
This book is about the analysis of event history and survival data, with special emphasis on how to do it in the statistical computing environment R (R Development Core Team 2011). The main applications in mind are demography and epidemiology, but also other applications, where durations are of primary interest, fit in to this framework. Ideally, the reader will have taken a first course in statistics, but some necessary basics may be found in Appendix A. The basis for this book is courses in event history and survival analysis that I have given and developed over the years since the mid-eighties and the development of software for the analysis of this kind of data. This development has during the last ten to fifteen years taken place in the environment of R in the package eha (Broström 2012).

There are already several good textbooks in the field of survival and event history analysis on the market: (Aalen, Borgan & Gjessing 2008), (Andersen, Borgan, Gill & Keiding 1993), (Cox & Oakes 1984), (Hougaard 2000), (Kalbfleisch & Prentice 2002), and (Lawless 2003) to mention a few. Some of these are already classical, but they all are aimed at an audience with solid mathematical and statistical background. On the other hand, the (Parmar & Machin 1995), (Allison 1984), (Allison 1995), (Klein & Moeschberger 2003), (Collett 2003), and (Elandt-Johnson & Johnson 1999) books are all more basic but lack the special treatment demographic applications needs today, and also the connection to R.

In the late seventies, large databases with individual life histories began to appear. One of the absolutely first was The Demographic Data Base (DDB) at Umeå University. I started working there as a researcher in 1980, and at that time the database contained individual data for seven Swedish parishes scattered all over the country. Statistical software for Cox regression (Cox 1972) did not exist at that time, so we began the development, with the handling of large data sets in mind, of Fortran programs for analyzing censored survival data. The starting point was Appendix 3 of Kalbfleisch & Prentice (1980). It contained“Fortran programs for the proportional hazards model.” The beginning of the eighties was also important because then the first text books on survival analysis began to appear. Of special importance (for me) were the books by Kalbfleisch & Prentice (1980), and, four years later, Cox & Oakes (1984).

The time period covered by the DDB data is approximately the nineteenth century. Today the geographical content has been expanded to cover four large regions, with more than 60 parishes in all.

This book is closely tied to the R Environment for Statistics and Computing (R Development Core Team 2011). This fact has one specific advantage: Software and this book can be totally synchronized, not only by adapting the book to the software, but also vice versa. This is possible because R and its packages are open source, and one of the survival analysis packages (Broström 2012) in R and this book have the author in common. The eha package contains some research results not found in other software (Broström & Lindkvist 2008, Broström 2002, Broström 1987). However, it is important to emphasize that the real workhorse in survival analysis in R is the recommended package survival by Terry Therneau (Therneau & original Splus to R port by T. Lumley 2011).

The mathematical and statistical theory underlying the content of this book is kept to a minimum; the main target audience is social science researchers and students who are interested in studying demographically oriented research questions. However, the apparent limitation to demographic applications in this book is not really a limitation, because the methods described here are equally useful whenever durations are of primary interest, for instance, in epidemiology and econometrics.

In Chapter 1 event history and survival data are presented, and the specific problems data of this kind pose for statistical analysis. Of special importance are the concepts of censoring and truncation, or in other words, incomplete observations. The dynamic nature of this kind of data is emphasized. The data sets used throughout the book are presented here for the first time.

How to analyze homogeneous data is discussed in Chapter 2. The concept of a survival distribution is introduced, including the hazard function, which is the fundamental concept in survival analysis. The functions that can be derived from the hazard function, the survival and the cumulative hazard functions, are introduced. Then the methods for estimating the fundamental functions nonparametrically are introduced, most important being the Kaplan–Meier and Nelson–Aalen estimators. By“nonparametric”is meant that in the estimation procedures, no restrictions are imposed on the class of allowed distributions except that it must consist of distributions on the positive real line; a life length cannot be negative. Some effort is put into giving an understanding of the intuitive reasoning behind the estimators, and the goal is to show that the ideas are really simple and elementary.

Cox regression is introduced in Chapter 3 and expanded on in Chapter 5. It is based on the property of proportional hazards, which makes it possible to analyze the effects of covariates on survival without specifying a family of survival distributions. Cox regression is in this sense a nonparametric method, but correct is perhaps to call it semiparametric, because the proportionality constant is parametrically determined. The introduction to Cox regression goes via the log-rank test, which can be regarded as a special case of Cox regression. A fairly detailed discussion of different kinds of covariates are given, together with an explanation of how to interpret regression parameters connected to these covariates. Discrete time versions of the proportional hazards assumption are introduced.

In Chapter 4, a break from Cox regression is taken, and Poisson regression is introduced. The real purpose of this, however, is to show the equivalence (in some sense) between Poisson and Cox regressions. For tabular data, the proportional hazards model can be fitted via Poisson regression. This is also true for the continuous time piecewise constant hazards model, which is explored in more detail in Chapter 6.

The Cox regression thread is taken up again in Chapter 5. Time-varying and so-called communal covariates are introduced, and it is shown how to prepare a data set for these possibilities. The important distinction between internal and external covariates is discussed. Stratification as a tool to handle nonproportionality is introduced. How to check model assumptions, in particular the proportional hazards one, is discussed, and finally some less common features, like sampling of risk sets and fixed study period, are introduced.

Chapter 6 introduces fully parametric survival models. They come in three flavors, proportional hazards, accelerated failure time, and discrete time models. The parametric proportional hazards models have the advantages compared to Cox regression that the estimation of the baseline hazard function comes for free. This is also part of the drawback with parametric models; they are nice to work with but often too rigid to fit complex real-world data. It is, for instance, not possible to find simple parametric descriptions of human mortality over the full life span; this would require a U-shaped hazard function, and no standard survival distribution has that property. However, when studying shorter segments of human life span, very good fits may be achieved with parametric models. So it is for instance possible to model accurately old age mortality, say above the age of 60, with the Gompertz distribution. Another important general feature of parametric models is that they convey a simple and clear message about the properties of a distribution or relation, thus easily adding to the accumulated knowledge about the phenomenon it is related to.

The accelerated failure time (AFT) model is an alternative to the proportional hazards (PH) one. While in the PH model, relative effects are assumed to remain constant over time, the AFT model allows for effects to shrink towards zero with age. This is sometimes a more realistic scenario, for instance, in a medical application, where a specific treatment may have an instant, but transient effect.

With modern registration data, exact event times are often not available. Instead, data are grouped in one-year intervals. This is generally not because exact information is missing at the government agencies, but a result of integrity considerations. With access to birth date information, a person may be easy to identify. Anyway, as a result it is only possible to measure age in (completed) years, and heavily tied data sets will be the result. That opens up the use of discrete-time models, similar to uses for logistic and Poisson regression. In fact, as is shown in Chapter 4, there is a close relation between Cox regression and binary and count data regression models.

Finally, in the framework of Chapter 6 and parametric models, it is important to mention the piecewise constant hazard (PCH) model. It constitutes an excellent compromise between the nonparametric Cox regression and the fully parametric models discussed above. Formally, it is a fully parametric model, but it is easy to adapt to given data by changing the number of cut points (and thus the number of unknown parameters). The PCH model is especially useful in demographic and epidemiological applications where there is a huge amount of data available, often in tabular form.

Chapters 16 are suitable for an introductory course in survival analysis, with a focus on Cox regression and independent observations. In the remaining chapters, various extensions to the basic model are discussed.

In Chapter 7, a simple dependence structure is introduced, the so-called shared frailty model. Here, it is assumed that data are grouped into clusters or litters, and that individuals within a cluster share a common risk. In demographic applications, the clusters are biological families, people from the same geographical area, and so on. This pattern creates dependency structures in the data, which are necessary to consider in order to avoid biased results.

Competing risks models are introduced in Chapter 8. Here the simple survival model is extended to include of failures of several types. In a mortality study, it may be deaths due to different causes. The common feature in these situations is that for each individual, many events may occur, but at most one will occur. The events are competing with each other, and at the end there is only one winner. It turns out that in these situations the concept of cause-specific hazards is meaningful, while the discussion of cause-specific survival functions is problematic.

During the last few decades, causality has become a hot topic in statistics. In Chapter 9 a review of parts relevant to event history analysis is given. The concept of matching is emphasized. It is also an important technique in its own right, not necessarily tied to causal inference.

There are four appendices. They contain material that is not necessary to read in order to be able to follow the core of the book, given proper background knowledge. Browsing through Appendix A is recommended to all readers, at least so that common statistical terminology is agreed upon. Appendix B contains a description of relevant statistical distributions in R, and also a presentation of the modeling behind the parametric models in the R package eha. The latter part is not necessary for an understanding of the rest of the book. For readers new to R, Appendix C is a good starting point, but it is recommended to complement it with one of the many introductory text books on R or online sources. Consult the home of R, and search under Documentation. Appendix C also contains a separate section with a selection of useful functions from the eha and the survival packages. This is, of course, recommended reading for everyone. It is also valuable as a reference library to functions used in the examples of the book. They are not always documented in the text.

Finally, Appendix D contains a short description of the most important packages for event history analysis in R.

As a general reading instruction, the following is recommended. Install the latest version of R from CRAN (, and replicate the examples in the book by yourself. You need to install the package eha and load it. All the data in the examples are then available online in R.

Many thanks go to people who have read early and not-so-early versions of the book; they include Tommy Bengtsson, Kristina Brostrom, Bendix Carstensen, Renzo Derosas, Sören Edvinsson, Kajsa Fröjd, Ingrid Svensson, and students at the Departments of Statistics and Mathematical Statistics at the University of Umeå. Many errors have been spotted and improvements suggested, and the remaining errors and weaknesses are solely my responsibility.

I also had invaluable support from the publisher, CRC Press, Ltd. I especially want to thank Sarah Morris and Rob Calver for their interest in my work and their encouragement in the project.

Of course, without the excellent work of the R community, especially the R Core Team, a title like the present one would have been impossible. Especially I want to thank Terry Therneau for his inspiring work on the survival package; the eha package depends heavily on it. Also, Friedrich Leisch, author of the Sweave package, deserves many thanks. This book was entirely written with the aid of the package Sweave and the typesetting system LATEX, wonderful companions.

Finally, I want to thank Tommy Bengtsson, director of the Centre for Economic Demography, Lund University, and Anders Brändström, director of the Demographic Data Base at Umeå University, for kindly letting me use real-world data in this book and in the R package eha. It greatly enhances the value of the illustrations and examples.

Umeå, October 2011

Göran Broström

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