Component Models

The term "component model” has many different interpretations. Enterprise JavaBeans specifies a server-side component model. Using a set of classes and interfaces from the javax.ejb package, developers can create, assemble, and deploy components that conform to the EJB specification.

The original JavaBeans is also a component model, but it’s not a server-side component model like EJB. Other than sharing the name “JavaBeans,” these two component models are completely unrelated. In the past, a lot of the literature referred to EJB as an extension of the original JavaBeans, but this is a misrepresentation. The two APIs serve very different purposes, and EJB does not extend or use the original JavaBeans component model.

JavaBeans is intended to be used for intraprocess purposes, while EJB is designed for inter process components. In other words, the original JavaBeans was not intended for distributed components. JavaBeans can be used to solve a variety of problems, but it is primarily used to build clients by assembling visual (GUI) and nonvisual widgets. It’s an excellent component model, possibly the best one ever devised for intraprocess development, but it’s not a server-side component model. EJB, on the other hand, is explicitly designed to address issues involved with managing distributed business objects in a three-tier architecture.

Given that JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans are completely different, why are they both called component models? In this context, a component model defines a set of contracts between the component developer and the system that hosts the component. The contracts express how a component should be developed and packaged. Once a component is defined, it becomes an independent piece of software that can be distributed and used in other applications. A component is developed for a specific purpose but not a specific application. In the original JavaBeans, a component might be a push button or a spreadsheet that can be used in any GUI application according to the rules specified in the original JavaBeans component model. In EJB, there are several different types of components: components that represent entities in a database (entity beans) have a slightly different contract with their container than components that represent business processes (session beans). For example, a component might be a Customer business object, represented by an entity bean, that can be deployed in any EJB server and used to develop any business application that needs a customer business object. Another type of component might be a MakePurchase object, represented by a session bean, that models what happens when a customer buys a particular product. (Although the act of making a purchase isn’t itself represented in a database, a purchase involves a complex interaction between a customer, a sales person, inventory, accounts receivable, and possibly other entities.) The MakePurchase object has a different contract with its container than the Customer object, but it too can still be deployed in any EJB server and used in any business application that needs to support purchases. A third type of EJB, the MessageDrivenBean, has a slightly different contract with its container—but it, too, can be deployed in any EJB server.

Competing Component Models: Microsoft’s .NET Framework

Enterprise JavaBeans did not appear out of nowhere; it is one of a number of component transaction monitors (CTMs), which in turn have their origin in older transaction processing monitors (like Tuxedo) and Object Request Brokers. However, the most important competition for EJB is Microsoft’s .NET framework. .NET has its origins in the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), which was arguably the first commercially available CTM. MTS was later renamed COM+. Microsoft’s COM+ is based on the Component Object Model (COM), originally designed for use on the desktop but eventually pressed into service as a server-side component model. For distributed access, COM+ clients use the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM).

When MTS was introduced in 1996, it was an exciting development because it provided a comprehensive environment for business objects. With MTS, application developers could write COM components without worrying about system-level concerns. Once a business object was designed to conform to the COM model, MTS (and now COM+) took care of everything else, including transaction management, concurrency, and resource management.

Since then, COM+ has become part of Microsoft’s .NET Framework. The core functionality provided by COM+ services remains essentially the same in .NET, but the way it appears to a developer has changed significantly. Rather than writing components as COM objects, .NET Framework developers build applications as managed objects . All managed objects, and in fact all code written for the .NET Framework, depends on a Common Language Runtime (CLR). For Java-oriented developers, the CLR is much like a Java virtual machine (VM), and a managed object is analogous to an instance of a Java class; i.e., to a Java object.

The .NET Framework provides first-class support for web services via the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) protocol, which enables business components in the .NET world to communicate with applications on any other platform written in any language. This can potentially make business components in .NET universally accessible, a feature that is not easily dismissed. In fact, .NET was the impetus that motivated Sun Microsystems to extend EJB and the rest of the J2EE platform to support web services. Microsoft’s .NET platform represents the greatest threat to the dominance of the Java platform since the Java programming language was introduced in 1995.

Although the .NET Framework provides many interesting features, it falls short as an open standard. The COM+ services in the .NET Framework are Microsoft’s proprietary CTM, which means that using this technology binds you to the Microsoft platform. If your company plans to deploy server-side components on a non-Microsoft platform, .NET is not a viable solution. In addition, the COM+ services in the .NET Framework are focused on stateless components; there’s no built-in support for persistent transactional objects. Although stateless components can offer higher performance, business systems need the kind of flexibility offered by CTMs, which include stateful and persistent components.

Benefits of a Standard Server-Side Component Model

What does it mean to be a standard server-side component model? Quite simply, it means that you can develop business objects using the Enterprise JavaBeans component model and expect them to work in any application server that supports the complete EJB specification. This is a pretty powerful statement, because it largely eliminates the biggest problem faced by potential customers of Microsoft .NET products: fear of vendor “lock-in.” With a standard server-side component model, customers can commit to using an EJB-compliant application server with the knowledge that they can migrate to a better server if one becomes available. Obviously, care must be taken when using proprietary extensions developed by vendors, but this is nothing new. Even in the relational database industry—which has been using the SQL standard for a couple of decades—optional proprietary extensions abound.

Having a standard server-side component model has benefits beyond implementation independence. A standard component model provides a vehicle for growth in the third-party products. If numerous vendors support EJB, creating add-on products and component libraries is more attractive to software vendors. The IT industry has seen this type of cottage industry grow up around other standards, such as SQL; hundreds of add-on products can now be purchased to enhance business systems with data that is stored in SQL-compliant relational databases. Report-generating tools and data-warehouse products are typical examples. The GUI component industry has also seen the growth of its own third-party products. A healthy market for component libraries already exists for GUI component models such as Sun’s original JavaBeans component model.

Many third-party products for Enterprise JavaBeans exist today. Add-on products for credit-card processing, legacy database access, and other business services have been introduced for various EJB-compliant systems. These types of products make development of EJB systems simpler and faster than the alternatives, making the EJB component model attractive to corporate IT and server vendors alike. The market for prepackaged EJB components is growing in several domains, including sales, finance, education, web-content management, collaboration, and other areas.

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