
  1. Acquisition. See Assets: acquisition of
  2. Aerospace safety advisory panel (ASAP)
  3. Agency priority goals (APG)
  4. Agency priority initiatives (API). See Agency priority goals (APG)
  5. Aggregate risk(s) and opportunity(ies). See cumulative risk(s) and opportunity(ies)
  6. Allocation. See Assets: allocation of
  7. Annual performance report (APR)
  8. APG. See Agency priority goals (APG)
  9. API. See Agency priority initiatives (API)
  10. ASAP. See Aerospace safety advisory panel (ASAP)
  11. Asset(s)
    1. acquisition of
    2. allocation of
    3. human
    4. instructional
    5. physical
    6. retirement of
    7. risk and opportunity statements for
  12. Audit(s)
    1. as an input to EROM
    2. of the EROM process and results


  13. Bacon, Francis
  14. Best practice(s)
  15. Bolden, Charles


  1. CCP. See Commercial crew program (CCP)
  2. CCTS. See Commercial crew transportation system (CCTS)
  3. Center level of an organization. See also Technical center(s) and its various subcategories
  4. Chief risk officer (CRO)
  5. Commercial crew program (CCP). See also Commercial crew transportation system (CCTS)
  6. Commercial crew transportation system (CCTS)
  7. Commercial enterprise(s)
    1. EROM for
    2. leading indicators
    3. objectives
    4. opportunities
    5. qualitative and quantitative integration
    6. risk examples
    7. risks and opportunity matrices
    8. scenario event diagrams. See Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: event diagrams
    9. taxonomies
  8. Committee of sponsoring organizations of the Treadway commission (COSO):
    1. enterprise risk management—integrated framework
    2. internal controls—integrated framework
    3. key risk indicators, developing
  9. Communication. See also Interaction(s)
    1. across extended enterprises
    2. within an organization
    3. within CRM
    4. within EROM
    5. with respect to battle management command and control
  10. Composite indicator(s). See Leading indicator(s): composite
  11. Confidence level(s). See also Level (degree) of concern (discomfort); Roll-up of risks and opportunities
  12. Congress. See US Congress
  13. Continuous risk management (CRM)
  14. Continuous risk and opportunity management. See also Continuous risk management (CRM)
  15. Controllable driver(s). See also Driver(s), of risk and opportunity
  16. COSO. See Committee of sponsoring organizations of the Treadway commission (COSO)
  17. CRM. See Continuous risk management (CRM)
  18. CRO. See Chief risk officer (CRO)
  19. Cryogenic cooler (cryocooler). See also James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
  20. Cumulative risk(s) and opportunity(ies)


  1. Database(s), integrated
  2. Decision maker(s). See also Stakeholder(s)
  3. Degree of discomfort. See Risk(s): level (degree) of concern (discomfort)
  4. Department of Defense (DoD)
  5. Department of Energy (DOE)
  6. DoD. See Department of Defense (DoD)
  7. DOE. See Department of Energy (DOE)
  8. Driver(s) of risk and opportunity. See also Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: drivers


  1. EKV. See Exoatmospheric kill vehicle (EKV)
  2. Ellsberg paradox. See also Risk(s): aversion
  3. Environmental safety and health (ES&H)
  4. Equal opportunity
  5. Equipment. See Assets: physical
  6. EROM
    1. communication. See Communication: within EROM
    2. framework. See also Committee of sponsoring organizations of the Treadway commission (COSO): enterprise risk management—integrated framework; UK Orange Book
    3. and internal controls
    4. and management. See Management, organizational: interactions with EROM
    5. maturity model. See Maturity model: EROM
    6. roles and responsibilities. See also Management, organizational: roles and responsibilities
    7. team structure
    8. templates. See Templates
    9. within different organizational units. See Center level, Executive level, and Program level of an organization; Technical centers: EROM within
  7. ES&H. See Environmental safety and health (ES&H)
  8. Executive level of an organization
  9. Exoatmospheric kill vehicle (EKV). See also Ground-based midcourse defense (GMD)
  10. Experienced personnel (EP). See Assets: human
  11. Extended enterprise(s)
  12. Extended organization(s)
  13. Extended partnership(s). See also Extended enterprise(s); Extended organization(s)


  1. Facilities. See Assets: physical
  2. Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA)
  3. FMFIA. See Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA)
  4. Fraud. See Risk, types of: fraud


  1. GAO. See Government Accountability Office (GAO)
  2. GAO Green Book
  3. GMD. See Ground-based midcourse defense (GMD)
  4. Governance
  5. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
  6. Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). See GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA)
  7. GPRA. See Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA)
  8. GPRAMA. See GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA)
  9. GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA)
  10. Grapple arm. See also James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)
  11. Green book. See GAO Green Book
  12. Ground-based midcourse defense (GMD)


  1. HST. See Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
  2. Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
  3. Human error
  4. Human resource(s). See Assets: human


  1. IG. See Inspector(s) general (IG)
  2. IIA. See Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  3. Independent appraisal(s). See Audit(s)
  4. Information technology (IT)
  5. Inspector(s) general (IG)
  6. Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
  7. Institutional/technical level of an organization
  8. Interaction(s). See also Communication; Management, organizational: interactions with EROM
  9. Internal control(s)
    1. and EROM. See EROM: and internal controls
    2. evaluation of options
    3. hierarchies
    4. identification of options. See also Controllable drivers; Templates: risk mitigation, opportunity action, and internal control identification
    5. loops
    6. previous guidance. See Committee of sponsoring organizations of the Treadway commission (COSO): internal controls—integrated framework; OMB circulars: A-123
    7. principles of
  10. International partner(s). See Partner(s): international
  11. International Space Station (ISS)
  12. International traffic in arms regulations (ITAR)
  13. Introduced risk(s). See Risk(s): introduced
  14. ISO-31000
  15. ISS. See International Space Station (ISS)
  16. IT. See Information technology (IT)
  17. ITAR. See International traffic in arms regulations (ITAR)


  1. James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). See also Next Generation Space Telescope
  2. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
  3. JPL. See Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
  4. JWST. See James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)


  1. Key risk indicators. See also Leading indicators; Lagging indicators
  2. Known risks. See Risk(s): known


  1. Lagging indicators. See also Leading indicators
  2. Leading indicators
    1. composite
    2. evaluation of
    3. identification of
    4. projected values or trends
    5. response and watch triggers
    6. of a technical center's health
    7. trigger values
    8. of unknown and underappreciated (UU) risks
  3. Legal risk. See Risk, types of: legal
  4. Lessons learned
  5. Level (degree) of concern (discomfort). See Risk(s): level (degree) of concern (discomfort)
  6. Level (degree) of interest. See Opportunity(ies): level (degree) of interest
  7. Leveson, Nancy. See Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


  1. Management, organizational
    1. councils
    2. interactions with EROM
    3. roles and responsibilities
    4. structure in a typical TRIO enterprise
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  3. Maturity model, EROM. See also OMB circulars: A-123
  4. MDA. See Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
  5. Missile Defense Agency (MDA). See also Ground-based midcourse defense (GMD)
  6. Mission directorate. See also Program directorate
  7. Monetary objectives. See Objective(s): monetary
  8. Monetary risks and opportunities. See also Risk, types of: monetary
  9. Monte Carlo analysis


  1. NAPA. See National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA)
  2. National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA). See also Leading indicator(s): of a center's health
  3. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGIA)
  4. Next generation space telescope
  5. NGIA. See National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGIA)
  6. Nonprofit(s)


  1. Objective(s)
    1. center level
    2. certified crew transportation system
    3. of EROM
    4. executive level
    5. ground-based midcourse defense system
    6. hierarchies
    7. interfaces between
    8. monetary (financial)
    9. NASA
    10. program level
    11. strategic
  2. Office of Inspector General (OIG). See Inspector General (IG)
  3. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
  4. OIG. See Inspector(s) General (IG)
  5. OMB. See Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
  6. OMB circulars
    1. A-11
    2. A-123
  7. Opportunity(ies)
    1. actions
    2. appetite
    3. drivers. See Driver(s) of risk and opportunity
    4. exploitation of (or seizure of)
    5. level (degree) of interest. See also Roll-up of risks and opportunities
    6. roll-up. See Cumulative risk(s) and opportunity(ies); Roll-up of risks and opportunities
    7. scenario narratives. See Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: narratives
    8. statements (or scenario statements). See Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: statements
  8. Optimization
    1. of assets
    2. of the balance between risk and opportunity
    3. of risk responses and internal controls
  9. Orange book. See UK Orange Book
  10. Organizational objective(s). See Objective(s): organizational
  11. Organizational performance evaluation. See Performance evaluation
  12. Organizational planning. See Performance plan/planning; Strategic plan/planning
  13. Organizational structure for EROM. See EROM: team structure


  1. Parity statement(s), risk and opportunity
  2. Partner(s)
    1. agency
    2. commercial
    3. international
    1. university
  3. Performance evaluation. See also Portfolio performance review (PPR)
  4. Performance goal(s)
  5. Performance plan/planning. See also Strategic plan/planning
  6. Policy. See Assets: instructional
  7. Portfolio
  8. Portfolio performance review (PPR)
  9. Portfolio view of risk
  10. PPR. See Portfolio performance review (PPR)
  11. Precursors and anomalies
  12. Procedures. See Assets, instructional
  13. Product assurance action (PAA)
  14. Program directorate
  15. Program (programmatic) level of an organization


  1. Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI). See RACI matrix
  2. RACI matrix
  3. Requirements. See Assets: instructional
  4. Response and watch boundary(ies), risk and opportunity
  5. Response and watch trigger(s). See Leading indicator(s): response and watch triggers
  6. Retirement. See Assets: retirement
  7. RIDM. See Risk-informed decision making (RIDM)
  8. Risk(s)
    1. acceptance decisions
    2. appetite. See Opportunity(ies): appetite
    3. aversion
    4. cross-cutting
    5. drivers. See Driver(s) of risk and opportunity; Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: drivers
    6. fraud
    7. impacts. See Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: impacts
    8. introduced
    9. institutional
    10. known—legal
    11. level (degree) of concern (discomfort). See also Confidence levels; Roll-up of risks and opportunities
    12. likelihoods. See Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: likelihood(s)
    13. mitigation (response) options
    14. monetary (financial)
    15. narratives. See Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: narrative(s)
    16. profile(s). See also OMB circulars: A-123
    17. program/project
    18. roll-up. See Roll-up of risks and opportunities
    19. statements. See Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: statement(s)
    20. strategic
    21. tolerance (intolerance)
    22. types (kinds) of
    23. unknown and underappreciated (UU)
  9. Risk based assurance process. See also Commercial Crew Program (CCP); Shared assurance model
  10. Risk-informed decision making (RIDM)
  11. Risk management council (RMC)
  12. Risk & opportunity-informed decision making. See also Risk-informed decision making (RIDM)
  13. Risk & opportunity matrix(ces)
  14. RMC. See Risk management council (RMC)
  15. Roles and responsibilities. See EROM: roles and responsibilities; Management, organizational: roles and responsibilities
  16. Roll-up of risks and opportunities. See also Cumulative risk(s) and opportunity(ies)


  1. Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA)
  2. SAR. See Strategic annual review (SAR)
  3. Scenario event diagram example(s)
    1. accidents causing human deaths
    2. others. See Scenario(s), risk and opportunity: event diagrams
  4. Scenario(s), risk and opportunity
    1. drivers. See also Drivers, of risk and opportunity
    2. event diagrams
    3. impacts
    4. likelihoods
    5. narratives
    6. statements
  5. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
  6. Shared assurance model. See also Commercial Crew Program (CCP); Risk based assurance process
  7. SoA. See Statement of assurance (SoA)
  8. SOAR. See Strategic objectives annual review (SOAR)
  9. SOFIA. See Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)
  10. Space shuttle
  11. Spitzer telescope
  12. SRB. See Standing review boards (SRB)
  13. Stakeholder(s)
  14. Standards. See Assets: instructional
  15. Standing review boards (SRB)
  16. Statement of assurance (SoA)
  17. Strategic annual review or Strategic assessment review (SAR)
  18. Strategic objectives. See Objective(s): strategic
  19. Strategic objectives annual review (SOAR). See Strategic annual review or Strategic assessment review (SAR)
  20. Strategic plan/planning. See also Performance plan/planning
  21. Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)


  1. Taxonomy(ies), risk and opportunity
    1. for a commercial TRIO enterprise. See Commercial enterprises: taxonomies
    2. for a noncommercial TRIO enterprise
  2. TCA. See Technical capability assessment (TCA)
  3. Technical capability assessment (TCA)
  4. Technical center(s)
    1. asset acquisition. See Asset(s): acquisition
    2. asset allocation. See Asset(s): allocation
    3. asset retirement. See Asset(s): retirement
    4. EROM within
    5. leading indicators of organizational health
    6. managerial interfaces
    7. others. See Center level of an organization
  5. Technical directorate(s). See Technical center(s)
  6. Technical level of an organization. See Institutional/technical level of an organization
  7. Technology readiness level (TRL)
  8. Template(s)
    1. for aggregating means of accomplishment to principles
    2. application to organizational planning
    3. asset distribution
    4. composite indicator identification and evaluation
    5. evaluation of EROM process and results
    6. high-level display
    7. known risk roll-up
    8. leading indicator evaluation
    9. objectives interface and influence
    10. opportunity roll-up
    11. qualitative/quantitative risk and opportunity roll-up comparison
    12. risk and opportunity driver identification
    13. risk and opportunity identification
    14. risk and opportunity scenario likelihood and impact evaluation
    15. risk mitigation, opportunity action, and internal control identification
    16. upward propagation of
    17. UU risk roll-up
  9. Test facility(ies). See Assets: physical
  10. TRL. See Technology readiness level (TRL)


  1. UK Orange Book
  2. US Congress
  3. UU leading indicator(s). See Leading indicator(s): of unknown and underappreciated (UU) risks
  4. UU risk(s). See Risk(s): unknown and underappreciated (UU)


  1. Watch boundary(ies). See Risk and opportunity watch boundary(ies)
  2. Watch trigger(s). See Leading indicator(s): watch triggers
  3. Workforce category(ies)
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