
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, and t indicate tables.


Active Coordinate System 190, 190f, 212–213, 212f
ANSYS Workbench 511–514, 513f
ANSYS Workbench Mechanical (AWM) 511, 524
Automatic report generation 538–539
Axisymmetric conical diffuser, flow structure 
boundary conditions 
Outline window 254f
Setup window 254f
Meshing window 
Created mesh 253f
Details of 247f
Details of ‘Sizing’ table 249f
Drawing 252f
‘Edge Sizing’ table 250–251f
Face Meshing command 253f
Launch Mesh software 245f
Outline window 252f
preparation for 248f
2D drawing 246f
model, Workbench 
DesignModeler window 238f
Launch Fluid Flow (Fluent) software 237, 237f
Sketching Toolboxes 239f
2D window of DesignModeler 238f
Unsaved Project—Workbench window 236–237, 236f
wire frame 240–242
calculated result window 260–261f, 264f
Line/Rake Surface window 262–263f
Select Points with Mouse 262f
Solution XY Plot window 261f, 263f
Tree window 259f
Vectors window 260f
problem description 235–236
solution and excursion 
Information window 259f
Pressure Outlet window 257f
Task Page window 258f
Tree window 255–256f
Velocity inlet window 256f
Wall window 258f


Beam element 165f
Beam stress analysis  See Cantilever beam stress analysis
Boolean operation 195–197
Boundary conditions 
cantilever beam stress analysis 63–73
elliptic holes stress analysis 100–102
single edge cracked tension plate stress analysis 112–114
stepped round bar stress analysis 148–154, 526–530
St. Venant principle stress analysis 89–92
two-dimensional contact stress analysis 135
two-dimensional elastostatic problems 20
Butterfly valve, flow channel 
boundary conditions 
changed Outline window 273f
Fluent Launcher window 273f
Tree and Mesh windows 274f
model, Workbench 265–272
calculation results window 281f
Task Page, Graphics window 280f
Vectors window 281f
problem description 264–265, 264f
solution and excursion 
Create/Edit Materials window 275f
Fluent Database Materials window 276f
Information of Calculation complete window 279f
Pressure Outlet window 277–278f
Task Page, Boundary Conditions window 276f
Task Page, Run Calculation window 279f
Tree window 275f
Velocity Inlet window 277f
Wall window 278f
wire frame, butterfly valve 
2D drawing 270f
Details of ‘Edge Sizing’ table 271f
Details of ‘Mesh’ table 270f
Details of ‘Sizing’ table 271f
drawing of 266–268f, 272f
Graphics window, grids 266f
Launch Mesh software 269f
Meshing window, 3D view 269f


Cantilever beam stress analysis 
axle shaft modelling 51, 51f
boundary conditions 
apply F/M on nodes window 70–72, 71–72f
apply U. ROT on nodes window 65–67, 65–67f
delete F/M on nodes window 73, 73f
NLIST command window 70, 70f
pan-zoom-rotate window 64–65, 64–65f
plot numbering controls window 68–69, 68–69f
plots of nodes 63–64, 63f
sort NODE listing window 69–70, 69f
contour plot 74–76, 74–76f
elastic properties 
define material model behavior window 56–57, 56f
linear isotropic properties for material number window 56, 56f
elementary beam theory solutions 52
finite-element discretisation 
8-node isoparametric element 58, 58f
element types window 57f, 58
global element sizes window 61, 61f
library of element types window 57, 57f
mesh areas window 61–63, 62f
PLANE82 element type options window 58, 58f
real constants window 58–61, 59–60f
human arm modelling 51, 51f
longitudinal stress distributions 77, 77f
model creation 
graphics window 55, 55f
main menu window 53, 54f
rectangle by 2 corners window 53–55, 54f
problem description 52
solution procedures 
note window 74, 74f
solve current load step window 73–74, 73f
/STATUS command window 73–74, 73f
Command file approach 37
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 
axisymmetric conical diffuser, flow structure 
boundary conditions 249–254
Meshing window 245–249
model, Workbench 236–244
postprocessing 259–263
problem description 235–236
solution and excursion 255–258
flow channel, butterfly valve 
boundary conditions 272–273
model, Workbench 265–272
postprocessing 279
problem description 264–265
solution and excursion 274–278
Conduction 283–284
Contact problem analyses 375
Contour plot 
cantilever beam stress analysis 74–76
elliptic holes stress analysis 102–103
single edge cracked tension plate stress analysis 115–116
stepped round bar stress analysis 157–160, 534–535
St. Venant principle stress analysis 93
two-dimensional contact stress analysis 136–137
Convection 284
film coefficient 311, 312f
Coupled thermal/structural analysis  See Thermal stresses analysis
Cylinder and two blocks, concave contact between 
configuration 404, 404f
contact pair creation 
contact manager 418, 418f
contact properties 420, 421f
contact wizard 418, 418–419f, 420, 421–422f
select areas for contact 418, 419–420f, 420
select areas for target 389, 390f
element types 412, 412f
half symmetry model 405, 405f
library of element types 412, 412f
material properties 411, 411f
control of element edges 416, 417f
element size on picked lines 414, 414–415f
Meshtool options 413–414, 413f, 415f
model after meshing 416, 417f
volume sweeping 414, 416f
model construction 
block with a cylindrical cut-out 407, 408f
create block by dimensions 406, 406f
create cylinder by dimensions 406–407, 406f, 408f
delete volume and below 407, 408f
move volumes 408f, 409–410
overlap volumes 406, 407f
viewing direction 410, 410f
contour nodal solution data 428, 429–430f
periodic/cyclic symmetry expansion 425, 425f
read results by load step number 426, 426f
select entities 428, 428f
von Mises stress 427, 427f
preferences 411, 411f
problem description 404–405
solution stage 
apply SYMM on areas 422, 423f
apply U, ROT on areas 422, 424f
solution controls 424–425, 424f
symmetry constraints 422, 423f


Density 311, 311f
Design by analysis approach 511
Design by formula approach 511
Design Modeler (DM) window 240, 265–266, 279, 515–523
Direct generation 47
Direct variation method 7


Elastic and viscoelastic materials contact 
contact pair creation 475–478
material selection 463–466
meshing 466–469
model construction 460–462
O-ring geometry 466–469
first stage of loading 482
second stage of loading 491
problem description 459–460
solution stage 
first stage of loading 478–482
second stage of loading 482–490
wall and groove creation 469–474
Elastic properties 
cantilever beam stress analysis 55–56
elliptic holes stress analysis 99
single edge cracked tension plate stress analysis 110
stepped round bar stress analysis 145–147
St. Venant principle stress analysis 87
two-dimensional contact stress analysis 123
Elementary beam theory solutions 52
Element nodal numbers 23–24
Element stiffness equations 25–28
Elliptic holes stress analysis 
boundary conditions 100–102, 102f
contour plot 102–103, 103f
elastic properties 99
finite-element discretisation 99–100
mesh areas window 100, 101f
ligament region, longitudinal stress distribution in 
symbols window 103, 104f
model creation 95–99
quarter model 98, 99f
scale areas window 97, 98f
solid circular area window 96, 96–97f
problem description 95
solution procedures 102
stress concentration variation 105, 105f
2D elastic plate 94–95, 95f, 105
Energy equation 274
Exit 42, 43f


Files, organisation of 40–41
Finite element method (FEM) 7–14, 165, 511
cantilever beam 51, 52f
one-element case 9–11
square plate subjected to uniaxial uniform tension 30–34
straight bar analysis 
boundary conditions 174–180
element type selection 166–167
keypoints 171
line, beam element 171–172
material properties 169–170
Mesh Lines window 173–174
sections, beam element 168
three-element case 11–14
two-dimensional elastostatic problems 14–34
boundary conditions 20
element stiffness equations 25–28
equilibrium equations 16
global stiffness equations 28–30
procedures 15
strain–displacement relations 16–17, 22–25
stress–strain relations 17–19, 25
uniaxial uniform tension 30–34
virtual work principle 21
types 165f
Finite element solution stages 37
Flow channel, butterfly valve 
boundary conditions 
changed Outline window 273f
Fluent Launcher window 273f
Tree and Mesh windows 274f
model, Workbench 265–272
calculation results window 281f
Task Page, Graphics window 280f
Vectors window 281f
problem description 264–265, 264f
solution and excursion 
Create/Edit Materials window 275f
Fluent Database Materials window 276f
Information of Calculation complete window 279f
Pressure Outlet window 277–278f
Task Page, Boundary Conditions window 276f
Task Page, Run Calculation window 279f
Tree window 275f
Velocity Inlet window 277f
Wall window 278f
wire frame, butterfly valve 
Details of ‘Edge Sizing’ table 271f
Details of ‘Mesh’ table 270f
Details of ‘Sizing’ table 271f
drawing of 266–268f, 272f
Graphics window, grids 266f
Launch Mesh software 269f
Meshing window, 3D view 269f
2D drawing 270f


Galerkin method 3–4, 8
Geometrical boundary conditions 20
Global nodal numbers 23–24, 28
Global stiffness equations 28–30
Graphical user interface (GUI) method 37
Graphics Window 38


Hard disk drive (HDD) suspension 
calculation 204
Modal Analysis window 203f
New Analysis window 202f
Subspace Modal Analysis window 203f
model for 
Active Coordinate System window 190f
ANSYS Graphic Window 191–194f, 196–197f
boundary conditions 199–201
Create and Modify Shell Sections window 189, 189f
Create Area thru KPs window 192f
Density for Material Number 1 window 189f
Element Types window 187–188f
Library of Element Types window 187f
Linear Isotropic Properties for Material Number 1 window 188f
mesh in areas 198
Solid Circular Area window 194f
Subtract Areas window 195f
fifth mode of vibration 207f
first mode of vibration 205f
first mode of vibration, calculated results of 204
fourth mode of vibration 207f
second mode of vibration 206f
sixth mode of vibration 208f
third mode of vibration 206f
problem description 186
Heat conduction 
command mode, solution in 360
model construction 
analysis type selection 354, 354f
create rectangle by two corners 354–355, 355f
element size choice 356, 356f
element type selection 355, 355f
material model selection 356, 356f
mesh area, selection of 357, 357f
postprocessing stage 359, 359f
problem description 353, 354f
solution stage 
analysis type choice 357, 357f
temperature constraint on nodes 358–359, 358–359f
Heat dissipation, ribbed/developed surfaces 
configuration and geometry 335, 335f
constant heat flux 336
heat transfer coefficient 336
model construction 
conductivity coefficient 338, 338f
create rectangle by dimensions 339, 339f
create rectangle by four coordinates 341–342, 341f
element type 336, 337f
extrude area 342, 343f
library of element types 337, 337f
material model behaviour 337, 338f
mesh network 345, 346f
mesh volume 345, 345f
numbering controls 338, 339f
rectangle with specified dimensions 339–340, 340f
subtract areas 340–342, 340f
thermal 336, 336f
three-dimensional (isometric) view 343, 343f
two-dimensional image 342, 342f
volume attributes 343–344, 344f
postprocessing phase 
arbitrary path on working plane 351, 351f
arbitrary path selection 350, 350f
contour nodal solution 349, 349f
heat flux distribution 349, 350f
map results on path 352, 352f
path name definition 351–352, 351f
selection of path items 352, 352f
temperature gradient variation 352–353, 353f
practical engineering applications, use in 335
solution stage 
boundary conditions 346, 346f
current load step, solution of 348, 348f
heat flux 347–348, 347–348f
heat transfer coefficient and surrounding temperature 347, 347f
Heat flux 347–348, 347–348f
Heating, definition of 283
Heat transfer 
conduction 283–284
convection 284
heating, definition of 283
internal energy, definition of 283
radiation 284
temperature, definition of 283
through brick and concrete walls 
applied convective boundary conditions 300, 300f
apply CONV on lines 297–299, 297–298f
area attributes 293–295, 294–295f
brick wall outline 290–292, 290f, 292f
concrete wall outline 291–292, 292f
contour nodal solution data 301, 301f
convection heat transfer coefficient 284
create rectangle by dimensions 289, 289f, 291–292, 291f
current load step, solution of 300, 300f
element types selection 286, 286f
furnace, dimensions of 284, 285f
furnace meshed 296, 296f
global element sizes 292, 292f
glue areas 293, 293f
heat flow 303, 303f
library of element types 286–287, 286f
map results items onto path 305, 305f
material model behaviour 287–288, 287–288f
mesh areas 295–296, 295f
plot numbering controls 296, 296f
plot of path items on graph 306, 306f
predefined vectors, vector plot of 302, 302f
subtract areas 289, 290f, 291–292
symbols 299, 299f
temperature 284
temperature distribution 301, 302f
temperature gradients, variations of 306, 306f
thermal analysis 285–286, 285f
thermal conductivity 284, 287–288, 287–288f
on working plane 303–304, 303–304f
Hertz theory 375
Hooke's law 17–19


Input Line 37
Internal energy 283
Interpolation function 8, 22–23


Jobname.db 38


Kinetic temperature 283


Launcher 39
Launch Fluid Flow (Fluent) software 237f
Launch Mesh software 245f, 269f


Main Menu 38
Main Window 37–38, 38f
Mechanical boundary conditions 20
Method of weighted residuals 
differential equations 1
Galerkin method 3–4
subdomain method 2–3
Mode analysis 
FEM analysis 
beam element sections 168
boundary conditions 174–180
Create Straight Line 171–172
element type selection 166–167
execution 181–183
keypoints 171
material properties 169–170
Mesh Lines 173–174
postprocessing 184–185
HDD suspension 
execution 202–204
model for 186–201
postprocessing 204–207
problem description 186
one-axis moving table, elastic hinges 
execution 228–230
model 209–227
postprocessing 230–233
problem description 208
resonant frequency 165
straight steel bar 
analytical solution 166
cantilever beam 165f
execution 181–183
FE analysis, model for 166–180
postprocessing 184–185
theoretical analysis 165


One-axis moving table, elastic hinges 
calculation 230
definition 228–229
Modal Analysis window 229f
New Analysis window 228f
Subspace Modal Analysis window 229f
Add Areas window 216f
ANSYS Graphic Window 213–215f, 217–219f, 222f, 225–227f
Apply U, ROT on Areas window 226–227f
areas 213–218
boundary conditions 225–227
Create Area thru KPs window 214f
Create Keypoints in Active Coordinate System window 212f
Define Material Model Behavior window 211f
Element Extrusion Options window 223f
Element Size on Picked Lines window 220–221f
Element Types window 209f, 211f
Extrude Area by Offset window 224f
keypoints 212
material properties 211–212
Mesh Areas window 222f
Mesh Tool window 219–224, 220–221f
Solid Circular Area window 217f
Animate Mode Shape window 233f
ANSYS Graphic Window for the first mode 231f
ANSYS Graphic Window for the second mode 232f
ANSYS Graphic Window for the third mode 232f
first mode of vibration, calculated result 230
Plot Deformed Shape window 230, 230f
vibration mode shape 233
problem description 208
One-dimensional finite element method 
one-element case 9–11
three-element case 11–14
Output Window 38, 39f


Pin-in-hole interference fit 
contact pair creation 
contact manager 388, 389f, 392, 392f
contact wizard 389, 389f, 391, 392f
pin contact area 390, 391f
select areas for contact 390, 391f
select areas for target 389, 390f
element types 383, 383f
library of element types 383, 384f
material properties 383, 383f
element size on picked lines 384–385, 385f
Meshtool options 386, 386f, 388
model after meshing 387, 387f
size and shape control 388, 388f
volume sweeping 386, 387f
model construction 377–381
create block by dimensions 378–379, 378–379f
create cylinder by dimensions 378, 378f, 380, 380f
move volumes 380, 381f
overlap volumes 378, 379f
subtract volumes 380, 381f
viewing direction 380–381, 382f
contact pressure contours 402, 403f
contour nodal solution data 402, 402f
full configuration model 398, 398f
periodic/cyclic symmetry expansion 398, 398f
pin with surface elements 401, 401f
pull-out stress contours 402, 404f
read results by load step number 402, 403f
read results by time or frequency 400, 400f
select entities 401, 401f
von Mises stress 400, 400f
preferences 382, 382f
problem description 376–377, 376f
quarter symmetry model 377, 377f
solution stage 
apply SYMM on areas 392, 393f
apply U, ROT on areas 392, 394, 394f
apply U, ROT on nodes 396, 396–397f
select entities 394, 395f
solution controls 394, 395f, 396, 397f
symmetry constraints 392, 393f
Plane strain approximation 18
Plane stress approximation 18–19
Plotting 41–42
Poisson's ratio 166, 169, 186, 208, 211
POST1 49
POST26 49
PREP7 preprocessor 42–43
element types 
definition 43–44, 44f
real constants 44–45, 45f
selection 44, 44f
analysis types 47, 48f
load step options 48
load steps 48
substeps 48
material properties 45–47
model building 42–47
model construction 47–48
model geometry creation 47
selection of units 42–43, 43f
Printing 41–42


Quarter symmetry model 315–317, 315–317f


Radiation 284
Rayleigh–Ritz method 4–7, 5f
Resume database 40, 40f
Reynolds Number 236


Save database 38, 39f
Shell element 165f
Single edge cracked tension plate stress analysis 
boundary conditions 112–114, 114f
contour plot 115–116, 115–116f
correction factor 116–117, 116f
elastic properties 110
finite-element discretisation 110–112
concentration keypoints window 110, 111f
mesh areas window 110, 112–113f
model creation 107–109
create keypoints in active coordinate system window 107, 108f
plate area creation 108–110, 109f
problem description 106
solution procedures 114–115, 115f
two dimensional elastic plate 106–107, 107f
Solid element 165f
Solid modelling 47
Solution calculations 48, 49f
Steady-state thermal analysis, tank-pipe intersection 306, 307f
Boolean operation 308
bulk fluid temperature 307
convection coefficient 307
diameter 307
model construction 
basic smartsize settings 317, 317f
create cylinder by dimensions 312, 312f, 314, 314f
delete volumes and below 316, 316f
meshed quarter symmetry model 318, 318f
mesh volumes frame 317–318, 318f
offset WP by increments 312–313, 313f
overlap volumes (Boolean operation) 314, 314f
quarter symmetry model 315–317, 315–317f
view settings 315, 315f
postprocessing stage 
edge option 331, 331f
nodal solution 333, 333f
symbol selection 332, 332f
temperature map on inner surfaces 333, 333f
thermal flux vectors, distribution of 334, 335f
vector plot selection 334, 334f
preparation stage, model building 
conductivity 310, 310f
convection/film coefficient 311, 312f
density 311, 311f
element types selection 308, 309f
library of element types 309, 309f
material model behaviour 309–310, 309f
specific heat 310–311, 310f
thermal 308, 308f
solution stage 
analysis options 319, 319f
apply temperature to all nodes 324–325, 324f
apply thermal convection on nodes 321, 322f, 328, 328f
change active CS to specified CS 330, 330f
change coordinate system 320, 320f
convection surface loads 330, 330f
create local CS 326, 327f
new analysis 319, 319f
offset WP by increments 325, 326f
select all nodes 322–323, 322f, 324f
select entities 320–321, 321f, 323–325, 323f, 325f, 327–328, 327f
solution controls 330–331
symbol selection 328, 329f
temperature selection 320, 320f
thermal parameters, variation of 307, 307t
Stefan–Boltzmann law 284
Stepped round bar stress analysis 
anomalous deformation 154–156, 156f
boundary conditions 148–154, 149f, 526–530
apply F/M on nodes window 154, 155f
apply U. ROT on areas window 150, 150f
create nodes in active coordinate system window 150, 151f
pair based contact manager window 152–154f, 153
elastic properties 145–147
elementary mechanics of materials 143, 143f
finite-element discretisation 147–148, 524–525
element types window 147
mesh volumes window 147, 148–149f
large deformation analysis 154–157
mesh refinement 535–538
model creation 144–145, 145–147f
problem description 143, 511–512, 512f
round bar diagram 142, 142f
solution controls window 156, 156f
solution procedures 530–533
stress concentration factor vs. radius of curvature 160–162, 161f
Straight bar analysis 
analytical solution 166
cantilever beam 165f
Modal Analysis window 182f
New Analysis window 181f
Note window 183f
Solve Current Load Step window 183f
/STATUS Command window 183f
Subspace Modal Analysis window 182f
FE analysis 
Active Coordinate System window 171, 171f
ANSYS Graphic Window 172–173f, 176f, 178f
Apply U, ROT on Lines window 175–176f, 178–180f
Beam Tool window 168, 169f
boundary condition 177f, 179f, 181f
Create Straight Line window 172f
Define Material Model Behavior window 170f
Density for Material Number 1 window 170f
divided line 174f
Element Sizes on All Selected Lines window 173f
Element Types window 167f
Library of Element Types window 168f
Linear Isotropic Properties for Material Number 1 window 170f
Mesh Lines window 175f
Two-dimensional beam element 167f
first mode of vibration, calculated result 184f
Plot Deformed Shape window 184f
second mode of vibration, calculated result 185f
third mode of vibration, calculated result 185f
Stress analysis 
analytical flowchart 53f
elliptic holes and inclusions  See (Elliptic holes stress analysis)
St. Venant principle 85–94
three-dimensional stress  See (Stepped round bar stress analysis)
two-dimensional contact stress 119–142
St. Venant principle stress analysis 
boundary conditions 89–92
apply PRES on lines window 90, 90–92f
contour plot 93, 93f
elastic properties 87
finite-element discretisation 87–89
divide multiple lines window 88, 88f
divide multiple lines with options window 88, 89f
longitudinal stress distribution 94, 94f
model creation 86
problem description 86
solution procedures 93
Subspace Modal Analysis 182, 202, 203f, 228, 229f


Temperature distribution 
within concrete and brick walls 284, 301, 302f
within developed surface  See (Heat dissipation, ribbed/developed surfaces)
Thermal stresses analysis 
geometry and thermal properties 
create keypoints 362, 362f
create lines 362–363, 362f
element type defined 363, 363f
element type selection 363, 363f
mesh lines 365, 365f
real constants 364, 364f
selecting analysis preference 361, 361f
set element size 364–365, 365f
thermal material 364, 364f
mechanical properties 
structural material 367, 367f
structural settings 368, 368f
switch element type 366–367, 367f
thermal expansion coefficient 367, 368f
postprocessing stage 
element table defined 372, 373f
list element table data 373, 373f
list of compressive stresses 373, 374f
problem formulation 360–361, 361f
solution stage 
analysis type selection 368, 369f
input reference temperature 372, 372f
movement constraints on keypoints 371, 371f
read structural settings 370, 370f
read thermal settings 369, 369f
recall temperature 371–372, 372f
temperature constraints of keypoints 369, 370f
thermal settings 
clear thermal settings 366, 366f
definition 366, 366f
Three-dimensional stress analysis  See Stepped round bar stress analysis
Three-node triangular elements 25
Toolbar 37
Two beams contact 
contact pair creation 497–503
element types 494, 494f
material properties 494–497
meshing 497, 497–498f
model construction 493
postprocessing 507–509
problem description 491–492, 492f
rectangle by two corners 493, 493f
solution stage 504–507
Two-dimensional contact stress analysis 
boundary conditions 135, 136f
contour plot 136–137, 137f
elastic cylinder 119, 120f
elastic properties 123
finite-element discretisation 123–134
element attributes window 129, 132, 132f, 134f
element size on pick window 124, 124–125f
mesh areas window 125, 126f
mesh free surfaces window 132–133, 132–134f
select entities window 127–132, 127–128f, 130–131f
model creation 120–123
glue areas window 121, 122f
part annular circ area window 121, 121–122f
open circular symbols 138, 138f
problem description 119–120
solution procedures 135–136
Two-dimensional finite element method 14–34
boundary conditions 20
element stiffness equations 25–28
equilibrium equations 16
global stiffness equations 28–30
procedures 15
strain–displacement relations 16–17, 22–25
stress–strain relations 17–19, 25
uniaxial uniform tension 30–34
virtual work principle 21


Utility Menu 37


Virtual work principle 21


Wheel-on-rail line contact 
contact configuration 430, 431f
contact pair creation 
contact manager 445, 445f
contact wizard 445–446, 445f, 447–448f
select areas for contact 446, 447f
select areas for target 446, 446f
element types 439, 440f
library of element types 439, 440f
material properties 438–439, 439f
element size on picked lines 439, 442f
Meshtool options 439, 441, 441f, 443f
model after meshing 441, 444f
size and shape control 444, 444f
volume sweeping 441, 443f
model construction 431–438
create area by dimensions 434–436, 435f
create rectangle by dimensions 431, 433, 433f
extrude areas by norm 436–437, 437–438f
subtract areas 434, 434f
viewing direction 454, 454f
contour nodal solution data 454, 456f, 457, 458f
read results by load step number 454, 455f
select entities 457, 457f
von Mises stress 456f, 457
preferences 438, 438f
problem description 430–431
quarter symmetry model 431, 432f
solution stage 
apply PRES on areas 452, 453f
apply SYMM on areas 450, 450f
apply U, ROT on areas 450, 451f
symmetry constraints 450, 451f
Wire frame, drawing software 
butterfly valve 266–267f, 272f
2D drawing 270f
Details of ‘Edge Sizing’ table 271f
Details of ‘Mesh’ table 270f
Details of ‘Sizing’ table 271f
Dimensions commands and Details View table 267f
Graphics window, grids 266f
Launch Mesh software 269f
Meshing window, 3D view 269f
surface 268f
Constraints commands 240–241, 241f
Details View table 242–243, 243f
dimensions 241–242, 242f
Sketching Toolboxes 240f


Young's modulus 166, 169, 186, 208, 211
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