Installing JBoss Application Server

Before going any further, make sure you have the J2SE JDK 1.4 or higher installed and correctly configured.

To download the JBoss binaries, go to the JBoss web site at and follow the Downloads link. There you will find all current binaries in both zip and tar.gz archive formats. Download the package that best meets your needs.

Extract the downloaded archive in the directory of your choice. Under Windows, you can use the WinZip utility to extract the archive content. Under Unix, you can use the following commands:

$ gunzip jboss-4.0.tar.gz
$ tar xf jboss-4.0.tar

Then change to the $JBOSS_HOME/bin directory and launch the run script that matches your OS:

Unix: $
Windows: C:jboss-4.0in>run.bat

That’s it! You now have a fully working JBoss server!

Discovering the JBoss Directory Structure

Installing JBoss creates the directory structure shown in Figure 21-1.

JBoss directory structure

Figure 21-1. JBoss directory structure

Table 21-1 describes the purposes of the various directories.

Table 21-1. JBoss directories




Scripts to start and shut down JBoss.


Client-side Java libraries (JARs) required to communicate with JBoss.


Sample configuration files (for database configuration, etc.)


DTDs (Document Type Definitions) for the various XML files used in JBoss.


JARs loaded at startup by JBoss and shared by all JBoss configurations. (You won’t put your own libraries here.)


Various JBoss configurations. (Each configuration must be in a different subdirectory. The name of the subdirectory represents the name of the configuration. As distributed, JBoss contains three configurations: minimal, default, and all.)


JBoss’s complete configuration; starts all services, including clustering and IIOP.


JBoss’s minimal configuration; starts only very basic services; cannot be used to deploy EJBs.


JBoss’s default configuration; used when no configuration name is specified on JBoss command line.


JBoss’s configuration files. (You will learn more about the content of this directory in the next section.)


JBoss’s database files (embedded database or JBossMQ, for example).


JBoss’s hot-deployment directory. (Any file or directory dropped in this directory is automatically deployed in JBoss: EJBs, WARs, EARs, and even services.)


JARs that JBoss loads at startup when starting this particular configuration. (The all and minimal configurations also have this directory and the next two.)


JBoss’s logfiles.


JBoss’s temporary files.

If you want to define your own configuration, create a new sub-directory under the server directory containing the appropriate files. To start JBoss with a given configuration, use the -c parameter on the command line:

Windows: C:jboss-4.0in> run.bat -c config-name
Unix: $ ./ -c config-name

JBoss Configuration Files

As the previous section described, JBoss’s server directory can contain any number of directories, each representing a different JBoss configuration.

The server/config-name/conf directory contains JBoss’s configuration files. The purpose of the various files is discussed in Table 21-2.

Table 21-2. JBoss configuration files



JBoss IIOP configuration.


JBossMQ (JMS implementation) user configuration.


Definition of JBoss’s services launched at startup (class loaders, JNDI, deployers, etc.).


Log4J logging configuration.


JBoss security configuration (JBossSX).


Default configuration for JBoss’s legacy CMP 1.1 engine; contains JDBC-to-SQL mapping information for various databases, default CMP settings, logging configuration, etc.


Default container configuration.


Same as standardjaws.xml except that it is used for JBoss’s CMP 2.0 engine.

Deployment in JBoss

The deployment process in JBoss is straightforward. In each configuration, JBoss constantly scans a specific directory for changes: $JBOSS_HOME/server/config-name/deploy. This directory is generally referred to informally as the deploy directory.

You can copy to this directory:

  • Any JAR library (the classes it contains are automatically added to the JBoss classpath)

  • An EJB JAR

  • A WAR (Web Application aRrchive)

  • An EAR (Enterprise Application aRchive)

  • An XML file containing JBoss MBean definitions

  • A directory ending in .jar, .war, or .ear and containing respectively the extracted content of an EJB JAR, a WAR, or an EAR

To redeploy any of the above files (JAR, WAR, EAR, XML, etc.), simply overwrite it with a more recent version. JBoss will detect the change by comparing the files’ timestamps, undeploy the previous files, and deploy their replacements. To redeploy a directory, update its modification timestamp by using a command-line utility such as touch. To undeploy a file, just remove it from the deploy directory.

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