Chapter 18. XML Deployment Descriptors

This chapter teaches you how to write XML deployment descriptors for your beans. You may never need to write a deployment descriptor by hand: most vendors of integrated development tools and EJB servers provide tools for creating the descriptor automatically. Even if you have such a tool available, however, you must be familiar with deployment descriptors: the ability to read a deployment descriptor is an essential skill. This chapter does not attempt to teach you how to read or write correct XML. There are many books on the subject: XML Pocket Reference by Bob Eckstein (O’Reilly) is a good quick reference; XML in a Nutshell, by Elliotte Rusty Harold and W. Scott Means (O’Reilly), provides a more detailed treatment.

Very briefly, XML looks like HTML, but with different tag names and attributes inside the tags. You won’t see <h1> and <p> inside a deployment descriptor; instead, you’ll see tags like <ejb-jar>. But if you’re familiar with the structure of HTML, you’re most of the way towards reading XML. The tag names and attribute names for an XML document are defined by a special document called an XML Schema Definition (XSD). (EJB 2.0 used an older kind of definition document called a Document Type Definition (DTD)). An XSD or DTD defines the tags and attributes that can be used in a deployment descriptor, as well; the XSDs for deployment descriptors in EJB 2.1 and the DTDs for EJB 2.0 are available online at (EJB 2.1) and (EJB 2.0).

There are other important differences between XML and HTML. XML is much more strict; many things that are acceptable in HTML are errors in XML. This should not make a difference if you’re just reading a deployment descriptor, but if you’re writing one, be careful. Two differences are particularly important. First, XML is case-sensitive: you cannot mix uppercase and lowercase in your tag names. HTML does not care about the difference between <h1> and <H1>, but XML does. All the tags and attributes used in deployment descriptors are lowercase. Second, XML will not forgive you if you fail to supply closing tags. In HTML, you can write <p>...<p> without ever putting in a </p> to end the first paragraph. But XML never allows you to be sloppy. Whenever you have an opening tag, you must also supply a closing tag.

That’s about it. These few paragraphs don’t qualify as a real introduction to XML, but the basic ideas are very simple, and they are all you need to get going.

The ejb-jar File

The JAR file format is a platform-independent format for compressing, packaging, and delivering several files together. Based on the Zip file format and the ZLIB compression standards, the JAR (Java archive) packages and tool were originally developed to make downloads of Java applets more efficient. As a packaging mechanism, however, the JAR file format is a convenient way to “shrink-wrap” components and other software for delivery to third parties. The original JavaBeans component architecture depends on JAR files for packaging, as does Enterprise JavaBeans. The goal in using the JAR file format is to package all the classes and interfaces associated with one or more beans, including the deployment descriptor, into one file.

The JAR file is created using a vendor-specific tool, or using the jar utility that is part of the Java 2, Standard Edition development kit. An ejb-jar file contains:

  • The XML deployment descriptors

  • The bean classes

  • The remote and home interfaces

  • The primary key class

  • Dependent classes and interfaces

All of the XML deployment descriptors (ejb-jar.xml, webservices.xml, WSDL, JAX-RPC Mapping) should be located in the META-INF directory and must contain all the deployment information for all the beans in the ejb-jar file. For each bean declared in the XML deployment descriptor, the ejb-jar file must contain its bean class, remote and home interfaces, and dependent classes and interfaces. Dependent classes and interfaces are usually things like application-specific exceptions, business interfaces, and other supertypes, and dependent objects that are used by the bean. In the ejb-jar file for the TravelAgent bean, for example, we would include the IncompleteConversationalState application exception and the Ticket and CreditCard classes, as well as the remote and home interfaces to other beans referenced by the TravelAgent bean, such as the Customer and ProcessPayment beans.[53]

You can use the jar utility from the command line to package a bean in a JAR file. Here’s an example of how the jar utility was used to package the Cabin EJB in Chapter 4:

dev % jar cf cabin.jar com/titan/cabin/*.class META-INF/ejb-jar.xml>jar cf cabin.jar com	itancabin*.class META-INFejb-jar.xml

You might have to create the META-INF directory first, and copy ejb-jar.xml into that directory. The c option tells the jar utility to create a new JAR file that contains the files indicated in subsequent parameters. It also tells the jar utility to stream the resulting JAR file to standard output. The f option tells jar to redirect the standard output to a new file named in the second parameter (cabin.jar). It is important to get the order of the option letters and the command-line parameters to match. You can learn more about the jar utility and the package in Java in a Nutshell by David Flanagan or Learning Java by Pat Niemeyer and Jonathan Knudsen, both published by O’Reilly.

The jar utility creates the file cabin.jar in the dev directory. If you are interested in looking at the contents of the JAR file, you can use any standard ZIP application (WinZip, PKZIP, etc.) or the command jar tvf cabin.jar.

[53] The EJB 1.1 specification also allows remote and home interfaces of referenced beans to be named in the manifest’s Class-Path attribute, instead of including them in the JAR file. Use of the Class-Path entry in the JAR’s manifest is addressed in more detail in the Java 2, Standard Edition specification.

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