, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define LoadsApplyThermalTemperatureOn Keypoints. In the resulting frame (Fig. 6.148), set the temperature of keypoint 1 (the left-most point) to [A] 348 K and click the [B] OK button.

Fig. 6.148
Fig. 6.148 Apply temperature constraints of keypoints.

Finally, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Solve → Current LS. It is important to close the currently used environment and enable other environments (structural) to be opened without contamination, otherwise error messages might appear.

The thermal part of the solution has now been obtained. If the steady-state temperature within the link is plotted, then it can be seen as being a uniform 384 K as expected. This information is saved in a file named Jobname.rth, where rth is the thermal results file. An appropriate name for the project should be used, as assigned at the beginning of the project. Since the jobname was not changed at the beginning of the analysis, this data can be found at file.rth and will be used in determining the structural effects.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select SolutionPhysicsEnvironmentRead. In the generated frame shown in Fig. 6.149, select [A] Structural and click the [B] OK button.

Fig. 6.149
Fig. 6.149 Read structural settings.

Next, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement → On Keypoints. Constrain keypoint 1 in all [A] DOF (see Fig. 6.150) and keypoint 2 in the [B] UX direction as shown in Fig. 6.151.

Fig. 6.150
Fig. 6.150 Apply movement constraints (all DOF) on keypoints.
Fig. 6.151
Fig. 6.151 Apply movement constraints (UX) on keypoints.

Stresses in the link are created by thermal expansion; therefore thermal effect must be recalled into the solution.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select SolutionDefine LoadsApplyStructuralTemperatureFrom Therm Analy. In the resulting frame shown in Fig. 6.152, enter the file name (given to the project) [A] file.rth and click the [B] OK button. This couples the results from the solution of the thermal settings to the information defining the structural settings.

Fig. 6.152
Fig. 6.152 Recall temperature from a file with name of the project.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select PreprocessorLoads → Define LoadsSettingsReference Temp. In the created frame (Fig. 6.153), the reference temperature is set to [A] 273 K; click the [B] OK button to implement the selection.

Fig. 6.153
Fig. 6.153 Input reference temperature.

Finally, from the ANSYS Main Menu, select Solution → Solve → Current LS.

6.7.5 Postprocessing stage

In order to view the results, postprocessing has to be carried out. Since the link is modelled as a single line, the stress cannot be listed in the usual way. Instead, an element table must be created first.

From the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table. In the resulting frame, select Add. A new frame then opens (see Fig. 6.154), in which the following entries should be made: [A] EQV strain = 0, [B] Lab. = CompStr. From the results data, select [C] by sequence num and [D] LS in the adjacent pull-down menu, and ensure that the entry [E] LS, 1 is made.

Fig. 6.154
Fig. 6.154 Define element table.

To list stress data from the ANSYS Main Menu, select General Postproc → Element Table → List Elem Table. In the resulting frame (Fig. 6.155), select [A] COMPSTR and click the [B] OK button.

Fig. 6.155
Fig. 6.155 List element table.

Because of this action, a frame containing a list of compressive stresses in the link's elements is displayed (see Fig. 6.156). As expected, the stress of compressive nature in each element is − 189 MPa.

Fig. 6.156
Fig. 6.156 List of stresses by element.
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